CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HARD-BOILED DETECTIVE IN JOHN GRISHAM'S NOVEL THE FIRM AND THEIR TRANSLATIONS BY ROMUALDAS PETRAITIS AND JONAS ČEPONIS By Lina Stanevi čiūtė Vytautas Magnus University Department of English Philology Master of Arts Thesis Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ingrida Žindžiuvien ė 17 May 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS SANTRAUKA ………………………………………………………………………………………..….4 SUMMARY………………………………………………………………………………………..…….5 1 INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………..………...……6 2 FEATURES OF THE HARD-BOILED DETECTIVE………….………………….………....……9 2.1 Prevalent themes in the hard-boiled detective………………..………………..…….……………11 2.2 Specific features of plot structure…………………………………………………..……….…….13 2.3 Character set in the hard-boiled detective..............................................................................….....15 2.4 The importance of place and time……………………………………………….……..…....……23 2.5 Movement: physical and psychological………………………………………….………........…..25 2.6 Characteristic features of language………………………………………………….………...…..26 3 A LEGAL THRILLER AS A BRANCH / SUBGENRE OF THE HARD-BOILED DETECTIVE …………………………………………………………………………………..……..28 4 FEATURES OF THE HARD-BOILED DETECTIVE IN THE NOVEL THE FIRM BY JOHN GRISHAM AND THEIR LITHUANIAN TRANSLATIONS BY ROMUALDAS PETRAITIS (1997) AND JONAS ČEPONIS (2008) ...............................................................................................34 4.1 Themes of the novel………………………………………………………..……………..…….34 4.2 Plot structure………………………………………………………………..…………..………37 4.3 Character set in the novel…………………………………………………………..…..……….39 4.3.1 Identity of the protagonist…………………………………………………………..……..39 4.3.2 Antagonist of the story………………………………………………….…………..……..45 4.3.3 Representation of American institutions and officials…………………………...…..……49 4.3.4 Diversity of social classes in the novel…………………………………………..………..53 4.3.5 Variety of racial groups in the novel………………………………………….…………..57 1 4.4 The analysis of the setting………………………………………………………..………..…...…60 4.4.1 City as the main setting……………………………………………………….……...…..….60 4.4.2 Representation of contemporary times…………………………………………………..….63 4.8 Rapid pace of action…………………………………………………………….…….….…....…67 4.8.1 Physical movement……………………………………………….………….……...…...….68 4.8.2 Psychological movement………………………………………….…………….….….……72 4.9 Language of the novel……………………………………………………….……...…….....……76 4.9.1 Wisecracks and colloquial style......................................................................................…....76 4.9.2 Legal language………………………………………………………………….………..….80 5 CONCLUSIONS …………………………………………………………………………….....…….82 LIST OF REFERENCES …………………………………………………………….……….....…….85 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: The summary of John Grisham’s novel The Firm APPENDIX B: Representation of prevalent themes in target texts APPENDIX C: Representation of the protagonist in target texts APPENDIX D: Representation of the antagonist in target texts APPENDIX E: Depiction of corrupt institutional structures and dishonest officials in target texts APPENDIX F: Depiction of social stratification in target texts APPENDIX G: Representation of racial groups in target texts APPENDIX H: Depiction of the city as the main setting in target texts APPENDIX I: Representation of modern-day realities in target texts APPENDIX J: Depiction of urgency in target texts APPENDIX K: Depiction of psychological movement in target texts APPENDIX L: Representation of wisecracks and colloquial language APPENDIX M: Legal terms in the novel The Firm and their translations 2 ABBREVIATIONS ST – Source text TT – Target text TT1 – Translation by Romualdas Petraitis (1997) TT2 – Translation by Jonas Čeponis (2008) LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1.1 Translation of prevalent themes……………………………..…………………………..….36 Table 4.3.1 Representation of the protagonist……………………………………………………..........42 Table 4.3.2 Depiction of the antagonist…………………………………………………………...…….48 Table 4.3.3 Corrupt institutional structures and dishonest officials……………………………….……51 Table 4.3.4 Social stratification in the novel…………………………………………………..…….….55 Table 4.3.5 Representation of racial groups……………………………………………………….……59 Table 4.4.1 City as the main setting…………………………………………………………….………62 Table 4.4.2 Conveyance of contemporary times………………………………………...……….……..65 Table 4.8.1 Representation of urgency in physical movement……………………….....………..……..70 Table 4.8.2 Representation of psychological movement………………………………..………..……..74 Table 4.9.1 Translation of colloquial language…………………………………………………...….….78 Table 4.9.2 Translation of legal jargon………………………………………………………….....……81 Table 4.9.3 The use of footnotes……………………………………………………………….….….