INDEX Abbott, Judge , of Salem, N. J., 461 Alexandria, Va., 392 Abeel family, N. Y., 461 Alleghany County: and Pennsylvania Abercrombie, Charlotte and Sophia, 368 Canal, 189, 199 (n. 87) ; and Whiskey Abercrombie, James, 368 Rebellion, 330, 344 Abington Meeting, 118 Alleghany River, proposals to connect by Abolition movement, 119, 313, 314, 352, water with Susquehanna River and Lake 359; contemporary attitude toward, Erie, 176-177, 180, 181, 190, 191, 202 145; in Philadelphia, 140, 141; meeting Allen, James, papers, 120 in Boston (1841), 153. See also under Allen, Margaret Hamilton (Mrs. Wil- Slavery liam), portrait attributed to James Clay- Academy of Natural Sciences, library, 126 poole, 441 (n. 12) Accokeek Lands, 209 Allen, William, 441 (n. 12) ; papers, 120, Adams, Henry, History of the United 431; petition to, by William Moore, States . , 138-139 and refusal, 119 Adams, John: feud with Pickering, 503; Allen, William Henry, letters, 271 on conditions in Pennsylvania, 292, 293, Allhouse, Henry, 203 (n. 100) 300, 302; on natural rights, 22 Allinson, Samuel, 156, 157 Adams, John Quincy: position on invasion Allinson, William, 156, 157 of Florida, 397; President of U. S., 382, Almanacs, 465, 477, 480, 481-482 408, 409, 505, 506; presidential candi- Ambrister, Robert, 397-398 date, 407, 502-503, 506 American Baptist Historical Society, 126 Adams, John Stokes, Autobiographical American Catholic Historical Society of Sketch by John Marshall edited by, re- Philadelphia, 126 viewed, 414-415 American Historical Association: Little- Adams and Loring, 210 ton-Griswold committee, publication of Adams County, 226; cemetery inscriptions, Bucks Co. court records, 268; meeting, 273 address by T. S. Gates, 121-129, paper Addison, Joseph, 69, 483 by Max Farrand, 130-139, paper by Address to the Citizens of the Common- A. J. Wall, 422 wealth of Pennsylvania by Committee American Magazine (1741), 485-486 of the Pennsylvania Society for the Pro- American Magazine (1758), 438, 443 motion of Internal Improvements, 182- American Party, 352 183 American Philosophical Society: and pub- Admiralty cases, 172-174, 269 lication of Pennsylvania archives, 123; Adriana, vessel, bills of lading (1793), collections, 124, 125, 126; founding and 120 early history, 124, 293-294; supports Affecting History of the Dreadful Dis- Union Library Catalogue, 127 tresses of Frederic Manheim's Family American Society for Promoting Useful . (Philadelphia, 1794), 277 Knowledge, 284 Africa, 570, 571 American Weekly Mercury, 465-473, 474, African Company, 7 479-481, 483 (n. 89), 484 (n. 92), 486, Agricultural Society, 284 487 Agriculture, 507; in Pennsylvania (2nd Ames, Fisher, attitude toward Democratic half of 18th cent), 84, 284-285, 293, 302; Societies, 337, 342 (n. 69), 348 (n. 95, 96) "Monthly Monitor" of Pastorius (1701), Amherst, Jeffrey, Baron Amherst, 47; let- 429-430 ters from, 422 Aiken, Dr. John, 546 Amicable Library Company, 292 Aitkin, R., 572 Amies paper mill, 407 Alabama, 397. See also Mobile; St. Ste- Amusements: in Pennsylvania (1760-90), phens 295-302; Jonathan Roberts on, 544 Albion, Robert Greenhalgh, Square Rig- Anderson, (fl. 1858), 357 (n. 48) gers on Schedule, reviewed, 412-413 Anderson,Elizabeth (Mrs, Samuel Breese), Alcock, Capt. John, order book, 422 portrait, 461—462 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, contributor to Anderson, Judge Joseph, 247 Vanity Fair, 310, 311 Anderson, Justa, in