www.yourvoice.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/bradfordshipley 7KLV´UVWFRQVXOWDWLRQSHULRGLVRSHQXQWLO :HOOFURIW6KLSOH\%'4+ DODUJHSULQWRUEUDLOOHFRS\RIWKLVOHDÀHW receive more information by post, or would like like would or post, by information more receive ,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVZRXOGOLNHWR %UDGIRUG,QWHUFKDQJH :H 19 8 FEBRUARY 2019 FEBRUARY 8 018 - - 018 14 DECEMBER 2018 - - 2018 DECEMBER 14 N O I T A T L CONSULTATION PUBLIC 14 December 2018 to 8 February 2019 February 8 to 2018 December 14 SCHEME Unstaffed displays are also available at at available also are displays Unstaffed ROUTE IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT ROUTE BRADFORD SHIPLEY O 5HGXFHWUDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQDQG MRXUQH\WLPHV WREHLGHQWL¿HGE\PLG'XHWR O RIQHZMREVLQWKHDUHD O HDUO\DV,WLVH[SHFWHGWKDWDOO O DGZRUNVZLOOEHFRPSOHWHGE\ O 7KHVFKHPHDLPVWRUHGXFHWUDI¿F O O O ZDONRUF\FOH$NH\ORFDOEHQH¿WRI O &RQJHVWLRQDQGMRXUQH\WLPHV O O O O O O O O7UDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQLVDPDMRU O O 5RXWH,PSURYHPHQW6FKHPHSDJH DQGFUHDWHVGLI¿FXOWLHV 7KHSODQLVWRPDNHWKH$ O5RDGVDIHW\DQGGLI¿FXOWLHV O O WKDWDORWRIWKHQRQORFDOWUDI¿FFDQEH WDNHQRIIWKH$,PSURYHPHQWVZLOO UHGXFHTXHXLQJWUDI¿F 7KLV´UVWFRQVXOWDWLRQSHULRGLVRSHQXQWLO :HOOFURIW6KLSOH\%'4+ DODUJHSULQWRUEUDLOOHFRS\RIWKLVOHDÀHW ,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVZRXOGOLNHWR %UDGIRUG,QWHUFKDQJH :H BRADFORD SHIPLEY O 5HGXFHWUDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQDQG ROUTE IMPROVEMENT MRXUQH\WLPHV O SCHEME WREHLGHQWL¿HGE\PLG'XHWR City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC), in partnership RIQHZMREVLQWKHDUHD with West Yorkshire Combined Authority is planning to upgrade the O main roads between Bradford and Shipley and would like to hear HDUO\DV,WLVH[SHFWHGWKDWDOO O people’s views on how they could be improved. These are key transport DGZRUNVZLOOEHFRPSOHWHGE\ O routes northwards into and out of the city, forming a gateway into Airedale, Wharfedale and beyond. 7KHVFKHPHDLPVWRUHGXFHWUDI¿F THE AREA THE OPPORTUNITY O A650 Manningham Lane / O Highway improvements are Keighley Road / Bradford Road expected to solve many of the O A6037 Canal Road / Valley Road accessibility issues that ZDONRUF\FOH$NH\ORFDOEHQH¿WRI restrict growth in the area and O &RQJHVWLRQDQGMRXUQH\WLPHV OA6038 Otley Road create more opportunities for O The area includes a lot of houses as local employment O well as some key employment sites. O Highway improvements will also help the economic growth O of the wider district CURRENT ISSUES O The scheme could enhance the O O7UDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQLVDPDMRU environment for local residents O problem on these routes and is being developed O especially in the morning and alongside other schemes such evening peak. Congestion also as the restoration of Bradford makes bus services unreliable Beck. 5RXWH,PSURYHPHQW6FKHPHSDJH DQGFUHDWHVGLI¿FXOWLHV accessing local rail stations 7KHSODQLVWRPDNHWKH$ O5RDGVDIHW\DQGGLI¿FXOWLHV FUNDING crossing roads To carry out these transport O Poor accessibility is limiting the improvements, we are seeking economic potential of the area £47million funding through the West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund, and the O Poor air quality Leeds City Region Growth Deal - a We would like to better understand £1 billion