TMayl 2002 EC H NI C IAN WWW technicionon/ Open statement to the Students lose internships N.C. State community did not \titttes-~ the l err . rhs t0 budget cuts 0 CHASS dean responds to trissior: racially driven incidents and ltt \lttrto/ lit time. \\.ti.i. discusses her decisions. ‘ie.ttt «it the ih't‘.tlllllt'lll oi poht O The North Carolina State Government it .il lt rtte it it pithh. .iihmnts Ill/Vt” \ Hr'h ll ‘r‘j’rl’rr 'r' tt.rttoit .tltti lit \lri’ttr .t l ixtt‘llt Internship Program has been temporarily liltt H/Vtt'r'rr/ .“r. lit” '/i,' .rs~-tst.ittt tlt'J-‘i rrttt ltte.'oi ol canceled, leaving many students without r'ttH/"r/ f'r tr (”l‘vr‘nt“ 't’i"i |l.\t't\.tt l’rr--'r.rrti~ \\Illllll their summer internships. It’ll/H tt'rgx xii/u v'r/ Ina". /‘ ( li \\\ hd‘xt' l‘t‘t‘ll .tt‘elt\t'tl Hi Hurt/t Him/Ir tit (H\\\ riot lt‘\tlrtltili1t“ :7! irritith .tllti ('iii‘ie Windham ill/H/H’utf "/1: li‘.“ .i yr; ‘ w y". ‘ I .tt'rrrptmhtr» ‘t it '.t .lti‘llL'\\ lltt' ”It \(i \r'ttr'r 4r’li’.’r :th’r' trittttttetit- 't‘.tt .M'te made on V. ‘.t~i\ \>l.ttrr l t‘l‘ l" .tttil ‘l 1"": hi .tthll \s the \e.rt entries to .‘t elose. tltt‘lt‘ ls \tnee lel‘ I” the t l'lll .tt llr'll. llt \ltittii/ heett one thin;r is itte\rt.ihle tn .‘t lirite ol lllltll.tllllte‘\ .tllri \o. l rl \. tr'llr.|."s .ittrised oi Iristettti; .r littslllk' \lll\lllll_1' \l.llr' i‘lltlLH'i .letteits hudeet etits t('ll,\\'\r has l‘t'.‘lt rte :hii: otth it. t.:l t ltttt.tte in l’\ -it? \iid this _\e.rr .i st.ite lllt‘f'lttlll ettiplot s the totrsettueriees rrt inn ‘r‘tl‘w! "titer re\ re\\ tilt} the mterrsrre tiu‘i Hill \tilllil .llt‘llll.t t Hllt‘tt't,‘ students rti e\t ll.ttlf.'es l‘t'l'\\t‘t'tt \lelt'ltl'» Itt .t report prepared h\ thi ftttite ot sirmntei internships tint} t.r|l memo to the [‘olttte.t| sttente .onrse Hire lrttttil (lppor‘ttrrirtt. l li.t\e eott lrtltlt‘i‘l ll.rltllt'l student l‘t'llt'\\'tl h rt ih. ltli r‘lllilt‘tl lllttl llle‘ .tllL':‘.tl|\"l\ llltlth‘ lhe \ottl‘. (.ttrilm.t \t.tle (ioternnient yet ol ltlk lsl .‘ritttrrrt'iits rt .l ltleil .l:’.ttll\l i’ld’il \Mtl l’lirllip Internship l’trrtlldtlt heeit lL‘lltl‘lll.t|li_\ eotitpl.itiits .\tttt .hi- (Hire tit \ltiriiix. l)i .ltirnes Smut .ittd llt suspended lrrrht ot teeeirt reeoniiriendn Strident t‘oridtrtt .t-it! lllt tittt e \lotite.t le.teh .ite ttntoiittded trons tor tlte program hi l‘L‘ ttieluded to :t oi lttiml ()l‘l‘t'l'lrtltl‘\ \‘lr \ h In eritlt ruse. the .illeeditons .ire \t‘llr,‘\ Hi this iii the“ Department ot 3| \s Drum «it til \\\ .tird the irrisithst.intt.ited h\ itrtor'rn.ition \drttititstr.ition. \tlrreh hotises the \oitttr ltlril\ lL'\[\tttI'~ll‘lt l-ir