ATmU.mL luuur filBOIDLAlI^ ttr the M iitt At i^U , IM i PRESIDENT SIGNS When 2,000,0W Turned Out To Hear Hitler SUGAR CURB BILL JOIN HUNGARY IN ROBLES CASE B Means Redaction of One KIWANIANS THRILL A|reonent on Doties SEARCH CONTINUES Half Cent in Ponnd in IN OLD TIME P U Y Tariff —> WiD Help the and Expert Pricey Each BUSINESS BETTER Pofice Disdose Ifc i i s te Boy Rxed ({nantities Prodncers Outside U. S. Borlesqoe IMell^drainiQer’’ Bemi in Custody a of Prednets from Others. BUT MORE JOBLESS Waehlagrton, May 9.—(AP)— of Early 9(Fs Assisted by and Watched Before B c ii President Roosevelt today sl|:ned By ANDRUE HERDING the sug;ar production control bllL Commanity Pbyers. More Families on Relief — That Is Why Ransop He expects to sign the 1417,000,- (Oopyrlsht 19SA by Aisociatnd Press) 000 revenue bill tomorrow. Rome, May 9.—(AP)—An Italo- Than a Year Ago, Dept of Was Not Collected. 'DirUUng mellerdrammer, farmer I The President proclaimed a re­ Austro-Hungarlan economic agree­ boy hero, sweet, demure heroine, duction of one-half cent a poimd in ment was reached today and will be Commerce Reports. sleek villain, Hawkshaw, the detec- | the tariff of sugar. signed probably Saturday. ’Tucson, Ariz., May 9.—(AP)-r- tlve, Parmer Stanley and the old DetenHon of an imnamed men ja He also declared that the rate of I This agreement is based on reci­ the sugar processing tax “must not mortgaged farm, all the necessary procal and preferential duHes, a Washington, May 9— (AP) —The the kidnaping of June Robles, six- exceed the amount of the reduc­ accoutrements of stage play of the I minimum export price accord, and Department of Commerce reported year-heiress, was reported to the tion” in the tariff. early 90’s was dusted off last night an agreement between the three today that the number of families Associated Press today by an au- “This means,” he said in a formal as Hie Manchester Kiwanls club naHonw to purchase fixed quanUHea thoritaHve source. statement, “that the processing or presented its zmnual benefit show of certain pnxlucts. on relief as of April 1 was larger compensatory taxes will not in­ fcr Its Hebron Kiddies Camp, as­ The major points of the agree­ this year than at the same Hme last EYom the same source ia- crease, in themselves, the price to sisted in the straight drammer by ment, which has been in negoHatlon year. fonnation that the man, described be paid by the ultimate consumers membeis of the Manchester Com­ for five weeks by Dr. Richard In its monthly survey of current as a Mexican, bad given officers dsr and at the ssmie time our own sug­ munity. Players. Kiwaalans them- Schuler, the Austrian minister. Dr. business, reporting generally im­ tails of the plot and nam ^ a n^iy^ ar producers will have the oppor­ se> ,es fumi^ed most of the com­ E. de Winckler, Hungarian export proved conditions in most sections and a woman, both Mexicans, and tunity to obtain in the form of ben­ edy relief in the extras that for the! chief, and Dr. Chiancarelll, the of American business and industry, another man, whose naHonality wap efit payments, a fairer return from most part make the prOducUon head of the economic secHon of the the department noted: unknown, as accomplices in the kid­ , their product.” entertaining one. Italian foreign ministry are as fol­ “Notwithstanding the progress naping of the girl here April 25. The map who was said to hava Asks Co-operatioa 200 Attend low s: made in recent months in absorbing into Industry a i>ortion of the im- been in cu ^ dy for a week alHuhfg^ The President designated an in­ The old opry house where the (1) The minimum export price employed, the number without work not formally under arrest, was dei* formal Cabinet committee compos­ mellerdraminer was portrayed was | accord—Austria and Italy agree to remains large. scribed as the “contact” through ed of cdficers in charge of the vari- the Hollister street school audito­ buy Hungarian wheat at a price ap­ “The exhaustion of individual re­ whom the family of the gdrl was to oiu territorial possessions to co-op-, rium. It made a good house for { proximating 40 lire a qifintal, that sources, together •with the demobil­ deliver 815,000 ransom for her re­ erate with the secretary of agricul­ the show since the stage is adapted is, about 92.6 cents a bushel, a fig­ ization of the eWA workers, has turn. ture in administering the sugar rather suitably for amateur plays ure appreciably above the present I resulted in a substanHal increase in control bill. and there Isn’t the handicap of export price. Hungary and Italy Could Not Get