ENCOMPASS News and Events from the American Anglican Council • Fourth Quarter 2014 Anglicanism at its best BY THE REV. CANON J. PHILIP ASHEY, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER was elated after the recent investiture of the second I Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North Ameri- ca, the Most Rev. Dr. Foley Thomas Beach. It is always a joy at these gatherings of our Church to see so many old friends from across North America–it really does have the joy of a family reunion. I was so blessed to see the number of archbishops, bishops, clergy, laity and friends from all across the Anglican Communion with us (at substantial cost, I might add!) simply to rejoice with us in this milestone in the growth of our Anglican Laying their hands on Archbishop Beach (center), 7 Anglican Priamtes participat- ed in the investiture. Starting left: The Most Rev. Dr. Onesphore Rwaje (Rwanda), Church, and to reaffirm our communion with them The Most Rev. Stanley Ntagali (Uganda), The Most Rev. Nicholas Okoh (Nigeria), and the vast majority of practicing Anglicans. The Most Rev. Dr. Eliud Wabukala (Kenya), The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Here are just some of the high points for me: Anis (Jerusalem & Middle East), The Most Rev. Stephen Than Myint Oo (Myan- • The Communion anthem by the combined choirs on mar), The Most Rev. Hector (Tito) Zavala (South America) the Holy Spirit–it lifted me out of my seat and into I think the diversity represented, and the unity in that diver- the throne room of the Lord in worship, reminding me of sity around a common confession of the faith “once delivered” our continuing need for a new Pentecost to the saints, demonstrates one of the charisms of Anglican- • The presence of youth and adults, Americans, Canadians, ism. And that charism is nothing less than a reformed cathol- Burmese, Nigerians (a Nigerian female deacon read the icism, anointed by the Holy Spirit, that draws people from a Gospel), all highlighting Archbishop Foley’s observation variety of spiritual backgrounds into a Church that addresses that we are indeed a “diverse lot” the yearnings of the hearts. • The greetings brought from The Rev. Preb. Charles Marn- At the same time, this gift of Anglicanism calls us to unite ham, St Mark’s Chester Square London, on behalf of the with other Christians who share the same essentials of the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans in the UK, Wales, faith, the same or similar confessions and creeds, and the same Scotland and Ireland, the Church of England Evangeli- Great Commission values. We can and ought to find common cal Council, Church Society, Reform, and the Anglican ground in mission together within our communities. I was Mission in England– with the heartfelt reminder that we deeply blessed several weeks ago at the Diocese of Cascadia should never forgot “how many friends we have in the Synod where I spoke on Church Re-Vitalization and remis- Church of England.” sioning. We met in a Baptist church in Edmonds, WA (in the • But especially the Primates gathering around our new Arch- Seattle area) whose pastor decided that Edmonds needs an bishop, laying hands on him and praying together out Anglican Church! Pastor Barry contacted Bishop Todd Hunter loud the blessing, and adding in this significant sentence of “Churches for the Sake of Others” and Bishop Kevin Allen NOT in the original worship bulletin: “Foley Beach, We of Cascadia to see how they might work together to make that receive you as an Archbishop and a Primate in the Angli- happen. The end result is a Baptist church planting a new An- can Communion.” glican Church in its building, helping to fund it, and working That they went out of their way, together, to pray this before with Anglican bishops to make this as seamless as possible. the gathered people of God is a clear reaffirmation of the Pri- Anglicanism has so much to offer the body of Christ. This is mates’ authority to decide who is Anglican, and their confir- especially true when Anglicanism is at its best, as we saw at the mation of our Anglican identity on behalf of the vast majority investiture of Archbishop Foley Beach. † of practicing Anglicans within the Communion. Developing Faithful Leaders Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Eliud Wabukala My dear brothers and sisters, reetings in the precious name of Gour Lord Jesus Christ, ‘the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end’. During this Advent Season we shall be preparing for the joyful celebration of the first coming of our Lord Jesus, but let us also rejoice that we have the promise of his second coming in glorious majesty as Lord, Saviour and Judge, and be willing to stake