; . ^ • try. ' f-'.VJ'JIt.yt'-i^ If you stek 0 delightful Toinorro'.i^Thc day when |,', ."^ misers Rive, ivhen idlers pcnmula, look about you. M'ork, and when siinicrs re­ —Motto of Michigan. form. Seventy-fourtli year, No. 14 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 6,1933 Twelve Pages EDUCATOR WINS • sanaamiaabi'.'f Man Given Jail Tei*m LSECRET Democrats and Republicans For Dodging Dog Tax William Parker of Lansing is Share Honors In Townships ONS; 16 RETURNED OEFEATSREPUB serving 15 days in the county jail EERB for refusal to pay 1932 license fees CONTESTS HELD MONDAY IN U OF COUNTY'S 16 TOWN­ covering five dogs harbored by him. MARGIN OVERWH He was brought before Justice D. SHIPS, REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS SHARE HONORS. P. Whitmore last Thursday. Tho ALL IG .SUPKaVISoUS Ul. FOK DEM MA,IoaITIES iMAV REACH dogs are still in the possession of PRETTY BAR MAIDS To REPLACE Split Ticl<ets Decide Many Contests As Party Lines Arc Cast, aE-ELEOTIolV WIN. HIGH OF LSO.OOO. OLD TIME BARTENDEItS, tho Parker family and the license Aside In Townsldp Voting, Recount Looms In Lansing Town­ fees have not been paid. Parker one Contest Decided By Four Voles, Republican Strongth In Kurnl Sections refuses permission for the dog Cnnimlssinii Roboniinoniled Fnr Con- sltip, Interest Higli Everywliere In County. Several otluir Townsiiip Offset bv Huge Democnitlc warden to dispatch the dogs. The Irol ot Beer .\nrt Wine TnilTlc^ allocs ClOHC, Cily Vote. next step in tho case is not known. Legl.slnt.ive Fight E.vpectfiil. Rural sections of Lhe counly nre quieling down aflcr Lho annual lownship elections hold tMonday. In only two lownshlps, Onondaga nnd Locke, were By V. J. Brown An unusual feature of Lhe election That republican candidates went Lhe elections non-conlesled. In Lhe other 14 townships Lhere were many' Monday was Lhe success won by in­ down to the worst defeat in the his­ At last the ndminisLralion beer bill cumbent supervisors, There wore .16 tory of tbe party in Michigan is dis­ is out of the bag. Carefully concenl- conlosts. Democrnls and republicans shared iionors in lhe qieclions. In supervisors up for rc-elocLion nnd all closed as • the belated returns of ONLYFIVEI PS ed from public gaze until after the many cases, even where lhe voting wns heavy, party lines were disregarded 10 wore winners, although in several Monday's election nre received. Every people had elocLed thoir dclogntos Lo nnd township offices shared between domocrals and republicans. Llie repeal convention, tho bill was in­ instances Lhe margins were close. democrat elected will likely h.avo a Tho repeal issue brought out many voters who oLherwise would have I'c- When the board of supervisors meets margin of between 100,000 and 130,- STAY IN DRY COL troduced in the senate on Tuesday and for the April session the 16 rural sup­ 000. immediately became the center of in­ mained at home. Tho stale licket in several instances went republican while terest in legislative circles. township lickcLs wont strongly demo­ ervisors and the 10 supervisors from Republicans held their own in many BOTH DISTRICTS OF INGHAM PAUL F. VOELKER cratic. An account of tho slate elcc- Lnnsing, I3ast Lansing and Mason will of the outside sections taut in Detroit, ARE WON BY REPEALISTS. The governor was frank in slaling all be veterans. It is the first time in Mr. Voelker was successful in his Flint, Pontiac, Lansing and other in­ LhaL he did noL desire Lo have his bill Lion is in another column. race for superintendent of public in­ A recounL looms in Lansing Lowii- history that every member of tho dustrial sections the democrats piled Stiilie Convention Will Probably be before tho public until after election. ROADS SUFFER OAiGE struction. He defeated Webster H. ship where Hubert Sellers, republican county board has withstood caucuses up huge margins. Republican candi­ Miule Up of 99 Repeal Dclcgiik's Ho was just as frank in his fonrs that Pearce, rcpublicnn, by a huge major­ candidate for treasurer, and Raymond and township elections as well. dates conceded defeat shortly after iind One Dry Delegate. its wide-open features might make ity, Mr. Voelker was formerly pres­ Lansing has 10 members on the midnight as the first Detroit returns some voters hesitate on their repeal R Wilcox, republican clerk, apparently ident of Olivet college and a former BY SPRING DiN county board. East Lansing has four began to roll in'to headquarters. Ingham county voted overwhelm­ vote. Monday's voting is proof that lost ouL by narrow margins. president of Battle Creek college, tho supervisors while Mason has two. The ,Iudgcs Defeated ingly for repeal along with the rest of nothing could have prevented Mich­ LEROY AND WHIO.VTFIELD SEC­ .AIiiieilDn Kellogg institution. city delegations