■’7“ . SATURDAY, APRIL '19, 1952 PAGE TWELVE V liattrlfp H tfr lEuputns 3|praU> • .AvM9«e DdUjr Net Press Run The Westher . good-for the greatest number"'is- For the Week Endlag . April 10, 1052 Fonokat .at Rc.WeaUisg B ureM . involved. • Mark 40 Years of Retreat Unit PLOWINB AND ^ i^ o iit Tovina^ As a-flnal word, y«Hi wlll be-ln- ifearef Along Main Street tierested'to know'that The Grech RARROWINB It The Girl Scout 1/eaders Aeeocla- Manor Association, lnc„ at the re­ 'x^leor.^Bnd rtmler tO Rlght,_^<^ tlbh'^lV iSeet W*<W«i<»«y *»»irtn» quest inf*several .of Its • member*,- . A.,BUTLER Member of tbe Audit 3»y iiliniy and'mlMi'' ' '7! '' ' on BtnA^of Me^he$iBr*$ ^ d e Etre^^^ Burma ot OIrenlatlonB •t S o'clock at qie Girl Scout of- had discussed plans for a'sectional —..T*el. 2-9543 or 3914 hre«n,;— •• -Manp/ieifpr ' flee.' Eugene Spteia'iWIT epeSk'on poli oh the TelejiKSfth, question and' Father Jo¥e]^h tets W lIT — City -Village Charm •■3tara."_ would have gone khead on Its own Hidden Hearts, >. if your donation has been over- l f ‘ the telephone company had not Be Speaker . Tuesday •’-r-'The AuxUtary PoUce Bseellnf . It's been said that a man . can [ jooked,-r;’phona 2-38W. Bsslgne<d tt8 own personnel to the, VOL. LXXI. n o . 172 .(Claaiined ..AdvartialaK .on Bag* U ). , MANCHESTER. CONN.. .MONDAY, APRIL 21* 1952 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE nVE CENTS Monday wUl be held at 8:3ftT>.m. live with his wife all his life and project,. • ' Night, St. Jatties’ Hall j Church Members at the State Armory. Members never really get to know her. Very truly yours, COSMETICS - 'X A member of our stall now has I Apparently tl\ere is confusion will attend the lecture by Col. Shepiey Cleaves The annual open meeting of WE CARRY ALL' . Floyd Martin and see an offlctal p ^ f that the same can he said ; in the minds of sorhe people as to President, The Green Manor I'what constitutes a church mem­ the Holy Family Laipnen'a RetrAat LEADING BRANDS. signal corpk movie on the Korean about a man's car. AssoA'ation, Inc. Court Bars ber. Children, lu-e baptised in ■ in­ League will be held.'Tuesday at 8 conflict. This Herald man. who shall re­ We appreciate the interest Mr. First A-Paratroops fancy and many , times grow up Arthur Drug Stom main nameless,'had a '41 coupe, Cleaves and the Green Manor As­ p. m. in St. Jamca' School hall. whirl) he purchased in. 1946. It was w lt h - o u t identifying themselves ■4S Among the divorces granted in sociation have shown in the matter Rev. Joseph Leo Flynn, C. P., pop­ a seivlceable old buggy, furnishing with a given church. They rhay fo r Superior Court, Hartford, yesler- and thank him for such a fine ex- ular retreat director at the. West In Senator Ti^iy^igBrcge-ts gggfl Frmw Of transport a Uon n nenm.; .fpn.uihiilA-r,<guJar:ly..aad,.)te...th.etf piatnlngly -and -falthflilly.' - -*">• • ‘ j -s-hare of • the--work o f - -the- church,- TjptntnrrtrthF"!PT^^ Tlacifbr4 .'moiiaaLe^, ■ -will- ■ spoair ' ”thU town IrohilFto^ert fviaay, al­ a point of Tnlere.st, Mr. Cleaves’ And our friend appreciated th e; hut until they'ha-ve professed their briefly and will show movies; so of this town, on the grounds of letter Is the only one—pro or con— loyalty. He ministered to the faith and have been duly received A ll men interested in the re­ P f d b B dwrtlon. The plaintiff was grant­ car's needs when ll was out of into membership, or have been that Heard Along received as A treat movement, .particularly ! Atom Bomb Site, Nev.,- on the ground. A G-47 medical ship ed SIO a week alimony and cus-. whack, mechanically, washed it transferred by letter of recom­ result'of last week's aVtlcle. tody of two children. Blit we must confess that during those who may make this year's FILMS April 21-— {/P) — History’.si .will evacuate any casualties. when it was dirty and unkempt, mendation from othitr churches, retreat on May 16 to 18 with the Washington,- April 21—(JP) Ahead, of the dug-in combat bat- AVasliington, Afiril 2J*M/P) the past week we pave received DEVEI-OPED AND and even, occasionally, waxed it they ' are not entered on the local group, are urged to attend. Bj; a 4-4 vote, the Supreme first atomic* smoke junijicrs, ^ ^aUon win V^e machine-guns, smsil — Edward ,1. Milne. Washing­ Frank Batson, head of the en­ against the blistering heat-of the clerk's membership book and are several more imofficlal "voting" PRINTED gineering division of Civil Defense, reports. And from the results we Refreshments will be scryed. Court