.'.. ,~.. ./ ? 11 LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY PARLEMENT BUILDINGS VictOria, ~C. ~'..'"-." ~'!:...~':~ .F .-~'~::".~, /;~i./:~ '.; .~ ~'~ ..- ...• .... V8V 1Z~ . o " I ByKEI.!~i~-AIL~FOR0: 'Liberaishavea candidate at all, thatwas • . HeraM"S~!fWrite~. the process used. ' ' ~ .~,~ ~/. TERRACE--The I~,.b~.al party~may or:- - .If ,th'.ere is ode;..the Skee~a Liberal :: . ~ ~ ~. may not rove a canmnnte m tha ~eena candidate will, I~ ."a total 6~rachute" ..... !. ~ ~/~ " .: ri_'di~.~ f0r.the ..Iro.vinclal'M~" race.~.. ' , ,,~'. according to De .Walle....'... I ": I '' ~:'" " 1~ .i .',< ~ ~ : .:L~al,I,!beral party,:membem .appear;. :.!- ":The'~me being'currcntly me~ion~l is: .. ". '~ ,- , ['=~ I not to knowwbat ts going on withih their : - Michaele Lin~,l, or Lin~el"or:~-.ha,~: ' '.~. •..' ' , ~ ! ' • . " . ... .o" - D ,.~ .. r"-. ~ ." . • :: : _.~._ • :.,. :.. party,, ranks., and .the Liberal. pro.vine!al : :,::.~.,:Lingal. No One is eertain eveii how to spell...~. "::. ::.. .... ~ r: .. -headquarters. is.refusing !o-conftrm'or!':",""hernam~'-.And.:varlm,~rree0~indi~':.:-~: ..~ ,,..: ..; !., FridaY, April22, i'=. r "" ~ :?~1~': ~: :: ~ :25 cents Established ...-Volume 'n No./e . ' '_ . ..' .. ,. .,...."",, ':. " :! :- /-':. :A~eor~Una"'to':Dally m'r-~i. ,~',i~,: : ~.: .... • 't~e Tei'r~ce provincial party.president: ' l~here is o;,e o,,-h ";~---o:':~' '"~':"T'• • " • " ' : " " " ; " ~" ' ..... " ; ' . " eu$,|i .~e~&ogli ~' IJ V.,'iJ~ In mcurrentlymtbahespitai,.andtheLther~l " V'-': :-'_'I;". .... ..... ,~ o , . -, ......;..,, ._,._ .. • ancouver wno appears-m I~ a college ~eeeral pony prestoent, ~ontona 1,,.. ve Stu~nt.. A'ph0ne,ni~mber was 0btl~l, : " Walle doesn't know if. hi,party r ~Ybeen for the possible ea~lidate but hobae has / ' ." sUCL"~e~sfni' in"nbtain~g the 50 signatures • answered before press time. The woman's i ii needed ~or the domination papers. As of name appears on the Victoria voters list. late yesterday aftornnon, the Daily Herald I has learned that.nomination papers had There is 'no requirement in the Election not been filed. The deadline is 1 p.m. Act that requires a candidato to live in the • riding represented. , today. SSirley McLaughlin, B.C. Liberal party • There- ~,as no local nominating • leader, who is herself seeking, o/fice,.Was convention, ~ According .to the Liberal unavailable.for comment. The Llbarn! party's : constitulion,, according to De provincial: headquarters, as of: 10..p.m, Walle,. none.i~ needed..The party may Thursday; .refused to confirm or deny 'sinlp]¥-.c~l~e,a: Skeens candidate by ~ anything until after today's "1 p:m executive decision in Vancouver. If the . deadline for nomination liling-had passed, i ::/NE[D projects feared Orn hold' r Herald Staff Writer "' NEED projeeis have been approved by the TERRACF~-LOCal potential sponsors of provineial government, but'the ~hold up L~t NEEDprojects .are concerned that the was on the federal end, NEED is JointlY " ' p~gram,maY:be en~hold. " i' - funded hy hethlevels of govemnient; "~/~::OnO~m ~ had tom tl~e Daily Herald Meanwhile, anothorsponsbrhas told-the ~.