THREE SECTIONS—SECTION THREE (Issue of October 19 1929) Dv. r financial o2li1nerct31 flirontrie A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States JULY TO SEPTEMBER, 1929, INCLUSIVE VOLUME 129—PART 1 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS FRONT, PINE & DEPEYSTER STS., NEW YORK. Oopyrighted in 1929, according to Act of °on-rem, by WILLIAM B DANA OOMPANY, in office of Libtarian of Clongrea, Washington. D. C Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis [VoL. 129-PART 1. II INDEX INDEX TO VOLUME 129 PART 1. JULY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30 1929. EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES Page. Page. Page. - ctivities of Investment Trusts-Their Book Notices and Reviews (Concluded)- Cuba Banking Institutions Decree Provides for A Part in Stock Speculation-Need of Lord Reading. Book by C. J. C. Street_ - 19 Payment of Taxes by Banking Institu- Periodic Returns. (Communicated by Oil Industry of To-day, The. Booklet by tions to Central Government Only 1637 F. 0. March) 863 American Petroleum Institute 390 Guggenheim, Harry F.,Is Appointed Amer- Activities of Investment Trusts, The,-The Oil and Petroleum Year Book. Book by ican Ambassador to 1792 Report of the Los Angeles Chamber of Com- Walter Skinner 390 Czechoslovakia Coalition Government Re- merce, Communication from Frank G. Roman Empire, Social and Economic signs and President Masaryck Announces Mortimer 1348 History of the. Book by Professor New Elections for Oct. 27 1965 Advertising Congress, World, Opens in Berlin 1016 Rostovizeff 698 Czechoslovakia, Rumania and Yugoslavia, American Contribution to World Co-operation Booms and Banks 859 The Little Entente Countries Effect a Mili- -Reply to Article of Professor Francis British Labor Government, The Program of tary Accord 1175 Bowes Sayre 181 the 14 Broker's Loans, Expansion in_ _ _ _3, 326. 525, American Constitution as a Rock of Gibralter, "Is Not 343 683, 844, 1169, 1331, 1486. 1628. 1784, 1959 Dana, Arnold G., Article VIII on The Group Speculating Conspiracy Foster- American Constitution, The Usages of the Brokers' Loans Show Reduction 168. 1010 ing Sham Prosperity" 699 -Book by H. W. Horwill 343 Bulgarian National Bank Advances Its Delaware & Hudson Co. Files Plan for Sea- Our National Income 1181 Discount Rate 10 1 America. board Trunk Line System-Seeks Author- Material for Leadership 1026 Business Failures- America's ity to Combine Seventeen Roads 1801 Amusements. Popular 696 During June 4 Denmark, Bank of, Advances Its Discount Obsession That Will Not Down_ -1501 During Six Months Ending With June_ _ _ 4 An Ancient Rate 196$ Armament Limitation-For Discussions and During the Second Quarter 184 Detroit Stock Exchange, The-Range of Negotiations Between United States and During July 856 Stock and Bond Prices by Months 386 Great Britain. See Naval Armament. During August 1487 StepsToward Business, Investors Aid Big 1501 Armament Limitation,Practical Appointed U. S. and the Edge, Senator Walter E., -The Action of Great Britain 1175 536 rapital Flotations (New)- Ambassador to France United States National, Annual Around the '''''During June and First Half of Year Ending Educational Association, Airship Graf Zeppelin, Its Flight 540 1502 With June 347 Meeting in Atlanta, Oa World Department of_1797 During July and for the Seven Months Education, Need of a Federal Armament Reduction, The Complications 540 The Ending With July 1032 Urged-Teachers and Taxes Assembly of the League of Nations, of American 1970 During August and for the Eight Months England, Bank of, Disapproval Recent to 1009 Government Resigns Ending With August 1650 Credit Austria, Conciliation of, Raises Its Discount Rate- Formed in 1965 Capital Issues in Great Britain, The New - _ - 357 England,Bank and New Ministry Is Reasons for 1957. 1965 Commercial and Financial Capitalizing Management - Investment The Underlying Aviation: Its of, Its Hold on Gold Currents Lee Bennett- - 346 Trusts and Finance Companies. (Editorial England, Bank Aspects. Book by Richard Dilution by Amalgama- from New York Journal of Commerce) 1185 Impaired Through Aviation: The Significance of Flying 681 340 Challenge of the Williamstown Institute, The 862 tion with Fiduciary Currency Coast to Coast Returns- -10, 175, Chamber of Commerce, International. Clos- England, Bank of, Weekly 853, 1018, 1176, 1337, and Prof. Fisher on The ing Session of the, Is Held at Amsterdam- 333 334, 532. 689. ptabson, Roger 1495. 1638. 1792.1965 (Editorial Eve, Chamber of Commerce, International Dis- Speculative Situation. Rejuvenation of The.- -1344- 1645 cusses Economic Reconstruction of China_ 174 Erie Railroad, The World) A Tariff Union in 1973 Settlements- "Changing Europe." Address by Dr. Wil- Europe, Bank for International 1491,1633. With Bank for liam E. Rappard at Williamstown Institute 862 Europe. A United States of- -331. Identifying Federal Reserve 1641. 1791 Settlements 186 Chemistry in Medicine-A Co-operative International Weekly Returns of Gold of Committee of Treatise 698 European Banks, Charter, Personnel 338, 536, 1962 Chicago Bank Stocks During First Half of and Silver Holdings-- - -14. 