Pray for Nepal Gulmi Arghakhanchi Palpa Kapilbastu Nawalparasi Rupandehi Lumbini, Gulmi Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Thank-You for committing to join with us to pray for the well-being of every village in our wonderful country. Jesus modeled his love for every village when he was going from one city and village to another with his disciples. Next, Jesus would mentor his disciples to do the same by sending them out to all the villages. Later, he would monitor the work of the disciples and the 70 as they were sent out two-by-two to all the villages. (Luke 8-10) But, how can we pray for the 3,984 VDCs in our Country? In the time of Nehemiah, his brother brought him news that the walls of Jerusalem were torn down. The wall represented protection, safety, blessing, and a future. Nehemiah prayed, fasted, and repented for the sins of the people. God answered Nehemiah’s prayers. The huge task to re-build the walls became possible through God’s blessings, each person building in front of their own houses, and the builders continuing even in the face of great persecution. For us, each village is like a brick in the wall. Let us pray for every village so that there are no holes in the wall. Each person praying for the villages in their respective areas would ensure a systematic approach so that all the villages of the state would be covered in prayer. Some have asked, “How do you eat an Elephant?” (How do you work on a giant project?) Others have answered, “One bite at a time.” (One step at a time - in small pieces). I say, “Invite a village and throw a party.” Any large project needs many people helping. Please do not only pray but also solicit many others to do the same. Would you, ...Model for others by praying for all the VDCs in your area? ...Mentor a small group by training them to do the same? …Monitor individuals of your group to go start other prayer groups? Can every VDC in Nepal be covered in prayer? Your actions will be the true answer to this question. Guide For Prayer Use this list of prayer points to guide you as you pray for God to work among the people in every village in your taluk, There are several ways for you to use this guide. You can pray for one column, village by village, each day of the week for all seven points. (Example, on Sunday, you would pray from top to bottom of the page for the first column. On Monday, you would pray for the second column. In four days you would finish praying for all the villages on the first page. Then on Thursday you would turn the page and start on the first column …continuing all the columns and then returning to the beginning of the village list and starting again. Or you pray for one prayer point subject each of the seven days of the week (Example, on Sunday, praying for revival in the churches in your taluk. Then Monday, praying for up champions for the gospel in each village.) Or you can simply pray for one village per day until you work through all the villages and all the prayer points. In the Bible, Joshua and the people were encouraged to circle Jericho seven times before they started seeing the results of their efforts. Continue to pray until the Lord has responded in each of the prayer points for all the villages in your taluk. Seven Prayer Points: 1) Pray for revival in the church 2) Pray for the Lord to raise up champions for the villages,VDCs, Districts, Zones and division of Nepal. 3) Pray for good cooperation and relations among organizations who work in the village, VDCs, districts, zones and divisions. 4) Pray for the raising of local leaders in the church to preach and teach good doctrine. 5) Pray for children and youth ministries. 6) Pray for the families in each village to increase in spiritual, economic and social development. 7) Pray for good political leaders. