Eastern Illinois University The Keep March 1946 3-20-1946 Daily Eastern News: March 20, 1946 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1946_mar Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: March 20, 1946" (1946). March. 2. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1946_mar/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1946 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in March by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Eastern Teachers news "Tell the Truth and Don4t Be Afraidu 'XXXl-NO. 12 EASTERN ILLINOIS STATE TEACHERS OOLLEGE -OHAR.LESTON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1946 • :nrollment Tops 600 for First Time In Four Years Influx Brea ks im Roberts Bids Fond Farewell Dvorak, Hendrix Equestrienne Two Records o Colleagues on News Rejoin Staff By Joan Brannah TWO REl.:;CRDS were broken last By Jim Roberts Eastern' s Greeley WITH THE advent of the spring iNKLYN L. Andrews, late, great quarter, Eastern faculty a�d stu­ week as Eastern's enrollment adviser, once told me that 611) ?IDS dents have welcomed two return­ climbed to a total of students. y life needed considerable sea­ ing staff members who have reas­ For the first time In the history of ng and that he hoped he had the school, according to Miss !<I the first sprinkle of salt to sumed their classroom duties. Miss �. He did, and in the .process, Gertrude Hendrix, instructor in the Blanche Thomas, Registrar, the ma­ 1ged my life completely. Mathematics department, .and Dr. jority of students are men. Of the 618 333 285 id now, four years later, looking Leo J. Dvorak, head of the Mu.sir: registered, are men and . on three years as editor of the department are once more famiU::ir are women. The registration for the ern News, saying "farewell" to rprin5 term marked, also for the position is not an easy task. figures on Eastern's campus. first ,ime, an increase over the win­ dash of salt from "Colseybur" Miss Hendrix had i;ak�n a ye�r·s Miss Gertrude Hendrix ter term enrollment figures which ed so tasteful that I turned my leave cf absence to aLtend school . answers School Bell totaled 462, with 186 men and 276 on dramatics in favor of jour­ this year but wa s prevented from w ·men registered. m. carrying out her plans when she fell from her horse last Auguct and Returned service men make up iting the News turned out to be received a broken hip. Her condi­ �:74 of the total enrollment, the oth­ vemful but time-consuming job. 344 tion has progressed to such an ex­ er being regular students. This cia!ly was this so as the en- College Frolics at 162 tent that she is now able to s11pple­ i> an increase of G. I.'s over the 1ent droi;.ped to the absolute 112 ment the regular mathemati�s staff winter quarter wtal of veterans. 1m. Here a small but loyal staff 341 in handling their extra "trailer" At this time last year students in to held the fort. I think it Sock Hop 50 cour.:;t•s. were attending Eastern, of whom their credit that we did, for were men. The lowest number of Dr. Leo J. Dvorak traded his title THE ANNUAL all - college sock 1. enrollment is again the equiv­ students on record since the insti­ of Captain for that of head of the dance, sponsored by the Delta Sig­ , of my freshman days and 11 tution became Eastern Illinois State Music. department on March ma Epsilon sorority, was held 1n ' tim·21; as large as those dark Teachers College in 1921 was reach­ when he took off his armv ail f1,;rce the college auditorium Friday eve­ of 1943. I imagine Geneva Ed in 1943-44, when only 306 were uniform and donned civilil".n clothes ning, March 15 from 8:30 until ner, Grace Guthrie, l''ollyanna 1943. registered. The all-time high was Jim Roberts for the first time since Ap:-il, 11 :30. At this first dance of the ·son. Milly Allen and Don Mead reached in 1939-40, when 1151 were . Sings Swan Song Dr Drnrak join·.d Easten.'s �t,aff tha year especially well. Spring quarter, music was furnished rr:ber t nrig 1940, er enrolled. It is possible that next inaJiy in immediateiy aft by recordings. Spirit of Eastern" was some­ fall will see this record broken. re.�1?ivi!1R his doctorate from the As those attending the dance en­ : beautiful to behold then. fortunate to have been privileged According to information received �ni-�ersicy of Iowa. The Music de­ tered the door, they checked their e following year there was an­ to serve as an editor under his ad­ from the American Council of Edu­ l'<�rtrrn:r·t has finally attaineci :ts shoes and spent the evening danc­ . good staff, some new, some visorship. That he was cut down cation by Dr. Rudolph Anfinson, l'!