25500 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 14, 1999 Board certified in Psychiatry and Neurology, managed to land the aircraft safely. In January RECOGNITION OF THE 150TH now retired, Dr. Ursula Henderson Drew was 1949, General Cardenas flew the YB–49 on a ANNIVERSARY OF PFIZER, INC. in private practice in Santa Barbara since high-speed exhibition run to Washington, DC, 1977. She married Wallace T. Drew in 1993. and where a famous picture of the YB–49 fly- HON. SAM GEJDENSON She has served on the Santa Barbara City ing over the U.S. Capitol was taken. OF CONNECTICUT College Foundation and on the Advisory Com- The Flying Wing project was eventually can- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mittee for the Garvin Theatre. She has also celed and the plane was not duplicated until Thursday, October 14, 1999 served on the boards of the Santa Barbara the current B–2 aircraft. It is safe to say, how- Film Festival and the Ensemble Theatre. As ever, that without test pilots like General Mr. GEJDENSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Chairwoman of the Department of Psychiatry Cardenas who were willing to risk their lives, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of at Cottage Hospital, she also served on the we would not have the B–2 today. General Pfizer, Inc. and to congratulate the company Committee for the Homeless and the Physi- Cardenas is a true American Hero and our on its pioneering innovations in the vital phar- cian’s Well-Being Committee. She currently country owes him a debt for his contributions maceutical industry. Pfizer’s story is one of ad- serves on the Board of the Santa Barbara to the development of our national security. venture, risk-taking, bold decision-making, and Mental Health Association. Her latest leader- lifesaving. It’s the chronicle of a small chem- ship role has been Co-Chair of a $1.5 million f ical firm from Brooklyn, NY, which, over the campaign to reopen Health House and retain years, has become one of the world’s premier Sarah House. TRIBUTE TO FORMER PRESIDENT pharmaceutical enterprises. Pfizer now em- Mr. Speaker, I was honored to join the JULIUS NYERERE ploys close to 50,000 people in 85 countries, United Way in recognizing Wallace and Ursula including 4,939 employees in Groton, CT. Drew for their generosity to the City of Santa Pfizer’s products are now available in 150 Barbara. I am inspired by the Drews’ service HON. DONALD M. PAYNE countries. These products treat a variety of and commitment to their fellow citizens. The OF NEW JERSEY diseases and conditions, such as hyper- lifetime achievements of Wallace and Ursula IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tension, Alzheimer’s, infections, diabetes, and Henderson Drew will continue in perpetuity. arthritis. Thursday, October 14, 1999 f Cousins Charles Pfizer and Charles Erhart Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay emigrated to New York from Ludwigsberg, TRIBUTE TO BRIGADIER GENERAL Germany in the mid-1840s. In the U.S., the ROBERT CARDENAS tribute to a great man, a great statesman, a man of great compassion and a visionary who young cousins united their skills and opened believed strongly in Africa’s ability to forge a shop as a chemical firm in 1849. Charles HON. DUNCAN HUNTER prosperous future of unity and peace. Former Pfizer & Co. filled a gap in the American OF CALIFORNIA President Julius Nyerere of Tanzania passed chemical market by manufacturing specialty IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES away today in London at age 77 after losing chemicals that had not been produced in a 2-year battle with leukemia. America. The company made many important Thursday, October 14, 1999 breakthroughs and developed popular and ef- Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, to quote one of Known affectionately throughout Africa as fective drug treatments in its first 75 years. our Nation’s greatest Presidents, Ronald Mwalimu, or ‘‘teacher’’ in Swahili, President Medicines developed by Pfizer helped to save Reagan: Julius Nyerere was the father of Tanzanian many lives during the Civil War. independence and a symbol of Africa’s hope Those who say that we’re in a time when However, it took bold decision-making to as it emerged from the shadow of European catapult Pfizer into its role as a trendsetter in there are no heroes just don’t know where to colonial rule. look. You can see heroes every day going in the antibiotic era and a leader in the pharma- and