Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 19 AUGUST 1980 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy QUEENSLAND Parliamentary Debates [HANSARD] THIRD SESSIO'N OF THE FORTY-SECOND PARLIAMENT Appointed to meet AT BRISBANE ON THE NINETEENTH DAY OF AUGUST, IN THE TWENTY-NINTH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1980 TUESDAY, 19 AUGUST 1980 the Opening of this the Third Session of the Forty-second Parliament of Queensland and that, nevertheless, it is His Excellency's desire that you proceed forthwith to the considera­ OPENING OF PARLIAMENT tion of the aforementioned business. Pursuant to the proclamation by His Excellency the Governor, dated 24 July 1980, appointing Parliament to meet this day for DEATHS OF SIR ALAN MANSFIELD the dispatch of business, the House met at AND SIR MOSTYN HANGER 11 a.m. in the temporary Legislative Assembly Chamber in the Parliamentary Annexe. MoTioN OF CoNDOLENCE Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah Mr SPEAKER (Hon. S. J. Muller, -Premier) (11.6 a.m.), by leave, without Fassifern) read prayers and took the chair. notice: I move- The Clerk read the proclamation. "1. That this House desires to place on record its appreciation of the services rendered to this State by the late Hon­ COMMISSION TO OPEN PARLIAMENT ourable Sir Alan Mansfield, K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., K.St.J., LL.B.Syd., LL.D.(Hon.) Mr SPEAKER: I have to inform the Qld., formerly Governor of the State of House that I have received from His Queensland and its dependencies in the Excellency the Governor a commissiOn Commonwealth of Australia. appointing me and Mr W. D. Hewitt, Chair­ man of Committees, or either of us, Com­ "2. That this House desires to place on missioners to open this session of Parliament. record its appreciation of the services rendered to this State by the late Hon­ I now call on the Clerk to read the ourable Sir Mostyn Hanger, K.B.E., B.A., commission. LL.M., formerly Chief Justice of the Sup­ The Clerk read the commission. reme Court of the State of Queensland and one time Administrator of the State of Mr SPEAKER, as the Senior Commissioner, Queensland and its dependencies in the said: Honourable members, we have it in Commonwealth of Australia. command from His Excellency the Governor "3. That Mr Speaker be requested to of Queensland to communicate to you that convey to the widow and family of each Parliament has been summoned to meet this of the deceased gentlemen the above resolu­ day to consider legislation, the granting of tion, together with an expression of the Supply to Her Majesty and such other matters sympathy and sorrow of the members of as may be brought before you; that the the Parliament of Queensland in the loss customary Speech will not be delivered at they have sustained." 2 Motion of Condolence [19 AUGUST 1980] Motion of Condolence Honourable members have been saddened by But many Queens!anders will have fondest the recent passing of two very eminent public recollections of Sir Alan as a man who loved figures who served the State faithfully and nothing better than to escape to a secluded well. seaside spot and indulge in his hobby of Sir Alan Mansfield was a distinguished boating and fishing. citizen and scholar who endeared himself to He was a dutiful husband, and father to the people throughout his term of office as a son and daughter. To his family, we Governor from 1966 to 1972. During his express our heartfelt condolences. Sir Alan six-year term, Sir Alan won the affection, has left a highly individual and indelible respect and confidence of people in all walks mark in so many areas. of life. He devoted virtually a lifetime of He will be recorded in Queensland's history service to the community and the State. as one of the State's most eminent citizens Our Sovereign the Queen personally hon­ and one who subscribed to the tenet: service oured Sir Alan through bestowing two knight­ above self. His career, with its countless hoods on him-that of Knight Commander of achievements of excellence, remains his most the Order of St Michael and St George in faithful memorial. 