1951 . CONGRESSIONAL· RECORD-HOUSE 1233 · TEXAS municated to the House by Mr. Hawks, "In the course of any such investigation · Willard E. Howell, Alvord. one of his secretaries. the Tariff Commission shall hold hearings, Jack G . Rolson, Bacliff. giving reasonable public notice thereof, and Harry 0. Lindeman, Bartlett. CORRECTION OF THE RECORD shall afford reasonable opportunity for par­ Harold B. Manry,· Corrigan. Mr. MILLS. Mr. Speaker, on Wednes­ ties interested to be present, to produce evi­ James H. Breeding, Encinal. day last the House was considering the dence, and to be heard at such hearings.'" Robert F. Henderson, Frost. bill <H. R. 1612) to extend the authority Grace W. Blanchard, Fullerton. Now, Mr. Speaker, I read the second Elbert H . Brown, Hubbard. of the President to enter into trade page of the amendment which should Ruth V. Hestand, Keene. agreements under section 350 of the follow at the end of section 7 of the bill: Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, and for Should the Tariff Commission find, as the VERMONT other purposes. The gentleman from George E. Mccanna, Hardwick. result of its investigation and hearings, that West Virginia [Mr. BAILEY] offered an serious injury is being caused or threatened VIRGINIA amendment as a substitute for the through the importation of the article in Fitzhugh L. Adams, Appalachia. amendment of the gentleman from question, it shall recommend to the Presi­ WYOMING Nebraska [Mr. CURTIS], the so-called dent the withdrawal or modification of the escape-clause amendment. Mr. BAILEY'S concession, its suspension in whole or. in Oliver J. Colyer, Torrington. part, or the establishment of import quotas. substitute appears in full on pages 1113 to the extent and for such time as may be and 1114 of the daily RECORD of February necessary to prevent or remedy such injury. WITHDRAWALS 7, 1951. I made the point of . order (c) When in the judgment of the Tariff Executive nominations . withdrawn against that amendment on the ground Commission no sufficient reason exists for from the Senate February 12 (legisla­ that it was not germane and that point of such a recommendation to the President it lative day of January 29), 1951: order ·was sustained. The gentleman shall, after due investigation and hearings. make a finding in support of its denial of UNITED STATES COAST GUARD from West Virginia [Mr. BAILEY] then offered an amendment as a substitute for the application, setting forth the facts which The following personnel of the United have led to such conclusion. This finding States Coast Guard sent to the Senate on the amendment offered by the gentleman shall set forth the level of duty below which January 15, 1951: from Nebraska, containing the identical . in the Commission's judgment, serious in~ Dwight H. Dexter Martin Lentz, Jr. language of his first amendment with Jury· would occur or threaten. · Lewis H. Shackelford Hamlett I. Allen the exception of the heading which was. In arriving at a determination in the fore­ Edward W. Holtz Michael J . Hoosick altered to provide a specific amendment going procedure the Tariff Commission shall Herbert F. Walsh David H. Douglas to sec.tion 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, deem a downward trend of production, em­ William W. Storey Theron H. Gato instead of adding merely a new section ployment, and wages in the domestic indus· Edwin J. Roland Edwin W. Coleman to the bill under consideration. This try concerned, or a decline in sales and a Christian R. Couser Robert S. Capp amendment was germane. However, in higher o.r growing inventory attributable in. Willard L. Jones Leslie F. Cool the reading of it, page 2 of the amend­ part to import competition, to be evidence Robert N. Williams _John D. Roberts of serious injury or a threat thereof. Russell W. Thresher Raymond J. Evans ment was misplaced. It was, I am in­ William E. Schweizer Scott P. Berryman formed, at the Clerk's desk. I am sure Mr. Speaker, after consti~tation with George F . Erwin Willis G . Partridge the Committee was aware that it was the gentleman from New York [Mr. Wilfred Pantzer Nelson W. Allen considering the language contained in REED] and the gentleman from Nebraska Walter G . Davis the two pages of the Bailey amendment CMr. · CURTIS] I feel that in all fairn'ess as originally offered. My friends on the to the gentleman from West Virginia other side of aisle accepted the amend­ [Mr. BAILEY] a correction should be ment as a substitute to the amendment made in the proceedings of the House HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES offered by the gentleman froll) Nebraska~ and I now ask unanimous consent that and it was agreed to by the Committee the proceedings whereby the bill H. R. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1951 of the Whole and subsequently by the 1612 was passed be vacated and that the House on a separate vote. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. language of the amendment I have just The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras­ Permit me to read that part of the read be agreed to in toto as an amend­ kamp, D. D_., offered the following prayer: amendment which was read by the clerk, ment tO the bill at the point it was iri­ and then read the second page· which tended, section 7 of the bill. O, Thou infinite and eternal God, was not read: The SPEAKER. Is there objection to we rejoice that in the annals of our na­ Amendment offered by Mr. BAILEY as a the request of the gentl.eman from Ar­ tional history we have the record of the substitute for the amendment offered by Mr. kansas? life and character of many God-fearing CURTIS of Nebraska: Amend section 350 of Mr. REED of New York. Mr. Speaker, souls who served their generation accord­ the Tariff Act, as amended, by adding there­ reserving the right to object, I have been ing to Thy holy will and of whose fame to the following subsections: "SEC. 5. (a) If. in the course of a trade consulted on this matter; so has the gen­ there will be no end. tleman from Nebraska [Mr.· CURTIS] as We thank Thee for this day when we agreement any product on which a con­ cession has been granted is being imported the gentleman from Arkansas [Mr. are privileged to call to mind and pay into the territory of one of the contracting tribute to the memory of a great patriot MILLS] stated. parties in such increased quantities or un­ I do want to say this, however, for a in whose heart the fires of faith in God der such conditions as to cause or threaten and man burned brightly and who placed serious injury to domestic producers in that very efficient reading clerk, that I saw his supreme confidence in the sanctity 'territory of like or directly competitive prod­ the confusion of the m~ny papers that and abiding reality of the moral and ucts, the contracting parties shall be free, were on his desk at the time this amend­ spiritual order. in respect of such product, and to the ex­ ment wa·s read, and I can readily under­ tent and for such time as may be necessary stand how this mistake could have been Grant that our beloved country may to prevent or remedy such injury, to suspend continue to have as its glorious aspira­ the concession in whole or in part", to with­ made. I have no intention whatever of tion and far-flung goal the coming of draw or modify the concession or to establish holding the reading clerk to blame. that blessed time when men everywhere import quotas. Mr. MILLS. Mr. Speaker, I am not shall walk together, unitedly and joy­ "(b) Upon the request of the President, seeking to lay any blame at all, not for ously, as brothers, on the highways of upon its own motion, or upon application of 1 minute, and what I have said and 'am freedom and peace. any interested party the United States Tar­ saying is in no way to be construed as iff Commission shall make an investigation Hear us in the name of the Prince of to determine whether any article upon criticism of the clerk. It was not the Peace. Amen. which a concession has been granted under .fault of the clerk; it was just one of The Journal of the proceedings of a trade agreement to which a clause similar those errors that may occur when an to that provided in subsection (a) of this amendment is presented to the clerk's Thursday, February 8, 1951, was read section is applicable, is being imported un­ and approved. desk consisting of two pages and the der such relatively increased quantities or two pages are not attached. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT under such conditions as to cause or threat· en serious injury to a. domestic industry or Mr. REED of New York. I realize the Sundry messages in writing from the a segment of such industry which produces gentleman was not making any such im- President of the United States were com- a like or directly competitive article .. plication. · XCVII-78 1234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 12 The SPEAKER. Is there objection to BEALL, Maryland; Mr. SCUDDER, Califor­ Communist Party that I immediately for­ the request of the gentleman from Ar­ nia; Mr. MORTON, Kentucky. warded them to the Pederal Bureau of kansas? SELECT COMMITTEE TO CONDUCT AN IN­ Investigation. At the same time, I sent There was no objection. VESTIGATION AND STUDY OF THE USE an investigator to the addres.s o! the so­ The SPEAKER.
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