January 7, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E21 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PROCEDURES FOR THE USE OF to preserve a privilege. When the witness has HONORING BOB WIECKOWSKI STAFF DEPOSITION AUTHORITY objected and refused to answer a question to preserve a privilege, the chair of the com- HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA HON. PETE SESSIONS mittee may rule on any such objection after OF CALIFORNIA OF TEXAS the deposition has adjourned. If the chair over- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rules any such objection and thereby orders a Wednesday, January 7, 2015 witness to answer any question to which a Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to privilege objection was lodged, such ruling Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to honor California State Senator Bob shall be filed with the clerk of the committee section 3(b)(2) of House Resolution 5, 114th Wieckowski. On January 11, 2015, State Sen- Congress, and section 4(c)(5)(B) of House and shall be provided to the members and the ator Wieckowski will be honored for his sup- Resolution 567, 113th Congress, I hereby sub- witness no less than three days before the re- port of the arts in the Tri-City area during mit the following regulations regarding the convened deposition. If a member of the com- Come Embark on Noah’s Ark, a benefit for the conduct of depositions by committee and se- mittee appeals in writing the ruling of the Fremont Opera. It is appropriate to extend him lect committee staff for printing in the CON- chair, the appeal shall be preserved for com- the gratitude of the Tri-City arts community GRESSIONAL RECORD: mittee consideration. A deponent who refuses and the public. 1. Notice for the taking of depositions shall to answer a question after being directed to State Senator Wieckowski has been a gen- specify the date, time, and place of examina- answer by the chair in writing may be subject erous and continuous supporter of the arts tion (if other than within the committee of- to sanction, except that no sanctions may be community. For many years, State Senator fices). Depositions shall be taken under oath imposed if the ruling of the chair is reversed Wieckowski has, through his advice, service, administered by a member or a person other- on appeal. advocacy, and performance, assisted many wise authorized to administer oaths. arts organizations in the Tri-City area, includ- 2. Consultation with the ranking minority 8. Committee staff shall ensure that the tes- ing the Fremont Cultural Arts Council, the Fre- member shall include three business days’ no- timony is either transcribed or electronically re- mont Opera, the Fremont Symphony Orches- tice before any deposition is taken. All mem- corded or both. If a witness’s testimony is tra, Music at the Mission, the StarStruck The- bers of the committee shall also receive three- transcribed, the witness or the witness’s coun- ater, and Yoko’s Academy of Dance & Per- business days notice that a deposition has sel shall be afforded an opportunity to review forming Arts. been scheduled. a copy. No later than five days thereafter, the State Senator Wieckowski has even ap- 3. Witnesses may be accompanied at a witness may submit suggested changes to the peared on stage in essential roles in the Fre- deposition by counsel to advise them of their chair. Committee staff may make any typo- mont Opera’s productions of La Boheme, The rights. No one may be present at depositions graphical and technical changes. Substantive Barber of Seville, and La Traviata, delighting except members, committee staff designated audiences with his varied and ingenious char- changes, modifications, clarifications, or by the chair or ranking minority member, an acterizations. Every year since 2005, State amendments to the deposition transcript sub- official reporter, the witness, and the witness’s Senator Wieckowski has appeared in Yoko’s counsel. Observers or counsel for other per- mitted by the witness must be accompanied Academy of Dance & Performing Arts’ produc- sons, or for agencies under investigation, may by a letter signed by the witness requesting tion of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker. His not attend. the changes and a statement of the witness’s work as the lead role of Drosselmeyer in The 4. At least one member of the committee reasons for each proposed change. Any sub- Nutcracker ballet is an eagerly-anticipated an- shall be present at each deposition taken by stantive changes, modifications, clarifications, nual treat for Tri-City audiences of all ages. the committee, unless the witness to be de- or amendments shall be included as an ap- State Senator Bob Wieckowski’s energy, en- posed agrees in writing to waive this require- pendix to the transcript conditioned upon the thusiasm, and dedicated work in support of ment. witness signing the transcript. the arts has deeply enriched the communities 5. A deposition shall be conducted by any in which he serves. 9. The individual administering the oath, if member or staff attorney designated by the Mr. Speaker, I commend State Senator Bob chair or ranking minority member. When depo- other than a member, shall certify on the tran- Wieckowski for all that he has done to cham- sitions are conducted by committee staff attor- script that the witness was duly sworn. The pion the arts in the Tri-City area, and I am neys, there shall be no more than two com- transcriber shall certify that the transcript is a confident that his efforts will continue to sup- mittee staff attorneys permitted to question a true record of the testimony, and the transcript port the arts for many more years to come. witness per round. One of the committee staff shall be filed, together with any electronic re- f attorneys shall be designated by the chair and cording, with the clerk of the committee in the other by the ranking minority member. Washington, DC. Depositions shall be consid- SUPPORT FOR MINORITY LEADER NANCY PELOSI Other committee staff members designated by ered to have been taken in Washington, DC, the chair or ranking minority member may at- as well as the location actually taken once tend, but may not pose questions to the wit- filed there with the clerk of the committee for HON. DAVID N. CICILLINE ness. the committee’s use. The chair and the rank- OF RHODE ISLAND 6. Questions in the deposition shall be pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pounded in rounds, alternating between the ing minority member shall be provided with a majority and minority. A single round shall not copy of the transcripts of the deposition at the Wednesday, January 7, 2015 exceed 60 minutes per side, unless the mem- same time. Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to bers or staff attorneys conducting the deposi- 10. The chair and ranking minority member express my support for House Minority Leader tion agree to a different length of questioning. shall consult regarding the release of deposi- NANCY PELOSI to continue her leadership in In each round, a member or committee staff tions. If either objects in writing to a proposed the 114th Congress. As the Democratic leader attorney designated by the chair shall ask release of a deposition or a portion thereof, of the U.S. House of Representatives since questions first, and the member or committee the matter shall be promptly referred to the 2002, Leader PELOSI has led our caucus with exceptional resolve and integrity. Her commit- staff attorney designated by the ranking minor- committee for resolution. ity member shall ask questions second. ment to Democratic values is evident in her 7. Any objection made during a deposition 11. A witness shall not be required to testify focus on expanding the middle class, growing must be stated concisely and in a non-argu- unless the witness has been provided with a the economy, expanding affordable access to mentative and non-suggestive manner. The copy of rule XI of the Rules of the House of education, and empowering America’s women witness may refuse to answer a question only Representatives and these procedures. and families. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:41 Jan 08, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07JA8.001 E07JAPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E22 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 7, 2015 From 2007 to 2011 Leader PELOSI served be missed by her colleagues in the House, the The Red Raiders put on an impressive per- as Speaker of the House and under her lead- residents of the District of Columbia, and es- formance and excelled in all facets of the ership the 111th Congress was hailed as ‘‘one pecially my office. game. Quarterback Nikkolas Holland led the of the most productive Congresses in history.’’ Gwen was not born into the advantages of- offense by accounting for four touchdowns. Among her many accomplishments, Leader fered to many in our society. Instead, she has Running back Devan Jackson contributed on PELOSI shepherded passage of the American always worked her way to success. Aside both sides of the ball, by rushing for a touch- Recovery and Reinvestment Act to create and from her work in my office, Gwen has owned down and returning a fumble for a touchdown. save millions of American jobs; historic health and operated several business ventures.
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