Chester County court, Alexander I, of Russia, 361 15-16 573 574 INDEX Andrews, Charles M., Colonial Period of Augustus William, of Prussia, 489-490 American History: The Settlements* Aurora, 84, 214 III, reviewed, 249-251 Austria, 551 (n. 127) Andrews, George, in Chester County court, 14-15 Bache, Benjamin Franklin: Aurora, 84; Ann Maria, ship, 169 president of Democratic Society of Penn- Annapolis, Md., 442; Naval Academy, sylvania, 332 165 Bache, Richard, 569 Annis, Capt. (ship's) (fl. 1725), Badger, Bela, 517, 518 479 (n. 74) Bagnell, Elizabeth. See Mifflin, Elizabeth "Another London Manufacturer," pseudo- Bagnell nym of Franklin, 2 Bailey, Thomas M., 379 Anspach, M. R., 267 Baird, , judge of Westmoreland Anti-Masonry, 508 (n. 91), 512, 513, 513 County court (1794), 334 (n. 40) (n. 104) Baird, Absalom, 347 Anti-slavery movement. See Abolition move- Baird, Thomas H., and Pennsylvania ment and under Slavery Canal, 190, 199 (n. 87) Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biog- Baker, George N., 202 raphy, on Latin America, 116 Baker, George W., 357 Apprenticeship, 287; Jonathan Roberts on Baker, Joseph B., Collector of the Port of dangers of, 76-77, 81, 242-243 Philadelphia, and the Pennsylvanian, Arbitration of law suits, 14-15, 17, 217, 353, 354, 355, 356~358 218, 221 Bakewell, Benjamin, 210 Arbuthnot, Alexander, 397-398 Balch, Edwin Swift, 462 Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, 430 Baldwin, Col. Jeduthan, diary, 273 Archbishop of Cambray's Dissertation on Baldwin, Lei and D., reviews by, 419, 420 Pure Love (Germantown, 1750), 278 Baltimore, Md., 195, 197, 210, 233, 286, Archer, Samuel, activity in behalf of 361, 364, 381, 388, 399, 504, 508, 511, Pennsylvania Canal, 177 (n. 5), 182 (n. 512, 521, 522; bombardment, 367, 368- 25) 371, 372. See also Baltimore Republican Architecture, in Pennsylvania, 294 Society; Baltimore Whig; Democratic Aristocracy, in America: and Constitu- Society of Baltimore tional Convention, 133-136, 138; Jona- Baltimore Republican Society, 331 than Roberts on, 215, 216, 235-236, 242, Baltimore Whig, 214 542 Bancroft, George, 123, 165 Armstrong, John, Secretary of War, 372 Bank of Pennsylvania, 72, 210; papers, Armstrong, W. G., engraving, 459 568 Army: Continental, 493, 497, 498, 500; Bank of the United States: First, 210; United States, engineers, survey of Second, 350, 392, 504-505, papers, 568 routes between Potomac and Ohio, 193. Bankruptcy case records, Philadelphia See also Frankford Arsenal; Recruiting; District Court, 172, 269 Schuylkill Arsenal Banks, Nathaniel P., 352 Arnold, Benedict, jail discharge by, 119 Banks and banking: attitude of Pennsyl- Arnold, George, contributor to Vanity vania Senate toward (c. 1810), 222; Fair, 311, 312, 315 bank in Georgetown, 380; Congressional Art, American, sources for, in Philadel- action (1814-15), 374, 377, 389~39o; phia, 126. See also Architecture; Artists first American financial system, book Fund Society; Bookplates; Painting; on, reviewed, 563-565; Pennsylvania Sculpture bank bill, 361; records, in Philadelphia, Articles and publications, notes on, 113— 127. See also Bank of Pennsylvania; 119, 269-273, 421-429, 566. See also Book Bank of the United States; Federal Re- reviews serve Bank of Philadelphia Artists Fund Society, papers and photo- Bar: attitude toward chancery jurisdic- graphs, 571 tion, 221-222; education, 289, 291; hos- Association Library Company, 292 Astronomy, 