package of Government the problems that you face and how investment through the West Yorkshire you would like them to be solved. Combined Authority and Leeds City WKDWDORWRIWKHQRQORFDOWUDI¿FFDQEH Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to WDNHQRIIWKH$,PSURYHPHQWVZLOO accelerate growth and create jobs across Leeds City Region. UHGXFHTXHXLQJWUDI¿F 7KLV´UVWFRQVXOWDWLRQSHULRGLVRSHQXQWLO :HOOFURIW6KLSOH\%'4+ DODUJHSULQWRUEUDLOOHFRS\RIWKLVOHDÀHW ,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVZRXOGOLNHWR %UDGIRUG,QWHUFKDQJH :H TIMESCALES OBJECTIVES The scheme is currently under O 5HGXFHWUDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQDQG development, with a preferred scheme MRXUQH\WLPHV WREHLGHQWL¿HGE\PLG'XHWR O Assist with the delivery of new the size and complexity of the homes, extension of proposed works the improvements will employment space and creation City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC), in partnership probably be introduced in phases, RIQHZMREVLQWKHDUHD with West Yorkshire Combined Authority is planning to upgrade the with some building work starting as O Improve road safety HDUO\DV,WLVH[SHFWHGWKDWDOO O Improve air quality people’s views on how they could be improved. These are key transport ro DGZRUNVZLOOEHFRPSOHWHGE\ O Encourage use of more sustainable modes of transport (e.g. buses, cycles, walking). THE PROPOSALS 7KHVFKHPHDLPVWRUHGXFHWUDI¿F We want to know what the key congestion, improve air quality and issues are for you as a road user O O increase road safety. We want to or local resident. What do you encourage more people to use buses, think about: O ZDONRUF\FOH$NH\ORFDOEHQH¿WRI O &RQJHVWLRQDQGMRXUQH\WLPHV O the scheme will be improvements to green spaces along the route, O Road safety providing pockets of wildlife areas and O Footpaths and pedestrian crossings O pleasant walking paths which can be used by residents. The scheme will O Access to homes and businesses also complement the work that is O Cycle paths O ongoing to build a dedicated cycle O 7UDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQLVDPDMRU route along the Canal Road / Valley O Bus stops and lanes Road corridor. O Parking Manningham Lane / Keighley You can visit our Bradford Shipley Road / Bradford Road 5RXWH,PSURYHPHQW6FKHPHSDJH DQGFUHDWHVGLI¿FXOWLHV for more information and to give us 7KHSODQLVWRPDNHWKH$ your comments. Bradford Road / Keighley Road / O 5RDGVDIHW\DQGGLI¿FXOWLHV Manningham Lane into a high quality bus route with improvements for Visit www.yourvoice. O pedestrians and cyclists. westyorks-ca.gov.uk/ bradfordshipley and sign up to Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund, and the O Canal Road / Valley Road be kept informed. The plan is to improve Canal Road / We are hosting some public drop-in investment through the West Yorkshire Valley Road to increase capacity so events to display initial plans and designs. WKDWDORWRIWKHQRQORFDOWUDI¿FFDQEH Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to WDNHQRIIWKH$,PSURYHPHQWVZLOO At the events you can speak to also be made to road junctions to those involved in developing the UHGXFHTXHXLQJWUDI¿F plans. (See back page for details). UHGXFHTXHXLQJWUDI¿F WDNHQRIIWKH$,PSURYHPHQWVZLOO WKDWDORWRIWKHQRQORFDOWUDI¿FFDQEH O O 5RDGVDIHW\DQGGLI¿FXOWLHV O 7KHSODQLVWRPDNHWKH$ DQGFUHDWHVGLI¿FXOWLHV 5RXWH,PSURYHPHQW6FKHPHSDJH O 7UDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQLVDPDMRU