.'. V agi&saaassissa^&s JS^>^' PAGE B14 — THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 2000 UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED More power is on the way AUTO FOR SALE 1 JEEP GRAND Cheroko»Mrofted.1998>4g.CQQ ^y loaded with every option, $23,800. for Chrysler's PT Cruiser 908-918-1355. JEEP WRANGLER. 1989, automatic, 6 cytarv By Marie Maynard that Weiner named ^Bruizer Wild dor, white mrith Ofoy hardtop, new tires, Qood Copley News Service Fire Prizm." condition. $4500, CaB 973-736-3150.. Sportier version ••' »*w PT Orui Inside, there is a full six-point roll LINCOLN TOWN CAR 1990. black, 64,000 on the way cage* four carbon-fiber racing bucket mOes, excellent condffion, 20 Rynda Road. South Orange, doth top, loaded, beige interior Ouysler has created concepts for a seats — lightly upholstered and 7634W96. "Your Best Sourigf&Comtnunity Information" PT Cruiser Pane] Truck and the GT approved by the Federation Interna- MERCURYCQUGAR XR7,1994,42,000 Origi- Cruiser concept iwth a nirbocharged tional d* Automobile — four-point nal miles, sflvier, V8, automatic, an power, ?<W borsepow er >»^ginc. Also in the AM/FM cassette, excellent condition Asking racing harnesses, carbon-fiber dash- SS800. 973-994-0369. •drawingslap*" •• ™ ' '^r^ r^^^r ***** board to match the seats, racing "nvertible MERCURY GRAND Marquis LS. 1992. 62k. gauges, first system, fuel ce« "^ ° excellent conation. Afl power, abs, air bags, Afternwrk*** ^icmrrayers are also fall entertainment system cassette. New fires, a/c, brakes. S6800 908-964-16S6. salivating fr*» » <~h-\nce to add their To get ready for the SEMGA show, artistic infloTX^s Among them is MERCUFIY SABLE LS. 1995 green with tan he had two crews working on the car f-n Performance West in Vista, Calif-, for 554 weeks, 16 to 18 hours a day leather interior Automatic, A/C, afl power, 70K Graduates educational si maes, front wheel drive. S729S 973-376-2937 which unveiled its PT Bnrizer at the but there is more to do, Weiner says. By Rubat Cuakley recent Specialty Fqniptnent Marker NtSSAN MAXIMA. 1989.11 OK, manual trans- tirst mission i> speea sunroof, charcoal grey StafT Writer S3,100 or best offer. As is. 973-762-2330. class of the 21st centmy prepared to setup. The Rabway Higji School co- leave RHS behind and go oat into the POriTTAC TRANS Am. 1986.5.7 TPI. auto/air **Wltb that much power, the valcdictorians told tbor fellow gradu- world. permutation* on PT Cruiser should be a>>le to stop wcU conditioning, power windows, locks, *T top. alarm, remote start. Super dean. Asltino 2 dc. 6 cyL 4 tp. auto nns^ p«r i V6. «jtotwta.pVA ates June 22 thai while receiving their Aproxiinately 230 graduates tined he* endless," say* Larry Weiner. comers." hr S2600. best offer Bin, 908-276-3039. cass. tS, cnasa, rwin conv. , SfcJY2296- WiffYX2S(7S6. MSRP SMTBO cass. WCO. V Catar TV. VCR r dot Mrtna bo«nJt. at enni, dMp diplomas was a larfyimaA event* the of Performance West. He has Vatx. rmnof kaytest «ntry, alum, whls, rr du» dr. 5TK «Y1786, VIN op at the site of the now-dosed Rab- SAAB .900 Turbo Convarttola. 1989. Charcoal ,TV«0*1aSK»«.lMMpiieB)W «YB14B024. MSRP $35,578. Inpr. $1000 Factory R«bal». years and efiBoxt^nitinto their educa- way Public library—on Central building show cars for 30 years. grey, teattiw intenor1 atitofnatic,jCD^jalann. 86.000 traes. Asking $11,000.973-763-1330 tions was the real arfrievement Avenue to march to Veteran's lield. Cr>-vat«fictorian Oofin Hartneo TOYOTA CAMRY, 1990.5 speed, power tocks The boys had black gowns while windows, sun roof, tape, 4 door, 100,000 mbes. opened his robe to show (he class a the gjrls wore red gowns. The bleach- Hie fi*m is a liaison fcelwren »he AUTOMOTIVE S3200. 973-763^99. special RHS T-shirt be warwearing, ion7«0cef and the afternv**1--*' ••***" •' ers were filled with their friends and shortly before an errant gafit of wind family to cheer them on- The march •*ate 'im-fje v-hicles AUTO WANTED caused a nearby Afpoican flag f* Wfiner ha* r*r<»d»ce/1 high was led by a Rahway police motorcy- $500 AND UP paid 1989/ newer cars, trucks. T AUTO FOR SALE ^mack against him. or t» nee » *rpi<~'\y c*f tjv Chrysler Top $- Toyota, Honda. Tfissan. any condition. cle, and covered by family members ACURA INTEGRA RS. 1996. 5 speed, cd. 1960/ 70'$ junks. $20- $50 We tow, "It is the journey, not the goal." with cassette, red, ey*»flent concSUon, new 973-256-7021. 