…82 3 SANTRAUKA Šio darbo tikslas – įrodyti, kad Johno Grishamo teisinis trileris „Firma“ gali b ūti įvardijamas kaip kietojo detektyvo šaka / poskyris, taip pat ištirti, kaip kietojo detektyvo bruožai atsiskleidžia Lietuvi ų vert ėjų Romualdo Petrai čio (1997) ir Jono Čeponio (2008) vertimuose. Pirmiausia siekiama pagr įsti prielaid ą, kad nagrin ėjamas romanas turi kietajam detektyvui b ūding ų bruož ų, tod ėl pirmojoje darbo dalyje apžvelgiamos pagrindin ės kietojo detektyvo savyb ės. Teorin ėje dalyje taip pat pristatomos teisinio trilerio ypatybės, kaip s ąsajos tarp ši ų literat ūros kryp čių įrodymas. Šiame darbe taip pat nagrin ėjama galima teksto žanro įtaka vertimo procesui. Lietuvi ų vert ėjų vertim ų analizei pasirinktos Monos Baker si ūlomos vertimo strategijos. Teisin ės terminologijos panaudojimas romane yra akcentuojamas kaip itin svarbus aspektas, kadangi terminologijos vertimas reikalauja išprusimo teisin ėje srityje. Romano ištrauk ų analiz ė parod ė, kad romane „Firma“ atsispindi kietajam detektyvui b ūdingi bruožai. Taigi, šis romanas gali b ūti traktuojamas, kaip kietojo detektyvo žanro kryptis. Kitaip tariant, romanas gali b ūti priskiriamas siauresnei kietojo detektyvo šakai – poskyriui. Nors Lietuviškuose vertimuose kietojo detektyvo bruožai atsispindi, vis d ėlto jie praranda dal į įtaigumo. Lyginamoji vertim ų analiz ė parod ė, kad R. Petrai čio vertime naudojama daugiau skirting ų vertimo strategij ų. Pasteb ėta tendencija apibendrinti bei neutralizuoti pirmin į tekst ą. Tuo tarpu J. Čeponis pasikliauja mažesniu strategij ų skai čiumi, tod ėl jo vertimas gali b ūti traktuojamas kaip tikslesnis, informatyvesnis bei labiau atitinkantis pirmin į tekst ą. Be to, J. Čeponio vertimas pasižymi didesniu išnaš ų skai čiumi. Gausesnis išnaš ų skai čius rodo, kad vert ėjas atsižvelgia į skaitytojo poreikius. Vis d ėlto, pernelyg daug papildom ų aiškinim ų išnašose gali apsunkinti skaitymo proces ą. Taigi, analiz ė parod ė, kad prieš prad ėdamas versti literat ūros k ūrin į vert ėjas turi įsigilinti į žanro ypatybes. Johno Grishamo romanuose itin svarbi ą viet ą užima specifinė terminologija, kuri yra skiriamasis šio autoriaus rašymo stiliaus bruožas. Terminologijos vertimas taip pat įgauna didel ę reikšm ę, kadangi vert ėjo užduotis yra ne tik rasti Lietuviškus atitikmenis, bet ir išsaugoti pirminio teksto savitum ą, rišlum ą bei stili ų. Galima teigti, kad literat ūros k ūrinio žanro svarba vertimo procesui buvo patvirtinta. 4 SUMMARY The aim of this MA thesis is to analyze John Grisham’s legal thriller The Firm as a branch / subgenre of the hard-boiled detective and to examine if and how the characteristics of the hard-boiled detective are rendered in two Lithuanian translations by Romualdas Petraitis (1997) and Jonas Čeponis (2008). First, the paper confirms the initial presumption that the key elements of the hard-boiled detective can be found in the analyzed novel. Therefore, the theoretical part, presented in the first part of the thesis, provides a list of essential qualities of hard-boiled detective fiction as the core for the subsequent analysis. Further, a legal thriller as a subgenre of the hard-boiled detective is presented in order to prove the relationship. The possible influence of genre on the process of translation is the second objective of the research. The translation strategies, introduced by Mona Baker, are chosen to examine Lithuanian translations and to investigate how the qualities of the hard-boiled detective are conveyed in both Lithuanian versions. Since the novel is linked to legal terminology, the paper emphasizes the translation of legal vocabulary which requires specialized knowledge. The discussion of particular extracts from the novel has shown that a legal thriller The Firm includes characteristic features of the hard-boiled detective. As a result, it can be identified as a branch or a subgenre of hard-boiled detective fiction. The analysis of Lithuanian translations leads to the conclusion that the qualities of the hard-boiled detective, even though unfolds in Lithuanian texts, do not preserve the same degree of profoundness and, therefore, can be considered less credible. The comparative analysis of Lithuanian translations has revealed that TT1 applies greater number of translation strategies with particular emphasis on generalization and the use of less expressive words. As a result, the conveyance of the hard-boiled detective features becomes less accurate. In contrast, TT2 does not vary considerably in translation strategies. TT2 retains greater degree of precision with the help of direct Lithuanian equivalents. What is more, the translator in TT2 is more considerate towards the reader since TT2 shows a tendency to give more detailed explanations in footnotes. On the one hand, the use of footnotes makes the text more reader-friendly; on the other hand, there is a risk to overburden the reading process.
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