The Beacon RARITAN TOWNSHIP Every Reader news articles and expressions of the Beacon should keep in mind that Jt opinions on timely subjects from our the advertisements carry as much readers. We welcome all such contri- "punch" as the news articles. Every butions and will publish tham as far advertiser has a message for the read- as possible. But, It (s very Important ers and uses this medium because he that all correspondence be signed by knows the readers desire to keep the writer. abreast of every advantage as well as know what's going on. (and Woodbridge Journal) Fords Office: Raritan Township Office: 465 New Brunswick Ave. The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" Cor. Main St. & Route 26 VOL. VI. — No 25. FORDS AND RARITAX TOWNSHIP FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1936. PRICE THREE CENTS HO REGISTRATION Th PLAYGROUNDS TO FORDS MAN FINED LOCAL RESIDENT! A miuli:] „ Tc Pleasant Job! SEPTEMBER 9 IS RAMBLING FORDS.—A fine of seven dol- CLOSE OUTDOOR lars and three dollars costs was INJURED M AUTO £*4 a IS RARITAN TOWNSHIP.— Com- DAY FOR RETURN imposed upon John Boelhower, 20, missioner Henry H. Troger, Jr., REPORTER a laborer of 71 Dunbar avenue, director of public affairs of thu for driving a car without any re- township, now has a new job. Says-- SEASON TONIGHT At Tuesday night's session of the OF SCHOOL 'KIDS' gistration. Boelhower appeared CRASH AT PERTHiLeader of 2nd local commissioners, he was nam- GOOD NEWS. PARADE, PAGEANT AND CON- before Judge Arthur Brown Wed- The Nixon Nitration nesday morning. Officer Closindo HOPELAWN WOMAN SUF- ed certifying clerk for all WPA BUILDINGS REPAIRED, VACA- Company of Raritan CERT WRITES FINIS TO Zuccaro and Thomas Bishop is- FERS SEVER LACER- project workers. TION OVER, PUPILS READY Township announces that WPA ACTIVITIES sued the summons. ATIONS IN ACCIDENT Commissioner Troger will have FOR ANOTHER TERM*" starting next Monday all the very delightful job of deter- pay envelopes will contain RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — A HOPELAWN.—Mrs. Anna Schur District Dems mining whether or not applicants for WPA jobs are eligible for such RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — II a ten per cent increase. parade, a play, and a concert by ko, 34, of 124 Pennsylvania ave- won't be long now before Raritan That's what yon can the Middlesex county WPA orches nue, this place suffered severe la-' work. BLOCK DANCE IS Very pleasant work, indeed. Township's youngsters and high classify as good news, or. tio of 36 pieces makes up the "Har cerations of the head and face, and '• Secret Ballot Gives tchool students hit the old learn- maybe, Father Coughlin's vest Pageant" to be held at thy shock, as the result of a head-on \ CROVATH TAVERN ing trail once again. In fact the "Share the Wealth" plan. Piscatawaytown Park tonight. SOCIAL TOPS OF collission of two cars during the i Unanimous Vote [exact date for their return to the o-o-o The affair, sponsored by the Re- rainstorm Sunday night. ] PEDERSEN GROUP | daily roll call is Wednesday, Sep- NEVER TOO LATE. creation Division of the Works Mrs. Schurko was treated at the ! ] tcmber 9, Progress Administration, official- Perth Amboy General hospital ! ORDERED CLOSED to Iselinite The swings at the Clara Barton I School activity already began school grounds are now all fixed. ly brings to a close the summer WEEK'SJCTIVITY where eighteen stitches were taken j this week, when students who will season for all local playgrounds. in her head cy Dr. Cyril Rutner | READY FOR BAKE But, in the same breath, it can be WEDNESDAY NITE'S DANCE attend New Brunswick high school said the playground season is Tonight's program will include hospital interne. UNTILSEPJ. 5TH registered at the Bonhamtown ATTRACTS ABOUT 1600 nearly over. Nevertheless, the children from Menlo Park, Oak The injured woman and her son Ward 1 Active school on Tuesday, while those children are having oodles of fun Tree, Henry street, Clara Barton PEOPLE HERE John, Jr., 9, were passengers in a TEN-DAY SHUT-DOW FOL- •— _. .^—• • • AT HOTELJINES who will attend schools in High- on them and probably will until and Piscatawaytown playgrounds. car operated by her husband, John, LOWS STATE ABC FORDS. — Anthony A. land Park, Perth Amboy, Metuch- FORDS.—Estimated attendance which was traveling east on Fay- come sledding time. Prizes will be awarded to win- COMPLAINT Aquila is still the undisputed AFFAIR STARTS AT GROVE er. and North Plainfield register- at the WPA-sponsored block dance ette stret, Peith Amboy. When IN MORNING, BAKE SERV- ed Wednesday. ners participating in an "on wheels held on Douglas street here Wed- they reached a point about ten Democratic leader of the sec- BEATING THE GUN. parade." The parade will have bi- feet east of Goodwin street, they RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—Charg- ED IN AFTERNOON This term will find the inaugura nesday night was set at 1600 peo- ond ward. A secret ballot tion of a new bus system. In previ- With the yachting and cycles, baby carriages, wagons, ple, while 600 of this number were were struck by a car coming in the ed with possession of liquor not up autos and other such vehicles in opposite direction driven by Steve to the standard set by state au- held at a meeting Monday RARITAN TOWNSHIP.