O O O O O O O O O &RQJHVWLRQDQGMRXUQH\WLPHV O ZDONRUF\FOH$NH\ORFDOEHQH¿WRI O O O 7KHVFKHPHDLPVWRUHGXFHWUDI¿F DGZRUNVZLOOEHFRPSOHWHGE\ O HDUO\DV,WLVH[SHFWHGWKDWDOO O O RIQHZMREVLQWKHDUHD WREHLGHQWL¿HGE\PLG'XHWR O MRXUQH\WLPHV 5HGXFHWUDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQDQG O HAVE YOUR SAY! We want to know what you think! There are a number of ways you can engage with us... Online at: Unstaffed displays are also available at the following venues between www.yourvoice.westyorks-ca. 14 December 2018 to 8 February 2019 gov.uk/bradfordshipley City Hall Foyer Bradford City Hall, Norfolk Gardens, In person at one of Bradford, BD1 1UH our drop in events: Tesco Superstore Peel Centre, Valley Road, Monday 21 January 2019 Bradford, BD1 4RB 10am to 2pm City Hall Foyer Shipley Library Bradford City Hall, Norfolk Gardens, :H llcroft, Shipley, BD18 3QH Bradford, BD1 1UH Thursday 24 January 2019 Via email: 10am to 2pm [email protected] Bradford Interchange Foyer %UDGIRUG,QWHUFKDQJH Bridge Street, BD1 1TU By post: Monday 28 January 2019 FREEPOST Consultation Team (WYCA) 3pm to 7pm Tesco Superstore ,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVZRXOGOLNHWR Peel Centre, Valley Road, receive more information by post, or would like Bradford, BD1 4RB DODUJHSULQWRUEUDLOOHFRS\RIWKLVOHDÀHW Saturday 2 February 2019 please contact us. 10am to 2pm Email: [email protected] Shipley Library :HOOFURIW6KLSOH\%'4+ Telephone: Metroline 0113 245 7676 7KLV´UVWFRQVXOWDWLRQSHULRGLVRSHQXQWLO 8 February 2019 BRADFORD SHIPLEY ROUTE IMPROVEMENT SCHEME POSSIBLE OPTIONS Improve connectivity for walking and cycling between Shipley town, the train VWDWLRQDQG5RXWHF\FOHZD\DQG relieving congestion at Fox Corner. Widen the Otley Road / Valley Road URDGMXQFWLRQWRLPSURYHWUDI´F Saltaire µRZVRQWR9DOOH\5RDG8SJUDGHWKH existing road bridge or build a new, wider bridge. Tra$c improvements to the east of Shipley are currently being Saltaire World investigated. Heritage Site To Baildon & Guiseley ALTAIRE 657 S ROAD A AD A650 BIN GLEY ROAD RO DS BRIGG EE A L TE 57 To Greengates To Keighley Saltaire A6 Fox & Skipton Junction & Calverley Improve air quality and encourage A Corner Shipley A T E 6 G D walking and cycling by creating 50 BRA K I R K A O paths and a series of connected R SHIPLEY E green spaces. Y T D TOWN CENTRE E L A F T G O O G SHIPLEY I R 8 Windhill D 6KLSOH\ 3 R 0 B R &RI( 6 O Primary A Widen the road so that there are two A ODQHVLQHDFKGLUHFWLRQ$OWKRXJKPRUH D School Widen the Otley Road / Manor Lane WUDI´FZRXOGEHPDGHWRXVHWKLVURDG URDGMXQFWLRQWRLPSURYHWUDI´F the improvements should still result in µRZVDORQJ2WOH\5RDG B a reduction in queuing time. R C A R D F A O G R 5HGXFHWUDI´FRQWRWKH$E\ D R Improve the Valley Road B O HQFRXUDJLQJDOOWKURXJKWUDI´FWRXVH E / Poplar Road junction to Enhance footpaths and C A K Valley Road / Canal Road. Introduce NORTHCLIFFE D LQFOXGHWUDI´FOLJKWVDQGD restore the Bradford Beck infrastructure improvements to pedestrian crossing. improve bus, cycle and pedestrian PARK encouraging plants and travel along Bradford Road / D wildlife. R Manningham Lane. FE IF L C A N 6KLSOH\ 6 R 0 A )LUH6WDWLRQ Replace the Shipley Fields Road bridge 3 H 7 W ZLWKDZLGHUEULGJHWKDWDOORZVWUDI´F A V to travel in both directions and also 6 A Frizinghall 5 L provides a better route for walking and 0 L
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