TONIGHT AT 7 .3 0 HERALD COOKING SCHOOL A T THE WEATHER Forecast by C. 8. Weather Bureau, NET PRESS RUN Hartford. a v e r a g e d a i l y circulation 19S0 tor the Month of January, Snow and slightly colder tonight; Thursday cloudy preceded by snow. 1 5 , 5 4 7 Blembera of the Audit Bureau of Circulations e ig h t e e n p a g e s PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1930. (Classified Advertising on Page 16) VOL. XLIV., NO. 126. At President Hoover’s Blue Ridge School MURDER REBHSHOID TAFT growing CHAIITEMPS OUT;] TR IE S T O FRANCE SEEKS W IF F T H E N SELF SANDOINGO; ! WEAKER, SAY ANEWmiNET QUIFT TODAY! HIS DOaORS Attempts Murder Joseph Grimes, Despondent President Asks Both Tar- ! Over Wife's Refusal to President Vasquez Takes Fonner Chief Justice Suffers dieu and Poincare to Live With Him Slashes Refuge in French Lega­ No Pain But Condition Is Form One But They Re­ Her Throat, Then Tries tion— American Diplomat More Serious Than at fuse— Poincare is 111. Suicide at Room in War- Any Time. Reports Settlement Near. Paris, Feb. 26.—(AP)—Former i Premier Andre Tardieu this after- ■ anoke Hotel Here. Washington, Feb. 26— (AP) — Santo Domingo, Dominican Re­ noon definitely accepted the task of | Former Chief Justice Taft is gradu­ public, Feb. 2 6 - (AP) -Insurgent forming a new Cabinet to succeed | Thrown into evident despondency ally growing weaker. the Chautemps ministry which was | or mental derangement because hi.s forces today captured the fortress His physicians issued this bulle- and public buildings of Santo Dorn- , thrown out by the Chamber o f ; wife’s visit was to be terminated iogo, thus consolidating their posi- ^ t -, at Deputies last night. | today, Joseph Grimes, attempted to Justice is not His call at the Elysee palace this ; tion throughout the Domimcan Re , as yesterday. He is gradu­ murder Mrs. Grimes by slashing afternoon was to enable the presi- i her throat with a razor and then public. ally growing weaker. He suffers no i dent to renew formally his request tried suicide by the same method President Horacio Vasquez, whose pain but his condition is more seri­ to Tardieu this morning to form a in his room at the Waranoke Hotel ous than at any time.” Cabinet. At that time Tardieu re­ at 8:30 o'clock this morning. Both The Bulletin was signed by Drs. fused and suggested that former missed death by a fraction of an Francis R. Hagner and Thomas A. Premier Poincare be summoned. inch and both are in an extremely Claytor. Poincare also refused but w'as en­ critical condition at the Mainches- Patient Weak trusted with the message that the ter Memorial hospital. president still considered Tardieu as j Chief of Police Samuel G. Gordon Earlier in the day Dr. Hagner had charged with the mandate to form ; said he had no immediate apprehen­ obtained a statement from Mrs. a new ministry. sion, but that the weakened condi­ Grimes, while she lay on the operat­ ing table at the hospital, and on tion of the patient and his advanced j ^ Into the shinv new room shuffled ragged urchins, of i p„_;g 26.— (A P )—With the years made all predictions hazard- i the strength of it, advanced the The school bell ' ' Nervously they squeezed behind their desks, about to be i cabinet down in ruins, COOKING SCHOOL theory of premeditation, with in­ OUS. I all ages and sues, from la e S n " ,TMs U the tost picture taken Inside the sch ^ l ! today entrust- tent to murder. The noon bulletin was the inost j SSrcfprSSentlnTM 'rs. Hoover - 0 - 0 to he .h i I ed the task of fortong a new Cahl- Give Up Hope discouraging in more than two Rav Buraker, 16, who can neither read nor w'rite, and to Andre Tardieu, who will seeK PLEASES WOMEN According to Dr. G. A. F. Lund- weeks After the collapse which j The boy circled in the foreground is Ray Buraker S ecu tiv e with a live ’possum at his fishing camp berg, Mrs. Grimes, who is 68 years fj,rced Mr. Taft’s resignation from j last snuiuer. fs^Sirf^rttlne W esjherself a nioontaln ^ r. and a £ -d “of.2y^':SV\ira?c!'vr old, had a large incision made> in the bench and his confinement to his her throat viith a razor, cutting home here, he showed some im­ graduatG of a Kentucky colleg^e. » an French statesman. ! The president first called in Tar 1 through the skin and muscles and provement and for a two-week , Mrs. Katherine Delaney En­ through the v.indpipe. Danger of period his doctors reported each day ; j dieu this morning and asked him to ^ I form a ministry, but Tardieu refus- j secondary infection ^s great as she my that his condition was unchanged. ; is