today refused to free w;ith one eye on the weather, . planes and trucks. They will be ton coircspondenL of the ba..ir» t?jncaa<gay. • summer sun and the corroding hall pot-considered voting members. made final preparations to- inspected before the blast, then re- Is arranging for a g ^ ra l meet­ and snow o f wintry blasts. are still puzzled ns to where the ■Various committees of the 24-HGUR SERVICE German Countess Marianna - ..... Providence (R. 1.) Journal- ing of his division-to be held at heavy ".yes " vote Is coming' from. league are already working on ar­ ■ examined afterward to determine But never did our colleague ever rnnvaaa Cullinga von Moltke from. the pri.son j day for their spectacular P«rt Bulletin, told Senate investi- the Hollister School Monday eve­ With sli due respect -to the large rangements for next hionth's re­ Film Deposit Box suspect, that HIS car was the racy Dear Heard Along: -.term she drew on . .charges'm Exercise De.sert Hock IV. !■ radiation..Hi.tinn of theth. WAmhbomb. gator.s .today he could not dis- ning, Ap-ril 28. All local,, contrac­ type, the brazen sort that -would number of new residents In town treat'. Reglstfatfon cards are being ■ At Store Entrance Scientists and military men If you are Interested in meeting that she spied for Hitler’s AVUI tlieck on .Safety clo.ae the source.s of two tors with heavy equipment will be leap from the curb with a clashing and to their views on the proposed distributed and all members are propiised to prqv4d.e a .huclear Test.t.: ■ nh Rebel Coiiviet# W reek Donuilorv a concentrated group of the "eight toll-free,' higher-rate, service, we being Contacted.' . » . Reich during World Wiaf II. -urged to be preaent-wttb their per-^ of gears and a aqueaiing o f tires out of ten" .who favor contiguous guaranteed to furnish thrill.* for * "6 *ivili*n defense ob- stories - he ■ " wrote' dealin.K I ’en Guards sonnel. A program that will be of to catch the eye of other drivers, cannot accept that factor as a rea­ About 100,men from the Man­ KEMP'S Mr*. Von Mollke's home was at more than .700 Invited observers 7 ' *V"’* * grandstand with an’in(]uiry into demhniis toll-free eervlce in the , Hartford sonable explanation for an "eight Fallot Studio chester chapter made the retreat Interest to these men will be ar.- or -flash down the highway at ubt telephone exchange, we InvlU yoir 11,142 Kercheval avenue, Detroit. tom orrow -If murky clouds and " " for the ousting of Sen^ Mc­ • rtllged;- ;— ----- ----- :—: neemlj- speeds,-flouting convention out o f tett','..pr. even a "seven out of ■ Mr, and Mr*.. Charles X- Bear, last year,, and another .good , turn- . Her. four-year ssntence has been tricky winds will dtiUtpate:............. News Nob the natiirM. promon-. to visit lia in Green MindK ' ten", majority. Ltled in Manchester on Middle fum- .out is expected. ..The retreaLmoye_r_ Carthy; (R., w is.) ; Now Seized and-post e4~speed 'limUs.....-........... “ YoU f "edmmehts on ■ the -sobjert bert of 453 Center street are.cflfr ma rke(L_hjL JitigaUoa. since, it_waa. T2»Lmaneuvers-againat..i-'en» my2^.j°Xy-,^^^^ of the control For example, during the past : pike west In'October of that year. ment has been growing stcadll.v pronounced in 1944 building. -------With----------------------------- all due respect Ib’ -lh e No, not this car. His was the in Saturday’s column make inter­ brating their 40th wedding anni­ positions drop Imaginary hills on quiet type. And even after he week in an informal phone quiz versary t o ^ y with an open house Both are employed at Cheney here for the past several year.* and The Supreme cJourl's action was Before ground troops advance member* of the subcommittee. I esting repdlng. You might be in­ Yucca. Flat will lnvolve..^an atom am unahie to dl.*elose my:sources pepped UP the old gal with a new we .learned of aW ap pin g family after 7;30, p. m- ,kt. th«, home of Brothers.,, They have, two sons^ Is expected, to be-aided even more announced In an unsigned order or paratrooner* jump, radiological terested in these observatlone bomb, drop of mpre than ordinary of Information on the a'torte* in It-' engine in 1950 he never asked it Who voted "yes." hut we a.lso ran their daughter and son in law, Mr. j George ^ a b e rt and Charles Eca- by The excellent Taciim'e!.>i 'now' which noted only that the Tribunal proportions between noon and 1 sSfeiv monitors will ijiove Ihld no- LAND SURVEYING and from the "pro" side.
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