[From Schurigio: Lithologia Historico-Medica, Dresden, 1744.] ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY New Series, Volume VII May, 1935 Number 3 DR. BENJAMIN WINSLOW DUDLEY* By W ALLER 0. BULLOCK, M.D. LEXINGTON, KY. AMILY tradition in Spottsylvania County (Virginia) has it that towards over the Cumberland Mountains into the end of the war Kentucky, Ambrose was on hand to of the Revolution bid them God speed, and five years a company of Co­ later (March, 1786) he himself with lonial troops was family of wife and seven children, stationed in the slaves, livestock and household goods, little town of Fred­ took up the now well worn “trace” ericksburg on the Rappahannock. through Cumberland Gap, and arrived The young captain of his company, at his destination in Kentucky in whose home was in the country May, nearly two months later. nearby, on hearing Baptist Parson Benjamin Winslow, the seventh Lewis Craig preaching from behind child of Ambrose and Annie Parker the bars of his prison—he was not Dudley, first began to “inhale the licensed by the state—became con­ slow poison that surrounds our planet” verted, was baptized in the presence on April 12, 1785. He was, therefore, of his troops, resigned his commission not quite a year old when his parents and devoted the remainder of his life took him away from their old Virginia to the saving of souls. farm. He learned to walk while cross­ Young Captain Ambrose Dudley, ing the Cumberlands. from now on Baptist Parson Dudley, Of his childhood and early school­ and Parson Craig remained forever ing, nothing is known, but being one strong friends and there is reason to of the large class of famous men believe that the influence of Craig had whose fathers ministered to the souls much to do with Brother Ambrose’s of men, it is to be inferred that the migration to Kentucky. Parson shared with Benjamin his When Craig led his traveling church stock of knowledge. Transmitted to of 500 members from their homes him likewise by his father was the *Read before the John Bradford Society, April 4, 1934. quality of leadership, for it has been Returning to his native state he said that the Parson ruled his flock began to practice his profession when of “Particular Baptists” at Bryan the western urge struck him. So in 1790 we find Dr. Frederick Ridgely among the early doctors of Lexington where he continued to practice until 1822 except for the period when as Surgeon General he served with General Wayne in his successful cam­ paign against the Indians. He was one of the first two teachers of Trans­ ylvania Medical Department (1799). After completing his schooling, such as it was, and serving for a time as clerk in Trotter’s store the Parson placed Benjamin Winslow in the office of Dr. Ridgely to learn what he could from him. How long this period of apprenticeship continued is not known, but it was long enough to establish lasting relations of mutual respect and friendship. In 1803 we find Dudley, while under the preceptorship of Dr. Ridgely, recorded as a member of the Lexington Medical Society. In the fall of 1804 we find him matriculated in the Medical School of the University of Pennsylvania in Station with no gentle hand. Philadelphia. Among the students Of the schools in the wilderness there at that session were three men, at this period his contemporary Daniel Drake, Richardson and Cook, who Drake has given a pitifully accurate were later to be associated with him picture,* but they did possess one sig­ at Transylvania. On his return to nal advantage: they eliminated quickly Lexington in the spring of 1805 Dudley all but those determined to learn. In entered the office of Dr. James Fish- 1797 the Parson moved to Lexington; back, a versatile doctor, lawyer, writer here Benjamin had a better chance to and preacher, who was also at one learn his three R’s. time one of Transylvania’s medical A young Marylander had just fin­ teachers. Returning to Philadelphia ished his tutelage under a worthy in the fall he completed his course and practitioner of Delaware when the received his degree of Doctor of Revolutionary War broke out. Attach­ Medicine the following March. Ham­ ing himself to a company of volunteers pered by defective schooling there is he enlisted and continued throughout nothing to indicate that at this period the war serving as an army surgeon. he was in any way above the average; * Pioneer Life in Kentucky by Daniel nor is there any evidence that he was Drake. impressed by his medical teachers. Returning again to Lexington in the line of endeavor; the glamour of latter part of March, 1806, just victory and superiority was over