breathing air through the wound I ed and suggested Premier Poincare, j Yesterday he was reported not so j PAPAL SECRETAR? tertains as She Instructs; and into her lungs. Hospital author­ j offering to take a portfolio under] well The physicians did not dis- , BUTLER SAYS DRY LAW ities did not believe she would last close details of the further decnne ! ' him, which w'ould include his re- ■ the day out. today, but indicated that the sus- | DIES SUDDENLY turning to the London naval con- j Another Session Tonight. Grimes, who is 72 years old, cut tained attack which the patient s j ference which has been marking his throat from ear to ear, through system had undergone was reducing I VIOUTES CONSTITUTION time pending solution of the French ^ the skin and muscles down to the his_______ resistancewoinw thebelow danger i Cabinet crisis. ] Heral Cooking School session jugular vein, nearly to the wind- f - / point. Also Refuses. j at Masonic Temple tonight be­ pipe Because of the great_ amount Cardmal Merry Del Val Pass­ Poincare, however, also refused i gins at 7:30. of blood shed by both victims, Dr. the post, pleading that his health ; ______ Lundberg could not- immediately as- President of Columbia Uni- MELLON IN FAVOR rvf rhina- i certain their exact condition beyond 7 would be wrecked if he took the Mrs. Katherine Delaney of Chica “ critical.” es Away After an Opera­ reins now before bis strength was ^ SEA CONFERENCE go, a representative of the DeBoth Woman’s Story President Horacio Vasquez. versity and Others Rap I OF BRANCH BANKS restored. He is still convalescent > Home Making Schools, captivated from his recent illness. He advised The aged woman told Chief of efforts to succeed himself in the tion Today. the more than 500 women vrho at­ President Doumergue to insist on Police Samuel G. Gordon, that her coming elections were largely re­ TO RESUME WORK ! Prohibition Before Con- tended the first session of The husband had little or no sleep last sponsible for the movement against Tardieu serving as the new premier. Herald’s cooking school at the Later Poincare announced on night but lay awake m.umbling un­ the government, took refuge in the Rorac. Feb. 26.— (A P )—Cardinal Masonic Temple yesterday, by her intelligibly to himself, keeping her French legation with Vice President gress— Doctor Testifies^!Treasury Head Says They Merry Del Val, former Papal secre­ leaving the Elysee Palace that Tar­ winning personality and fund of awake also. This morning, she Alfonseca, who had offered his re­ tary of state and in recent years dieu had been charged vrtth the mis­ ready wit. She made a charming ap­ said, they went to breakfast and signation soon after the rebel move­ To Take Up Various Details! archpriest of St. Peter’s, died today sion of forming a new Cabinet and pearance on the platform of the ban­ on finishing hers she returned to the ment began. p • D J I ' Washington, Feb. 26.—(AP) — AI Are Sounder Than Chain from heart failure after an opera­ that he w’ould begin consultations at quet hall, surroimded by the vari­ room. A few minutes elapsed and the Poincare residence this after­ ous cooking appliances which are There was no bloodshed or loss Until France is Keady to | university president, a psycopathic tion for appendicitis. Grimes entered. Without a word of life during today's operations by The cardinal, who is 65, was noon regarding the membership of | indispensable to the modern, up-to- 'ae dashed at her as she sat in the ■ physician and a member of the Au- Or Group Banking. the insurgents and the city was [stricken suddenly ill yesterday and the new ministry. date kitchen of today. rocking chair, slashing out with the quiet. I thors and Artists committee of the --------- I grew worse during the night. Final- Poincare said he had promised As her pictures in The Herald razor. How many times he cut her Gustavo Diaz, president of the I Association Against the Prohibition j , . p , __I ly an operation was deemed neces- President Doumergue he would help would indicate, she possesses the she did not know. Her hysterical Senate, took shelter in the Danish i Amendment, joined today lA placing : Washington Fe . ' „ 1 —sary . and this was performed by Tardieu form a wide union Cabinet. striking combination of dark eyes scream ended in a gurgle as she lost consulate, but during the day was Vi f r d’seouraeine' pic- Secretary Mellon wrote the House pj.Qf Bastianelli. The cardinal was Such a union Cabinet appears to of- and prematurely silver hair.
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