THURSDAY, JUNK 21. 191T. DETROIT TIMES PAGE 3 bile firs truck as it was grossing EXPERT TO TALK Grand River ave., hitting It squarely DIGRY BELL IS FRANK W. BLAIR GREEK KING AND ON GARDEN PESTS TWD KILLED BY in the middle The car was tossed DEAD AT 68 and across City News The sixth lesson under the aus- back turned the tracks in NEW YORK, Brief June 21. at right angles, blocking traffic com- pices PARTY HISSED of the Patriotic Garden Bureau SWITCH ENGINE pletely. Bell, the comedian and opera singer HEADS mid BANKERS In Out the suburbs the rurul dis- Used to call for assistance when h* and Garden school will be given by The street was heavily tricts school lets out tottoy, The emptied ht» revolver at the animal car loaded who won his first success in the youngster# are rutting aw-gy their and tba bullets went wild Fltlsens and the passengers thrown G. C. Raviler, of Plymouth, presi- Roy Meliva and Unidentified were Gilbert and Sullivan comic operas, Detroit Man I^resident books and preparing for the long came to the aid of the officer, and Popular Demonstration Direct- Chosen Vegetable into a panic, tho none was seriously of Michigan Association In vacation. succeeded In capturing the dog ed Against Him In dent of the Growers’ asso- Companion Meet Death On is dead here today. Bell was The officer's trousers were torn to hurt. Several were badly shaken up get estrn for today " on Friday at p. Wabash Tracks Annual Election "Do I pay ash- shreds. Switzerland ciation. 2 m. The and slightly bruised. years old ed a norlimin of his boss, Thurs- of has subject of this lesson will be "Culti- While walking Wabash Frank W. Blair, president of the day morning "Why? asked the Upward S.Vtn.riOO been auH- LUGANO, Switzerland, June 21.- on the employer. ‘Well It's the longest eertbed texsiird the $700,000 needed vating some pests." King Greece, and garden Mrs. railroad tracks near the River Union Trunt company, »m elected d«>- of the year. I«n t It? It Isn't for the permanent fund t<a assist Kormer Constantine, of 1 pensioned preachers of the Detroit William A McGraw, chairman of the president ot th« Michigan Hanker*’ fair to pay the same money for laid his family planned la»e today to Rouge road early Thursday morning. long and short days." Methodist conference, according to bureau, urges everybody Interested association to nucreed William J. Bishop Theodore ? Henderson depart from Lugano to the ljike of in gardening to attend this lesson, Roy Meliva, 25 years old, of Twen Gray, president of the First and Old Ollier Newell Henson, son of Mrs. About 131,000 we* subscribed Sun- I’lorencr N. Henson. No. Ml Mon- day In the Methodist churches of Thun, being evidently greatly eha which Is important at this season tleth at., and an unidentified man , Ifetrolt National bank, at the cloke terey-ave , Highland has Park. the city, toward the fund In the The garden bureau has arranged an were Instantly by ' Here's Comfort the banker*' convention in the been awarded a sharpshooter's Detroit conference there «re s; re- grined at the demonstrations direct- atruck and killed of evening lesson for Thursday at 7:45. Board of Commerce Wednesday uft- medal for excellence in marksman- tired ministers, 88 widows and 14 ed against them during the two a Wabash switch engine. ship Henson is I** vears old and orphans. Martin, of Michigan Ag Jhhn I> the Therrcw in charge of the engine ernoon enlisted as a private In the Marine tl'-xirr H. Van Slrmbrenrk, In rharge days of their stay here be ¦ Style and Health corps April rtcUlju.'al college, will the apeak up Other officer# elected were: First 15. of naturalisation work, predicts the former Greek picked Meliva and rushed him to or- Tuesday evening er fx-saona on canning fruits and vice president,. J. 11 Rice, Houghton; The hoard of education plncod an that practically all the alien* In the west branch of Harper hospital, i der for 10.000 lona of coal IVaeednv the city have asked for first attended a concert in the vegetables be given at the On will monarch will where he died the tn- Dr. Reed Cushion Shoes second vlcfrpresld«#it, Otto Hchupp, at $A r.o a t>>n This amount Is papers within a short time nnd that square, but left hurriedly a» a on operating J onk-thlrd of estimated needs public tun building Tuesday. 