reri gathered during: the totirse oi \d\\ .ind Intohertrent ( lttiee runs derinu deersrons .tl‘ittti ill .tllt the intestigztrtion ltirther there the ptoemtit grittoris iii.ide ti'Jlll‘sl tlttt‘t‘ h.i\.e heerr no '\ iot.ittons ot ttlllr l’olttrtmtts tire tetrt’ltil. ll st‘t‘ltts. tlte (‘ll \38 ltlkllll\ .ind .rtlrritrristi.e \ersti\ polres llt's \lttrtirl. .iihn: sl.ite hudee! \\lll not he .the to sup: ltII'N. l ll.i\t‘ lltrl l‘t'tll ttl‘lt' lrl \\.tr.i .itid lt'ttt‘ll .ieted prompt port the \ ltitLtttltt pr'oemrii. .llltl the sitspen \[lt'ttl's ptthtieh tli‘ttlli llit~ limiter |\, .ipptoprt.ite|_\ .irtd \\lllllll uron eonltl soon tiriit into .t peritr.irierrt disso while the llt‘u‘ult“ i'! it:- \r t it, their spheres ot r'espoitsihrht} to ltitlr‘tt ttirdet\\..\ lht Hitt‘srt‘t'u'tt. .iddiess tortiiiieiits that one '\\e ueie .Hlst‘tl h} the yinetttoi .ts .tre \l‘ll\ltln'lk\i .oi.trr!erirt ;! in ttt.irh‘ on l eh I” .ritd ..‘l .t\ soon met .ieenm to pitt hetrire lrttrt htideel em order to pron-er tl't' tittt.te\ or .is the totiiriteiits \\ \"lt‘ ltt.tii\‘t options it there \\.ts .r S to II pertent l‘lltlj." .ill eotrtetttttl. .tllri the it.ttt't'\ rtl !\\‘\.ll|lL'hll11\\llltlt'.1\‘llt‘i them et tut," e\pi.irtted \lt lxinle) \\tlti|\'t]. students tn'ttihe d it. t‘rore. i.'il lltese |lltll\ttlll.ll\ responded tit .leptitf. settetdijt ot the llk‘llttllltlx‘ltt ot under the l.|llttl>\ l that it» t .t' |\\t|\ ele.irt\ llltiltttlt'tl that \diitttttstt.ttiott Rights l'tt‘\ \t? i‘ l l‘l"\t y-trsorrnl .itt.ieLs .tnd iittiriitdii lhess options r.\ ill he re\ lt‘\\eil h) hoih the llre three ll\\\ t .. r:~.,‘ trot. ‘.\r‘ttltl not he toletuled Ill lt‘tjlsldl‘itlt' .tnd the emeinoi helor'e .in_\ lllltll .ttlllllltt‘slltilt‘h .t, in the k .t‘~\lt\tllll let the .ttltllt‘\\ .le istons .tre nude. .ind l‘l‘lll h.i\e tlte eoiitpl.ttttis \\\‘l\ lnrilr‘t tr. tr \e .ith oi the .llh‘jjdlttllh trt ttirri ot‘trott «it either ti'tt‘ellltzf tit tlt't'u‘llllllt‘ lllt' .1I\el!lll\'ll totnmt t\itt‘ittt et'll lirst. \\llll t\‘\t\‘\t lit lllt' pro} oxttt optlllll\ settt tor me to ltrto, tist‘ their th.rr;!e these llltlt‘sltltl_tl\ “may. er. ‘lllll the ttttrire I‘l tlte intern names llt eotittrttrttiiiar lllllll‘\l\ |.ttleil lri .it‘l ptotiiptl‘. rind ship Located in Pullen Hall, the Career Center offers information on internships and tor the lost time on no tleer .tppr'opttntel‘t l’roteswr \liiito/ proL'tLttti h.tttr_'s ttt ttttee't.ttnt\. lllt‘lt‘ I‘ job opportunities for students. siotts tilllk't‘llllllfl their pettotii. l.ltsL‘tl llls \t‘lt‘t‘ lit 'slril‘ lllt‘ 'tt'l' one detitttte llllllfl lhete \\lll he lit! \ltilt‘ ”tree in this limiter i‘.