our lives on what we do not yet see, the fulfil- ment of the promises of God. It was this confidence that kept the Apostle Paul from despair despite all the setbacks and suffering of his apos- tolic ministry and with deep insight he cuts right through earth bound ways of thinking when he writes ‘For the The Most Rev. Dr. Eliud Wabukala is Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya and Chairman of things that are seen are transient, but the Global Anglican Future Conference Primate’s Council. the things that are unseen are eternal’ (2 war memorial in Ottawa, I was moved by the gentle yet bold Corinthians 4:18). response of Bishop Charlie Masters, recently appointed Mod- This is a truly radical perspective. It brings our lives into erator of the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC). He spoke line with what is ultimately real and gives us a hope that is of shock and grief, but also how the founding fathers had not defeated by immediate challenges and loss. This is true named the country and he said “they called it the Dominion whatever the crisis that confronts us and we must continue of Canada, based on Psalm 72:8 ‘he shall have dominion from to pray for those whose lives have been devastated by the Eb- sea to sea…’ and that was speaking about the Lord Jesus, that ola epidemic in West Africa, but the difference biblical hope he has dominion in this country”. For Bishop Charlie, part of makes is seen most clearly when persecution and violence are the response to this murder was national repentance to bring unleashed. the country back to its founders’ vision. The dominion of the As I write these letters, I find that very often I need to em- Lord Jesus Christ is a reality unrecognized by many, but one phasise the need to pray for and stand with our bothers and day all creation will bow the knee and the greatest service we sisters who are experiencing heart-rending suffering as radical can do for our nations is to win them for Jesus Christ by the Islamic influence grows in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. proclamation of the glorious gospel of the Prince of Peace. Here in Kenya, al-Shabab gunmen have just murdered twen- The Anglican Network in Canada is part of the Anglican ty-eight non-Muslim passengers from a bus they ambushed Church in North America which was formed following our in northern Kenya. In some parts of the world Christian first Global Anglican Future Conference in 2008. Such steps communities now live with the constant threat of violent of radical faith demonstrate our trust in the Advent hope of death. One of the most shocking attacks in recent weeks was the ultimate triumph of the gospel. For the New Testament the burning alive of a young Pakistani Christian man Sajjeed writers, the expectation of Christ’s return was an encourage- Mashah and his pregnant wife Shama Bibi in a brick kiln near ment not to waver from sound doctrine or godly living, but Lahore. How do Christian communities manage to carry on on crucial issues such as sexual morality and the uniqueness in such circumstances unless they look to ‘the things that are of Jesus as Saviour and Son of God we are in a Communion unseen’? As we pray for those who suffer, let us resolve to be where there is no longer a common mind. of the same mind and to be faithful to Christ wherever he has Some say this does not matter. For instance, the ‘Bishops in placed us. Dialogue’ group after their Coventry meeting earlier this The threat of atrocity is now truly global. Following the jihadist killing of a young soldier on duty at Canada’s national “Wabukala” continued on back page Page 2 Renewing Orthodox Anglicanism LGBT Advocates “Mess with Texas” (and the First Amendment) BY THE RT. REV. DAVID C. ANDERSON, a homosexual mayor in the first place, he said, “Sad to say – PRESIDENT AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD yes. Too many people thought that electing a gay mayor for Houston was no big deal. Just another way we underestimate any congregations, in making the transition to the An- the gay agenda.” Mglican Church in North America, have been sued by Eventually, Mayor Parker withdrew her requests for sub- their former denomination, had their church buildings confis- poena, though the lawsuit that challenges the ordinance will cated, often with the connivance of ignorant or biased judges, begin in January of 2015. and yet we have worked hard to simply glance in the rear view When you drive into Texas, you usually see a large sign that mirror and put our focus on what is ahead. cautions, DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS. I don’t know about you, but I take that seriously.
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