Thursday 4 February 2021 NEWS YOU CAN USE FREE Plaaspaaie onbegaanbaar Die baie reën oor die afgelope tyd het nie net paaie in die stad beskadig nie, maar vir baie boere in die Vrystaat ‘n groot kopseer geraak. Paaie is só beskadig dat dit in sommige gevalle onbegaanbaar is. Nick Meyer, wat ‘n plaas tussen Glen en Soetdoring besit, sê dat paaie wat onbegaanbaar is, ekstra uitgawes veroorsaak het. Lees volledige berig op bl. 2 To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? VCSV hou vas The initial Covid-19 vaccine, to be rolled aan genade, sê out soon, has been set out for higher risk individuals such as health workers sy hoof and the elderly. However, more parts of 6 the population will have access to the vaccine as part of the rollout programme. The question is: Will people choose to get vaccinated? Bloemfontein Courant spoke to a few residents of the City of Roses to get Credence their opinion on the vaccine. Read the full story on page 2 Primary bids principal farewell 8 2 Gemeenskap • Community Bloemfontein Courant • 4 February 2021 Boere sukkel met vervoer ná reën Heidre Malgas [email protected] Die baie reën oor die afgelope tyd het nie net paaie in die stad beskadig nie, maar vir baie boere in die Vrystaat ’n groot kopseer geraak. Paaie is só beskadig dat dit in sommige gevalle onbegaanbaar is. Nick Meyer, wat ’n plaas tussen Glen en Soetdoring besit, sê dat paaie wat onbegaanbaar is, ekstra uitgawes veroorsaak het. “Ons het self begin om paaie te herstel omdat dit vir ons onmoontlik is om paaie wat in só ’n toestand is, te gebruik. Dit is baie moeilik om vragmotors te kry om vee te vervoer van plase af.” Meyer het bygevoeg dat alhoewel hulle weet dat hulle nie die paaie self mag herstel nie, het hulle noodgedwonge besluit om dit te doen omdat hul ondernemings daaronder ly. Boere het begin om teer en pype te koop om die water te probeer dreineer indien ’n volgende vloed hulle sou tref. Francois Wilken, president van Vrystaat Landbou, het ook sy misnoë oor die toestand van baie paaie uitgespreek. Hy sê daar is sekere plekke waarby mense nie eens kan uitkom nie. “Die water loop af in die pad, dit word dan later ’n rivier en mense kom nie by hul bestemmings uit nie. Om by die werk te kom, is bykans onmoontlik. Dis Nick Meyer Een van die paaie wat deur die boere reggemaak is ook moeilik om mediese hulp te ontvang, want ambulanse kan nie op die paaie ry nie. navraag gedoen. Hy is van mening dat die Vrede, Edenville, Senekal, Winburg en om jou bestuursgedrag aan te pas en te Indien iets op van die plase sou gebeur, kan Mangaung Metro onder druk geplaas moet Reitz in. verseker dat jy veilig sal wees. Mashinini die polisie ook nie daar uitkom nie.” word om bystand te verleen sodat dinge na Sam Mashinini, LUR vir departement het ook padgebruikers aangemoedig om op Volgens Wilken het boere self ingespring normaal kan terugkeer. van polisie, paaie en vervoer in die FS, die uitkyk te wees vir padwerkers en dan en begin om paaie te herstel. Hy stem Intussen is die departement van polisie, het padgebruikers aangemoedig om versigtig en stadig te bestuur. saam met Meyer dat hulle dit eintlik nie paaie en vervoer se padonderhoudspanne met ekstra versigtigheid op hierdie paaie Bloemfontein Courant het die mág doen nie, maar die regering doen niks reeds regoor die provinsie ontplooi. Die te ry, aangesien ongelukke en nat of munisipaliteit gekontak, maar het tot dusver omtrent die saak nie, selfs al het hulle reeds fokusareas sluit Memel, Hennenman, modderige oppervlakke jou sal dwing geen kommentaar ontvang nie. Will you get vaccinated? On the Web this Week www.bloemfonteincourant.co.za Nomaqhawe Mtebele Samples of the vaccine are population will have access to [email protected] currently being tested at the the vaccine as part of the rollout University of the Free State in programme. The question The arrival of the fi rst batch of Bloemfontein. is: Will people choose to get Covid-19 vaccine on Monday The initial vaccines have vaccinated? Bloemfontein marks the nationwide vaccine been set out for higher risk Courant spoke to a few rollout plan since the rapid individuals such as health residents of the City of Roses to spread of the pandemic around workers and the elderly. get their opinion on the vaccine. the world since last year. However, more parts of the Stephan du Toit “Honestly, I will not get the vaccine because I don’t know what its side effects could be and I don’t want Sandy Steyn Rose Lekoekoe to take that chance. Just in case you have missed “Given the opportunity, “I will get vaccinated We’re exposed to I don’t think I’ll take because I feel like the many things all the it, these are Bloemfontein the vaccine. I think time, including the Pieter