~thatiie~t in his application in Februd~ . " Daily Herald that the remaining ~five :!: nnd hss,bsen trying to an al~vor 'ever projects are etill not approved. ' : ~"since.':~:/ He says .there are six. such -.. Terrace Canada". Employment Centre :, i:applica. '~om fromth~Te~ace ar~ sitting manager Sandy Kneen says'that a total of • on some bureadcrat's' ~. ~ He further 14 NEED. projects have been operated says he;Was telephoned :Wednesday:and ,until the enid ofr March, :employing 2~ i: toldbythe-federalNEEDsecretariatthat .people. Of.those'm,"71 wori0em have all suchi'prbjectswere on hold. finini~d the i)rogram eitberbecaune they i'i "!, warm weather'is .ehc0uragingm6re hiking actM{y in~'Sl~ei~ai i. i:' .. lWAbusineas, agentailiHutchis0ii;'-who -" have 'obtained-: enough credit,, to' re- , ;._ • .... , - ~', .:. ~', is given credit for starting.the first;NEED, establish'their UIC Claim~ or. for other !' -. ." : . :': • . - . - . • ..... • : - ~ project inB.C.,,says he got woi-dnt 9a.m. reasons. , mlt'!!, :'~.;-,@.:":~-m . .- - .' , . m : m - • . .... .: ':.. '~I'~I ,' • . ' . ThursdaY :':that his ". .proj~L~,W,onld be. :"Kneen ,also- states that during April tAIIm~.ge:/~ ~AdM/ANLmIIImd~ m~mn=m mAltA - /~AIIIII' -. extended,, The federal:employmefit and probably'anOther 175 people have been, ::dPV.llGlO ' 5V~PlIIUIIUUi~ II~IUIU llVlll~:, :i~Uliy. immigrafioaministerLi0yd/wvorthyhad ._ placed on:NEED projects and the CEC . ,.,:.": .... " ,. ' • ~ ?-. .... ' . , . ' ' . / , . :!~ ",/i-~.~ : , • m . .lust.. signal, ~ the,. pape~rs: aUowing- the - cortainly:,tms enough Clients-available to " .M0SCOW~AP) -- Three so~et cosmonauts , •iZ~c.king of manned Spaceships with Soviet •deViation from the prescribed regime of" "extens!~.i0f:fu'nding.- ' : ' '~,,. ' fin all pmsible futore NEED projects." am.at,a.me.,~°.Yus'r'~, s~e.esmpfeLur~...ea m ' .space!abshas usuallyoceurred within 24 hours approaeh,'~:theradl0 added. ~'The.cosmonauts " Hutehisbn believes p~paration of_the ,~:The. federal ~NEED "secretariat wae z~nn. ;a/te~..a o! ~n.._e~uie...to~y .mt~i~a.umgto i /ofladnch/but theistate m~la:dtd-fi0t indieate , Wladimir)" ~tov,,i(Ge~nady) Strekalov and fed~~.~tmedthedelay.Hesays,it : ', unavailableforc0i~ment on:the rumored -'~ ~;.~,~w~m .~-. me ~..~-.q~ ~vUt~ space .~ .._...~ =auon/me , omquu........ i' :, th~missl,/! , ox~!wi a s ~oub!euntgthecancelinlt!0n"..... ~ .,!.~(~e~andor-iiSereb~v begani.~preparatlon~ for ~ ~.~b~.,i',i~d~.~i:i~t: all: the/10CM " held put'on futureprojects; . ~:. ' -;.: ,~,,,~ .~yw.%f~ ~'.~J~.=~p. ~ylW_~,;~ ~'~ ~ ""W "" " ........ '~' ' /:~. '~oL~"-"""~'~"~'~ ?;'? :-;;~;~=:' '": ..... ~ "" " '~ ' " "":-' ~ ;~;';~ "f/ ".;"~ ~'=~;; ~?.~~ "~:'.'~ ' " ;,"-"~: " " ' . ' " -: .'"' : • . ' - . ' .. ..,~ sald~ utafett~i ~ ~ , ~ - ~ .... ., ..... ~ '~ ~.;~.~ ...... ~ ............. : ............ ~,. .... ~,~:~ ,~.~,~ .......~ .......:, : . :. ..... :..... ' •"~,' -~ .'~.','~ ....... ,-'-~-, " ' : ,~-~. of the;=nght." .' - ,' - , ...... ,-. ' " no~,,,~,,,~,~,~,,~ fatlUrewaS made kn,~wn. .. Me,'qm~ IMMMqmI:~lr ..~lWq~ ,r~ . |~ti~' • Tm ~id th~crdftlanded at 5:29 p.m. (8:29 The ~dyut was doubled in size last month,with ~ U.s.experts said: the So~lets had guided-their -' +Premix;Bill Bennett.soys confusion and uncertainty, cool t~epti0n'. .. ' a.m. EST), almost a .f~L~day after the docking theadditlon0fthecosmos 1443supply Craft.