E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1995 No. 97 Senate (Legislative day of Monday, June 5, 1995) The Senate met at 9 a.m., on the ex- ing them to march to the cadences of of 9:30 a.m., with the time to be equally piration of the recess, and was called to the rhythms of Your righteousness. In divided between the Senator from Flor- order by the President pro tempore Your holy name. Amen. ida [Mr. MACK] and the Senator from [Mr. THURMOND]. f New Jersey [Mr. BRADLEY]. Mr. BRADLEY addressed the Chair. PRAYER RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John MAJORITY LEADER HUTCHISON). The distinguished Senator Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The from New Jersey. Almighty God, Sovereign of this Na- acting majority leader is recognized. f tion, and Lord of our lives, we thank f RACE FOR THE CURE You for outward symbols of inner meaning that remind us of Your bless- SCHEDULE Mr. BRADLEY. Madam President, I ings. The sight of our flag stirs our pa- Mrs. HUTCHISON. Mr. President, on am very pleased to join my distin- triotism and dedication. It reminds us behalf of the leader I would like to say guished friend from Florida today on of Your providential care through the that the leader time has been reserved the floor of the U.S. Senate to talk years of our blessed history as a people, this morning, and there will be a period about the Race for the Cure which will take place this Saturday, and the issue our role in the unfinished and unfold- of morning business until the hour of of breast cancer generally. Breast can- ing drama of the American dream, and 9:30 a.m. cer is a dreaded and devastating dis- the privilege we share of living in this Following morning business, the Sen- ease which has reached epidemic pro- land. ate will resume consideration of S. 652, portions in America. During 1995 an es- Lord, today it is a moving experience the telecommunications bill. At that timated 183,000 new cases of breast can- to celebrate Flag Day, in the midst of time the Senate will begin 20 minutes cer will be detected in women, and the crucial legislation before this Sen- of debate on the Feinstein amendment. 46,000 lives will be lost to this diseaseÐ ate. It is an inspiring reminder of why Following that debate, at approxi- mately 9:50, the Senate will begin a se- 46,000 lives. The number is staggering. we are here. We repledge our allegiance For this reason I am deeply commit- ries of three consecutive rollcall votes. to our flag and recommit ourselves ted to finding a cure for breast cancer, The first vote will be on or in relation anew to the awesome responsibilities as much as a Senator can be commit- to the Feinstein amendment, to be fol- You have entrusted to us. As we move ted. The real action is in science. But forward with the remaining amend- lowed by a vote on or in relation to the we cannot allow our wives, daughters, ments and substantive content of the Gorton amendment, to be followed by a friends, and coworkers to be claimed by telecommunications legislation, may vote on invoking cloture on S. 652, the this disease. We must continue to bat- the flag that waves above this Capitol telecommunications bill. Further roll- tle for their well-being. remind us that this is Your land, that call votes can be expected throughout Every woman is at risk for breast the airwaves belong to You, and that the day in hope of completing action cancer. It is the leading cause of death You have entrusted to us the preserva- on the telecommunications bill this among African-American women and it tion of the decency of what is broad- evening. is the leading cause of death among all cast on radio and television and com- Mr. President, I yield the floor. women between ages 35 and 54. Al- municated through the sophisticated f though the incidence of breast cancer technology of computers. increases sharply after age 40, younger RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Thank You, Lord, that our flag also women, even women in their twenties, gives us the bracing affirmation of the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under are also diagnosed with and die of unique role of this Senate in our de- the previous order, the leadership time breast cancer. mocracy. In each age You have called is reserved. As a nation, we cannot afford to wait truly great men and women to serve as f any longer to eradicate the leading Senators. We praise You for the 100 dy- killer of women in this country. Al- namic patriots whom You have called MORNING BUSINESS though we still do not know what to serve in this Senate at this strategic The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under causes breast cancer or how to cure it, time in our history. May they experi- the previous order there will now be a we have begun to make significant ence fresh strength and vision, as You period for the transaction of morning strides. Federal funding for breast can- renew the drumbeat of Your spirit call- business not to extend beyond the hour cer research has quadrupled since 1990. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S 8293 S 8294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE June 14, 1995 The discovery of breast cancer genes I want to, first of all, express my ap- ly's experience. At a young age, when I has made headlines around the world preciation to Senator BRADLEY for get- was in my twenties, my younger broth- and restored hope that one day a sci- ting the Senate focused on the Race for er in essence said the same thing to me entific breakthrough will provide a the Cure. He came up to me yesterday except that he had discovered a mela- cure. However, we cannot simply sit afternoon and asked if I would be will- noma on his head. Unfortunately, be- back and wait for the cure. Each and ing to come over and talk for a few cause it was on his head and covered by every one of us has a role and we can minutes this morning. hair, it had not been discovered until it play it and we should play it. One way I appreciate, again, in this busy was way too late. And the doctors told to help in this fight is to participate in schedule and busy arena in which we him he probably had 6 months to live. something like the sixth annual Na- find ourselves, a situation where we Michael ended up living 12 years and tional Race for the Cure this Saturday, can focus our attention and our inter- lived most of those 12 years in a very on June 17. The purpose of this race is est on an issue that is of deep concern, useful and beneficial and, for him, a to both raise money and public aware- frankly, to all Americans, but for some comfortable way. It was just at the end ness about how early detection and of us there is a very personal aspect to that it became very, very difficult for mammograms save lives. The Race for it. him. the Cure, and others like it across the I like the word the Senator's wife But the thoughts that went through Nation, has raised $27.5 million since it uses with respect to triumph. Maybe my mind when Priscilla told me she began, making the race's foundation we should begin to change the language discovered the lumpÐI went through the largest private funder of research that we refer to because, as I have be- all of those experiences again that I dedicated solely to breast cancer. come involved in the discussion of this had with my brother Mike. The Race For The Cure is a unique disease, one of the things that I have The fundamental difference, though, opportunity to bring together the found is that the spirit of the individ- between the two was early detection. many people whose lives have been ual, the determination of the individ- Priscilla had not been active in the touched by breast cancer. This year, ual to overcome the disease plays a sig- fight against cancer, but because our 25,000 people are expected to partici- nificant role in the cure. I do not mean family had been dealing with the can- pate in this special event. The size of to downplay the significance, obvi- cer issue, she had become sensitized. this event clearly demonstrates the ously, of the traditional medical ap- She had heard the messages, frankly far-reaching impact this disease has proaches, but I think we are beginning the messages that will come from our had on American life. Since 1960, more to find out that the human spirit plays comments here on the floor today. than 950,000 U.S. women, nearly 1 mil- a greater and greater role in this battle I will guarantee you there will be lion American women, have died from against cancer. someone out there watching and ob- breast cancer. This is more than two Another person that I would like to serving today that will hear what Sen- times the number of all Americans who thank is Nancy Brinker, who is the in- ator BRADLEY had to say about early died in World Wars I and II, the Ko- dividual who started the Race for the detection, hear what Senator ROCKE- rean, Vietnam, and Persian Gulf wars.
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