I(. - KVKM.Nt. [IKUAl.D, S;il . August 23. 1980 / ■ MANCHESTER HASllI iiaurbratpr New leader c o u p o n : BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL BUSINESS DIRECTOBY GUIDE FOR BUY WHOLE eeiNOER plans talks 2nd HALF PRICE EXPIRATION 8»30 MANCHESTER AHD SURROUNDING • ITALIAN SPECIALTIES W T m SNOST • DELI ITEMS PUTTIK m SALIK FN TOWl .CATERING HORYWnmi. The Marinatea Mushrroom, Inc. with Poles VICINITY "(i IBit of jtofy, ^iLoi 1 646-3322 182 South Main St. • Manchesteji^ GDANSK, Poland (UPI) - Newly ol the trade union movement in 46 SHELDON ROAD • MANCHESTER. CONN. FEATURING THIS WEEK . installed Premier Jozef Pinkowski Poland is "a patching-up of the holes. Got k Painting Problem? We ll Help! Crowd We want something new” will personally lead a government Gierek may have emerged looking SorviM HIM m#Nni gorntthlng to ui — ind ttrvlc# m M ni ipondloo •oougt delegation to the Lenin Shipyard CUNLIFFE AUTO BODY timo with you to holp you »#l#ct tho fiflht pilot fjniih tot thit job you'ri pliii- tonight for the formal resumption of all-powerful alter the Central Com­ mittee bloodbath Sunday that axed ROUTE 83 TALCOTTVILLE.CT. hlrtg Sm ui for pilnt ind iirvic i whon you pitn your nixt oroliCt. negotiations with strike loaders, a Prime Minister Edward Babiuch watches reliable shipyard source said. 24 HR. TOWING Pinkowski’s presence at the yard, after only six months in office, three EA Johnson PAINT CO which has been the focus of anti­ other Politburo members and four 643-0016 HDUSE-WIDE CLEAHIHG government feeling since the strike lesser officials of the Communist regime. But in fact his own neck •COMPLEIE COLLISION REPAIR LfHOtfl’iCIN' by more than 200,000 workers began • FOREIGN AND AMERICAN CARS slaying came perilously close to the chopping ^ B49-4B01 Aug '14, would be a dramatic signal •RUSTY JONES RUST PROOFING that the new regime is anxious to block, according to Communist Par­ NEW YORK (UPI) - At least 30 make a fresh start in attempts to set­ ty sources 2 people watched a vagrant beaten and tle the strike. Those held most reponsible by the stabbed to death in a mid-morning at­ I’olitburo were the eight men who 763 There was no immediate comment tack in Central Park but no one went were purged - Babiurh, party MAINS! by strike leaders. The shipyard to the victim’s aid. source said they had been told ideologist Jerzy Lukasiewicz. Jan 6 4 3 - 1 1 9 1 The slaying Sunday, which oc­ Pinkowski would lead the delegation, Szydlak, the regime s top labor union THINGS WE CAN DO FOR YOU 191 curred shortly before 9 a.m.. was scheduled to arrive about 8 p.m. i2 otficial, and five others. MAIN ST reminiscent of the Kitty Oenovese Chief among the rising stars was e s i g n s / n c p.m. EDTi. 5 MANCHESTER case that drew national attention two The strikers said their demands Stefan Olszowski who has 5 • Diaaster restoration fire & water decades ago as an example of urban resurrected a career that seemed in 341 0ROAO STREET MANCHESTER CONN 0AO40 • Wash windows and glass doors 6 4 3 - 1 9 0 0 remained the same, including free damaged materials cleaned indifference. v trade unions. eclipse earlier this year Winchester Process,on.n P.ir^. S.it:e A-1 Be»y Gallagher, Prop A government spokesman said • Clean walls and callings • Clean and sanitize bath tubs and "Nobody came near." said Transit Communist Parly leader Edward WE SERVICE AND INSTALL INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL tllaa, sinks, fauceta, drains Authority Police Officer Charles Ir­ Gierek announced a variety of Olszowski would be give the task of ving. overseeing I'oland's entire economic • Vacuum and polish furniture C o f l n l V change in Polands policy on trade un­ AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION • Clean upholstered furniture "I can half understand it — it was- ions in his speech to the nation Sun­ condition from his post at the party. HEATING and SHEET METAL so awful they had to be frightened. day night, but the strikers said most The new premier, replacing • Clean and sollproof carpeting • Vacuum grills of heating and air EXTERIDR HDME CLEANING ■ But there's strength in numbers. of what he offered had no bearing on Babiuch. was .lozel Pinkowski, conditioning outlets They could have thrown a rock or their attcmpl to set up new unions nominally the .No. 2 man in the Com­ A COMPLETE SPRAY CLEANING SERVICE munist hierarchy .Many people, New England Mechanical Services. Inc. • Clean and ra-wax hardwood floors • Deordorize Aluminum, Wood and Vinyl Siding something. completely separate from the Com­ "They did nothing to stop it." however, believe that alter Gierek. FREE ESTIMATE & DEMONSTRATION munist Party. 