hall and lecture rooms, film and book Around the NOCs libraries. Space will also be available for the display of important documents, medals, awards, photographs, etc. ● $1 million (SF. 2.2 million) is the target of “Invest in gold”, an independent Olympic fund raising programme supported by the Australian Olympic Federation. The pro- ceeds will go into a scholarship fund to assist Olympic aspirants train and travel to Argentina international competitions. ● The 1st International Congress of Sports Sciences is being organised from 2nd to 11th Costa Rica June by the Cordoba Football League on occasion of the 1978 FIFA World Cup. ● New Board elected for 1977-1978: This initiative is benefiting from the full support of local and regional bodies. PT: Mr. Rafael Barquero Chaves (re-elec- ted); SG: Mr. Jorge Arturo Alvarado Cerdas (re-elected) ; T: Mr. Juan José Wedel Carazo ; Accountant : Mr. Placido Pereira Australia Lopez ; M S : Dr. Pedro Manuel Paris Segares, Messrs. Hernan Alvarado Rees and Carlos Pacheco Jipon. ● The New South Wales Government is setting up a Sports House in a six-storey building that will be able to accommodate Cuba about 60 sports organisations and provide them with all secretarial facilities, a meeting ● New postal address of the Cuban Olympic Committee : Calle 13 No. 601, Zona postal 4, Havana. Bermuda Telephone : 32.8441. Participants in a successful Sports Seminar, organised by the Bermuda Olympic Association on 18th February: front row, left to right-The Hon. Quinton Edness, Bermuda Minister for Community Affairs ; The Hon. Iona Campagnolo, Canadian Minister for State Fitness and Amateur Sport; Mr. Reginald Cooper, President of the Bermuda Olympic Association ; back row, left to right-Mr. John Pickett, Director of Canadian Physical Fitness and Recreation ; Mr. Robert Clifford, Secretary General of the Bermuda Olympic Association ; Miss April Holland, Executive Assistant to Mrs. Campagnolo ; Mr. Ralph Webber, General Manager of Air Canada, Bermuda ; Mr. Richard Pound, President of the Canadian Olympic Association ; Mr. Gerard Bean, Vice-President of the Bermuda Olympic Association. 325 United States in New York. Working conditions will also be improved and commuting time greatly reduced. ● The move to Colorado Springs is planned Expansion of Olympic House activities in July of this year. A comprehensive plan for transferring part of USOC headquarters to Colorado Springs, as well as the extension of amateur sports ● The first National Sports Festival is to activities in this city, have just been ap- be held in Colorado Springs from 26th to proved by the governing bodies of the 30th July. United States Olympic Committee. 2,000 athletes are expected to participate in The proposal includes establishment of a the programme which includes all Olympic temporary national training centre, and the summer sports, the Pan-American Games’ provision of adequate office space to house disciplines, as well as ice hockey and figure interested national sports authorities and skating. USOC headquarters. Centralised printing and automatic data processing will be ins- For this first event, the national governing talled ; construction of a permanent training bodies will. select the participating sports- centre which will incorporate an amateur men on a regional basis, but the intention sports museum and a sports medicine fa- is for this event to become a series of cility are also envisaged. competitions involving thousands of athletes on a ladder progressing from state to re- Consideration of the project was spurred by gional and then to national level. the fact that currently the office- space at The new Sports Medicine Committee. under Olympic House in New York (9,000 sq.m., Dr. Irving Dardik, will be taking the-oppor- as opposed to 18,500 sq.m. available for tunity of this festival to acquaint coaches USOC at Colorado Springs) is over-taxed. and athletes with its programme. The cost of renting additional space in New York City would however be extremely expensive, and renting additional footage would create new management problems without solving any of the physical defi- Finland ciencies. This move will mean the sale of Olympic House. About 900 sq.m. will be retained in ● New telephone number of the Finnish New York to accommodate a communica- Olympic Committee : tions office. the fund raising section and the (90) 47371. office of the Executive Director. Foreign guests will also be received and assisted at this office. There is great enthusiasm and support in France Colorado Springs for identification with the Olympic effort : — A foundation with a US$5 million (SF ● A sports law section has been set up 9,350,000) goal from private contributions within the Administrative Studies Centre of has been set up. More than $1 million Nice University’s Faculty of Law and Econ- have already been donated. and the omic Sciences. All details can be obtained State of Colorado has indicated that it from : is considering a contribution of $10 mil- Mr. Pierre Collomb, lion. Responsable de la section “Droit et sport”, — The Parks and Recreation Department Avenue Robert Schuman, has expressed its willingness to include 06000 Nice (FRA). specific needs of the training centre (ie. a speed skating rink and velodrome) as ● priority items in its budget. The meeting of the State legislative bodies and the General Assembly of the French From the financial point of view, staff and NOC is scheduled on 2nd and 3rd June in operation expenses will be much lower than Paris. 