526 OFFICIAL MANUAL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS – DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 527 ND DIV TA ID S E D E E PLU UM RI BU N S U W W E D F E A T I L N L U SALUS X ESTO LE P O P A U L I S UP R E M M D C C C X X Department of Natural Resources MARK N. TEMPLETON MIKE WELLS LAVERNE BRONDEL SCOTT TOTTEN DAVIS MINTON SUSANNE MEDLEY Director Chief of Water Resources and Director Community Relations Advisor Agriculture Advisor Director of Communications Deputy Director Administrative Support 1101 Riverside Dr., PO Box 176 Jefferson City 65102-0176 Telephone: 1-800-361-4827 or (573) 751-3443 www.dnr.mo.gov Email: [email protected] The Department of Natural Resources pre- serves, protects and enhances Missouri’s natural, cultural and energy resources. Staff work to ensure that Missouri’s citizens enjoy clean air to breathe, clean water for drinking and recreation and land that sustains a diversity of life. Several offices enable the department to carry out its responsibilities: the Division of MARTHA BUSCHJOST DRU BUNTIN LEON KREISLER KATHRYN BRADEN DAN DEVLIN RICHARD FORDYCE State Parks, the Field Services Division, the Executive Assistant to the Director of Government Affairs Chair, Soil and Water Member, Soil and Water Member, Soil and Water Member, Soil and Water Division of Geology and Land Survey, the Director Districts Commission Districts Commission Districts Commission Districts Commission Division of Environmental Quality and the Divi- sion of Administrative Support. In addition, the State Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority and the Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund are connected administra- tively to the department through the Office of the Director. Office of the Director The Office of the Director seeks to pro- vide departmental focus on key outcomes, improve efficiency of departmental actions, drive customer-focused initiatives, ensure pub- CRYSTAL LOVETT-TIBBS BAUGHN MERIDETH DR. JOHN HAGLER JOHN HOSKINS THOMAS PAYNE lic participation in decision-making, and attain Legislative Liaison Member, Soil and Water Ex Officio Member, Soil and Ex Officio Member, Soil and Ex Officio Member, Soil and measurable results affecting the quality of our Districts Commission Water Districts Commission Water Districts Commission Water Districts Commission water, air, land, energy, recreational and cultur- Districts Commission, the Petroleum Storage The primary responsibility of the depart- al resources. It seeks to continue the protection, Tank Insrance Fund Board of Trustees and the ment’s Soil and Water Conservation Program is enhancement, and productive use of our natural to assist districts as they promote soil and water and cultural resources through collaborative Unmarked Human Burial Consultation Commit- tee. The department director represents Missouri conservation to their constituents. The districts participatory approaches. provide financial incentives and technical assis- on three interstate river organizations: the Mis- The Office of the Director coordinates inter tance to agricultural landowners and educate agency and intra agency cooperative agree- souri River Basin Commission, the Arkansas- their communities. White-Red Basins Inter agency Committee and ments and represents the state in statutory roles. Other program activities include encour- the Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission. The office also provides information and assis- aging concentrated land treatment in special tance to state and national legislative bodies. watershed areas, administering statewide cost- The director of the Department of Natural Soil and Water Conservation Program share and loan-interest share programs, and Resources manages Missouri’s natural, cultural providing educational programs. The program The Office of the Director houses the Soil and energy resources. The director serves as the provides direct assistance to the 114 districts MARK N. TEMPLETON BILL WILSON State Historic Preservation Officer and as chair and Water Conservation Program. The program through grants and training. The program also Ex Officio Member, Soil and Acting Staff Director, Soil and of the State Inter agency Council for Outdoor administers the policies and general programs provides each district with a web site, www. Water Districts Commission Water Districts Commission Recreation and the Energy Policy Council. He developed by the Soil and Water Districts Com- swcd.mo.gov, as well as software and training also serves as a member of the Soil and Water mission for saving Missouri’s soil and water. to further assist constituents. 