lianrljeHter Sunning ralh MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL » , 1W6 - VOL. XOV, No. 178 Manchester—A City of Village Charm tw en ty-fo u r pages — tw o sections PRICEt FIFTEEN CENTS United States Leaves Vietnam; Saigon’s Surrender Said Near SAIGON (UPI) - The United States without a fight, ending 30 years of warfare reported fleeing toe capital area and plane derwent the heaviest Communik attack of pulled out of South Vietnam today and in Indochina and 14 years of American in­ after plane flew officers and their familes toe war. Saigon government sources said toe ad­ volvement. to Taipei, to Singapore, to Thailand, to the Two U.S. Marine Guards were killed at ministration and the Viet Cong had U.S. Marine helicopters plucked groups Philippines. toe U.S. Defense Attache Office at the air­ reached agreement in principle on a of 20 and 50 Americans, other foreigners Souto Vietnamese navy sailors began port — toe first Americans to die in S(Mith cease-fire. and some Vietnamese from landing pads boarding ships in toe Saigon River to flee Vietnam in 16 months. (But in Paris the Viet Cong’s at Tan Son Nhut airbase and toe U.S. Em­ toe battle zone. At one point they opened A crowd of Vietnamese, some angry, Provisional Revolutionary Government bassy as toe evacuation continued into toe fire on Souto Vietnamese civilians attemp­ some frightened, pushed against toe gates said there could be no formal cease-fire night. ’Two senior government sources 'i4, I ting to join them. of toe U.S. Embassy as U.S. Marines were until more conditions are met — said new Vice President Nguyen Van lightened Souto Vietnamese pushed landed inside toe walled compound by withdrawal of all Americans and their Huyen had met with Viet Cong officials in and shoved some Americans off of buses helicopter. Marine reinforcemoits kept naval forces from Vietnam waters and Saigon today and agreed in principle on a sent to take them to Tan Son Nhut airport toe crowd outside toe compound to pre­ disarming of Saigon’^ army and police. cease-fire to begin Wednesday. to be flown out on U.S. helicopters. South vent the mob scenes that marked the fll^ t 2 (French government officials said toe According to senior government of­ Vietnamese troops opened fire on toe from DaNang. new conditions amounted to a virtual sur­ ficials, toe Saigon gamble to order all of­ buses but no injuries were reported. Several dozen Americans were trapped render demand.) ficial Americans out of Vietnam today Fires around Saigon lit toe n i^ t sky as on high buildings around the city. ’The American evacuation orders of paid off with toe agreement by toe Viet toe huge American helicopters, protected There were scenes of panic as President Duong Van “Big” Minh set up Cong to talk peace. by Navy F4 Phantoms and Marine (tobra frightened South Vietnamese jammed into toe surrender of Saigon to the Communists South Vietnamese soldiers were helicopter gunships, continued toe evacua­ the DAO office at toe airport, but Marine tion. guards, pushing and shoving, held them The American withdrawal caused some back. Angry Souto Vietnamese soldiers, panic, but less than many analysts had resentful of the evacuation, fired on buses RIMP U 9 Vietnamese Refugee Airlift believed would occur. A hour curfew carrying Americans from downtown fries, cole kept most Saigon residents off the streets. Saigon to toe airbase. ’There were no Dll, burier, reports of injuries. luce. Halted by Rocket Attacks ’The U.S. Defense Department said that as of 6:30 a.m. EDT 4,000 persons had been Other South Vietnamese mobbed removed from Saigon. It said operations evacuation buses and forced Americans By WALTER WISNIEWSKI besieged the American Embassy, mannecl were almost complete except for removal off toe vehicles. United Press International only by a token team of diplomats and of­ of Marine guards brought in from a fleet ’There was no evidence of a direct Viet ficials. of 50 U.S. ships standing guard in toe Souto Cong attack on toe city but explosions The American airlift of Vietnamese U.S. officials have said they could, “as a China Sea. could be heard in the distance. (UPI photo) refugees from Saigon halted today in the practical matter,” evacuate only 130,(XX) Those evacuated included 950 It appeared that many of the South Viet­ face of Communist rockets, stranding of 1 million Vietnamese men, women and Americans; toe rest were South Viet­ namese armed forces were fleeing and Not Everyone Could Go more than two thirds of the Vietnamese children whose lives would be endangered namese. that Saigon would be surrender«l without whom U.S. military officials had hoped to by a Communist takeover. Navy fighter-bombers flew overhead to a fight. A U.S. Marine dressed in battle gear as they board buses for helicopter rescue. However, not all of those who have