THE TUFTS DAILY.) IWhere You Read It First Monday, September 27,1999 Volume XXXIX, Number 121 Fall Fest rocks the house byJEREMYWANG-IVERSON inability to rhyme on his skin pigmenta­ Daily Editorial Board tion, "but they all knew what they were Four hours of music, Tufts students doing." rapping, and free stuff on the Quad were Though many complained about the only some ofthe reasons Fall Fest '99 was rap duo being an "old-school" group, a tremendous success. Though only a Naughty by Nature proved to be very couple hundred students came to listen to much in the present, proclaiming it the the musical mojo of Naughty by Nature, year, "NineteenNaughty-nine," and inter­ DavidGarza, and Tufts bandJoe Deveau, all jecting loops from recent hits from their in attendance greatly enjoyed themselves collegues TLC andNotorious B.LG. They on what mightbe one ofthe last wann days began theirshow with "O.P.P," and ended ofthefall. with "Hip-Hop Hooray," which inspired Naughty by Nature brought the crowd the greatest reaction from the crowd, as to life, inspiring dancing, crowd surfing, anns waved back and forth to the popular and people to rush onto the stage looking raphitfrom 1993. to share in the spotlight. Mixing it up UnfortunatelyDavidGarza(pronounced between their olderhits and"new flavor" Dah-VEED), the band which opened for from their most recent release, the two Naughty, played perhaps a little too early rappers, Treach and Vinnie, seemed to and was a little too obscure to get Tufts have a terrific time, encouragingthe audi­ studentsas riled up. He didn'tseemtomind ence to do the same. They were upbeat that the mosh pit during the set more re­ the entire show, impersonating Austin sembled a soccer field, and that only a few Powers, making references to American dozen people were listening to his music. Pie, andjokingwith the audience through­ Hailing from Austin, Texas, Garza, who selves. out. played on campus last year with Fastball, Concert organizers About two-thirds of the way into the broughta unique blend ofalternative, punk, feared a cancellation, as show Vinnie, to prove that hip-hop culture and classic rock. The band was in good unbeknownst to late-ris­ is universal and alive, invited four Tufts spirits throughout, however, throwing ingJumbos, itwas raining students to the stage to see ifthey had what doughnuts to the audience and jokingly very heavily Saturday ittookto be an "MC." Five ended up on the referringtothemselves as the rap duo which morning. The weather stageandrappedsurprisinglywell, all claim­ stole the show. cleared up around 10: 15 ingthattheirrhymingskills were superiorto Before Naughty came on, 101.7 WFNX a.m., just in time for the their peers. entertained the crowd, perhaps even draw­ Carmichaeldiningstaffto Tufts Community Union (TCU) Presi­ ing more attention than Garza, the band setup theiroutsidebuffet dentLarry Harris, the primaryorganizerof they were brought to promote. Tufts stu­ at the back of the Resi­ the event, let his verse cover everything dents gathered as the radio station cajoled dential Quad. The all-you~ from his rapping talent to his Washington, students into playingsoftball with ice-cream, can-drink policy was ex­ D.C. roots. The most impressive rhyme trying to catch CDs with their teeth, and tended to the outdoors was a student who seamlessly wove a mostnotably orally transferringNantucket accommodations, andprovedverypopular Though the Senate did not have to live up couplet with "rhetoric," and "hydrochlo­ Nectar. One couple,Jonathan Neuman (bet­ to those concert-goers with backpacks. to anyexpectations from lastyear, sincethe ric," ter known as Johnny Physical) and Page The $30,000 production, co-sponsored 1998 show was canceled at the last minute, "I was pretty surprisedthatthe kids had Perkins, were each awarded with two CDs by the President's Office, has been in the senators realized the only thing worse to the skills," said junior Eric Siwy. "I ex­ for their efforts. Along with Nantucket works since June, and was primarily orga­ the show beingcanceledonce was its being pected them all to be like the last white Nectar, the Kaplan test company and the nized by Harris, TCU Treasurer Ben Azoff canceledtwice. Harrisexplainedhis anxiety. guy," referring to a studentwho blamed his Boston Bruinssetupstandspluggingthem- and Assistant Treasure Michele Shelton. "Imusthavetalkedto [thepolice] like 12 times," he said, referringto lastyear's show being canceled due to lack ofsecurity. He OvercoIning SInall budget, International said the police were getting a little irritated with his persistence, but he definitely felt the workpaidoff. "Ithinkitwentreallywell; Relations finds ways to keep growing Ihaven'theard a complaintyet. People had a lot offun and I think it was a broad-based byKERENBLANKFELD should be taught are taught," plans on including a platform incorporate those disciplinary show." Contributing Writer said Mel Bernstein, Vice Presi­ for the humanities. changes into the structure of Though