Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2001-03-14 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2001). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2877. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2877 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. :U N I V E R S 1 T Y I 86th year, issue 23 week a/MARCH 14, 2001 www.xu.edu/newswire/ AT. ' THE TOP. OF' . THEIR.. ~ GAME. Clubs battle Cintas BY MELISSA CURRENCE Campus News Editor Student organizations, indud­ i ng Student Activities Council (SAC), Habitat for Humanity, Col­ lege Republicans and Circle K have been struggling to hold even~s on campus this year due to the cost of the Cintas Center. For the annual spring concert, the Cintas Center approached SAC for a list of music perform­ ers students would want to come to campus. The Cintas Center decided not to sponsor its own concert, but a private contractor, Belkin Corp. of Cleveland, is using the Cintas Center to hold its Sarah Brightman concert on March 31. The Brightman concert. is not a . x~vi~r:siJaiisored'·event, ·• .. · · "ltis difficult to bring in a con- . NEWSW/REPHOTOBYB~AN~~IA .. ·. .· .. NEWSWIRE P_Horo BY SA~ RICHTER ' , cert,'' said Dr. Philip Jones, direc- ·Sophomore David West was named men's A-10 Player.;.of-the- Sel'lipr Nicole L~vandusky was named wom~n's A·lO . tor,~fthe.Cinta~ Center. "Coor- Year. · Defensive Player-"of-the~Year... · · · · dinating the availability of the After watching the women's an at-iarge bid to the. 01en's play their firsttwo games of the 7 record and earned a No. 11 Cintas Center with tour dates and basketb111I team repeat as At­ NCAA Tournament . tournament at the ·Cintas Center. seed in the· Midwest Region. ·funds is difficult." lantic 10 Champions, thus earri­ The women· (ranked No. 12 in: The No. 4 Muskies host No. 13 They take on No. 6 seed Notre · Covering the finances of the i ng l1n automatic bid_ to the the A~sociated Press poll and No; ·· LouisvlUe--on Friday at 8:30 p.m~ Dame on Friday at 10:25 p.m. building is the concern of Jones. NCAA Tournament, XU fans 11 in the ESPN/USA Today poll) The second round game will be·· · in Kansas City. · · . "We haven't even been in op- got a 'second dose of good news ' closed out the year at 28-2, earn- played on Sunday at 1:05 p.rri. eration an entire year," said when the -men '.s team received ing a No. 4 seed and the right to · - :The Xmen finished with a 21--Joe Angolia · Jones. "We are trying to budget · to break even.'~ "Our impression was that this would· be a great venue for con­ certs," said Katie Wolesky, SAC Refresh your resumC:job fair Friday chair. SAC expected the Cintas Cen­ BY MELISSA CURRENCE have expressed interest in hiring ter to hold .its own events, and Campus News Editor Xavier students. "Many compa­ SAC would buy tickets and price The annual employment fair nies that are coming have already them down for students. will take place on Friday, March s'uccessfully hired Xavier grads," · .. To compensate, SAC is work­ 16 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in said Bates. ing to bring comedian Jimmy the banquet center of the Cintas The Career Services Center Fallon on Thursday, April 26. Dr. Center. All students looking for recommends students research Drew Pinsky is coming to campus full-time, part-time, internship the companies they are interested on Saturday, March 24. and summer. work are welcome. in before thejob fair. Hyperlinks "As SACers, all we hear is that There will be over 100 corri­ for the businesses are available at students want big names on cam­ panies attending, representing the Career Services Web site at pus,". said Wolesky health care, .education, human www.xu.edu/careerservices. Ca­ Many student organizations services, social change and busi­ reer Services also has an informa· could not hold events at the ness sector jobs. tional list at their office in the Cintas Center due to the cost of "There are many diverse types O'Connor Sports Center. the facility. of employers coming to the ca­ According to Bates, this job The Xavier College Republi­ reer fair," said Stephanie :eates, fair was designed to bring stu­ cans are hosting Ohio's College director of Career Services. "This dents directly in contact with the Republican Convention in early isn't just for business students.'' companies. April and are experiencing prob- Most of the businesses invited See Job Fair, page 2 See Cintas, page 3 ©2001TheXavierNewswke All rights reserved NEWS: OP-ED: SPORTS: DIVERSIONS: ~i.