Cumulative Index of ARGIA and Bulletin of American Odonatology Compiled by Jim Johnson PDF available at http://odonata.bogfoot.net/docs/Argia-BAO_Cumulative_Index.pdf Last updated: 14 February 2021 Below are titles from all issues of ARGIA and Bulletin of American Odonatology (BAO) published to date by the Dragonfly Society of the Americas. The purpose of this listing is to facilitate the searching of authors and title keywords across all issues in both journals, and to make browsing of the titles more convenient. PDFs of ARGIA and BAO can be downloaded from https://www.dragonflysocietyamericas.org/en/publications. The most recent three years of issues for both publications are only available to current members of the Dragonfly Society of the Americas. Contact Jim Johnson at [email protected] if you find any errors. ARGIA 1 (1–4), 1989 Welcome to the Dragonfly Society of America Cook, C. 1 Society's Name Revised Cook, C. 2 DSA Receives Grant from SIO Cook, C. 2 North and Central American Catalogue of Odonata—A Proposal Donnelly, T.W. 3 US Endangered Species—A Request for Information Donnelly, T.W. 4 Odonate Collecting in the Peruvian Amazon Dunkle, S.W. 5 Collecting in Costa Rica Dunkle, S.W. 6 Research in Progress Garrison, R.W. 8 Season Summary Project Cook, C. 9 Membership List 10 Survey of Ohio Odonata Planned Glotzhober, R.C. 11 Book Review: The Dragonflies of Europe Cook, C. 12 Book Review: Dragonflies of the Florida Peninsula, Bermuda and the Bahamas Cook, C. 12 Constitution of the Dragonfly Society of America 13 Exchanges and Notices 15 General Information About the Dragonfly Society of America (DSA) Cook, C. 16 ARGIA 1, Season Summary, 1989 Brazil Dunkle, S.W. 1 Brazil Garrison, R.W. 2 Peru Dunkle, S.W. 5 Singapore Paulson, D.R. 6 Florida Cuyler, R.D. 8 Alabama Tennessen, K.J. 8 Georgia Cuyler, R.D. 9 Kentucky Cook, C. 9 New York Donnelly, T.W. 10 North Carolna Cook, C. 10 North Carolina Cuyler, R.D. 11 North Carolina Donnelly, T.W. 13 Tennessee Cook, C. 13 Pennsylvania Donnelly, T.W. 13 Venezuela Donnelly, T.W. 15 West Virginia Donnelly, T.W. 15 Washington Paulson, D.R. 15 ARGIA 2 (1–4), 1990 The Dragonfly Society of America's Second Annual Collectors Meeting to Be Held in Wisconsin Vogt, T. 1–2 June 21–23, 1991 Unpublished Records in Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA) Bick, G.H. 3–4 Kentucky Commission Reports 20 Percent of State's Streams Polluted, But Administration Cook, C. 4–6 Follows Policy to Permit Additional Discharge Los Caballeros y Los Caballitos Daigle, J.J. 6–7 Peru Revisited Dunkle, S.W. 7–10 Computerized New World Odonata List Version 2.0 Garrison, R.W. 11–12 Dragonfly Society of America's 1990 Meeting Harp, G.L. 13 New Species of Cordulegaster Discovered in Arkansas Tennessen, K.J. 14 EPA Rejects Proposed Colorado Dam (Reprinted from Trout Unlimited) 14 Kentucky Scientists Hope to Establish Natural History Museum (Reprinted from Kentucky Arts 15–16 & Science Bulletin) The ARGIA "Forum" Cook, C. 17–19 Field and Cabinet Techniques (Or How to Catch and Prepare Dragonflies in 101 Easy Lessons!) Cook, C. 20–23 Miscellanea: How to Say It in Russian! 23 A Suggested Forum for Discussing the Validity of Some American Odonate Species Donnelly, T.W. 23 Minutes of Formative Meeting of DSA, Johnson City, Tennessee, 08/11/89 Dunkle, S.W. 25 Dragonfly Society of America (DSA) Minutes—1 June 1990 Business Meeting, Jonesboro, Cook, C. 25–31 Arkansas The Proposed New–World Odonata Fauna Publication Series Donnelly, T.W. 31–32 Two New Executive Council Members Elected 32 XI International Symposium of Odonatology Trevi (Perugia), Italy, August 18–25, 1991 Final 32–33 Announcement Preliminary Notice of Odonata Satelite Meeting at XIX International Congress of Entomology, Kiauta, B. 33–34 Beijing, 1992 XIX International Congress of Entomology Beijing 1992 Yan-Ru, W. 34 A Proposed Library for DSA Cook, C. 34 Membership List of the Dragonfly Society of America 35–38 Exchanges and Notices 42 General Information About the Dragonfly Society of America (DSA) 43 ARGIA 3 (1), 1991 Oklahoma Revisited: Unpublished Records Bick, G. H. 1–4 Mystery Dragonfly 4 Prospectus for a New Journal for Odonata Faunal Studies Donnelly, T. 5–7 Editorial Response 8–9 Request for Information On Computerized Data Retrieval Systems Donnelly, T. 8 Nature Conservancy Acquires Wetlands Site in Warren County, KY Jennings, S. 9 Hollywood Dragonflies Dunkle, S.W. 10–11 The Kentucky Nature Conservancy; Dedicated to Ecological Conservation Kaukas, R. 11–15 Landfill Requests Permit to Expand Onto Protected Wetlands Cook, C. 15–17 Collecting Odonata in Trinidad, West Indies Michalski, J. 17–19 New DSA Officers Elected for 1991–1992 19 The ARGIA "Forum" Cook, C. 20–21 Lady Changes Name to "Dragonfly" White, H. 21 New from the British