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 Gulmi u 'Nd L VDC_C VDC English VDC Nepali WNO Name ĂđĘć 510001 AGLUNG \ÊǕȲ 4 Aglungaun \ÊǕÛɋ 510001 AGLUNG \ÊǕȲ 3 Aglungaun \ÊǕÛɋ 510001 AGLUNG \ÊǕȲ 8 Aglunggaun \ÊǕÛÊɋ 510001 AGLUNG \ÊǕȲ 5 Chutrabot ǕğȪ 510001 AGLUNG \ÊǕȲ 7 Ghaderigaun ȯǐɋ 510001 AGLUNG \ÊǕȲ 3 Kolchaur Ȫã ȫ 510001 AGLUNG \ÊǕȲ 2 M yalkhal àãÈ¡ 510001 AGLUNG \ÊǕȲ 9 Okhale jȯ 510001 AGLUNG \ÊǕȲ 6 Phedi ȯȣ 510001 AGLUNG \ÊǕȲ 6 Tekuwa ȯǕȡ 510002 AMARARWATHOK \ȡȡ[Ȫ 3 Amar Arwathok \ \ȡ[Ȫ 510002 AMARARWATHOK \ȡȡ[Ȫ 2 Arwathok \ȡ[Ȫ 510002 AMARARWATHOK \ȡȡ[Ȫ 5 Gwalichaur Êȡȣ ȫ 510002 AMARARWATHOK \ȡȡ[Ȫ 6 Hatiya Gaun ¡Ǔȡ`ȱ 510002 AMARARWATHOK \ȡȡ[Ȫ 2 Kharjyang Ïɍ 510002 AMARARWATHOK \ȡȡ[Ȫ 5 Tasa Gaun ȡ`ȱ 510003 AMARPUR \Ǖ 1 Amarpur \Ǖ 510003 AMARPUR \Ǖ 9 Amarpurgaun \Ǖ[ɡ 510003 AMARPUR \Ǖ 2 Bulmagaun Ǖãɋ 510003 AMARPUR \Ǖ 3 Chaurasiphant ȫͧ Ȳ 510003 AMARPUR \Ǖ 6 Jogithumgaun ȪͬǕàɋ 510003 AMARPUR \Ǖ 8 Rangdalgaun ȲÊãɋ 510003 AMARPUR \Ǖ 9 Tunipatagaun ǕǓȡɋ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 6 Amlabot \àȡȪ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 2 Apchaur \Ü ȫ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 3 Bhukwa Phant ǕÈȡȡȱ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 5 Daheli ¡ȯȣ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 7 Ghumigaun Ǖͧɋ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 6 Indregauda ^Ûġȯȫȡ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 9 Kharbang Daha ɍ¡ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 7 Kharbari ȡȣ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 5 Mimnekothum ͧàȯȪǕ 1 Gulmi u 'Nd L VDC_C VDC English VDC Nepali WNO Name ĂđĘć 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 8 Neware ȯȡȯ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 8 Newaregaun ȯȡȯɋ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 7 Ryale Phant ȡ[ȯȡȱ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 3 Sukhaura Ǖȫȡ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 4 Tallaphant Gaun ãȡȲȡ`ȱ 510004 AMPCHAUR \àÜ ȫ 5 Thumka Gaun Ǖàȡȡ`ȱ 510005 ARBANI \ȡ[Ȣ 8 Arbenigaun \ȶǓɋ 510005 ARBANI \ȡ[Ȣ 5 Arbenigaun \ȶǓɋ 510005 ARBANI \ȡ[Ȣ 2 Bhayakot ȡȪ 510005 ARBANI \ȡ[Ȣ 8 Deurali ȯ`ȡȣ 510005 ARBANI \ȡ[Ȣ 9 Dhobla Ȫȡ 510005 ARBANI \ȡ[Ȣ 1 Dhuwadhunga ǕȡǕÛȡ 510005 ARBANI \ȡ[Ȣ 8 Kahun ȡ¡Ǖȱ 510005 ARBANI \ȡ[Ȣ 6 Kahung ¡ǕȲ 510005 ARBANI \ȡ[Ȣ 6 Kharka [ 510005 ARBANI \ȡ[Ȣ 3 Raksegaun È ȯɋ 510005 ARBANI \ȡ[Ȣ 9 Thula Bajar Ǖȡȡ 510005 ARBANI \ȡ[Ȣ 1 Upallo Bisauna `ãȪ ǒ ȫ 510006 ARJE \ȶ 4 Arjegaun \ȶɋ 510006 ARJE \ȶ 8 Pauwagaun ȫȡɋ 510006 ARJE \ȶ 9 Rangdalgaun ȲÊãɋ 510006 ARJE \ȶ 6 Sirar ͧ ȡ 510006 ARJE \ȶ 5 Tallogaun ãȪɋ 510006 ARJE \ȶ 9 Tunigaun ǕǓɋ 510006 ARJE \ȶ 1 Upallogaun `ãȪɋ 510007 ARKHABANG \ȡ[Ȳ 9 Arkhabang \ȡ[Ȳ 510007 ARKHABANG \ȡ[Ȳ 5 Arkhabang \ȡ[Ȳ 510007 ARKHABANG \ȡ[Ȳ 8 Arkhabanggaun \ȡ[ȲÊɋ 510007 ARKHABANG \ȡ[Ȳ 9 Bhainsemela ȰÛ ȯȯȡ 510007 ARKHABANG \ȡ[Ȳ 1 Ghaderi ȯȣ 510007 ARKHABANG \ȡ[Ȳ 1 Ghilmilagaun Ǔǔãȡɋ 510007 ARKHABANG \ȡ[Ȳ 1 Kabhregaun ħȯɋ 2 Gulmi u 'Nd L VDC_C VDC English VDC Nepali WNO Name ĂđĘć 510007 ARKHABANG \ȡ[Ȳ 3 M ulabari Ǖȡȣ 510007 ARKHABANG \ȡ[Ȳ 3 Painyapatagaun ȰÛȡɋ 510007 ARKHABANG \ȡ[Ȳ 8 Rangdigaun ȲǔÊɋ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 7 Arkhale \[ȯ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 2 Awar Kanda ] ȡÖ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 2 Balkot Ȫ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 3 Bard Bas [ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 8 Benor ȯȪ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 9 Bhade Gaun ȡ°ȯȡ`ȱ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 7 Bhandari Tola ÖȡȣȪ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 3 Bhuwan Pani Ǖ Ǔ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 9 Bohara Ȫ¡ȡ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 1 Chekmi ȯÈȢ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 6 Danda Kharka Ö [ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 