— What ous years, the board of education boating time fast 'drawing dancers. promises to be one of the biggest used the facilities of the Public line. The recreation division of the "sopyak, of 336 Gifford street, thorities, Charles Crovath, propri- night at Thompson's hali, to a close, the Raritan Perth Amboy. and finest clambakes ever sponsor Service Transport Company. Each River Boat Club of Rari- "The Golden Cornstalk Goes Works Progress Administration etor of a tavenr at Woodbridge here, has just served to ed in this section of the county is student, using a bus, was Home" is the title of the pageant reports that this affair was one of Schurko told police that imme- avenue and Chestnut street, was strengthen Aquila's position, be- given the bake of the Victor Pedersen tickets and could travel on any tan Township tardilly or- to be presented by a group of chil- the best attended block dances j diateiy after the crash, he asked ' ordered to close his establish- cause all the county committeemen Association scheduled to get under Public Service bus. ganized an auxiliary unit dren under the direction of Luella held in the township this year. the driver of the other car to re- ment for 10 days, from Wednesday and committeewomen present un- way at 10:30 o'clock this Sunday A. Brewer. This system has been banished consisting of some thirty Joe Manush and his 11-piece main at the scene and ran to the midnight August 26 to Saturday animously went on record as fav- morning at the Hotel Pines grove. this year and is being replaced members. Mrs. Fred Blan- To the accompaniment of a WPA orchestra furnished excel- Amboy Ice Company factory to J midnight September 5. oring Aquila as leader. Although the bake itself will not with one that requires no tickets. chard is the president and string ensemble of the WPA or- lent music for the dancing. call police. When he returned, j Complaint against Crovath was Several weeks ago, the same be served until 3:30 P. M., activi- Only two buses will transport stu- promises plenty of activ- chestra, the adult dramatic group Despite the fact that the orches- Csopyak had driven away, he made by state agents of the Alco- county representatives gave the ties will begin in the morning with dents to New Brunswick and will render several harvest songs. tra had to play without the aid of said. holic Beverage Control, who testi- former second ward committee- games, sporting events, contests, Perth Amboy, and the students ity for the ladies next sea- A community sing will top off a piano, the dancers were more An alarm was sent from police fied that they took samples of his man a vote of confidence. That novel amusements, light refresh- will have to be on time to make son. o-O-o the evening's program. The WPAthan pleased with the music. headquarters at Perth Amboy to'stock several days ago and upon vote was mysteriously attacked in ments and many more featurettes them or they will have to pay their A SORROWFUL CASE. orchestra, under the direction of Recreation directors will at- all policemen to be on the lookout . chemical analysis found that the a contemporary paper by an un- that will please both young and own way on a non-school bus. The passing of Miss John Biega, will accompany the tempt to stage another dance be- for Csopyak's car. liquor was below state standards. named correspondent who said old. Other buses will carry the chil- Irma Chiocchi, 18, daugh- sing. fore the cold weather sets in. About 25 minutes after the acci- The order to close the tavern that if the vote had been secret Advance ticket sale reports re- dren to other schools out of the ter of Lorenzo Chiocchi, dent, Motorcycle Officer Stephen j was issued Tuesday .night foiiow- Aquila would not have been re- veal that the grove will be jam- township. Breza saw the car parked in front sing a hearing before the Raritan elected. of 45 Livingston avenue. of 32 Reed street, Perth Amboy.'Township Commission. med to capacity, although no res- According to John Anderson, dis Fords, Tuesday night at Interviewed by a representative ervations have been made as yet trict clerk of the board, all school SCHOOTSIEADY COUNCIL PASSES While he was examining the auto- oi this paper yesterday, Aquila the Perth Amboy General mobile which showed evidence oi to sit in tree tops.
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