180. Bankers to Draw Up 1499, 1641, Range of Prices of 38$ 694, 857, 1022, 1179, 1341. Delay in Organization of the 1790 1929, 1797, 1970 Statement Re- Chicago Stock Exchange, The-Monthly Lamont's, Thomas W., Market_5, 171, 329, League Range of Stock and Bond Prices 380 European Securities specting the Functions of the, 1170, 1489, 1631, for Cabinet Is Farmed in 1337 527. 685, 848, 1012, of Nations Disposes of Project Chile. New 1785, 1787, 1961 Connection With_ -1964 Chile-Peru Territorial Dispute Is Terminated Establishing Close Evidence Tending to Degrade as a Reason and the (Editorial, New 689, 853 League of Nations for Refusal to Answer 345 of Commerce, Sept. 25)_ - _1974 China- York Journal Experts Versus Experts-The Hague Confer- T., Remarks in Op- Banking and Currency Reforms Planned McFadden, Louis ence and the Young Committee 1180 Connec- by Ministers of Finance 10 position to Federal Reserve's Exports and Imports of United States. See 523 Chinese Eastern Railway Dispute, Doubt tion with the United States. Chains and of a Peaceful Settlement of the_ _1017, Bank Holding Companies, Exporting Under Young Plan. (Editorial, 1643 1174, 1336, 1636 Branches New York Journal of Commerce) 1801 Bank Rates at Foreign Centres. See Money Extraterritorial Rights to Be Retained by Western Governments 1636 Rates at Foreign Centres. arm Products, Surplus and Scarcity of _1343 186 Russian Owned Chinese Eastern Railway, Bank Insolvencies During the Second Quarter Federal Government. See United States. Indispensible Government Takes Over the 175. 329 Banker, The Country-An Federal Reserve Bank of New York Advances 1798 Russian Owned Chinese Eastern Railway Factor Its Rediscount Rate and Lowers Buying Motive in Problem Is Adjusted 689 Banking Mergers-A Powerful Rate for Acceptances 843 New York Ab- Chinese Eastern Railway Through Man- -National City Bank of Federal Reserve Bank of New York,Effects of Trust Co 1783 churia, Chinese Government Takes Over sorbs Corn Exchange Bank Higher Discount Rate and Lower Accept,- in the 1023 the 175, 531 Banking World, Natural Law ance Rate of The 1167 859 City Trust Investigation, The-The First Banks, Booms and Federal Reserve Banks and Rise in Open in Twin Cities-..i186 Lesson. (Editorial New York Journal of Bank Holding Companies Market Acceptance Rates 1330 Deposits In. See Commerce) 344 Banks. Governments Federal Reserve Banks, Comment on Weekly 4 Government. Cities, Our Changing 860 United States Returns 2, 168. 326, 525, 844, 1010, Power, The World-Identifying the Clearings. Bank. See Bank Clearings. Banking 1169, 1331, 1486. 1628, 1959 Reserve With the Bank for Inter- Cleveland Stock Exchange Monthly Range Federal Federal Reserve Banks, Denial of Gov. Young Settlements. (Editorial New of Stock and Bond Prices 387 national and Montagu Norman of Purpose to Ex- Journal of Commerce) 186 Coast to Coast, The Significance of Flying York tend Credit to Bank of England 1009 People and Their 16 from 340 Banks. The Federal Reserve Banks, Table of Discount and Germany Reach Agreement on Complications of Armament Reduction, The. 1797 Belgium Rates_ _12, 176. 335, 533. 691,854, 1019, German Marks Issue 333 Constitution-"I Refuse to Answer on the the 1177, 1339, 1496, 1639. 1794, 1967 Richard Lee-Book on Aviation: Ground That it Might Tend to Degrade Bennett, Federal Reserve. the Bank and Financial Aspects-346. 703 and Incriminate Me." (Editorial Evening Identifying It with Its Commercial for 186 The Gran Chaco World) 345 International Settlements Bolivia and Paraguay, Rate York, Between, Nearing Contribution to World Co-operation, Our - - 181 Federal Reserve Boost in New Boundary Dispute (David A. 1175 Cotton Acreage Estimate Issued by Depart- Local Bankers "Surprised" by. Settlement Morrisey in Evening 1186 Reviews- ment of Agriculture 169 World) Book Notices and Reserve (Editorial Constitution, The Usages of the Cotton, Agriculture Bureau Report on _845. 1629 Federal Policy, Future. American from New York Journal of Commerce) - - 868 -Book by H. W. Horvrill 343 Country Banker, The-An Indlspensible Financial Factor 1798 Federal Taxation. See United States. Aviation: Its Commercial and 325. 523, Lee Corn Exchange Bank Trust Co. Absorbed by Financial Situation, The _ _1, 167, Aspects. Book by Richard 1957 346, 703 National City Bank of New York 1783 681,843.1009,1167.1329,1485.1627.1784, Bennett Fisher, Professor, and Roger Babson on The in Medicine-A Co-operative Crash, The Predicted 1800 Chemistry Speculative Situation 1645 Treatise 698 Crop Reports. See Grain. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,1 iTLY-SEPT., 19291 INDEX in Page. Page. Page. First Lesson, The-The City Trust Investiga- Great Britain-(Concluded)- Leadership, American Material for 1026 tion. (Editorial New York Journal of Com- Foreign Policy and the "Safeguarding of League of Nations and the Bank for Inter- merce) 344 Industries" Debated in House of Com- national Settlements, The (Editorial in Flight Around the World, The 1502 mons 173 N.
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