166 TUNNEL RO. Irving said 30 to 40 people were Olszowski holds most of the power in • Clean kitchen doors and cabinets Many of the workers expressed VERNON, CT. 06066 • Dust lamps and bookshelves PHONE 646-2198 standing along Central Park West limited enthusiasm for the Poland 8 7 1 - 1 1 1 1 *7.1'/ 11.4 hrifihtvn up your honw today " about 90 feet away from where a man government's moves so far identified as Jimmy Lee Jones at­ V f ^ “ "^LToTa^icKE^Mlu^R^ Sen inif- ytanckenter over jO yri. tacked another man who had been The workers of Gdansk, whose TJL, 6 4 9 -3 5 28 , .p V ' sleeping on a rock in the park, shipyard walkout sparked strikes by Anderson beating him with a wire litter basket. V more than 200.000 people, say Gierek PARTS penUihd The Ffor/sf Jones then took a piece of wire is just patching up the holes in "AUTO PARTS FOR LESS' from his pocket and tried to sever the Poland's social fabric, while 24 BIRCH ST. avoiding the changes that are HOURS victim's head. Irving said, and taps Dem UlG TEL. 643-8247 stabbed him in the face, neck and Riding companion necessary S TO 8 MON.-FRI. The purge of officials held respon­ 8 TO 5 SAT. a SUN. 643-4444 F.T .D . back of the head with a 28-inch piece mm Mark Lawlor of 24 Laurel P lace, passenger is ’’Fritz, ' his black poodle, who sible for the current economic and 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) of wood. M STR CHG WORLD WIDE The assailant tried to decapitate Manchester, has a companion when he rides seems to enjoy the role of navigator. (Herald labor chaos was the most wide- for mate A MANCHESTER AMER EXPRESS SERVICE his victim while the crowd watched. ranging shakeup since tlie late A his 12-speed bicycle around town. The photo by Burbank) BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY Irving said. Wladyslaw Gomulka was ousted in 1970. and one of the most extensive in MODERN JANITORIAL AND "It’s the worst thing I’ve seen in 12 Reltiled ?<lor> mi page 1.5. FLO’S Cake Decorating Supplies Inc. years on the job,” he said. “There the lii.slory of socialist I’oland ^ thr "I don't know these people," HANDYMAN SERVICE .SVr.'It t'IMS rr At Hfonuig ptvpie 646-0221 B7S-3252. was blood running off the rocks, WASHl.NGTON iL'Pli - Indepen­ Nnrrtr i( anti ue'U do it : Fully Iniurtd i uhocarr' Hospital budget formula Gdansk strike leader Lech Walesa across the grass and into the dent pfesidential candidate .lohn Cleaning service lor professional buildings o f A CMIPLETE UNE OF MATONCWEKCOMTIONS said of the government's new ap­ Storms and screens removed and repaired /• Servicemaster bushes." Anderson has picked former Wiscon­ 70 UNION ST. pointees. 'Our problem is free trade Cloaoed sinks and toilets Manchester-Rockville 101 CENTER ET. Irving was on duty at a nearby sub­ sin Gov I’atrick l.urey, a Democrat, ROCKVILLE, CONN. unions, and it is not important for us Air-conditinners installed and removed MANCHESTER, CONN. way station when he was called by as his vice presidential running D Mon. • iw t 1S-8 HOURS who will meet with us." several women who had seen the at­ becomes issue again mate, sources said today House watching, light moving and dump service 649-3433 Thur*-, 10-e CLOSED TUE8. There was no indication what Estate and landlord service DAILY 10-5 tack. (CALL FOR NO-OBLIGATION ESTIMATE) HARTFORD— The same stumbling 1979-80 budget, about $800,000 was cut year, ' Clarence .Moon, commission effect the reshuffle would have on ef­ Anderson called an afternoon news Gutters, yards, windows, cellars, attics, garages "Three or four gave us n Wedding Cakes A Specialty statements," he said. "But that’s block that farced the 1979-80 from the original figure as presented member said. forts to end the strikes, which have conference to make the announce­ ^ ____ 643-0093 three or four out of 40” Manchester Memorial Hospital by hospital officials. "In taking his position of using the spread to factories and shipyards ment oi Lucey. 62, who walked out of commission-approved budget and the along the Baltic coast. OVER 45 When Irving reached the scene, the budget into litigation surfaced again This year the commission plans to the recent Ueinocratic National MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC. MANCHESTER victim was lying face down in a pool today at hearings on the 1980-81 trim about $2.6 million from a hospital's using the commission's Phe two sides met briefly for the Convention because Sen Edward *>upptiern of Safety Protection YEARS of blood and Jones was kneeling over budget. request for $25.1 million, to $22.5 budget, there is a deficit of $59,000 first time Saturday night in a victory Kennedy tailed to get the nomina­ G ORMAL S INN INC.
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