PBA(X>CK POINT,) L. L - Ward Chaney, IM of his HAVAKA (AP)—Between name to ainro as Resident of NIBW YORK (AP)-*AIem-t!!«F‘ ■* skng with the pmosals 900 and 1.000 relatives of Cu- Chenoy nwthors, famed Man- MMfs fo the 146-o^panj^ew *2. sattlemsiit in North Auantto ban tovasion prisoners and up chester, Conn., eonaem, died Yorkwit j^pplBRipnlng AHkociatton to 206 Americans are esngieci neat todayf to act on the dock ’^^the in th* put,nut oootract ssftlsiflsnts ed to leave Cuba for the Unit- horn today aft«r an flhieBS of On Nuclear Test Htrlke eettiemedtlemeBt terms pro- Wfo between sMUng__ r ad States this week. BOTMal fnon ths. posed by i presidential The Swiss Embassy announced mon’s Association (HA) and the ation beiurd. n Tork Shlppi^ Aaioolatlon Monday night that u s way had flan. Warns Moras, have sot g pattern' lor aettlemanta been cleared for the relativss of ohalrman of ths board, prsdlotsd in other pons with alteratlona and tha former prisoners to State News Monday that the shipping Indus* additions to meet looal problems aboard th* American freighter U.S. Meets tw Norfolk, Va., north to Shirley Lykes, probably wltl^ a trim , Tha North Atlantio formula, ao Maine will Join the longshore- ospted H A negotiators Sunday week. men's union in noeepting ths An embaaey spokeaihan said up night. Is subject to a membership Roundup With Reds pesos fwmula worked out by tbs vote, set for Thursday. Morse said to 305 American citizens living in Cuba also are scheduled to leave hs b^md th* meeting could bo StlU to be worked out la n jton held sooner. on two plane flights, one each on to aetUs tha strike In port# from The labor policy comnUttee of Wednesday and Friday. They are And English Norfolk to Texas. U.S. citizens being repatriated Bank Robbed, the shlppliig aeeoclatlon met here Morse made his prediction to Monday to consider the peace and have no connection with the WASHINGTON (AP) — newsmen In Washington after hs propoeals. prisoners' relatives. rsportsd to Preaident Kennedy on Morae, aaked by newsmen "The Cuban' and American Red Suspect Held The United States, Great the board’s work sines Kennedy whether he thought the North At- Cross have put in motion all neces- Britain and the Soviet Union appoliiM It last Wednesday. lantio Industry would ncoept the sary preparations," a spokesman HARTFOW^ (AP) A launch here today a major Kennedy urged the hoard to formula, aU d:. "1 think they win for the Swiss Embassy said. continue efforts to get an Imme- fInaUy accept. They are not ha] The Cuban authorities have as loldupman threatened a bank new effort to reach a nuclear dints ssttlement of the strike of py about it. They ^elt they should sured they will make available ' eller with a bottle of acid to- test ban agreement. day and fled with an unde- The conference is regarded aa M,0M longshoremen that has par- g^ eome relief from Job. utUlza \ exit permits tor between 900 and alysed rtdpplng on the Atlantio Bon or the sise of crew gann 1,000 Cuban citizens directly re- ermined amount of money, the best chance in almost two and Gulf eoara for a monjb. and their interchanceablUty. Bif> i*ted to the formerPlaya Playa Gironlartford police arrested a years to break the long deadlock. Mofli eald the main problem re- it Just impossible for us to (Bay of Pigs) invasion prisoners." U.S. officials, however, laced maitiWig Is whstlier Industry ani A Ust of 1,080 relatives was giv suspect about 45 minutes lat- their expressions of hope with union representatives on tbs (Ooatliined ea Page Hevm) en to the (Juban government by er. It whs the second holdup in words of caution. the now defunct prisoners’ moth- : 'our days at the Park Street They stressed that many issues ers committee, a committee mem Branqh of the Mechanics Sav- —both major and minor—^wtU her said. have to be solved, particularly ings Bank. the U.S. and Soviet differences Appeals to leave were stiU pour- Only last Friday, the bank was over Inspections to guard against Adenauer, De Gaulle ing in from Cubens olalming to held up by a bandit who fled with teat cheating. be related to. the prisoners. $1,885. A suspect was arrested In Moscow, Soviet Foreign Min- In December at least 3,000 ap- yesterdey to Springfield, Mass., ister Andrei Gromyko dashed a pUcatlons were turned down when and returned to Connecticut. little cold water on optimism. He Sign Friendship Pact the American freighter African To(tay toe bandit walked up to told correspondents that the So- Pilot took out a load of 900 prison- Miss Elolse Ayotte, 24, of 251 viet Union can agree to only three ers’ relatives. The ship had de- Laurel St., a teller, with a note on-site inspections a year. The PARIS (AP) — Weet OermaaObor party in Britfin oppoaas Uvered a major installment on saying: United States contends this is not ChisnosUor