out of factory gates. Others, a handful in He led the drive for the independence of his ceutical industry. In 1928, when Alexander number, produce enough food to feed all of us East African nation from British rule and be- Fleming discovered the germ-killing properties and then the world beyond. You meet heroes came the country’s first president in 1962. of the ‘‘mold juice’’ secreted by penicillium, he across a counter—and they’re on both sides In 1979, in defiance of the Organization of knew that it could have enormous medical of that counter. There are entrepreneurs— with faith in themselves and faith in an African Unity, President Nyerere sent troops to value. Unfortunately, Fleming was unable to idea—who create new jobs, new wealth and Uganda in response to the intense suffering of mass-produce penicillin. In 1941, following opportunity. They’re individuals and fami- the Ugandan people under the brutal dictato- new research relating to this ‘‘wonder drug,’’ lies whose taxes support the government and rial regime of Idi Amin Dada. That operation— Pfizer executives risked their own stocks and whose voluntary gifts support church, char- one of the first humanitarian missions of its invested millions of dollars to develop a proc- ity, culture, art and education. Their patri- kind—would help set a legal precedent for ess to mass–produce penicillin. Thankfully, otism is quiet but deep. Their values sustain peacekeeping missions all over the globe. they were successful. With the U.S. Govern- our national life. Nyerere stepped down as president in 1985 ment desperate for penicillin to aid soldiers in San Diego is fortunate to have many heroes after 23 years in office to devote his time to World War II, the company, in true patriotic in our community. I would like to take this op- farming and diplomacy. He worked tirelessly to spirit, agreed to share its method with com- portunity to highlight one of our local heroes negotiate an end to the violence that has petitors while still leading the way in penicillin and honor his sacrifice and achievements. plagued central and southern Africa in the production. Many of you may already know the story of past decade. From this point on, Pfizer expanded into a Brigadier General Robert Cardenas (USAF re- Most recently, Nyerere’s efforts were di- global leadership role in the pharmaceutical in- tired), one of the greatest test pilots of all time. rected toward mediating an end to the bloody dustry. The company opened operations While General Cardenas is well known for civil war in neighboring Burundi, where more around the world and developed new and ef- being the pilot of the aircraft that dropped the than 200,000 people, mostly civilians, have fective antibiotics to help in the fight against X–1 being flown by Chuck Yeager, he also been killed since 1993. deadly bacteria. was the test pilot for the ‘‘Flying Wing’’, the Pfizer has invested a great amount of its re- Northrop YB–49, in 1947 and 1948. The Fly- Nyerere wrote eight books mainly on devel- sources into R&D—over $2.8 billion in1999 ing Wing was a revolutionary aircraft at the opment and socialism in Africa and Tanzania alone. This strategy has resulted in the launch time and to be chosen as a test pilot was a in particular. He also translated William of many successful drugs that help people live great honor. It was also a very dangerous as- Shakespeare’s plays ‘‘Julius Caesar’’ and better lives. By bringing best-in-class medi- signment. General Cardenas, in an interview ‘‘The Merchant of Venice’’ into Swahili. cines to market and working with patients and described one particular test flight where ‘‘he A Roman Catholic, Nyerere was married physicians to develop comprehensive disease found himself at the controls of an airplane and had eight children. management programs, Pfizer helps people that was pointing almost straight up; refusing The current President of Tanzania, Presi- control their illness, rather than letting peoples’ to respond to the controls, it was falling tail- dent Mkapa, has announced that a state fu- illness control them. first at 5,000 feet per minute. The aircraft then neral will be held for Nyerere in Dar es Sa- Recognized as one of the world’s most ad- tumbled over backwards.’’ General Cardenas laam early next week. mired companies, Pfizer was recently named VerDate May 21 2004 08:41 Jun 14, 2004 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E14OC9.000 E14OC9.
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