left protect the CH53 Jolly Green Giant The new Souto Vietnamese government blocks hordes of South Vietnamese zones. President Ford ordered For those who had already escaped — the country said they became refugees in choppers, each carrying about 50 headed by retired Gen. Duong Van “Big” fear of their lives. Minh said he ordered toe Americans to citizens including this young child Americans evacuated early today en­ about 40,000 of the planned 130,000 Americans, but there was little or no evacuees were safe on Guam, Wake Island UPI correspondent Nguyen Anh Tuyet, leave within 24 hours to meet a Viet Cong from attempting to join ^ ericans at ding American presence in the war- armed opposition to toe U.S. departure. and the Philippines — the job of ferrying who interviewed refugees today at Clark demand for the start of peace talks. Tl a downtown Saigon evacuation point tom nation after almost 14 years. The Viet Cong appeared to have pulled them to the United States moved ahead at Air Base in the Philippines, said many back to facilitate the departure of toe Minh’s information minster, Ly (}ui top speed. were lured by the promise of a new life Americans, but mortar shells hit Tan Son C%ung, said on a Radio Saigon address he More than 3,000 Vietnamese pushed and jobs in America. Nhut airport during the day, menacing the believed the Communists had no intention their way aboard buses evacuating toe last Some refugees said they bought their airlift. of attacking the capital, although skir­ Sewer Improvements Americans from Saigon and made their way out. Others said they would have been At one point U.S. Navy Phantom jets mishing was under way on the outskirts. escape aboard helicopters late today, but safe had they remained in Saigon and, con­ fired on a Communist antiaircraft position “It’s certain all differences and toe U.S. airlift from 'Tan Son Nhut airport sidering toe crowded conditions in the that had fired on them. obstacles (between Saigon and the Viet up! To Cost $200,000 could not continue. makeshift refugee camps, they wished The helicopters took off into skies filled Cong) can be Ironed out,” Chung said. Mortar fire bombarded the airport and they had never left. with thunderclouds and headed southeast President Fonl said he had ordered the the last Air Force planes circling for a lan- The work of teadying a new home in toward tba cdast, escorted by gunships. evacuatiop of all Americans, including By SOL g. COgEIN ficiency and to guard ^gajitst ,11,:^ d iu .le ft when they ^w mobs of panicky America for toe exiles continued, even as military officials, because "tte military A The sounds of incoming fire could be heard togs^Hlown. • ciraians massing below. some 'Americans worried about toe im­ situation around Saigon, particularly at Improvements- eMthigftod to^edst about as the big choppers rose into toe clouds ■The recdmmended $200,0(X) expenditure Some of the marooned citizens of Saigon pact on their communities. the airport, has deteriorate to.such an ex­ $ are being recommended for. from Tan Son Nhut, which early today un- 200,000 would be for design and cpiistruction tent that this measure has become Manchester’s Secdndhiy Sewage Treat­ “under a single contract for the im­ necessary to ensure their safety.” He had ment Plant, if It is to meet the standards provements recommended, to optimize conferred for hours with toe National spelled out in the town’s National Pollu­ performance of the treatment facilities Security Council. tion Discharge Elimination System per­ and to meet the requirements of toe Legislators Report Fiscal Outlook It now appears unlikely that there will mit. P national pollution discharge permit.” be heavy fighting in Saigon and some of The recommendation is in a report by Director of Public Works Jay Giles, in a toe first panic has begun to subside. Metcalf & Eddy, a Boston engineering memo to the directors, notes the town has The Communist takeover of Saigon consultant retained under a $35,000 con­ For State in Dim and Grim Terms to July 31 df this year to notify the state would end 30 years of warfare that began t o r t last October to study the town’s and f^ eral Departments of Environmen­ in December 1946 when toe Viet Minh un­ sewage system. residents accustomed to good quality; and tal Protection it has completed By SOL R. COHEN Assembly convened,, the legislators had der leadership of Ho Chi Minh rebelled Metcalf & Eddy’s 55-page report that the 7 per cent sales tax will be modifications to its sewage system. He predicted a “Year of Austerity,” with no against French rule after the end of World minimizes infiltration/inflow problems A dim and grim picture of the state’s expanded to cover almost all services and said it’s his opinion the July 31 require­ new programs planned.
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