THE BOTSWANA GAZEttE WEDNESDAY 29 JULY 2020 PAGE 1 P80M WEDNESDAY 29 JULY 2020 FREE! “Kitso ke maatla” MAGOSI FLOUTED POLICE ‘Training’ HELICOPTERS INTELLIGENCE ARRIVE REPORT? PAGE 7 A leaked intelligence report suggests that DISS Director Peter Magosi may have ignored the advice from agents that no P100 billion or any money was missing from the Bank of Botswana (BoB). STORY ON PAGE 3 PARLIAMENT IS NOT COURT - NASHA PAGE 4 BDP, REATILE CLASH OVER SALESHANDO SUSPENSION PAGE 13 Masisi blacklists the Khamas' Seleka Springs PAGE 4 Open an account 15 48 3 on your mobile. minutes is hours for your card to documents required all you need be delivered to you Omang (Citizens) or Passport (Non-citizens) Access over 70 services from your Proof of residence Proof of income mobile device. Download the SC Mobile Botswana App. For more information, call us on 361 5800. Terms and conditions apply. PAGE 2 NEWS WEDNESDAY 29 JULY 2020 THE BOTSWANA GAZEttE Ngwato Land-Board Orders DCEC Boss to Vacate Land • Land Board says Matambo illegally allocated himself land in the Ngwato area • Matambo says he owes land board nothing When contacted, DISS Spokesperson Edward Masisi Blacklists the Robert referred this publi- cation to the government public relations office. The BDF directed questions Khamas’ Seleka Springs? sent by this publication to Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime (DCEC) Direc- the government. tor, Brigadier Joseph Matambo • DISS allegedly recommended gov’t cut ties with Seleka Springs Sources at the TEFO PHEAGE who are pressing for his • Seleka Springs made over P100 million through military procurement Office of the eviction. The land board gwato Land correspondences say that between 1989 and 2012 President (OP) said board has or- Mathambo has not been the Directorate of honouring invitations Ndered the Di- LETLHOGILE MPUANG Springs benefited over blacklisting may create Intelligence and rectorate on Corruption to present or defend his P100 million by acting as a new challenge for the and Economic Crime case, particularly at sub resident Mokgweet- agents for companies do- goverment. It is understood Security Services (DCEC) director, Briga- land board level.In an in- si Masisi’s govern- ing business with the BDF. that Seleka Springs holds dier Joseph Matambo, to terview Matambo said he Pment is alleged to He also revealed that the several exclusive licenses (DISS) led by vacate land he has ille- owes the Ngwato Land- have cut ties with arms company was also awarded for major military supplies Director General gally occupied in Jamak- board nothing. consultancy firm Seleka a tender by Botswana Po- in Europe. The company ala settlement in the Ng- A source within Bana- Springs. Seleka Springs lice in 2000 to supply rifles is said to hold exclusive Brigadier Peter wato Land Board area. Ba-Motho syndicate is owned by former presi- and pistols. agency licenses for Avis Magosi advised Matambo has since expressed further worry dent Ian Khama’s younger In 2014 Seleka Springs Vickers from the United refused to adhere to that the Land Board is brothers Tshekedi and An- was implicated in wast- Kingdom, Steyr-Daimler Masisi that all the land-board resolu- not eager to enforce their thony. age of public funds after and FN Herstal from South tion which reads, “You resolution to evict Mat- Sources at the Office of purchasing a Pilatus PC- Africa and Belgium re- government drilled a borehole, fenced ambo. the President (OP) said 24 twin jet engine aircraft spectively, who have all institutions should a ploughing field and uti- According to the syn- the Directorate of Intel- for the DISS. According to conducted business with lized a servitude with- dicate source, Matam- ligence and Security Ser- reports from the Patriot on the BDF. These companies stop engaging the out the consent of the bo’s boreholes are two vices (DISS) led by Direc- Sunday and Sunday Stan- supply specialized military company. land-board- contrary to kilometers from theirs, tor General Brigadier Peter dard newspapers, the jet equipment, ammunition Magosi advised Masisi that is believed to have cost and spares. section 16 of the Tribal contrary to the current The Botswana Gazette Land Act. You are there- statutory requirement of all government institutions the government over P100 While Seleka Springs should stop engaging the sent inquiries to Andrew fore ordered to vacate the six kilometers. million. The Botswana Director Anthony Khama company. Sesinyi, Permanent Secre- illegally occupied land Minister Kefentse Mz- Gazette was told that Sele- did not respond to this pub- In 2015, the then Minis- tary, Government Commu- within 3 months.” winila didn’t not respond ka Springs acted as agents lication’s inquiry, a source ter of Defense Justice and in the deal, and allegedly at the company confirmed nications, as well as Press Matambo is in a bitter to questions seeking Security Shaw Khathi told benefitted close to P17 mil- that there was a significant Secretary to the President dispute with area syn- clarity on the current dis- parliament that between lion in the process. decline in business since Batlhalefi Leagajang. They dicate Bana-Ba-Motho pute. 1989 and 2012, Seleka However, the alleged last year, 2019. both did not respond to the enquiries. 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The analysis should gests that DISS Director Peter reads the report. come to a detailed conclusion as AMagosi may have ignored the The report further warned that the to why to-date BoB cannot do its advice from agents that no P100 bil- impact of the allegations and the in- own fund management and in- lion or any money was missing from vestigation would be devastating to vestment.” the Bank of Botswana (BoB). Botswana’s investor’s confidence. Magosi did not take this Titled “Analytic Year-end Report. “We think what is paramount that also publication’s calls on the mat- Att: Director General P. F. Magosi,” needs to come out clearly is to under- ter. Before the Parliamentary the internal report suggests that Ma- stand the challenges and maybe delve Public Accounts Committee gosi may have also ignored advice deeper in the understanding that there (PAC) this week, Magosi ad- that pursuit of the allegedly missing was a drastic change in governance in mitted that he engaged some P5 billion and P100 billion from BOB 2011 which may have led to some of consultancy companies in- would prove to be a wild goose chase the challenges we see today,” the re- cluding the one in the leaked because the reports were not true. port reads. report to do some work for “There have been reports of P5bn Regarding those who manage funds the DISS. He also told PAC and P100bn allegedly missing from on behalf the central bank, the report that the DISS lacked oversight. BoB coffers when all these amounts says that there is need to find out who This year Botswana faces black- are known to be receivables. Receiv- these fund managers were, their per- listing by the European Union Com- ables are funds that we have locked formance and everything pertaining mission alongside 11 other countries in our coffers. How do they go miss- to their portfolio’s performance. The that are seen as risky money-launder- ing and what’s the motive behind that report said it was important to estab- ing territories and potential sources kind of reporting? The other bigger lish, “how many visits were made to of terrorism financing. Banks in one question could be why are we hav- fund managers, by whom and what EU-member state, France, will not ing challenges with reconciliations of key decisions were made during such open accounts for Batswana. the Pula Account year-on-year? Is it visits”. 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