I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I ... Anto~B~chinaier, <). PreS.ide~to'f ,n~e Ccntrai'l}nsigro.~hi·cRlS~ciety :/: of :Munich. Pasigraphical Dictionary and Grammar by Anton Bacbmaier President of the Central Pasigraphiral Soriety at llnnirh. AUGSBURG. Printed by A Voll\hart. 1870 '\ ·i lIumanite ct patrie. Dedicated to a II nat i 0 D S. Illtro(luctioll. Pasigraphy teaches people to com­ municate with one another in writing by means of numbers, which convey the same ideas in all languages; and thus it reuni­ tes peoples whom languages separate. It is plain that this system can not possess all the advantages of a language; but it is a faithful interpreter of all lau­ guages that accept it, and infinitely bet. tel' than the "Nothing" that exists out­ side of it; for Pasigraphy opens a direct intellectual intercourse among people, that, without its aid (with the exception of a few of the learned) would remain entire ,trangers. By means of it German and Oriental, Russian and Chinamen etc. might exchange t.houghts each in his mother tongue and by the same process sec the thoughts of all other cultivated nations. Pasigraphy is Yery useful in com­ mercial transactiODs, newspapers reports, telegrams, and to persons traveling. Also the learned world will make use of it especially if glossaries are prepared for the different branches of knowledge; and it may be hoped, that this improvement, on account of its simplicity, will soon be employed and rapidly extended. The number of words that might be employed is unlimited. We haven cho- VII sen for this dictonary 4334 conceptions and confined ourselves to that number, because we believe, that out of these, one may find the necessary words to serve his given purpose. These 4334 conccptions are the in­ strument with which the mind of the operator must work. If one does not find a given word he can select a syno­ nymous one or express his meaning by circumlocution. rVe enter a foreign, ullcultivated country, and as pioneers we seek to cul­ tivate it and soften the way for those who shall follow. Since tbe division of languages this is the first pratical step toward its direct reunion. As we now submit this bool.; to the public, we venture to wish, that it may VlII prove a blessing to the whole human family, and that it may everywhere ex­ tend the feeling that all mankind are brothers who should 10ve each other. .Uunich 1870. Ant. Bachmaier f're~idfnt of the Central T'a\;igrnphical ~OCidY. 0-----1-----, .--------:t.----------, Tlw;tJender of,mak~/~/~dAw//e~- /t/led<fa£, 6'4/·->UJ4"ff/'7WU~ and/jutmP~) 1/ mtu.fdb=,~b#/.u£cenv~~-UY ~.a£,~/z'b~~/~&<J .~-n/hl7.k/ i5j. 4 hmAWU¥/ 1- a/-C/~ ~A?v:dv I "/AWU/'~"'"!V: e<y'_ I /' rl P' "1 I d.w-n4lil /f/7. 4-Re/ cfeff-/ : -,"UY'~.,..2'k/t4",J/inI'ZtL>Wulj.edtYV'.i.; ~e/ .fm-/..paAJ<j~1J~' Thb defi'ni~&'artid.IY iJ .-nd AMM. It/..L<f". 1459· -dLff-l.ieJ /wuJe amt.tbL,ude/ /9.f(J . " /1rlan/~) -tIe,-man/ ./110. p mJ-tJnu;uvIf de WIh7U1m/ r--------07.--------, Tb/ VZd¢lJ1li./& artiek' Au.£aj'T'MJecb.ij7 ~ ·nwmw./. jJ~, 4'. fjtJ.a/~_ 4. /111cf. a/ 4VC-rtUM"t-.