AI Magazine Volume 26 Number 4 (2006)(2005) (© AAAI) 25th Anniversary Issue Term Expired in 2005 Carla Gomes AAAI Officials and Staff Michael Littman Maja Mataric Yoav Shoham 1980–2005 Term Expires in 2006 Steve Chien Yolanda Gil Haym Hirsh Presidents Peter Hart Johan de Kleer Andrew Moore Raj Reddy Benjamin Kuipers Term Expires in 2007 Allen Newell (1979–80) Paul Rosenbloom Edward Feigenbaum (1980–81) Term Expired in 1986 Beverly Woolf Oren Etzioni Marvin Minsky (1981–82) Eugene Charniak Lise Getoor Nils Nilsson (1982–83) Randall Davis Term Expired in 1996 Karen Myers John McCarthy (1983–84) Stanley Rosenschein Thomas Dean Illah Nourbakhsh Woodrow Bledsoe (1984–85) Mark Stefik Robert Engelmore Term Expires in 2008 Patrick Winston (1985–87) Peter Friedland Raj Reddy (1987–89) Term Expired in 1987 Ramesh Patil Maria Gini Daniel Bobrow (1989–91) Ronald Brachman Kevin Knight Patrick Hayes (1991–93) John McDermott Term Expired in 1997 Peter Stone Barbara Grosz (1993–95) Charles Rich Tim Finin Sebastian Thrun Randall Davis (1995–97) Edward Shortliffe Martha E. Pollack David Waltz (1997–1999) Katia Sycara Standing Committees Bruce Buchanan (1999–2001) Term Expired in 1988 Daniel Weld Finance Committee Chairs Tom M. Mitchell (2001–03) John Seely Brown Term Expired in 1998 Ron Brachman (2003–05) Ryszard Michalski Lester Earnest, 1980 Alan Mackworth (2005–07) Tom Mitchell Kenneth Ford Raj Reddy, 1984–87 Eric Horvitz (2007–09) Fernando Pereira Richard Korf Bruce G. Buchanan, 1988–92 Steven Minton Norman R. Nielsen, 1993–2002 Secretary-Treasurers Term Expired in 1989 Lynn Andrea Stein Ted Senator, 2003– Lynn Conway Donald Walker (1979–83) Term Expired in 1999 Membership Barbara Grosz Richard Fikes (1983–1986) Committee Chairs Douglas Lenat Jon Doyle Bruce Buchanan (1987–93) William Woods Leslie Pack Kaelbling Bruce G. Buchanan, 1980–87 Norman Nielsen (1993–2002) Mel Montemerlo Reid Simmons, 2001–04 Ted Senator (2003–) Term Expired in 1990 Edwina Rissland Haym Hirsh, 2005– William J. Clancey Term Expired in 2000 Publications Executive Directors Richard Duda Jan Aikins Committee Chairs Louis G. Robinson (1980–83) Hector Levesque Bonnie Dorr Lee Erman, 1980–87 Claudia Mazzetti (1983–1991) Kathleen McKeown Eric Horvitz William J. Clancey, 1988–90 Carol M. Hamilton (1991–) Term Expired in 1991 Stuart Russell Mark Fox, 1991–93 Robert S. Engelmore, 1994–97 Past Councilors Elaine Rich Term Expired in 2001 Geoffrey Hinton Kenneth Ford 1998–2001 Term Expired in 1982 Wendy Lehnert Henry Kautz David Leake, 2002– Reid Smith David McAllester Woody Bledsoe Johanna Moore Conference Committee Chairs Jerome Feldman Term Expired in 1992 Michael P. Wellman Jay Tenenbaum, 1980–87 Herbert A. Simon Howard Shrobe, 1988–91 William A. Woods Kenneth Forbus Term Expired in 2002 Howard Shrobe William Swartout, 1991–94 Term Expired in 1983 William Swartout Deborah McGuinness Barbara Hayes-Roth, 1995–97 Bart Selman J. Martin Tenenbaum Paul Rosenbloom, 1998–2001 Daniel G. Bobrow Reid G. Simmons James A. Hendler, 2002–05 Drew McDermott Term Expired in 1993 Manuela Veloso John McCarthy Scholarship Committee Chairs David L. Waltz Mark Fox Term Expired in 2003 Barbara Hayes-Roth Barbara Hayes-Roth, 1988–92 Craig Boutilier Term Expired in 1984 Thomas Dietterich Rina Dechter Katia Sycara, 1993–2000 Richard Fikes Barbara J. Grosz Richard Doyle Symposium Committee Charles J. Rieger III Term Expired in 1994 David Poole Hector Levesque, 1988–89 