Konrad Adenauer and alignment with the market. the prisoners’ ransom "This ' is a holdup. This bottle enough. Gromyko also insisted The market issue reached a Castro described the relatives contains acid. Make a sound and French President Charles de that France must join in any teat crlsia stage last week when De he permitted to leave then as a ril throw it in your face," and de- ban agreement. (Saulle today signed a comprehen- Gaulle disclosed that be definite- bonus for the ransom of $8 mil- manded that the teller put money The nuclear talks begin tola sive t^ty of cooperation be- ly wants to keep Britain out and lion In c a ^ and $53 mllUon in to $10 and $20 Mils in a bag. afternoon when four' Americana, tween (Jernumy and France, lay, is against the American plan for foodstuffs and medicines pledged Hie man carried a glass jar, four Russians and two Britons sit Ing to rest centuries, of conflict a North AtlanUo Treaty Organisa- for the freedom of the 1,118 in- about three inches in diameter, down at a cmiferenee table to the n* chancellor, 87, adio regards tion nuclear forc^ aa well vasion prisoners. .Jhji prisoners omtainlng a white liquid. State Department. lYauh-Gennan reconclHatlon as Weet Odrmany .favors Britain’s were flown to at Qurlst- Within 45 minutes of the rob- State Man Parachutes Uphill Representing the United States the crowning achievement of his admission and also a multination- mas time. besy police had a man in custody Dave Arnold, 23, of Windsor, Conn., rides parachute towed by truck on ice of Lake Sunapee, New- will be William C. Foster, diree- waning political career, signed al nuclear NAyO force. But Ger- The Shirl^rfCiykes docked to Ha- and positively identified as the bury, N. H. A student at New England CSollege, Henntker, N. H., Arnold is a former Navy sky tor of the U.S. Arms Control and for his country, followed by For- man sources said Aderiauer rs' vana Friday with another large robber. He is Ronald Cordler, 22, diver. He found he could take off i^th parachute when truck heeds into wind at even a slow pace. Disarmament Agency; CEarlas aln Minister (Whard Sehroader. garda th* puclsar Issue as less Installment of ransom foddstuffs of 814 Wethersfield Ave. 811 te help to manipulate ’chute A h e i^ t of 50-60 feet is reached with 100-foot towline. (AP C. Stelle, deputy U.S. representap Ds GaUUs, who led Free French urgent. and medicines. Rain has slowed Cordler was arreeted,- poUce Photofax). tlve at the 18-nation Geneva dls- forces Item British exile in the Brittidi bittefness over De toe unloading of ita 7,(XX)-ton ear' said by Juvenile dl'vtsion’ officers, armamMit talks; and two officials / Allied victory over Nazi Germany Gaulle’s position welled up Mon lit James Jordan and Det. John not yet identified. in World War n , eigned' for go. W. CSortwtt, crouching behind a Th* Soviet delegation will be )>y P re- Itfl heptisttor rail (Mi toe third Civil Rights and For* (contettiii^ psfiM iri :: (CkH^tonad'aB'piaiffi’^rwe) headed by Nikolas T. Fedorenko, Mr o f m B s l i ^ f i t U.S, Drops Charges Soviet ambassador to the Itoltad algnsign Minlner/Minister/ XaimOsXatutes Couve<C d* Ueutenent Jordan said that ha Nations, and Semjon K, T svap- Mu—me. aim Detebttveottve Corbett,eWDett, MlpwedTOipWM di-<»- W W ' T W V Contrasted in kin, chief Soviet represantativ* at BtatsjnneB alah the Geneva conference. the Britain’s chief representative prSSpl^ ca l^ ' for a , Watker\Russia, U.S. will be Sir Bavid pm sby Omm, niendihlp betwsan ths tw6 ambassador to Washtofton; who tions wUch have ao DreqUantly The route led the deteottvee NEW YORK (AP)— Atty. Gen. Enidand’a chief flelegtHa to alaahed. nertit into backyards of Babcock OXFORD, Miss. (AP)—The fed^srd of Memphis, Teim., William Robert F. Kennedy said today The treaty calls fw regular Bt, where they started a aearbh eral government has dropped Gilbert Marr of Olive Branch, civil rights guarantees to toe So- fOontinned on Fhge Heve^ pttledle eonsultatlsn bstwaett . O f Strife in Congo of bouses. charges against former Army Miss., and Charles Clark, Prentiss viet Union’s ccHistitution "have chiefs of state or govemmem; Miss. A woman at 176 Babcock St Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker and gone the way of many a New and ministers and o^clals of tiM said She had heard some noise to rix others arrested after the Walker, who commanded fed- Year’s resolution." two governments to coordinate eral troops at Little Rock, Ark., WAamNOTON (AP)—PreshlcntA Williams, chief of toe State De- the cellar, and starting from the Uni'niversity of Mississippi desegre- The attorney general, in a policy In the domains of diploma- Kenhedy has hailed the 4nd of irtment'8 Bureau of African Af- gation riots last fall.
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