Swart risk of getting Corona is Christy Moahloli Courant’s top four stories my body will be brown water we get higher than something online: strong enough to “I would do it to bad happening from “I wouldn’t get sometimes and our fi ght it. I suppose if I immune systems have strengthen the immune the vaccine. I don’t trust vaccinated because I LHP not making grass grow under had a serious illness, become stronger. system, even though the vaccine 100%, like feel like they didn’t take 1 their feet that might make me they say that it’s not many other people, but enough time to develop I think my immune vulnerable to Covid-19, system is strong going to be 100% what else can I do? a safe vaccine. I do not Floods: MMM warns farmers to I would think about because in lockdown, effective. I think it will That’s the only good want to put myself at 2 remove belonging it. As it stands now, I give people a good option at this point.” risk or make myself into through my job as wouldn’t take it.” a bartender, I have chance to fi ght off the a guinea pig and then Bfn-leerders benodig hulp met worked around people virus.” get sick down the line. I 3 vervoer would feel safer if they and I haven’t been sick.” took more time to test Mangaung Fire & Rescue Services the vaccine.” 4 gear up for expected heavy rains Editor - Pieter Delport REPORT NEWS: [email protected] SALES STUDIO AUDIT Corni Fourie - 051 505 0997 The distribution of this ABC Marelize Dunlop - 082 291 4124 Elmarie Venter newspaper is independently Business Manager - Corni Fourie Carien Papgis - 082 659 7741 audited to the professional 051 5050 900 Anne Theron - 074 481 5070 standards administrated Production Manager – Nita Lloyd Judy Barnard - 076 791 0304 Liezl Magson by the [email protected] Nettie de Beer - 082 822 4538 Audit Bureau of Felecia Wessels - 051 5050 926 Circulations of South Africa. Central Media Park Distribution Supervisor - Nicodemus Mokapane (Classifi eds) Moloko Moholwa 7 Christo Groenewald Street This newspaper is obligated to report news truthfully, accurately and fairly. All rights and reproduction material published in this newspaper are hereby reserved in terms of the Copyright Act. This publication is registered as a newspaper. Verifi ed distribution: 50 000 copies per week. Wild Olive Estate, Bloemfontein, 9301 For any complaints about our distribution, please contact Andries Kleinhans on 084-610-8337 or send an email to: [email protected] 4 February 2021 • Bloemfontein Courant Community • Gemeenskap 3 Charles Dunn releases second book Pierce van Heerden turn when he found himself behind bars after [email protected] committing a crime. “Life had turned out good as my dream of becoming a soccer star was Bloemfontein author, Charles Dunn, in reach. But an unfortunate thing happened. continues to share his story.story. He has recentlyrecentl I committed a crime and found myself behind releasedreleased his new book, titled Walking the bars. I attempted suicide to escape prison, papathth ofof lifelife partpart 2. ThisThis followsfollows hishis memoirmemoir but as the saying goes, prison turned out to pupublishedblished in 2013. be a blessing in disguise,” said Dunn. Dunn,Dunn, who was According to him, this is where he pulled once a risingrising himself together and discovered his ultimate soccesoccerr starstar in purpose in life. Dunn went on to motivate the country,country, took prisoners during this time. He said that he Een van Van Zyl se tekeninge, Die plaashuis a darkdark shares his life story and experiences with his audience in a way that will motivate them to make better life choices. Dunn added that when Sean, a character in the book, is released from prison he is faced with challenges as he tries reintegrating himself into society. “His Dié skinkbord was een separation from his daughter is unbearable, Hennie van Zyl aan die werk in sy van Van Zyl se eerste but his walk with God led him to a new ateljee. opdragte peace. His chance meeting with Lerato brings new meaning to his life as he perseveres to publish his book. His spiritual journey is faced with challenges and takes a twist as he rediscovers his redemption Van tekenaar tot through the love of God,” said Dunn. Dunn’s Book can be ordered at amazinggracebook@ gmail.com kunstenaar Charles Dunn Sazly Hartzenberg maak uit ou palletplanke, “want dit moenie Terug-skool-toe-straatmark gehou [email protected] te mooi en te netjies wees nie.” Hy vertel hy is nie een dag dieselfde nie, hy het geen Heidre Malgas Wanneer mens noustrop trek en jou vaste roetine nie en beskou dit as seker [email protected] pensioengeld nie jou uitgawes kan dek maar die free spirit-ding wat deurkom.
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