Ransono. ‘T hope that this act,” he said, agree to buy Austrian lumber and the number of families on relief as It was learned that the msn fl|rH three flights of stairs that High of April 1 is estimated to be larger “will contribute to the economic school hal. presents. About 200 at- wood pulp for paper making also at came under suspicion* diiring the improvement in Hawaii, Puerto a price appreciably above the pres­ than a year ago.” time official investi^Hon of the tendef’ last, night’s show and a Employment Gains Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Philip­ larger attendance is expected to- ent internal price in Austria. The case was suspended. He was picked pines, Cuba and among Continental minimum eoeport prlce^ accord is an The survey reported substantial up and held without charges, sugar producers, x x x gains in employment and payrolls Associated Press was infonasQ, thw °‘ra. pl.y, "There'. Gold In Them wh'^'Se™ o^lS'uefS'^aS f“‘ effort to raise pfices and increase “Those engaged in this industry the buying jwver'. between the middle of February and forestalling an opportunity fdr Thar miH" wa. no doubt Intended Naat alma and p o W It generallyaene^v isla Lcredited S ltS ' with being one of the greatest single throngs in history. the middle of March, with 79 out of have an opportunity to improve for a burlesque .on the old “he aint To Purchase Wheat lecHon of the ransom. > ; ‘ , ktheir economic status through op- 90 Industries studied showing im­ done right by our Nell” type of (2) Italy agrees to buy approxi­ provem ent In this line. The ransom money has been ’^craHon of this act. I urge their co­ play that was popular when Apel’s mately 2,(^,000 quintals (7,408,000 ing the abductors’ caU in. the hopia operation in carrying out its provi­ Statistical information on other Opera House was playing “The bushels) of Himgarian wheat and aspects of the business scene for of Bernabe Robles, reputedty sions.” “ KEEP P A R H PURE” Austria agrees to buy 2,250,000 wealthy grandfather of tfie^ gtlfi^ Raggec. Hero” and “Queen of the 6 PERSONS ARE KnJ.F.n March and early weeks of April Ro<fides.” Some of the Community quintals (88,334800^ushels) thus showed expanding productive activ­ Efforts to establish contact with tha ROOSEVELT STATEMENT Players took their Jobs seriously, helping to eliminate Hungar^s sur­ ity, a gain In retail sales, higher kidnapers have faUed. Washington, May 9.— (AP)—Here while others accepted the spirit of plus of 6,500,000 qiiintals. The fea­ Today the man in custexty was , Is the text of the statement Presi­ W MACY’S SLOGAN foreign trade, find an advance in travOi^ and Interpreted tbde. roles ture of t ^ .g reo^ t is that Italy believed to be with Ih'vesHgu^: la dent Roosevelt issued today in sign­ WHEN AIRPLANE FALLS distribution. to better advanage. ’There was more agmes to buY whether she needs southern Arizona. His deteattra ing Hie Jones-Costigan sugar pro­ Only the constzucHon industry, fuu for the aud^ce in the buT' wheat or aet annd the right to characterized as tta« -^outstanr' clartfisd the reasons behtiid the ia- duction control bill: rMj^poBft ^ahy p o r t l^ o f this puxi search that w gi saade Atew ^ On February 8 last, X sent to the lesque IntcrpretaHoas, nAturally. New fnrk 6. exception to the genMaf . trend.'- The Eb»ta4oiR-'HitlS' M a#:« BeEerea8ak.i.i: bEne^^that s^ d te a ifiot need, eltbaz -failed An gp ndosg ■'wlth---e^ier 4liF^' ___ ««o .la the vicinity of Santo CaagttXM a n£e80lR:€''f§ttStig forth if wheat or flour. Chvz, and late ye^rday st Capa- eertaln facts afid prol^ms pertain The ifiwaniaas, willing to dance, dd^^ry and trade, its index fafilng (8) Aoatitt <iid HttDgary «g r* oea, hhlow the ho^er. ing to the sugar industry. I said sing, dress up like wotnen, or recite ' Opens Cnmpa^ to De^ 23 pohits bddw pecem be^ then that “the problem is difficult poetry for the sake ot their Kiddies the English Channel as to lower Ha^ tariffs 10 per cent o t Manufacturing, prbducllon Ih- DoennoeBt Fouad. but can be solved If met squarely camp, furnirtied-mpit of the extra nUIEWARACnON the products o f any country ■wbii^ credsed diuing M&fch by more thAn A document, giving the details of and if small temporary gains are numbers durll»|: -iecond act No Trace of It Can Be feat the "Oid Gnard.” go through Tri^te and ^ume. Thla the usual amoimt, and stood at 85 the plan, was reported to have, been when tne stevy Cfurtod little Nell is an effdrt tb build xq> these ports ^ r cent of the average for 1923-26, found.
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