293—294; early American ob- tility to compulsory arbitration, 217, servatories, 426-427 218; influence on judicial decisions, 36- Asylum, Pa., 117 38, 40; Pennsylvania, list of members, Asylum Company, documents, 120 268-269; political sympathies and ac- Atkins, Samuel, almanac, 467 (n. 23) tivity, 215-216, 223, 246, 248, 381, 511, Audendreid (Audenried), William, 203 512 (n. 100) Bar Association of New York, 23 INDEX 575 Barbados: account and history, 570; map, the American Union, reviewed, 552— 571; slave laws, 7 553 Barbados Gazette, 484 Bethel, Mary. See Boude, Mary Bethel Barbour, James, 372, 390, 402 Bethel, Samuel, 451 Barclay, Judge John, 221, 222 Bethel, Sarah Blunston (Mrs. Samuel), Barclay estates, papers, 569 451 Bard, Archy, 225 Bethlehem, 294, 299 Bard, Dinah Marmion (Mrs. Peter), por- Bettering House, 303 trait, 462 Bibb, Dr. William W., in Congress, 232, Bard, Peter, portrait, 462 .233, 234>. 237-23?, 244, 245, 361 Barkly, Ann Inglis (Mrs. Gilbert). See Bible: deist attitude toward, 53-54; Inglis, Ann Paine's attitude toward, 55, 56—57, 58; Barkly, Gilbert, 453 Quaker attitude toward, 53, 56-57, 58 Barlow, Joel, 318 (Hicks) Barney, H., correspondence, 568 Bibles, 571 Barney, Commodore Joseph, 374 Biddle, Charles, 138; attitude toward Barnitz, Charles A., 209 slave trade, 287; in Pennsylvania Sen- Barrancas, fort of the, 397 ate, 220-221 Barry, John, book on, reviewed, 417-418 Biddle, Clement, papers, 430 Bartram, John, 293, 306 Biddle, Nicholas, 392; activity in behalf Bates, G. W., gift to Society, 278 of Pennsylvania Canal, 176, 177 (n. 5), Bathe, Greville, gift of tablet commemorat- 182 (n. 25), 185; letters to Jonathan ing Oliver Evans, 566 Roberts, 568 Bathurst, Allen, first Earl Bathurst, 64 Biddle, Thomas, activity in behalf of Bathurst, Lawrence (Master Batters; the Pennsylvania Canal, 177, 177 (n. 5), Old Baronet), 64-65, 66-67, 77 178 (n. 25) Baton Rouge, La., 209 Brgler, William, 351, 353 Batters, Master. See Bathurst, Lawrence Billiards, 298-299 Baum, Col. Friedrich, 499 Billmeyer, Michael, ledger, 275 Baynton, Peter, Treasurer of Pennsyl- Bining, Arthur Cecil, Pennsylvania Iron vania, 94 Manufacture in the Eighteenth Century, Baynton, Wharton and Morgan, 270-271 reviewed, 558-560 Beale, Col. Thomas, 380 Binns, John: contributions of Jonathan Bear Creek, Md., 381 Roberts to his paper, 232-233, 362-363, Beatty, William, 202 366, 383, 398-399; letters to Roberts, Beaver County, and Pennsylvania Canal, 568; urges Roberts for position in Cus- 181 (n. 22), 189 (n. 52), 194 (n. 67) tom House, 505 Beck, Paul, Jr., activity in behalf of Biographies, legal, 32, 38, 39, 269 Pennsylvania Canal, 177 (n. 5), 182 Birdsborough, 82 (n. 25), 188 Birmingham, Eng.: Public Reference Bedford County, 197 Library, Russell papers in, 206; Wil- Beer, John ("the Buckeye Blacksmith"), liam Russell in, 206—207 520-523 Birmingham wares, 207, 209 Bell, E. C, 267 Black, Justice Hugo L., 39 Bell, Whitfield J., Jr., "Some Aspects of Blackburn family, papers, 274 the Social History of Pennsylvania, Blackledge, Richard, 234 1760-1790," 281-308 Blackstone, William, 223; collection, 126 Bellefonte, 178 Blair, John, 134 Benbridge, Henry, 294—295 Bland, Humphrey, manual, 45 Benevolent Institution, 303 Bleecker, Anthony L., & Sons, 210 Bennett, James Gordon, 321-322, 350 Blue [Ridge?] Mountain, Gorge, 376 Bennington ( ?), Vt, 499 Blunston, Sarah.
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