9 no Saginaw; secretary, Mrs H. M. the the rush on the county clerk sos foreigners Monday, hie. Returning to the engine pgain I will wear better, look bet- for th«- coming year. The bid of fle following the declaration of when some there started and at the Grosman school was the crew found the body of the Brown. Detroit; treasurer, Cbolmera the p. Koenig coal company war will then let up for lack of vehemently hissing him. at 2 p. m. oth i \ ter, and feel better than any Petoskoy. accepted, altho the I'nlon Fuel A applhwnts Since the beginning of er man lying In a ditch alongside Lurtis. Supply company offered the coal On hi# way thru the afreets other s h° es you ever owned. They Following of the the year the county clerk has Is- •he tracks. \ are the members at the same price. sued papers than ?oice* took up the hissing and even Mh V more Ooronvr's Cleric Edward Conley <*“ will your work easier, executive committee for two years: The nnntanl eseurelon of the Build- of 1918. or a total of 9,854 to date sought to molest him The ex-king 'ho7 \ Riake John W. Wilson, Muskegon; Rush S. ers and Traders' Kit-hange fa Tn«b- as against 5.210 In 1918. UNCLE TO investigated the case, but wa- un- slipped out thru SAM and your play merrier. moo park will he held Tuesday, entered a case and Jenks, St Clair; C. K. Toms, louis- Tashmoo A list of cigars that are made In able to learn the identify of the .tune 28. The steamer anton shops tins been prepared by the backdoor. J F. Hofstetter, W. lwll leave from the foot of Gris- second victim. His body was takeq ing; 1-Yankfort, The T'nlt- the la’*l board of Y'lgnrmaker* - Aa if he feared a repetition of the wold-at at A46 o’clock union No C2, of Detroit. It Is a*k tc the morgue. To Imitation, R Thoripstm, Hudson. George M ed Fuel A Supply company will of- exhibitions of hostility Constantino UNITE DELIVERY Ing the organized look for (hr nmue the form of coins, to supporters of Members of the crew in charge ot Htell«sfen. Wayne, and Benjamin fer prims, in labor to buy only union cigars, the rind nil his family remained closely of the makers,- the excursionists. the engine say that the nun were O. Vernor, vice president and cashier protracted cigarmakers' strike hav- in hotel apartments all day Karl tilleman star his ohildrass. ing sharply aligned cigar their Detroit Stores May Adopt of the Merchants' National bank. visit the fac- walking together. If be Is sober, Hl* wife, Mrs. Anna tories. Referring to the strike the Wednesday. Parcel Post System As John KMierta Shoe officer* of Michigan Kllrman, secured a divorce Tues- pamphlet The girls t n„ maker* of The the sec- custody reads went day She was given the of on strike against miserable low Economy Women’* Skor*. tion of the American Bankers' asso- Klleman children War the three voung wage* You will not inhale the FIREMAN HURT ciation are Vice-president for Mich- The father wanted the right to The parcel post system tor the de- Codd stipu- smoke of cigars mingled with the igan, vta't them, hut Judge tears of underpaid girls." IN G J Diekema, Holland, suc- lated In the decree that It should 83.500,000 SHIP livery of retail goods as a war time COLLISION ceeding K C. Bice, Marquette; third he In hla sober moments only. One blow of a horn when erosalna a Myrtje car No. 1303 crashed into street und two blow* when round- necessity, as proposed by the postal I’aul’a I dihedral la compiling nn member of executive council, A O. Sf. ing prevent many the hook Hnd ladder truck of No. 3 “honor roll" of the swung men corners would department, has the indorsement Bishop, accidents. Is the opinion of John company shortly Flint; nu mber of nominat- members of the church who have U-BOAT ami backing big stores before 4 o’clock Hank*t, Cleveland, a SUNK BY of the retail committee, publicly post- J. of member Wednesday afternoon, ing V. T Barker. Kal- enlisted It will be of asso- at Grand ed. giving the full names of the the Ohio Funeral Director’s of Detroit It is planned to niake amßtoo; alternate member of nom- ciation now in convention In the River are. and Elizabeth-st. Capt. Exclusive Agent* for soldiers. Suburban settlement* two deliveries dall> for all do - goods Bay large young Hotel Statler. The oonxentlon Is liOss of Elele Heaviest Blow To inating committee. I. H Baker, from which numbers of desiring William O’Brien, of the fire depart- have enlisted now have their practically unanimous in and also for collections upon de- Uity. men to keep a Boston Shipping Since ment, was thrown from the truck honor roll posted on the town hall.
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