•o-w:ir cast as Dr. Rudolph An­ ing in their stocking feet. Bart Greenwood, Jo Craig, in the prime of his life Is a blow director of the Veterans' Service, fi:i.sol! iind Mr. Robert Warne!· re­ Miss Betty Allen Gresham, presi­ ia King, Madeline "Confetti' of fat.e to future generations of 250,000 veterans are enrolled in Am­ Lurned (;'arlier in the year. c·ent of the sorority, acted as mfs­ �tti among them. Three good Eastern students. erican colleges and universities for tress . of ceremonies and conducted 1e.ss managers in as many years I� seemed improbable that "Col­ the spring term. The peak, Is ex­ several "mixers", to get everyone well remembered: Ferrel At- sey's" shoes would ever be filled, but pected in the fall of 1946, when an acquainted. Tibby Van Meter( still in Dr. Kevin Guinagh has succeeded Musicians Attend enrollment of 750,000 veterans is an­ The decorations committee, head­ Jl) and presently, Kathy Web­ mightily in the task that was thrust ticipated. "At that rate, Eastern's ed by Jeanne Volkmann, carried out Weaving through all these upon him as the new advisor. Never share of G. I.'s would nwnber over State String Meet the "sock" theme with colorful !S. however, is the ever present once has th3 Ne1�s faltered. 800 next fall," remarked Dr. Anfin­ stockings hung around the room. with time. I remember re­ To "Lace" and "Red," Hal and MR. ROBERT Warner, of the Mu- son. The shortage of housing, class­ Popcorn, candy, and Coca-Colas :ing once that "to edit the Marge, Jo and "Reed-dee�de" and sk department, took a group to rooms and instructors i.s the big 16, were sold as refreshments during :. you had to marry the darn Lower, from failing hands I throw Champaign Saturday, March for bottleneck in connection with the the evening. r!" Later events sure made the torch, be yours to hold it high. the first string clinic held under the nation-wide increase in students. June Bubeck was in charge of the iphet out of me on that count! And to "Chuck" Akes, who is to edit directi-on of the University of Illi­ A number of "trailer courses" tickets, Betty McDaniels, the mu­ e many pleasant memories of this issue, and Jim Hanks, who is nois Music department. have been added to the spring sic, and Jeanne Lower, publicity. ents relating to "Colseybur" are to do future issues. I repeat "Tell The clinic, whose chief ·objective schooule for the convenience of re­ mrse clouded by his untimely the Truth and Don't Be Afraid!" is to develop interest and tech­ turning veterans who wish to en­ 1. I count myself extremeiy Goodnight and "30". nique in string playing in high roll in beginning courses. Although scholso throughout the state, con­ School Institutes not ordinarily taught in the spring sisted of a round table discussion quarter, Chemistry 13<> and 131, concerning problems in the eaching Aptitude Test Botany 120, Zoology 12J and 121, ·alloway Directs, Duff, Tobias of s�ring instruments, a perform­ Mathematics 130 and 131 and So­ ance by the University orchestra and A NEW program of testing has been cial Science 233 are being offered. faculty string quartet, and finally, instituted at Eastern, the object There are four sections of English :ar in uHay Fever" Comedy a clinic orchestra concert. of which is to determine the inter­ 120, the beginning composition The clinic orchestra, under the di­ est anp aptitude of each individual course required in all curricula. By Hal Hubbard uncertain "Thanks awfully, Mrs. rection Of Paul Rolland, head of veteran in his respective vocation. the Department of Strings at the The uestions used on these tests L COWARD's Hay Fe ver open- Bliss," when Sorel wa s .given him q university, was composed of ap­ were formulated by G. Fr·ecleric Ku­ Thursday night, February 28, "unconditionally" was one of the proximately 110 high school stu­ der of the Science Research Asso­ Nineteen Trailers 1n enthusiastic and responsive highlights cf the show. dents from all parts of the state, ciates in Chicago and have been ence which filled all of the 32'4 Kay Duff as Myra Arundel found none of whom had played together proved reliable in indicating the ; at both this and the second it difficult to maintain her com- To Arrive Soon before. Selections had been prev­ field in which .a veteran would be mnance the following evening.
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