1958, and Knight Commander of the Royal The late Chief Justice Sir Mostyn Hanger Victorian Order in 1970. He was also a died after a long illness. This great man Knight of the Order of St John of Jerusalem. had a long and distinguished career in both In his speech upon assuming the office of the legal profession and the service of this Governor in March 1966, Sir Alan said his State. aim as Governor would be to bring the Sir Mostyn was held in the highest regard Queen closer to the people. He succeeded by those who knew him personally and by admirably with that intention. those who associated with him professionally. Queensland-bern, Sir Alan was the second All of them were aware of his being a Queenslander to be appointed Governor. The truly honourable gentleman. first was Sir John Lavarack, whose term Born in 1908, he was educated at Gympie ran from 1946 to 1957. Born in 1902 at State High School and the University of Indooroopilly, Brisbane, Alan Mansfield was Queensland. He graduated from that uni­ the son of Edward Mansfield, himself a versity in 1929 with the degree of Bachelor Judge of District Courts (Queensland) who of Arts and was admitted to the Queensland served as Chairman of the Land Appeal Bar in 1930. Court and, from time to time, upon the Supreme Court. In 1932 he commenced private practice and after many years of distinguished service he In 1924 Sir Alan, then in his early twenties, was appointed a King's Counsel in 1950. graduated from Sydney University with the degree of Bachelor of Laws. In that year Sir Mostyn was elevated to the Supreme he was called to both the New South Wales Court of Queensland in 1953 and was Bar and the Queensland Bar, reading within appointed to the office of Chief Justice in the chambers of Mr P. L. Hart. More than 1971, in which office he served until his 30 years of active court work followed. He retirement in 1977. He earned the respect lectured in bankruptcy at the Queensland and high regard of the entire legal profession. University Law School and in the Faculty Judicial roles filled by him included the of Commerce. He was also lecturer at the demanding position of President of the Indus­ Brisbane State Commercial High School. trial Court from 1961 to 1971. He was regarded as a leader among younger Queensland owes a great debt to this man counsel and as a man of culture. As he who gave so much of his life for the benefit matured, his judgments in court were con­ of the community. For these services, Her sidered vigilant and shrewd, and invariably Majesty graciously conferred a knighthood tinged with mercy. He was elevated to the upon him-that of a Knight Commander of Supreme Court of Queensland in 1940 and the Order of the British Empire. was appointed to the office of Chief Justice Sir Mostyn also served Queensland in the in 1956. capacity of Administrator between the retire­ From 1956 to 1965 he was Warden of the ment of former Governor, the late Sir Alan University of Queensland and became its Mamfield, and the appointment of the late Chancellor in 1966. He held this important Sir Colin Hannah in 1972. He served again post for 10 years. During this time the in this capacity in 1977 between Sir Colin's university enjoyed one of its most progressive retirement and the appointment of the present periods. Governor, Sir James Ramsay. As a member of tribunals of inquiry and Sir Mostyn is survived by his wife, three courts of appeal, whether within the State, sons and a daughter. His links with the the nation or on the international stage, Sir legal fraternity still continue, however, as Alan displayed his wisdom and legal scholar­ one of his sons, John, is a Judge of District ship. Courts in Townsville, and another son, Ian, He was commissioned as an Honorary is a barrister in Brisbane. Colonel of the 2/14 Queensland Mounted I am sure all members feel a great loss Infantry and as an Honorary Air Commodore with the passing of Sir Mostyn, who was one of 23rd Squadron of the Citizen Air Force. of Queensland's great men. Motion of Condolence [19 AuGusT 1980] Motion of Condolence 3 On behalf of the Government and, I am of the New South Wales District Court; the sure, all honourable members of this House, bow went on to become Mr Justice Hunter­ I wish to extend our condolences to the Chief Justice of Tonga-and No. 6 in the family of the late Sir Mostyn Hanger, K.B.E. boat was a young law student of great repute, Alan Mansfield. For sheer weight of talent Hon. L. R. EDWARDS (Ipswich-Deputy there has never been a crew quite like it. Premier and Treasurer) (11.13 a.m.): I wish Sir Alan Mansfield always put his State to second the motion of the Premier in first. In 1957 when the then Governor, Sir expressing the condolence of the Parliament John Lavarack was ill, Sir Alan was Admin­ on the passing of two of Queensland's most istrator of the State. Members will recall that distinguished sons-Sir Alan Mansfield, that was a turbulent period in Queensland's K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., K.St.J.
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