Gerald J. Sussman Jaime Carbonell Term Expired in 2004 Peter Patel-Schneider, 1990–92 Bonnie L. Webber Paul Cohen James Hendler, 1991–93 Elaine Kant Marie desJardins Term Expired in 1985 Wendy Lehnert, 1991 Candy Sidner Craig Knoblock Saul A. Amarel Daphne Koller Paul Cohen, 1992 Michael Genesereth Term Expired in 1995 Peter Norvig Lynn Andrea Stein, 1993–95 WINTER 2005 109 25th Anniversary Issue David Leake, 1999– Daphne Black 1994–97 AAAI News Editors William Clancey, 1987–92 AAAI Conferences Carol Hamilton, 1993– National Conference on Associate Editors Artificial Intelligence Human-Computer Interaction William J. Schonlau, 1980 Madeleine Bates, 1982–83 Conference Program Chairs Visiting Faculty Position in the Ken Forbus, 1982–83 Robert M. Balzer, 1980 School of Computer Science Brian McCune, 1982–83 David L. Waltz, 1982 John McDermott, 1982–83 Carnegie Mellon University established a branch campus in Steven Slade, 1982–83 Michael Genesereth, 1983 Qatar in the fall of 2004. We are offering a BS degree in Com- Jaime G. Carbonell, 1982 Ronald J. Brachman, 1984 puter Science to an international student body. The university Tom Kehler, 1986 invites applications for a visiting faculty position to begin as ear- Book Review Editors Stan Rosenschein, 1986 ly as January 2006. Michael Fehling, 1984–87 Kenneth Forbus, 1987 We are seeking a faculty member in the area of Learning Sci- Bruce D’Ambrosio, 1988–93 Howard Shrobe, 1987 ence and Technology with research experience ideally in design- ing, implementing, deploying, and evaluating educational Milind Tambe 1994–96 Tom Mitchell, 1988 technology in school or college settings. An ability to teach Kevin Knight 1994–96 Reid Smith, 1988 courses in human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, Adele Howe 1997–99 Thomas Dietterich, 1990 cognitive psychology, or related areas is also desired. B. Chandrasekaran, 1999–2002 William Swartout, 1990 The position will involve research in collaboration with the Michael Wellman, 2002–05 Thomas L. Dean, 1991 Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center and faculty at the Hu- Kathy McKeown, 1991 man-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon in Pitts- Dissertation Abstracts Editor Paul Rosenbloom, 1992 burgh. Peter Karp 1992–95 The position offers competitive salaries, overseas assign- Peter Szolovits, 1992 ments, travel and housing allowances and other benefits pack- Reports Editors Richard Fikes, 1993 Wendy Lehnert, 1993 ages, as well as attractive research support. Peter Patel-Schneider 1990–99 Interested candidates should send their resume, statement of Robert Morris 1999– Barbara Hayes-Roth, 1994 teaching interest and research, and names of three references Richard E. Korf, 1994 to: Research in Progress Editor William J. Clancey, 1996 Faculty Hiring Committee Daniel Weld, 1996 c/o Ruth Gaus Jonathan King, 1984–89 Benjamin J. Kuipers, 1997 Qatar Office SMC 1070 Techniques and 5032 Forbes Avenue Bonnie Webber, 1997 Pittsburgh, PA 15289 Methodology Editors Jack Mostow, 1998 [email protected] Jaime G. Carbonell, 1984 Charles Rich, 1998 Fax 412-253-0924 Derek Sleeman, 1984 James Hendler, 1999 For more information on the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Devika Subramanian, 1999 Center, see http:// learnlab.org. For more information on the Hu- Managing Editors Henry A. Kautz, 2000 man-Computer Interaction Institute, see http://www.hcii.cs. Cynthia Huff, 