THE OIL & GAS YEAR The Who’s Who of the Global Energy Industry ARTICLES | INTERVIEWS | VIEWPOINTS | MARKET ANALYSIS | RESOURCES | PROJECTS | MAPS | INVESTOR SPOTLIGHTS EQUATORIAL GUINEA 2015 Equatorial Guinea’s energy outlook Gabriel MBAGA OBIANG LIMA Minister of Mines, Industry and Energy Progress in a volatile market Mercedes EWORO MILAM Director-General of Hydrocarbons ISBN 978-1-78302-108-6 Gas potential 9 781783 021086 Juan Antonio NDONG ONDO Director-General www.theoilandgasyear.com SONAGAS EQUATORIAL GUINEA 2015 THE OIL & GAS YEAR The Who’s Who of the Global Energy Industry In partnership with: C U A ON N I ID IC AD JUST PAZ 17 34 TE N Diplomacy & Politics Exploration & Production T S Equatorial Guinea’s economy is expected to While recent offshore developments, including 2 shrink for a third consecutive year in 2015, as the scheduled introduction of Africa’s first floating EQUATORIAL GUINEA 2015 EQUATORIAL the resource-dependent country faces declin- LNG platform at block R, promise to offset Equa- ing production, compounded by the fall in oil torial Guinea’s seven years of production decline, prices. The government’s efforts to strengthen fundamental doubts linger. Low oil prices were foreign trade ties, especially with China, and blamed for the slim interest attracted by the coun- improve its image abroad, must be met with try’s latest licensing round and the pullback on an equal push to increase the flow of goods exploration plans by upstream companies, how- and services with its regional neighbours. ever concerns about the business, social and po- litical environment may also have played a role. 6 THE YEAR IN REVIEW 39 IN PRODUCTION: Hydrocarbons production 40 CANOMP Y PROFILE:Noble Energy 7 INTERVIEW: Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima, Minister of 41 ILLUSTRATION: Alen Development Mines, Industry and Energy 42 ANCOMP Y PROFILE:Marathon Oil 7 IN GDP: Share of GDP in Equatorial Guinea by sector 43 OPERATIONS REPORT: Start with what you know. Oliver 8 IN RESERVES: Reserves and reserves-to-production ratios Moss, Vaalco Energy 9 THE YEAR’S AWARDS 43 MAP: Block P 10 TIMELINE: 20 years of Equatorial Guinea’s oil production 44 CANOMP Y PROFILE:Mobil Equatorial Guinea 12 EQUATORIAL GUINEA AT A GLANCE 44 I N THE FIELD: Zafiro field production, 2011-2020 13 INVESTORS INDEX 46 OPERATIONS REPORT: Ahead of schedule. Frank Ene, 14 THE YEAR IN ENERGY RoyalGate Energy 46 MAP: Exploration wells in block EG-08 16 DIPLOMACY & POLITICS 47 MAP: Exploration wells in block Z 48 P ROJECT HIGHLIGHT: Fortuna Gasfield Development 17 A: RTICLE Friends and woes. Falling output and low prices 49 MAP: Prospects and development areas in block R pressure the government to open borders to free trade 50 ANCOMP Y PROFILE:GEPetrol 18 INFOGRAPHIC: CEMAC socioeconomic indicators 52 CANOMP Y PROFILE:Hess Equatorial Guinea 19 VIEWPOINT: A policy for the future. Agustín Mba Okomo, MMIE 52 MAP: Okume complex 20 INTERVIEW: César A. Hinestrosa Gómez, MMIE 54 INTERVIEW: André Luiz Crusius Filho, G3 Oil and Gas 21 :ARTICLE Stranded at sea. Boundary disputes have stalled 54 IN PRODUCTION: Top five oil producers in Central and offshore oil and gas projects West Africa, 2004-2014 21 MAP: Gulf of Guinea borders 55 INVESTOR SPOTLIGHTS: PanAtlantic Exploration, 22 INTERVIEW: David Shaw, RPS Energy Glencore Exploration 23 INTERVIEW: Óscar Vicente García Berniko, MMIE 56 INTERVIEW: Arthur Eze, Atlas Petroleum International 23 IN INVESTMENT: Foreign direct investment 56 MAP: Atlas Petroleum blocks in Equatorial Guinea 24 :ARTICLE Beyond oil rents. Equatorial Guinea’s government 57 GEOLOGY REPORT: Intricacies of the Río Muni basin has been ensuring that the oil and gas industry’s effects on the country go beyond oil rents 58 GAS & DOWNSTREAM 24 :RESOURCE Local content requirements in the hydrocarbons industry according to services 59 A: RTICLE Down to business. Equatorial Guinea is embarking on a diversification programme 26 THE STRATEGIC ROUNDTABLE 60 INTERVIEW: Juan Antonio Ndong Ondo, Sonagas 61 I N THE REGION: Natural gas production and reserves in 27 S TRATEGIC ROUNDTABLE PARTICIPANTS selected African countries 28 STEC OR FOCUS DEBATE 62 ANCOMP Y PROFILE:Total Equatorial Guinea 33 MAP: Available exploration data in Equatorial Guinea 63 COMMENT: The great gas rush. Low oil prices are pushing natural gas into the spotlight 34 EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION 64 :RESOURCE Alba field gas processing 65 INTERVIEW: César A. Hinestrosa Gomez, Gas Exporting 35 A: RTICLE A change of exploration. Despite depressed oil Countries Forum prices, there is still hope in hydrocarbons exploration 66 MAP: GECF members and observers 37 P ULLOUT MAP: Oil and Gas Licensing Blocks – 2015 66 MAP: Equatorial Guinea’s offshore gas reserves 38 INTERVIEW: Mercedes Eworo Milam, MMIE 66 IN DEVELOPMENT: Natural gas reserves and