SIO Office 22 Chinese–German Cooperative Survey of Chinese Insects Announced 22 News From Mrs. Gloyd and Mrs. Klots 23 Robert Moylan Gambles, 1910–1990 23 Invitation to Visit Milwaukee Museum 23 Research Requests: Mike May Needs Rare Genera of Corduliidae May, M.L. 24 Research Requests: The Bicks Need Material of Euthore Bick, G.H. 24 Research Requests: Information on Chlorogomphus Wanted Barlow Jr., A.E. 24 Research Requests: Where is the Holotype of Neurocordulia clara Muttkowski? Cook, C. 24 The Sympetrum internum/rubicundulum Question—Again! Michalski, J. 25 Topic For Discussion Barlow Jr., A.E. 25 Exchanges and Notices 25–26 New Book Review: A Catalogue and Guide to the Dragonflies of Trinidad (Order Odonata), by 26–27 John Michalski New Books Available 26 New Book Review: Damselflies of Florida, Bermuda and the Bahamas, by Sidney W. Dunkle 27 ARGIA 3(2), 1991 A Synonymic List of the New World Odonata Garrison, R.W. 1–30 ARGIA 3(3), 1991 Dragonfly Society of America's "Grantsburg Dragonfest" Cook, C. 1–7 Presidential Profile: T. W. Donnelly Cook, C. 7–8 Anax junius Drury, Hagenius brevistylus Selys, and Macromia illinoisensis Walsh, Illustrated Brunelle, P.-M. 8 Lifesize from Examples Collected in Nova Scotia A New Key to the Larvae of North American Somatochlora Daigle, J.J. 9–10 Western Collecting Trip—1991 Donnelly, N. 11 Midwestward, Ho! The Story of Three Rugged Bughunters in the Wilderness of I-80 Michalski, J. 12–14 Northeastern Odonata Meeting, 8–9 June, 1991 Donnelly, N. 12 The Status of Odonatology in Mexico and Central America Novelo G., R. 15–18 1992 DSA Annual Meeting Cook, C. 19 1992 North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting Cook, C. 19 2nd Neotropical Odonatologists Meeting Cook, C. 19 The French Organize a Society of Odonatology Cook, C. 20 DSA's Policy on Selecting Meeting Sites Cook, C. 20 Tim Vogt Elected to DSA Council Cook, C. 20 ARGIA Adds Photographic Editor to Staff Cook, C. 20 An Atlas of Odonata Sites? Cook, C. 21 Comments from Rob Cannings 21 Address Changes 21 Exchanges and Notices 22 Book Review: Catalogue of the Family-Group, Genus-Group and Species-Group Names of the Garrison, R.W. 23–24 Odonata of the World by Charles A. Bridges & A Distributional List of World Odonata 1991 by Shigeru Tsuda Book Review: Dragonflies and Damselflies of Cape Cod, by Virginia Carpenter Cook, C. 24 Mystery Dragonfly 25 Riding Tennessen, K.J. 25 ARGIA 3(4), 1991 Field Notes of an Anuran Odonatist (Or the Quest for Odonates in a Shopper's Paradise) Barlow Jr., A.E. 1–4 Tachopteryx thoreyi in the Northeast US: Some New Information and Questions Barlow Jr., A.E. 4–5 Further Comments on the Genus Sympetrum Cannings, R.A. 5–6 11th SIO Symposium Held in Trevi, Italy Carpenter, V.A. 7 Current Problems in Sympterum and Libellula (a.k.a. Plathemis) Donnelly, T.W. 8–12 Late Summer Collecting Trip to Texas Daigle, J.J. 8 Ohio Dragonfly Survey Produces Interesting Observations: "Stinging Dragonlies" and Migrating Glotzhober, R.C. 13–14 Swarms Over the Trails With the Michalski's in 1990 Michalski, J. 14–17 Field and Cabinet Techniques Cook, C. 18–20 Alabama Collecting in 1991 Tennessen, K. 18 40th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society Johnson, D.M. 20–22 Literature Reviews: Chao, Hsiu-fu, 1990. The Gomphid Dragonflies of China (Odonata: Cook, C. 22–23 Gomphidae) Literature Reviews: Watson, J. A. L., G. Theischinger, and H. M. Abbey, 1991. The Australian Cook, C. 23 Dragonflies, A Guide to the Identification, Distribution and Habitats of Australian Odonata Literature Reviews: Watson, J. A. L., 1991. The Australian Gomphidae (Odonata) Cook, C. 23 Notices 24–25 Membership List of the Dragonfly Society of America 25–28 The "Mystery Dragonfly" Puzzle 29 ARGIA 4(1), 1992 Conservation of the Tropical Rain Forest and its Rich Odonate Faunal Diversity in Rondonia, Emmel, T.C. 1–2 Western Brazil Questions and Answers About Tropical Rainforests 2–4 The Amazon Rainforest Region 4–6 What Consequences Does Earth Face from Continued Deforestation? 6 The Bottom Line 6–7 The Northeastern Odonata Collectors' Meeting, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, May 23–24, Orr, R.L. 7–8 1992 Second Neotropical Odonatologist Meeting: Second and Final Announcement Gonzales S., E.; Novelo G., R. 8–9 The Dragonfly Society of America's Third Annual Collectors Meeting, Meriwether Lewis Cook, C. 9–10 Monument – Laurel Hill Wildlife Area, Tennessee June 12–14, 1992 A Collector's Gathering in Trinidad? Michalski, J. 10 Taxonomic Problems (?) With Tetragoneuria Donnelly, T.W. 11–14 Reminiscing 1991: Adventures of the Michalski's Michalski, J.; Michalski, C. 12,15 The Continuing Saga of Spur Lake Road, or "The Great Bear Story" Daigle, J.J.
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