1980 cmu.edu. For more information on the BS in CS program, see Bruce Porter, 2000 Philip Flora, 1981 Rina Dechter, 2002 http://www.csd.cs.cmu.edu/education/bscs/index.html. For Louis Robinson, 1982–83 more information on the Carnegie Mellon Qatar Campus, see Michael Kearns, 2002 Claudia Mazzetti, 1983–90 http://www.qatar.cmu.edu/. Information on Qatar is available at: Richard Sutton, 2002 Ellie Engelmore, 1991–94 http://www.experienceqatar.com/ George Ferguson, 2004 Mike Hamilton, 1994– Deborah McGuinness, 2004 Publishing Consultant Manuela Veloso, 2005 Bonnie E. Dorr, 1994–98 Manuela Veloso, 2001–04 Mike Hamilton 1983– Subbarao Kambhampati, 2005 Ian Horswill, 1996–2001 Maja Mataric 2005– Tim Finin, 1996 Production Editors Associate Chairs Leslie Pack Kaelbling, 1998–99 AAAI Press Editors Henry Fuhrmann, 1980 Robert Filman, 1986 Daniel Clancy, 1999–2002 Stephen Fagerquist, 1980–81 Peter Patel-Schneider, 1986, 1988 William Clancey, 1989–1992 David Poole, 2001–02 Cynthia Huff, 1981 Robert Cassels, 1987 Holly Yanco, 2002–05 Kenneth Ford, 1992–2004; Hilda Marti, 1981–82 Brian Falkenhainer, 1987 Marie desJardins, 2003–04 emeritus, 2004– José L. Gonzáez, 1982 Steven Rowley, 1987 Alan Schultz, 2004– Anthony Cohn, (2004– Stanley Whitehead, 1982 Jeffrey Schlimmer, 1988 Karen Myers, 2004– Susan King, 1985–86 Hussein Almuallin, 1990 Cecile Paris, 1990 Grants Chairs and Cochairs AI Magazine Sunny Ludvik 1986–2004 David Blatner, 1987–89 Andrea Danyluk, 1991 Joseph Katz, 1987–88 Editors-in-Chief Nancy Jordan, 1988 Sara Thomas, 1991 Peter Hart, 1989–90 Matthew Ginsberg, 1992 Alan M. Thompson, 1980–81 Julie Carlson, 1988–89 Kathy McKeown, 1990–91 Dianne Erickson, 1988–92 Craig Knoblock, 1992 Robert S. Engelmore 1981–91, Geoffrey Hinton, 1992 Jim Marin, 1988–92 Jeong Jang, 1992 Candy Sidner, 1992–94 emeritus, 1991–2003 Paul Cohen, 1993 Beverly Woolf, 1993–95 Elaine Rich, 1991–93 Editorial Assistants Ramesh Patil, 1993–97 Martha Pollack, 1995–97 Ramesh Patil, 1991–96 Polly Rogers, 1987–91 Howard Shrobe, 1994 Jan Aikins, 1998–2000 Jude Shavlik, 1996–99 Ellie Engelmore, 1990–91 Heny Kautz, 1999 110 AI MAGAZINE 25th Anniversary Issue Bruce Porter, 1999 Student Abstracts Chairs Alain Rappaport, 1989–90 Keri Vasser Harvey, 1997– Rina Dechter, 2000 Kristian Hammond, 1994 Reid Smith, 1990–91 Sara Hedberg, 1995– Richard Sutton, 2000 Maja Mataric, 1996 Carlisle Scott, 1991–92 Richard A. Skalsky, 1986– Polly Pook, 1997 Phil Klahr, 1992–93 Ann Stolberg, 2002– Assistant Chair Elizabeth Byrnes, 1993–94 Michael Littman, 1998 Staff Vibhu Mittal, 1999–2000 Sven Koenig, 1999–2002 Jan Aikins, 1994–95 Howard Shrobe, 1995–96 Louis G. Robinson, 1980–83 Art Exhibition Chair Mark Craven, 2002–04 Avi Pfeffer, 2004–05 Ted Senator, 1996–97 Kathy Kelly, 1981–1985 Joseph Bates, 1992, 1994 Maria Fox, 2005 Bruce Buchanan, 1997–98 Claudia Mazzetti, 1983–1991 Ramasamy Uthurusamy, David Mike Hamilton, 1983– Challenge Committee Chair Tutorial Chairs and Cochairs 1998–99 Susan Thrasher, 1984–86 Monica Casteñada, 1985–86 Thomas Dean, 1994 Frederick Hayes-Roth, 1980 Barbara Hayes-Roth, 1999 Lorraine Cooper, 1985–86 Charles Rich, 1982–83 Robert Engelmore, 2000 Doctoral Consortium Chairs Haym Hirsh, 2000–01 Arlene Douglas, 1985–86 Douglas Lenat, 1984 Carol McKenna Hamilton, 1985– Vibhu Mittal, 1996–97 Mark Stefik, 1986 Steve Chien, 2001–02 Loren Terveen, 1996–97 Jose Eribo, 1986–87 William J.
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