discoveries THE OIL & GAS YEAR | EQUATORIAL GUINEA 2015 www.theoilandgasyear.com The Who’s Who of the Global Energy Industry EQUATORIAL GUINEA 2015 The Oil & Gas Year is audited by BPA Worldwide C ON 58 74 86 TE N Gas & Downstream Banking, Finance & Legal The Year’s Focus: T S Downstream Diversification The Petrochemicals Revolution of Equatorial With deep cuts to revenue precipitated by 4 Guinea, or REPEGE, will see the first domestic falling production and low oil prices, the gov- The construction of a storage terminal on Bioko EQUATORIAL GUINEA 2015 EQUATORIAL production of fertilisers, which will both add ernment of Equatorial Guinea can no longer Island is the latest push by the government to value to the country’s reserves and help de- be relied upon to play its historical role as the diversify Equatorial Guinea’s crude export- velop the agriculture sector. The addition of a main financier and driver of the country’s do- based economy, with the potential to turn the second train at Punta Europa LNG plant, the mestic industry. The government is turning at- nation into a regional logistics centre. As oil construction of Bioko Oil Terminal and power tention to local private banks and foreign in- prices continue to wallow, plans to develop the projects are extending Equatorial Guinea’s im- vestors for alternative lines of credit, while agriculture, fishing and energy industries under portance down the oil and gas value chain. newly tightened local content laws aim to spur Horizon 2020 cannot come soon enough. growth among local and regional companies. 67 INTERVIEW: Patricia Gallego, Equatorial Guinea LNG 88 IN GDP: Real GDP growth rate in Equatorial Guinea, West 68 VIEWPOINT: Make the switch. José Cruz, Setolazar and Central Africa, 2005-2016 69 CANOMP Y PROFILE:Atlantic Methanol Production Company 89 P ROJECT HIGHLIGHT: Bioko Oil Terminal 70 VIEWPOINT: Prominence of power. Alfredo Olo Lima, 90 :ARTICLE Downstream on the horizon. The government is Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy concentrating on nascent industries 70 I:N PRICE Henry Hub natural gas spot price 91 P ROJECT HIGHLIGHT: REPEGE Complex 71 MAP:Equatorial Guinea’s trade relationship with Asia FOLDOUT ILLUSTRATION: Proposed REPEGE facilities 71 IN EXPORTS: Equatorial Guinea’s LNG exports 92 VIEWPOINT: Santiago Edu Ela, Petrochemicals 72 CANOMP Y PROFILE:SEGESA Holding Revolution of Equatorial Guinea 72 :IN POWER Central African Power Pool generation and 92 MAP: Proposed Alen-Riaba pipeline access spending, 2011-2040 93 P ROJECT HIGHLIGHT: Petroleum Industrial City of Luba 73 TIMELINE: SEGESA’s generation capacity 2001-2017 94 P ROJECT HIGHLIGHT: Industrial City of Mbini 94 MAP: Industrial City of Mbini layout plan 95 CANOMP Y PROFILE: ASPI Group Guinea Ecuatorial 74 BANKING, FINANCE & LEGAL 95 IN TRADE: Number of documents and amount of time needed to trade across borders, 2014 75 A: RTICLE In the name of sustainability. Equatorial Guinea’s overdependence on oil revenues is coming to an end 96 OILFIELD SERVICES 75 IN ENFORCEMENT: Contract enforcement across all sectors, with regional and international comparison BUTTERFLY MAP: Proposed repege facilities illustration 76 IN PROPERTY: Buying and selling property across all 97 A: RTICLE The best of times, the worst of times. The low sectors, with regional and international comparison cost of oilfield services is incentivising drilling programmes 77 INTERVIEW: NJ Ayuk, Centurion Law Group 98 ANCOMP Y PROFILE:Weatherford Equatorial Guinea 78 INTERVIEW: Alfred Kasongo, Ecobank 99 CANOMP Y PROFILE:Services Algoa International EG 78 I N THE BANK: Major macroeconomic indicators 99 MAP: K5 Oil Centre 79 COMMENT: A little goes a long way. A co-investment 100 :RESOURCE Floating production, storage and offloading fund will help diversify Equatorial Guinea’s economy vessel details 80 INTERVIEW: Sébastien Lechêne, PwC 101 INTERVIEW: Nicholas Gillard, SBM Offshore 81 INFOGRAPHIC: Foreign direct investment in the region 101 IN LOCAL CONTENT: Local content requirements 82 VIEWPOINT: Account for change. José Rebollar, Société 102 CANOMP Y PROFILE:GEPsing Générale de Banques en Guinée Equatoriale 103 MAP: Production and storage at the Aseng FPSO 82 AINRI CSONOMP : Public sector debt in 2014 104 INVESTOR SPOTLIGHTS: Texas International, 83 MA RKET ANALYSIS: Financial aid. Nuria Mandje, Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes Mandje Global Consultants 105 INTERVIEW: Franck Sauvalle, Luba Oil Terminal EG 83 IN THE BANK: Getting credit rating indicators 84 MA RKET ANALYSIS: Strengthen the financial sector. 106 ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Yves Parfait Nguema, Deloitte 85 INTERVIEW: Pablo Memba Etuba, Grupo Memba 107 A: RTICLE In flux. Construction in the midstream and petrochemicals sectors will get a boost 86 THE
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