those who came thoroughly Despite the surging popu­ dent for Arts, Sciences, and Many ofthefaculty feel there our major," said John Jenke, enjoyed themselves, there was a sizable larity the international relations Technology. are other areas in which IR can assistant director of the pro­ portion ofthecampusthatwasdisappointed (IR) major, many say the Despite the lack offunding, improve. Though it is not actu­ gram. with the line-up and felt no reason to head program's resources are IR is forging onward, hosting ally a department, it receives a "Ithink [the Women'sStud­ to the quad. strained. for the first-time a conference budget, but one that many feel iesmajor] willenhanceIR Ithink "I didn'twantto go and walk up the hill The number of students entitled"SmallStates in aChang­ is too small for faculty seeking whatwe'll see is a push for IRto to see Naughty by Nature," said sopho­ graduating with an IR major is ing World: Globalization, Re­ to broaden the IR students' re­ create more [courses] about more Fozzie Morbi, who opted to write a growing by about 15 to 20 stu­ gionalism, CultureandIdentity," sources. women in an internationalstand­ paper on' foreign policy instead. dents every year, and this is the to be held in the spring. The "In tenns ofmoney for pro­ point. It's strength building on Some complained that it's always hip sixth consecutive yearthe Tufts funding for this program came grams, one of the things that I strength," Robinson said. hop that comes to campus, and there need program has been listed as the from a grant given from the would like to do is have more The IR faculty would like to to be more female acts. top IR program in the nation, Fourth Foundation. seminar series for undergradu­ see the undergraduate's school There was not such negativity at the accordingto the Gounnand Re­ "With the budget we have ates... that's one of the advan­ relationship with the Fletcher concert, however, as most raved about the port, a study published by the we couldnot possiblyeven con­ tages ofbeing in Boston, there School ofLaw and Diplomacy show, with many even saying the concert Princeton Review. A record templatedoingthatwithoutrais­ are over60institutions ofhigher improved. Fletcher students was better than Spring Fling. number of students graduated ing money," Robinson said. education in Boston alone, and currently act as TAs in under­ "Iknewthey'dputon an amazingshow; withthe major lastyear, andthe According to the we'd like to get more students graduate classes, and some they were full ofenergy and a lot offun," numberofsophomores declar­ conference'spreliminarypro­ out there," said an IR professor undergraduate students in ad­ said sophomore Ethan Todras-Whitehill. ing is also on the rise, accord­ posal, the purpose ofthe sym­ who wished to remain anony­ vanced levels are able to take He added that though the tum-out was ing to the Director of Interna­ posium will be to look at the mous. seminars in Fletcher. But some small, he didn't think it mattered since the tional Relations Pearl world through a different Since IR is interdisciplinary, faculty members say this inter­ crowd stilI got into it. There were approxi­ Robinson. angle, namely through the thecourses overlapwith related action doesn't go far enough. mately400-500studentson the premises at "Everybody always says challenges facing small states majors, and students have an As the IR department peak attendance. there aren't enough resources, in the global world. The con­ easier time declaring a double­ struggles to expand and em­ "I wish there were more people, but I but certainly we work hard to ference will also differ from concentration. Lastspring, 42.5 brace new students at the same think the only disadvantage of a small make sure that the courses that others of its type in that it percent ofthe IR majors had a time, faculty seem positiveabout crowd is that they don't get into it, and second concentration, the future of the University's since they definitely did today, I don't Robinson said. Because ofthis most popularprogram. think it's a big deal," Todras-WhitehilI varied interest, she said the IR "Idothinkthere'samomen­ said. program benefits when Tufts tum here. Ithinkthatthekind of The Senate says they plan to use this introducesnewmajors, as is the place that [Tufts] has become event as a jumping off point for more case with Women's Studies. makes the kinds ofstudents we social activities in the future, hoping to "There are constantly intel­ wanttoteachwanttocomehere plan an event a month, according to lectual breakthroughs in the and departments in their hiring Harris. various contributing depart­ aremoreandmore looking fora "I think there was a serious neglect on ments, and by having a major faculty that makes the IR Pro­ Senate'spartintheway ofsocial activities, that draws from the strength in gram a better program," butwe're bringing it backtothe students," the departments, we're able to Robinson said.
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