-Ti?e craft to within, or/e kilometre:o/.the tal~get. •. that NDP ~ Leader /Dave rising, expe~t~iflons . of Bennett • said the , was aborted. -. - total ,,veight~ts 4Otounes; .... .~: .. - ~-. ,i ~ !. '.~-~- ,The ~three.edsn~onau~ were• fired into space Barrett has handed him the wages, and a threat to every investment would be- a Tbenewe ageney did not explain whyittook TheeancbllaUonwasthefou~thi~ownfafiure~i ~ Wednesday what ~ppeared, t0 be an extended . mpjor issue of.the May 5 ~ service'that we provide." subsidy that would give U.S. - almost 24 h0~s~get.the~cosmonants back:to ,. of a launch craft and a space station to dock mission coinciding with th~ 11301 anniversary B.C. ~ general • election The program provided for luncher producers Earth but the repOrt of ~e landing indicated since theS0yuz-Salyut program was launched i'n • today of the birth of Vladimir Lenin, founder.of campaign, wage incr~s of from zero ammunition ~or a renewed there were no troubles during re.entry .... 1967.Inaddition/f0ur'sovletlcosmonautsdiedon' .. ::theSoviet state. ~ :~ • -' ' Bennett. said Thursday to 10 per cent. Program battle to. have " duties " In a ropcrt Iromthe mission .control 'Cantre space missions during the 15-year history (if ihe . it was the first Soviet manned Space mission ,, that 'an ~ NDP ~ election figures•, released.~ in imposed on B.C. lumber, Outside .-Mo:S"q0Wi 'lass ~id the ~g pi'0gram. ~ .... " .'.. "!. ., i ., ... :~since:last;Dec. 10,.when cosmonauts Auntoly. p~misetodismantle public February showed the plan The U.S.. Department of i I manoeuvre~an/e~lled off i~cause"ithe Soyuz RadiO Moscow's English.language. world'..,.~ l~rez0('oy, and Vnientin I~ehede~/ complete~ sector wage restraints Could held public • sector ~ pay comz/ierce rejected the strayedon'/'l~prsdayfmmltac0rrectapproaeh~ ~sor~'ice reported early today that the three history's longest space mission of.211 days on'. cause '. a collapse of packages-for about.62,000 . proddcersl bid in March, path to the yearmld Space Statioi~. ' : ": " cosmonauts b~ao their second workingday in thespaceiab. ,~, ,, government's . ability to workm:s'neg0tiated -in ~.~982 saying Canadian forest •Western monitoring stations said the:two ~ ".space by correcting the spacecraft'S orbit to The: Soviet space program is. focused on function. •. '-~ ' to an average' annual produete companies craft camewithina fewmetres ofeach other, bring it closer to!the.Salyut. ' endurancemission~te~flng~eabflityofhuman The Premier also .called increase of 7.25 per cent. ' received no appreciable but/never.linked'up. ~ i '.~,'. " .... 'The two craft's docking was cancelled due to beings:to withstend weighflt,ssness: :" Barrett a screwball ~nd an While to~ing a sawmill in subsidy from Canadian .. -., : ~, " ' enemy Of the peoplei'while .the soo~eastern : governments to warrant the ; ..... : ........ - -.;.,:, ' ..Rarrett~ssid that Bennett community " of Brisco, :producers' complaint of F:BI iileXn "" I" . l~ ~ lJ" i ' " ' " " " .... --" t I officials rot spying sp~nt~'lS01000lforashowerin ]~enne[tsaid th,t+Barrett uMllfalreompetition.
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