6 Dumrechaur Phant ǕĨȯ ȫȡȱ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 5 Gahategaun ¡ȯɋ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 9 Jogithum ȪͬǕ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 6 Jogithum ȪͬǕ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 4 Lamdanda àȲȡ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 9 Mathillo Bhade ȡͬãȪȡ°ȯ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 6 Panaha ȡȡ¡ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 7 Raidi ǐȢ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 9 Resungagai Goth ȯ ǕÛȯȪ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 5 Seguwa ȯǕȡ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 8 Takura ȡǕȡ 510008 ARKHALE \[ȯ 8 Tallo Bhand ãȪ Ö 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 5 Arlangkot \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 8 Arlangkot \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 1 Banstari Ûèȣ 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 2 Dadalka ãȡ 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 8 Dandalka Ûãȡ 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 9 Dandalka Ûãȡ 3 Gulmi u 'Nd L VDC_C VDC English VDC Nepali WNO Name ĂđĘć 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 6 Dandalka Phant Ûãȡ ȡȱ 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 2 Dansikot Ȳͧ Ȫ 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 4 Dansikot Ȳͧ Ȫ 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 3 Dansing Ȳͧ Ȳ 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 7 M auribhir ȫǐͧ 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 3 Sankol ȲȪ 510009 ARLANGKOT \ȡ[ÛÊȪ 6 Thaple ȡȯ 510010 ASLEWA \èȯȡ 2 Asewagaun \ ȯȡɋ 510010 ASLEWA \èȯȡ 6 Aslebchaur \èȯÞ ȫ 510010 ASLEWA \èȯȡ 6 Botegaun Ȫȯɋ 510010 ASLEWA \èȯȡ 3 Dwaga ɮȡȡ 510010 ASLEWA \èȯȡ 9 Golbighat Ȫǔã 510010 ASLEWA \èȯȡ 9 Khursuwa Ǖ Ǖ[ȡ 510010 ASLEWA \èȯȡ 8 M achakot Ȫ 510010 ASLEWA \èȯȡ 9 Rambari ȡàȣ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 9 Arupata Phant \ǽȡȡȱ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 3 Bada ȡ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 4 Badagaun ɋ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 3 Badagaun ɋ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 1 Bhajagaun ȡɋ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 3 Bhanjyang ÛÏȡȲ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 9 Bhutrung ǕğǕȲ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 9 Dan Chaur ȡ ȫ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 9 Dharampani ȡȢ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 6 Dharapani ȡȡȡȢ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 1 Dobhan Ȫȡ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 4 Gwadi Phant Êȡȣȡȱ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 8 M aidan Ȱȡ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 9 Pakhridanda ͨđȲȡ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 5 Pega ȯ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 5 Pega Phant ȯȡȱ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 1 Tallo Dajakot ãȪ Ȫ 4 Gulmi u 'Nd L VDC_C VDC English VDC Nepali WNO Name ĂđĘć 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 6 Thula Pokhara Ǖȡ Ȫȡ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 7 Thumka Ǖàȡ 510011 BADAGAUN ɋ 8 Toladi Ȫȡȣ 510012 BALETAKSAR ȯÈ ȡ 6 Baletaksar Bajar ȯÈ ȡȡ 510012 BALETAKSAR ȯÈ ȡ 9 Baletaksargaun ȯȡÈ ɡ 510012 BALETAKSAR ȯÈ ȡ 8 Darainbasgaun ȰÛèɋ 510012 BALETAKSAR ȯÈ ȡ 4 Gyahan Ê¡ 510012 BALETAKSAR ȯÈ ȡ 7 Gyaw £ 510012 BALETAKSAR ȯÈ ȡ 6 Gyaw £ 510012 BALETAKSAR ȯÈ ȡ 9 Lambakharka àȡȡ 510012 BALETAKSAR ȯÈ ȡ 2 Lamjikot ǔàȪ 510012 BALETAKSAR ȯÈ ȡ 1 Sidure ͧ Ǖȯ 510012 BALETAKSAR ȯÈ ȡ 7 Sirungagaun ͧ ǽÛɋ 510012 BALETAKSAR ȯÈ ȡ 8 Thanidanda ȡǓȲȡ 510013 BALITHUM ͧǕ 7
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