[ri!lftij;lllll{~[~2&?!~f~lfg~ Dating auction raises 'Not with our money, Women repeat Cincinnati spring Advertising {513) 745"3561 money for women's center· gains momentum as A-10 champs theater preview ~l!(ijJ!uq,n1l%?#1111~1~"l1~1~11~:P Editor-in-Chief (513) 745·3607 ·-PAGE 2 PAGE 10 PAGE 14 PAGE 16 . -~. -...... 2 week of MARCH.14, 2001 THE .xAvl E.R N EWswl-'RE BRIE f..Sll . >-Melissa Currence, Editor·.· >-News Room: 745-3122 >[email protected] Go to the mosque Anyone interested in t.Puring the Islamic Center of Cincinnati can sign up at Campus Ministry, the Office of Multicultural Affairs or the Romero International Cen­ ter. The trip will take place on Thursday, March 15 at 2:45 p.m~ The cost is $2 per person: Call. 745-2864 for rriore information. The second part of the movie series, "The Message: Story of Islam," is showing Friday March 16 at 4:30 p.m. in Kelley Audito­ rium. The event is free and pizza will be provided. Women of .Color Luncheon The Office of Multicultural Affairs is presenting the seventh annual Women of Color Lun­ cheon. The Luncheon will be held Monday, March 26 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The keynote speaker will be Cincinnati Coun­ cilwoman Alicia Reece. The cost is $10 per person and seating be­ gins at 11:15. Call the Office of Multicultural Affairs at 7 45-3181 for more information. Reserva~ . .. ' . .' . .. '. ' . ' . .·. ' N/;WSWIREPHOTO BY DEvlN MATHIS . tions need to be made by today. These students are enjoying SAC's Dating Auction held on Thursday, March 1, before spring break inthe banquet hall at the Cintas Center. The auction helped raise money for the· Women's Crisis Ce!1ter in Covington, KY. · l ·I· How often do you get to wear a tie? Job fair: -~-Resources available The Career Services Center is ' ' ' . sponsoring the "Diversity Across for current, graduating stud~nts .· Careers" employment fair on Fri­ ·. continued from page 1 · · · .· .. · · · -, . · day, March 16 from 1:30 to 4:30 "We want students to sit down dents to contact Xavier alumni letins,job databases and virtualca~ p.m. in Banquet Room 2 of the one-on-one with employers," said chapters around the country about reer fairs. Cintas Ce__nter. The event is.open Bates. "It will give students the certain types of jobs. 1 "The earlier that students .get to students, alumni and the com­ chance to feel out the company." . ·If students cannot attend the · ·. i'nvolved.with CareerServiCes, the· munity. More than 100 employ­ The event is sponsored. by the event, Career. Services will have mor~ they will be better prepared ers are scheduled to attend and Career Services Center, Programs in contact names from each company. to enter the w9rld of work;" said attendees should dress in busi­ Peace .& Justice, XU SOTA, and Students can contact the company Shirl Short, coordinator of the ca-· ness attire. For more information, Multicultural Affairs and is open to on their own. reer fair. see the Career Services Web site the public. "We want students to be proac- • The Career Services Center can at www.xavier.edu/careerservices. If students are planning to relo- tive and to take responsibility in help students choose a major, write cate, they can talk with employers at· their job search," said Bates. resumes and practice interview the job fair about other geographi- During their job search, students techniques. cal regions. can use the Career Services Web For more information, contact Adopt-a-Shanty Career Services can also help stu- site which include weekly job but~ Career Services at 745-3141. Clubs, organizations and stu­ dents are invited to adopt a shanty Saturday, March 3, 2:30 p.m. Lot. Two students were involved. Monday, March 12, 2:26 a.m. for Shantytown. There is a $50 Police Notes tillt~~;/( - Officers on routine patrol There was minimal damage and no - Campus Police received a donation to benefit the Greater . Thursday, March 1, 11:15 a.m. through dorms during Spring injuries. criminal damage repQrt concern­ Cincinnati Coalition for .the - Campus Police received a theft Break discovered a stolen Cintas ing a broken window in the Homeless. Contributions need to report concerning a Power Point Center parking sign in a Kuhlman Sunday, Marchll, 2 a.m. - Husman Hall RA office. be in Friday, March 16 to the Dor­ projector stolen from a classroom Hall room. The students will be Campus Police received a com­ othy Day House at ML 2910.
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