528 OFFICIAL MANUAL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS – DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 529 Soil and Water Districts Commission Kreisler, Leon, (R), chair; Braden, Kathryn, (R), member; Devlin, Dan, (D), member; Fordyce, Richard, (R), member; Hagler, Dr. Jon, director, Department of Agri- culture, ex officio member; Hoskins, John, director, Department of Conser- vation, ex officio member; Merideth, Baughn, (D), member; Payne, Thomas, dean, University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, ex officio member; JEFFREY D. CAWLFIELD DAVID HAMILTON ROBT C. KRAMER RYAN DOYLE JASON M. MORGAN DERON CHERRY Templeton, Mark N., director, Department of Member, Dam and Reservoir Member, Dam and Reservoir Chair, EIERA Vice Chair, EIERA Secretary, EIERA Treasurer, EIERA Safety Council Safety Council Natural Resources, ex officio member; to help ensure adequate energy supplies for Wilson, Bill, acting staff director, Soil and Water Missouri, and reviews policy issues relevant to Districts Commission; Missouri energy needs. Vacancy (1). Staff trains other state agencies to use alter- Water Resources Center native fuel vehicles in compliance with state laws. It also partners with the federal Clean Cit- The Office of the Director also houses the ies programs in Missouri’s metropolitan areas to Water Resources Center, which addresses the strive for cleaner air and water through alterna- development, conservation and utilization of tive transportation fuels and technologies. Staff the state’s water resources. To assist communi- in the Department of Natural Resources man- ties, public entities and state and federal agen- ages the Mid-Missouri Rideshare Program and cies, the center provides technical assistance connects Missouri commuters to the carpooling through drought assessment, planning and water program nearest them. THOMAS WELCH resource monitoring. Functional units within the ROBERT CLAY Director, EIERA center include interstate waters, groundwater, Acting Staff Director, Dam and The department provides financial assistance Reservoir Safety Council for energy efficiency projects and administers the surface water, dam and reservoir safety, wetland Rohlfing, Chris, member, Boone Electric Coop- studies and water resource planning. low-income weatherization assistance program, which serves Missouri citizens through 18 local erative; The interstate waters staff coordinates issues Vacancies (4); Ross, Anne, member, Public Service Commis- Clay, Robert, acting staff director. agencies. The program makes more than 2,000 relating to major river basins that affect Missouri low-income family homes more energy efficient sion; and provide technical support for negotiations Missouri Energy Center and safe each year by installing features such Sanders, Terry, member, Ozark Action, Inc.; and litigation actions to protect the state’s rights as wall and attic insulation, cleaning and tuning Steinmann, Todd, member, Ozarks Area Com- to these waters. The groundwater section oper- The Missouri Energy Center helps Missouri- heating systems and reducing air infiltration. The munity Action Corp. ates and maintains a groundwater level obser- ans meet their energy needs by focusing primari- department’s energy revolving loan fund helps vation well network for monitoring Missouri’s ly on three areas of responsibility: advocating for schools, colleges, universities and local govern- Environmental Improvement and aquifers. Collection and analysis of groundwater renewable energy resources and technologies; ments finance energy-efficiency projects so that Energy Resources Authority data provides knowledge of available water encouraging the use of energy-efficient practices money saved can be used for other public needs. quantity, aquifer response to water use, ground- and technologies; and analyzing energy supplies Telephone: 573- 751-4919 / FAX: 573- 635-3486 water recharge and aquifer characteristics. The and prices to benefit Missouri’s environment The Missouri General Assembly established surface water section provides technical support Low-Income Weatherization and economy. the Environmental Improvement and Energy by performing water supply analyses, in-stream Assistance Policy Advisory Council flow assessments and floodplain studies. This The Energy Center provides technical and Resources Authority (EIERA) in 1972 to protect financial assistance for energy efficiency and The council provides policy review and rec- Missouri’s environment, develop energy alter- section also administers the collection and anal- ommendations for delivery of the Low-Income ysis of statewide water use data in accordance renewable energy improvements; supports mar- natives, promote economic development and ket development and demonstration projects Weatherization Assistance Program in Missouri. conduct research. with the Major Water User Law. The Dam and Federal regulations require that a policy advi- Reservoir Safety staff and the Dam and Reservoir promoting clean
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