all— two weeks before his twenty-first no wonder Dudley was captivated birthday, Dudley entered into the and fell in with the spirit of his practice of medicine and while (from surroundings and that he acquired his ledger) he seems to have done French habits and mannerisms that fairly well, he was not satisfied. were to remain with him to the end. In 1809 Transylvania made an Paris with its vast hospitals and effort to establish a complete course abundant material presented much in Medicine and Dudley was given the to interest the student of medicine in chair of Anatomy and Physiology. It 1810. appears to have been this experience Pinel was getting old but could be that caused in him the determination seen daily at the Salpetriere where he to fit himself for a career of surgery had removed the chains from those and teaching. miserably sick of mental disease. A not uncommon practice in Ken­ Dupuytren, assistant surgeon at the tucky of that day, especially among Hotel Dieu, was well started on a the legal profession, was that of career of tremendous surgical activity going to New Orleans with a flat boat that was to win for him world-wide load of produce (whisky, hemp, flour fame as an operator and a fortune of a and nails) and setting up as commis­ million and a half dollars, leaving his sion merchant in that city. Often name to an instrument still in use rewards were large. Dudley, risking and to a deformity of the hand. his savings in such an enterprise, was Bichat had been dead eight years, successful enough in a short time to yet in his brief but meteoric life of purchase a ship load of flour. Some­ thirty-one years, he had blazed trails time in 1810 he sailed and sold it at that were to become the well-traveled Lisbon and Gibraltar (probably at roads of histology and pathology and war time prices to the British then in had done much to place the French possession of the coast). Hastening teaching of anatomy in a position of across Spain he went direct to Paris. preeminence that was retained for Fifteen years before “a whiff of more than half a century. grape shot” had put an end to the Boyer and Dubois contributed their mad carnival of terror, had abrogated share and are mentioned by Dudley the Divine right of insurrection and with admiration, especially Dubois. had set Bonaparte on a triumphal At the Invalides in the intervals military career that was to place him between campaigns could be seen and on the throne of the Bourbons. At this heard Larrey, the great and good time Paris was the capital of Europe; Dominique Jean, Baron, Larrey, the the Emperor of the French and his greatest military surgeon of all time of Austrian wife were living at the whom Napoleon wrote in his will: Tuileries; France was at peace with “He was the most virtuous man I Europe except in the Peninsula where have ever known.” Britian and the Spanish peasants Of all men in France, aside from kept up a persistent nagging conflict; Napoleon, it was Larrey whom Dudley the spirit of Paris was electrical; a new most admired and it was from him power was making itself felt in every that he undoubtedly derived many ideas that were to serve him so well had fallen upon the shoulders of a man in his surgical practice. To mention who has been described as an irritable, but a few there were: (i) Gradually cranky, wise and lovable genius, John applied pressure for hernia of the Abernethy, surgeon at St. Bartholo­ brain. (2) Discarding of greasy oint­ mew’s. In personality and influence, ments and pastes in the treatment of Abernethy towered far above his wounds. (3) The principles of muscu­ more successful competitors. His lec­ lar relaxation obtained by the applica­ ture rooms were always crowded with tion of the circular bandage. (4) Not eager students. He taught from na­ waiting for a line of demarcation in ture, from experience, as well as from progressive gangrene. (5) Meddlesome the book and he expounded John interference with the healing of wounds Hunter. It was Abernethy to whom by too frequent dressings. Dudley looked as authority in all Dudley was in Paris at the time of matters of surgical philosophy and Napoleon’s ill-fatecl Russian invasion, this authority with him was final. was there on that fateful December Astley Cooper, surgeon at Guy’s night in 1812 when the Emperor Hospital, became Sir Astley after returned and through the influence removing a wen from the head of of Caulaincourt was present when the George iv. He was regarded in his day Emperor addressing the Deputies be­ as the most skillful surgeon in the gan by saying “The Grand Army of world.
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