- T/w ?UJU1Z8 ~~de~-()/t/=t:-~IZonud'crOdJ-dne ~ven~tMti2ld~jJ. ~. ~~7Jj,f. -M././S1.f. :2patd</-jJ9/~'t/2Jjf. t? :Jk#en.itiv~.i""«jJ'lMiJd .~,,~J/J7. ~ :.;~L.;tY'SJ'. .a'/'..co-Ub4Jj1' zO.. .Ik b-loLl -7- , :I t ~ ;Jk, ac=..Jal£ve/ ~..6'f'/U"/'.&'d~ ~n,bru:tii:v</I~b,tl.e/aect:«Ja£4Je"~M'Z-~¥;;~' ,..t;,~d~,t4vc pi1im,i<J jud;·"/""e'd,. """'­ :tzaL.qoJ.U/:X,~.io e;r;w.<!<:lJe~4·ofN<de/V­ kp';f ~ ?Vd~. Sin.qaZaP YLl.7'al ..'~5ke.tJ; .'1ft! :JXbdL/.-v .mil h-tLded:& .Y/17./7//l. tl.zfe.~h</ ';/77. ./7/t1. '!ff~ J" &<J:U oS. :l1It. %~~J'd'. 4J'ftI. ~.:1kd<& :l7/tx,J7/tI. :1L~/711!or>-,,;T/(/. ,...--------Ir---------, J7lC adia://m:<f' aNdamJ{'rb,.· c "'a,y ,k.-#ulu·,duL£'l> Twl'-1Y a_ -v"urlb CU'J.J-firu/k£""d _l~";;;"/~1,t;,L/,'~cr;. ~TdJombYf/.N t.~tJ/. "-N/ / I c/IJ&d7"1',L?<"~ ~ c(Jlri~ ..'f>l..i";tyZ, ~a'l'&' NUur~' :jJ£u-u'.j" E.,-e//J"";nt:~ /-/0 '~'n;.A' rakre­ I-<,qui ;t;v(J-·/Jp.,;n~ ,b- .1j;/-d,~e=U"e/ -«~<.e/ -ile/!"'JlZZzJ.e.; lUI ~~(}f. ~/(/Njf~~dJ~-&' !.Jpl -<>-'l:' .z,fjl/andJomev.QoVmo(o.t"~ !/fl A'~ 2JYlknofJttm&Jt-<1V4M"tknd.Jumo. TIm lHOJlb1tns. :Jl;'IJixtJ~/td/>~~"ll~-Ilk,I<u>~<! $u~..Jamb'PtJ /£?'Jv~~/7UJU/TW. ,--------f------ 'I7"'?""O".,zLwo"""n, are, l .5lTtjJulaP .I'z.a·al v~. J .f6IJJ 11{' ../b'&J [len/. Cj'71W .JIlt. .foM tf.u.1 .Hlt. lo(Jp' ~;J;7/W' &. "/oe,f:f;wJ efJ. -10M k. Jk ./(jtJJM-ib~J. 1/& -loP'?'£'4/ itt7.f. J'z"tJulap J'lu:raZ .A;'~. <;Jkw 1t'1· fc<t<. .1.££. J-Ml: IJjtt1iv.J111. ltif 1'fca/ Jl71· lilf !!Alb.:;;;:·z:l.e& JJ1. 'fIJfl. ;1;j'()w tfJ. 1~9 .71=. L 1&jM/7tJj.:f!~ P.1:£,/(/i!i -,?zllflular. ..A;m, %...189_· hft·.f2~· SJ'f.,,,,Jr5'f-:Jt'VJ'J'f­ ¥"'ItJ//::nv.J/ldJ'!tf.k.:J/l! JO'j. '.d.JI17.JJj. ~d.$j'im de!. fJ'j.::;t-.t'M- <Yo. JJj.'::;;-"t; <fIf. ,feY! .;k;;g;n/ &YJ~'"ftJ. JU1Y JJfJf.JtJ'JJ<>t:JJ'j. ~ Il -. I'luNu/ kn/ d""X 889· • ~ tt··~.J11J'. 8J£ hkV %zJ&n't/' .J!. 8J!l _k_·. :JTzMTu o~9~j~1J ,.If-def/tftl.f.2ooz:!f.f17#j.2bOJ!kl/~ !f/l,f: Thrvj?/Nlsessioes 046~/UUldd~luvdU=.­ d.'1/"~, -Hd, 42J9-?"jh-nzi?le; f-~jlJ. ~ dne .{<Z!/~~d,i/;J 42j.2 tN.t/tJ'7 ~.2fJJ'~o 4-214- ~<J kt;.. t4~ k~-&x/uMfd1- ~ j/endlH!/"-</&~&Z:d~~.~ "vlf ~ .4.2Jj. JJJ. ~ " -/~~nl~/ NJ. ;7/7/./P'tlJ. (/ T/ze.·-verb -4J U4d~4:>?/Lk/~,"~dwe-U'/~ ~~/-ein~.d.u'.L.&z/~_~"",vtWf!,_ .d':£e. .dn.v-aL,.v.e/.d&4UMd'VVtv...caY. :;t;~-ve/-/Jf3 ~;jjj? . r--------1--------, :J);/#vu/~4 ~.aj~ded~ ~k .a~VfV de-- h<UU&/ ~-tt'v itM~ 1a, Lne/ drQ":J'b~ J!rescnJ; teme. .Y~ -/lillJ: It!£ 1~'~V& 1"{]tJ.f. /J% ~.i'tWt 1djJ. 18# ?<>U/k a. !ijJ. 4#k;~k &Jj.I8j.f tI~ -tv&' M,£. 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(<X«-fw) (~) • I ~~77WnJ:de, 7.wdlnonm/<Wd-ocme </-tk -y~/W';lUed-? -nanze,J a'tb -=/l/lCJJecU' I i?'-«!''''''''''<~..uuy -<'ft-/vu;&'~ 'J'-<.vrn-tfcr-,; I ..c'v-e/l./-arl.d/-«4~d/,et.<-t;'lH.lh<.d./ : tVn'af~k/~ qdev-c"e/[/ '/~'. -- i d- i / . /', ? J;{../.-:'r..'uU-{:-'f-=-t.1 _oj'.£f/ A{N?d4-'l/-o;I'a-- I Zo-n',,'.au,", d:du';1,,~kI:-1tat&;,:J' .do -<f1f,n/~/t'{Yj'C'~V<>VO(//Ie,,-m<m.!e'l./ 3f;;j~7/U)(/'/'U,.a/-=f~-<,Zzve/.<~ana'Y,;...aL .
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