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We've got you covered. 28 13 Bus ine ss PLUS 33 A compar ison ofthe top reviewed security sui tes Sony VAIO VGN-Z590 45 Our specialSecurity EditionofTec h Tips Business accounti ng softwa re Iomega eGo Dcsktopllard Drive SPEC IA L R EPO RT OPINIONS (lT B) 3 First Word: Lance Ulanoff Mitsubishi XDSO OU-ST CES2009 2. J ohn C. Dvorak 17 Consumer Electronics The world's biggest tech 2. Inside Tra ck: John C. Dvorak RIM Blackucrry Storm 9530 rradcshow ccrrainlydidn'r 2. Sascha Segan Motorola MotoZINE ZN5 34 disappoint. Check out our picks ofthe 15 hottest prod - 27 Da n Co sta Sony Cybe r-shot DSC-l 77 ucts at the 200\)Consu mer Nikon lWO SOLUTIONS Electronics Show, Sharp l.C-52SH55U 37 Bu ild a $250 PC Our step-by-step gu ide to asscm- I'/u..'i Quick Looks at the IITC Fuze, FEEDBACK • bling a low-cost Linux system. the Samsung Epix,and more FRONT SIDE ., At Work 21 Software s Ne ws .2 Offi ce Adobe Photoshop CS4 Ilow has CES fare d in a down economy? 40 years of the mouse; •• Security Skype 4.0 Beta 2 to p Coogle searches of 2008; Te ch Tip s: Securit y Edition Picasa S (be ta) must-have mo bile apps for high- •• Plus (LuickLooksat Air Sharing (for tech travelers. 7 THE BEST STUFF lphone),iGoogle, and more Cover sCree n im age, Corbis; top il lustration by Richard Mia FEBRUA RY 2009 PC MAGAZINE DIGITAL EDITION http://exploremee.blogspot.com/ . ......- . ~ =II LJ ED ITOR -IN -CHIEF, PC MAGA Z INE NET W ORK Lance Ulano ff ........., EDITOR Steph anie Chang ....-.. 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