nre not changed by George H. Clark and John S. Mc­ the state in the election Monday. Del­ igan electors from casting thoir votes TIONS UNDER WATER. Republicans were successful wilh the oloction, only township supervi­ Donald, two of Lhe most able justices egates pledged to tho ratification of against prohibition. With every ad­ one cxcepLion in Alaiedon lownship. sors having Lo sland at spring elec­ of the supreme court, were snowed tbe 21st amendment and the repeal vantage in the set-up by districts, dry Spring Farm Work IIiiKfvd Becnuse of Robert W. Stillman, democratic can­ tions. under by George E. Bushnell and Ed­ of tho 18th amendment won by large voters wore confident they would con­ llnln, Countrvsiile is Dotit4nl didaLe for Lreasuror, wns tho only Evenly Divided LE ward M. Sharpe. It is the first time majorities in both legislative districts trol a substantial number of dele­ With litirge Poiiils. Jefforsonian lo come out ahead. Ho On political lines the supervisors of the county. It now appears that of gates. They elected one out of a hun­ won by soven voles. E. A. Tyler, vet­ nro about evenly divided. Inasmuch as FORMER STUDENT WINS the 100 delegates to win seats in the dred. The drys pleaded for a delib­ Ingham counly highways were eran republican supervisor, led his Lansing, Mason and East Lansing Charles F. Hemans was elected state ratification convention to be erative convention. That lone Barry damaged by the heavy rains last Fri­ ticket with 191 votes against Herbert supervisors are chosen on non-parti­ 115,000 BJ PAY! regent of the University of Michi­ held in Lansing April 10 that only delegate may now deliberate as long day and Saturday. The seclion hard- Taylor wilh 117. Other rosulls wore: gan Monday. Mr. Hemans is a Clerk, M. L. Hunt (R) 107, Wesley san tickets the political affiliations of DELINQUENT TAXES To FORCE ono dry delegate will bo present. The as he may wish but he will perforce esl hii was in Whoalfiokl and Leroy city members arc not accented. How­ graduate of Mason high school dry delegate is from the arid county deliberate alone. Lownshlps whore the heaviest fall of Thomas (D) 136; treasurer, Ferris CITY To REFUND BONDS. Green (R) 148, Robert W. Stillman ever, both Mason members and one with the class of 1914. He is a of Barry. The Wilkowski bill providing for the rain was reported. A cloudburst esli- son of the late Lawton T. He­ maLed at more lhan two inches coup­ .(D) 1.55; justice, B. F. Arend (R) 174, from East Lansing are listed as dem­ Council Discusses Ways And Meiui.s Just five townships of Ingham coun­ licensing and taxation of the business mans, once a candidate for gover­ led with the rapid release of frost did J. A. Higbee (D) 125; highway com­ ocrats. It is said that there are four or Plirliig Aid For Uneniploycd, ty, a dry stronghold for 20 years, of manufacturing and selling wine and nor. considerable damage Lo the Mason- missioner, Martin B. Allen (R) 160, democrats in the Lansing delegation fVIust Cut E.vpcnscs. stayed with tho ship and some of boor departs in many instances from Howell and Alaicdon Center roads in Leslie A. Pnlcn (D) 142; bonrd of re­ of 10. Nine rural supervisors are them went dry by a handful of votes, the practices of the old saloon days. in 50 years that democrats have had Leroy and Wheatfield. Harrison Av­ view, Frank Sovornnce (R) 160, .'Vdani democrats so that the board is evenly Mason is unable to meet ?15,000 in The townships giving Dora H. Stock­ The 1933 rathskeller is quite some a place on the supreme court bench. enue near East Lnnsing wns also Biebesheimer (D) 143. divided with 10 democrats and 16 re­ bonds now duo. That wns the infor­ man, the dry delegate, majorities differenL from tho old grog shop of Charles F. Hemans and Franklin M. broken through in several places. Jesse Curtis as justice of the ponce publicans. mation given the city council Tues­ wore Alaiedon, Aurelius, I n g h a m, 1916. There will be no bar and no Cook, democrats, won by huge major­ to fill vacancy and Loris B. Curtis, There are few occasions when the day night. Aid. Arthur W. Jewett Locke and Wheatfield. Wheatfield is shining footrail. Tho barkeep will not Harry S. Coons, County highway board divides along political lines. The opened a discussion of financial mat­ ities in their drive to become regents throw up a mug of foaming amber engineer, estimates that repairs to the Don Everolt, Emerson Wagoner and more common division is Lhat into city ters when he declared that the city of the university. They defeated Wil­ WANT BEER LICENSES and slide it the length of shining ma­ highways in Wheatfield and Leroy Lloyd Asoltino as constables were un­ and rural factions and oven then the faces bankruptcy because of delin- liam L.
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