|l t‘\.ell.itt;‘t‘ Ill.” hurls pldt't‘ :mcrmrtent interns this \t it \ri .tillllt‘t'llkk (in l elr i‘r .tliil ,‘t for“ .ei hetwie ~. l.tss on i eh lU ittttttedt :ttent tor iit.iti_\ t .itite too Lite \.‘t1i|l\t‘-internment." he \ttltl. "l lltitl done .tgelit'tt‘s. h.r| e\e|r.::t:'r' o.. :r'tut! .ttels .tilti the nth”! tommettt ”ll lllt‘_\ lltil [tiltl Illt' ttt‘tilll e.ttlier. l .l ti‘\\ legrtsttitrr e tlltlli‘s iii the p.isi. .iitd the} ()n Mitreh .3". the students txeie supposed hetueeri studentstt‘tolltd |’\ '.\.:. lt|.ltlt' hx tiltt' \lililt‘ili would \e stiid t)l\ .iird turned on.” neti llttil "t’t it t|t|t oppottnrittits ” to reeett e t'rn.‘i| riotiees oi \\ lier'e thet \torild .‘tt‘ l.t\\ iittl ltt»tr.. ties roturtil .ittothet llt their tlllllit' three \ldllL‘lltll, .t sophotiioie it t‘irhttt tl it». .tptitt. tl't‘lt ilt.ltillllt \\.ts rri l‘t‘ltl'lltll'). he L'tllllL'. But Is \\heie the Flux L's‘V t.itt;iht h\ lit l‘irtit'i; \ilt‘ttr tit.tlt’i\ Illsltilttt'tl ltts . law s. renew \\ho .ippheil lot the interttst‘trt‘ .itiur \thitt. t‘rt .rt‘t‘llsdllr‘lls \tete ntii't‘oued stopped .t\\|\t.ttll t‘ttrtesstit «it i‘i'ltl'ttti .il! dist trssroti in l'\ It” ttittst he llo‘mwet. the hue tiotrlr..tttott in.ide hirti tltl\\|l.1llll[llt it'ttt.t|ttlllt' sttidertts’ tnletests \lurryuin reitienihers reeei\rite .iit e| \tierttt lhe thrss e insiders .otttfittled in .r ettrh/td .Iiltl lh‘“ ittt 'tttlllt‘ .t |e\\” r‘lllt'l tlilk'lll\illl' tier. l’|.lltl|t'ii '\\t|ll r.irtoiis r:o\ et'tittiertt tioiii (iordott loleei. the Hun or .tll inde piihhe politr Ilirtltl...‘71i-Il-- tit .it.iderttit iti.tttrier \t the i‘r';i|li opportunities .t“r'|t..‘\‘ .tttrl \i‘llll‘tilllt'\ l’hone tittei\ie\\s pendent eotrntii helped tooritrrmte the \(‘lliltl\t“\l‘i Mt «ml: at rim:r oi the nest three t l.iss ses \l.iiietirit .ipphed tor the l‘ttrL‘ltllll til tit-re then sit .ip toi .rpph. .tllls \\ tilt the \.tl .tpplie.itioit proeess. lltiltl}tll;.' hrrn the s|.tr..‘r\e .ihotttwr .trttl il.‘tt‘ ‘»!l"lts‘ leh 3f. ‘rr old 3‘ title-her het.itise oi .irr interest rrt \ldlt' L'ti't totis t-riittidtttt‘s program l‘t‘t'lt enrteeled loleei is not .r \l‘t'exll \th l't" 'r' H; " t l’jtttt\\.rt \ltsttd,’ it‘tstttsse'tl ettiitterit \\rt'i .t x'rlltt\‘llll.tllt‘|l Ill puhht pol \lirrr ‘ttitr tee. itetl f\\ w responses .tlltl st.ite i:o\errrmeiit employee littlfl~ ‘W. .4‘]. ttw wt . .tt't trite .tith his .l.iss Th. 'tettt tot rt_\ he .i spettlie interest lll the tune tl‘lt‘l \ it'\‘\.'tl \\i[ll litillt \tter the llllLl\lL\\\ "\ou to do the honteuorlx \oittsellf .rnd .tre err.
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