/ ^ r : v — II l i II I 1.1 Minmiih w . JULY 171988 AvoRgB DrUjt N«(i P m s Rob If j -— — ■ . ' ’ FHP the weak Eaded af O. B. W aab d a m n , I M * taken cara of by P lrat A id ball Warm and I PIN EM U RStJERO eiRY : n 41 aiM ldeata In M ay, “ 10,901 row w arm , I Senrica cared for 11- T he reeignatlon of el RmT AmIII CaM well aa C antata OPEN THURSDAY HancluM €r— -A City ^ VUlatc Chmm received, tba.-vdear \ by M ra.^artea B u,. T)w N ew H aven R ailriiad pisiha < 7 . ^iruMhic up MlM 17 - O ther new M polntm enta J n to \ operate SO ‘additional trains and FRIDAY NlGHt this n>rinc. th« M anchM U r M ruit f C t a a r i l k i 1B> MANCHESTER- CONN„ THURSDAY. JULY 2. 1953 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE pivi cum eluded M fa B. B. Inm an aa 1«^ Fourth of July'holiday ... VOL. LXXII, NO. Z32 «Bd V aiiU bU Orowar’a A aioda- repreaentatlve /o n the etate-w lde U<m ■tnw bw ry aucU w ^yM U r^y R ed Croea I^O ducU on Council, and to provide com fortable UNTIL 9 P. Me 4 - co n ch iM tU aOiH 3 f^ - ■«><* M re. Louia/Tuttle aa producU on for the m any holiday- M M ioA W ^r* 64 craU * of ber- ' c b a l r m a n / and vacatlonlata In addi­ rfaa J* * Wfh of *10.651 a Iw rf M rs. R athleen Thom paon. chapj tion to these extra trains extra Indo-Ghina M .*0 and an arerage of »9.». ter exacuUve aecretary. and M ^ T otal aalaa for tba day am ounted cars w ill be added to m ost regular SlB W atta, voluiiteef chalri trains and the railroad expects to Picnic Shoppers SHOP EARLY to *J>»4.»7. ' ^ GOP m ad. reported, on the N atloaaL eled be able to provide seats for all. I sale, totala during the period oaa convention at W aahW gton, C H EC I^ ST MSS THE WEEK EIW OROWIS Nationalists am ounted to *62,003.67 w ith 5.M 4 C., June 23 through 23. a t w hich H eavy travel U expected to get cratea of berrtee aold. L aat year under w ay on Thursday but the WHh Ike marfcete cloeed en * 6 te r * y r ( * * they w ere local delegatw . iUMILE BEE TUN^.............. 39c 4tli) llBtefD frW w een y lirnMnloff oA \ the m arket alad w aa open 17 A nom inating com m ittee, con- railroad antlclpatea bring abl» to to and dlapoaed 7,332 cratea care for m oat of this by tiie ac- ag W hN em eat. Hint ef Ike weokt ekop early. Yen enn lygk 6* slating of Jacob S. M iller, chair­ of cars'^ to reg d iar train a T h e Ti.' • Ike erow^ and eave Friday for other hoHd^ In^Foreign a n re g ate aalea total of *69. m an, M rs. T. E dw ard Broanan. and fiylvaater OocconJ w aa ^ cU o n kee Clipper from New Torh ti- Aiboeor* Whitt TUNA (Id brhiD) 34c preparntloM M ri. Francis W atta. wUl prea^nt a I of jnst abent everybody’e abopidng Saigon, Indod^hina, July 2 m aater. Reid and 8ona,/auct^- alata of new ,dlrectpra and officers Boston, how ever, w ill run la tw o At.the iMd L.___ W ashincton. July 2.M4*)— tOOO.. The dlffeiencea now will be eerii, and the 3«anchw ter Truat sections th at day. CHARCOAL .......r.. 7.... 45c Hat for the wireehend eekend le-ever nopniar h M nhd About 80,000 Nation^ to be voted upon (it the annual Friday w ill be the heavy day of ,818,000,000 foreign aid * 'onferenee be­ company, eaahier. / m eeting of the M anchester chapter w e tmv* It, hereere elat PInehnretPlaehnret la every d tw een repreaenU tivea ef the tw o alist Chinese soldiers, in­ the going m ovem ent. Besides add­ variety yen ean hnagtne. Y en'll find w hole i ■ T1 S Sneeil^ThjS! . T he m arket w ill open In the fall to be helde l d Upie i e laat Tueaday of Sep­ ^ : R J a *..7# j,j|j emerged trium phant c h e m h e r e . » terned near here since 194!), for the aale of/truck garden ing m any cars to regular traina. LARGE RAG IRIQUETS......... $1.75 half honse, delay ham s oad'hnndy eano of hanM t e m b e r . eipht eastbound trains from N ew A a w n ^ % T T ‘ a I ®ver .budget-cutters in its The adm inistration itself had have been shipped t o Formosa p r o d u c e . • 2 _ _ WMe aeleellen efs PAPER PLATES. HOT CUP*. In IhreO . different Blses. knocked m ore than tw o billions off Y ork to Boston each w ill run in Remember.,, if you want ready to out A ldl T4\ W 4 ^G ¥ Senate floor teat, but Re- to join Chiang Kai-shiek's tw o sections, Ihcluding the T atikee COLD CUPS, NAPIUNR, TABLE CUriTHS. IvF W I publican leaden practicall:/ the *7,600,000,000 program pro- hame , with lea* rooking ohrinkuge W possd for the year by form er forces, it was disclosed h#re j IcU6 Pay Claims Clipper and the M erchants Lim it­ SPOONH and PORKS, DIXIE FOOD PACK*. IJnvit^ some slashing on the lit CfR* Ornipany Office Voiuiwers Give ed. O thers w hich w ill double up In­ bother • « . get MORRELL’S READY T^.. President Tnim en. today. Ike’s Envoy B vacuatioh of , the . Chinese , U; 3 * Sabfes clude the M ontrealer and the Look ever our Plekloa, Potato Chips, Ham Maind EAT HAMS (in the blue wnipper) ' second round. The m oney csrrfed in the bill Here Dip to 204 State of Maine Express. la glaas,"FUtate Halad la glass, Macaroni flalad In Drought W Hh D em ecrkta providing Ihe ,^|u provide m ilitary and econom ic troops began in greatest secrecy-. 2-125 Work Hours M ay 24 and the last convoy lett.1 Sunday w ill be the heaviest day In giasn. Ox Tnngue In gUan, Canned Hams la 3. > bulk ot Uib votes on the key J«»t.; tor the free world Ihe genets laaderriilp turned hoclr nktions.' The proportion of aid to JuA s 32. The troop lift w as m ade; Surprise ^ TWiUReti U nem ploym ent claim s here de­ of'the holiday travel for the rail­ and 6 to 11 lb. nlies. Monarch Pickle Rrilsk, Bar- -Austin, Texas, July 2— {JP) all reductions M fors ths IkJay xsistic nations Is douhlad In com - In N ationalist Chinese m etchant the bi-m onthly m eeting of creased by 15.7 per cent last w eek, road W ith the operation of fifteen I B o ^ of D irectors of the local additional trains besides the put­ begM Relish. H ot Deg ReHah. N naU rC —A, searing July sun today pnssed ths suthorisstlon mOniure with last year. But the shipa w ithout m ilitary escort. { dropping from a total^. pf 242 to ats yesterday. _ measure also puts emphasis on a - T hs secrecy w as Im posed to pre-1 d Dross chapter laat night in 204. The claim s Included 186 w om ­ ting of extra cars on regular PINEHURSr burned on-^uthwestern live­ Red Tahks On Suriday ''the Red Cross headquarters on trains. T here also w ill be tw o ex tra FRANKFURT POLLS Howsysr, I buildup of North Atlantic Treaty vent Interference by the Chinese j en! There w ere 16 Initial claim s, stock ranges, some of them Leader T aft of OM b and C om m unists w ith m ovem ent of the. C enU r street. It w as reported tlm t, 181 continued and 6ve age^t. trains on M onday. i S . 1. organisation iNATOi sir strength for the months of April ^aj^ W ith some employes getting g ro u n o Meats reduced to barren tend in four R epublicans ^sdoured their col- --------- N atlenaltsta w ho IM Into F rench-! T he slate im em ploj-m eht picture SANDWICH ROLLS leagues thejr ^vere perferU y free to in W esteiA EUHipe. Seoul. July 2—(/P)--U. S. SfHiul. July 2—</P)^Pre8l- 114 volunteer w orkers C ontributed AH grennd mnilo at P lnehnrrt^ greond rainless years, as the Senate , NATO, com m anders have de,- protectod indo-C hiha to avoid cap- Sabre set fighter - bomber* dent Eisenhower’* truce en­ a toU l of 3.125 hours w ork in the also took on a. downward turn vote ta^eut later w hen the foreign during the week, edging from refrigemtion . egly govemmenk Inepeeted k w | and House moved to speed scribed air pow er as ths w eakest various services. ■ ^ \ ald ,m ^ y bill com es up. link In the forces being assem bled voy will lesve for home with­ A m ong the services ;cited w ere 8.960 to 8,762. A bout 470 were fuMher aid. IS euthorisalion MU m erely Frffnc# h4d previouNly A ca,mouflR|fe<r valie> , in two day*, whether or not Prayer For R ria .to resist possibla .C om m unist at- G ray Ladles.
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