7 days. Hartnett told the class. "If I went "1 am looking forward to going to S10.0OO iires, 60,000 through 13 years of school just for a school after this,** said graduate Tho- iad <ah 908-964-1257. *BtE PAYS TOP $$$ IN CASH CARS, TRUCKS AND VANS tassel to hang in my face, Fd be a mas Watson. "I am grateful to every- 1'' c chop will rfc> six or seven diffe AUDI A4,1997 sedan Quattro V6, 5 speed. -4 ALSO WRECKS AND JUNKS pretty disappointed guy right now *-*ne who helped me." variants of the PT Cruiser thi* door. blue, sunroof, leather, loaded. ASK rnOes RUNNWaOR NOT S24.0Q0 Amanda. 973-564-7200. days. When I look back on all that has gone "1 am now talcing that journey into incl'idin'" a ViHer pick **EE PICK UP 7 DAYS 1 ALTTO SPECIAL - S31 00 tor 10 weeks prepaid an in the pact, I pet a b|g smite on my life, and I am really excited." «aid gra- ! 1-800-953-9328 *' Call aassffied tor details 800-564-8911 908-638-2929 face." duate Crystal Moore. BUICK PARK Avenue uma. 1991. Dark otue, Co-valedictorian Victoria Myers "Everyone always g»r<? I woold be No expense was spared for oV PT 100.000 miles. Gmat running condition. $3500 $$$WE PAY TOP DOLLAR$$$ said that this moment was the big upset when I graduated,"* said which Weiner calls **a rca? 908-273-853^ For Your Junk Car milestone for all the graduates — the Samantha Knreczka. "But we are vanant." To replicate his mod CARS S100. £500 Ponce impounds. Hondas. ** Hour Sendee. Call: Toyotas, CJievys, Jeeps and Sport Utilities moment where they all could share excited to be graduating and go on to would add about $20,000 to CALLNOW11-80D 7^0 77-T F*tension3050 908-688-7420 * heir joys and pains witb one another. bigger and better things.** p of a basic Cruiser. (SCA Network) . "After this, our lives will diverge There are certain people we will Hi* concept is high performance CARS FROM S50W Honda. Oevy. Jeep, and Sport Utility Police impounds and reposses- into -23S different-ffircctious, where keep in touch with." JeuiiiferTnmcale Nut built to be driven on the street. To •aons Currenl fas^ngs 800-&4t-8777; «xterv ! we win find oar own niches in life. said. "Everybody else, it was nice make it to faster, be added a Kenne sion CM9a Fee, a if & SUVs REQUCEO! I CREDIT APPROVAL! Myers said. knowing yon.*" Bell sopercharger that pushed the CHARITY CARS - Donate your vehicle, tax This is a great' class for the new Sitting near the podium were mem- stock 150-hp, 2.4-liter four-cylinder deductide. tree towing. We provide vehicles to Union County Wsura&tlBS needy families. As seen on Oprah and People millenniunV* said Rabway High bers of the Rahway City Council and to about 210 bp. For those who just Magazine! 1-800-442-445 1 School Principal Edward Yergalonjc Board of Education. Councilman can't get enough power, be added a wwwr.ctBritycars.org. ^^ daring comineucement- Donald Andersen said he was pleased nitrous-oxide injection system. CHEVROLETLUMINA, 1997 V-6. 3.1. sDver4 Warm weather, praise and an inflat- that recent rainstorms did not return jq The suspension was lowered by 2 door sedan. Low 33.000 miles, mint condition Asking SIO.OOO CaP 973-762-8464, evenings On-line^ ony. of 2000 at Memorial Reid The See RHS, Page 8 and fitted with Eibach springs, CHEVY CAMARO 1986. S2500 or best offer, new engin«, battery, carburetor, starter, brakes YOUR PkbCoaBy 18-inch high-performance Continen- and toes Lifetime warranty 201-650-4746. tal ContiSport tires — P255/35 ZR — MicneOe FIND IT on 9J4 -inch-wide BBS modulai DODGE GRAND Caravan 1991. Good concfi- fon. S2500. Call 908-851-0759. Partnership director wheels. FORD EXPUDRER. 1996. mocha, 4 wheel Quick & Easy The exterior is drenched in Chrom- drive. 53.000 miles, excellent running condt- Rair ColorShift paint — $1,100 a gaJ- tioa an service records, dual air bags S13.750. new position 973^761-5404. NctvShupUslinTticWctj lon — that changes color from lipstick www.locaisource.com/ • 0Fl}£OJHttDBUBrSJWmCE$mJUXAl£C0SJSTDBEW £XCEn UCENSMG, REGISTRATION A TAXES. PfVCES VAUO FHOU 72HBS.VFv^/w.muiticheurolet.com \ By Robert Coakky red to magenta to brilliant gold as you ?& C GSG£ 2U Hours A D;*v: walk around the car. It is a special mix ADVERTISE \ TO PR1UA8Y LBiDEfU'^REDn SEVEPfTY UAY.AFFECT:DOWN PAYUEHT;; Staff Writer The director of the Rahway Center Partnership is continuing his '*~*,rJ*iZ'k.*ii-^::.-~.,' • •• -aftrr.lairing & ww^positioir in Pennsylvania.. visit our web site at www. iynnesinfiniii. com "We would like people to know who we ore and what we are doing.* said Partnership Chairman Mike Melia. BUI Fontana, the Partnership director, has taken a position as the executive director of the Pennsylvania Downtown Center in Harrisborg. He returns to Approximately 230 Rahway High School graduates Rahway a few times a month.
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