326 Greece is untiring in his efforts to provide the densely-populated territory with a wide ● range of sports facilities. Now that all An Olympic week, inaugurated by the urban districts are suitably catered for, he Head of State, Mr. Constantine Tsatsos, is turning to sophisticated national instal- was organised, from 3rd to 9th April. Under lations, like the Hung Hom indoor stadium the theme “Propagation of the Olympic idea due to be opened next year. The 12,500- and promotion of athletics”? various acti- seat stadium (see design in our No. ‘103- vities were arranged. including projections 104) will be air-conditioned and fitted with of documentaries on the 1912, 1936 and a four-sided video screen suspended above 1964 Olympic Games and athletic compe- the centre of the 1,600 sq.m. arena, titions between youngsters aged 10 to 17. Other installations under construction in- clude : — an Olympic standard athletics track, Hong Kong sports ground and swimming’ pool due to be completed this July ; ● Mr. Arnaldo de O. Sales, in his capacities — a sports complex to be ready by the as President of the Amateur Sports Feder- end of the year ; ation and Olympic Committee of Hong — a world-class swimming pool incorpor- Kong and Chairman of the Urban Council, ated in a park development plan. India ● We are pleased to report the appearance of a new quarterly sports magazine “SNIPES Journal” published by the Society for the National Institutes of Physical Education and Sports. Presenting articles under the ge- neral headings of sports, physical education and yoga, and sports medicine, the cover of the first issue (shown here) reproduces a photograph of Lord Killanin, President of the IOC, going round the National Sports Museum during his visit to India last year, accompanied by (from left to right) : Mr. R.L. Anand, Director of the National Institute of Sports and Editor of “SNIPES Journal”, Mr. Ashwini Kumar and Raja Bhalindra Singh, IOC members in India. ● Our friend Mr. Jal Pardivala, a physical education teacher, member of the IAAF Technical Committee from 1952 to 1968 and again from 1972 to 1976, and a staunch supporter of the Olympic movement, gave a very inter- esting lecture on the Olympic Games to the Panathlon Club of India which was published by “Panathlon Inter- national” magazine. Iran eering), Colonel Nosratollah Momtahan (shooting), Colonel Manouchehr Shapoori ● (volleyball) and Mr. Javad Kalhor (weight- The Iranian National Olympic Committee lifting). has asked us to introduce the new Pre- sidents of some of its Olympic national federations, as follows : Mr. Golverdi Paymani (athletics), Mr. Kalal Israel Mashhoon (basketball), Colonel Nosratollah Ghahremani (boxing), Mr. Amir Amin (handball), H.I.H. Shahriar Shafik (judo and ● An international seminar on comparative karate), Mr. Mohammed Khadem (wres- physical education and sport is being orga- tling), Colonel Kiwmars Rastin (swimming), nised by the Wingate Institute from 28th Mr. Felix Aghayan (skiing and mountain- December 1978 to 1st January 1979. Those 327 wishing to present a paper should an- Luxembourg nounce their intention by 1st June. Regis- tration forms and all relevant details can be obtained from : ● “Flambeau” No. 13/14, official bulletin of the Luxembourg Olympic and Sports Dr. Uriel Simri, Committee (COSL), contains an editorial Chairman, Seminar on Comparative Physical on the COSL and the public authorities by Education, the President, Mr. Gérard Rasquin, an essay Wingate Institute Post Office. on the Olympic Games by Mr. Raymond Israel 42902. Hastert, Secretary General, a report on the recently inaugurated Sports House which has been made available to the COSL and the sports federations by the Luxembourg Italy Government, and the NOC’s activity pro- gramme up to 1981. ● Sports honours Malawi In January a large ceremony was held at ● Mr. Ernest Mzan- which 61 sports leaders with 50 years’ du, new Secretary Gen- service and 32 sports clubs were awarded eral of the Olympic the Gold Star for Sports Merit. and Commonwealth On this occasion, 46 Olympic and world Games Association of champions and recordholders in 1975 and Malawi, was born on 1976 were also distinguished with the Gold 3rd April 1936. He was Medal for Athletic Prowess. formerly a member of the NOC in his capa- ● The Italian Sports Press Union (USSI), city as representative of in collaboration with the CONI, has launch- the Malawi Amateur ed the annual sports writers’ competition, Boxing Association, of which is divided into four sections : reports, which he was Secretary General and then enquiries, sport at school and radio and President.
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