Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-19-1990 The BG News January 19, 1990 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 19, 1990" (1990). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5026. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5026 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ICERS BATTLE MICHIGAN STATE Freshman goaltender Angelo Libertucci to start-Friday night Senior center Nelson Emerson nears BG's scoring mark ... see Sports p. 7 The Nation '$ Best College Newspaper Weather Friday Vol.72 Issue 68 January 19,1990 Bowling Green, Ohio High 33° The BG News Low 25° Search for Greeks lobby for ADPi house final decision. "On-campus housinghas been a hope by Sandra Kowalsky and a dream to us. But it is also a BRIEFLY staff writer Paulsen will have seven days to de- director cide which Greek organization will need," Kunka said. "We have been the Campus move into the house, vacated in innocent victims of the city's zoning The fate of the vacant Alpha Delta Pi December when the sorority disbanded policies." sorority house will soon be determined; due to problems with membership re- Alpha Omicron Pi sorority choose to continues a nine-member committee heard pre- tention. have its hearing closed to the public, investigated: University sentations by three Greek organiza- At the first presentation, Pi Beta Phi but AOPi President Pam Gioviannetti police officers are investigating a by Jill Novak tions Thursday night. President Michele Kunka addressed gave a follow-up statement after their suspected case of acquaintance rape staff writer Pi Beta Phi and Alpha Omicron Pi current problems the sorority mem- presentation. which allegedly occurred Monday. sororities and Phi Sigma Kappa bers were experiencing living off cam- "We feel that by moving in the house A student reported she allegedly fraternity gave separate 10-minute pus in an apartment complex at 425 E. we will benefit the Greek community," had met a man off campus and then More than 50 applications have speeches, were questioned by commit- Court St. she said. "We have proven ourselves to returned with him to campus where already been received to fill the posi- tee members and followed up with five- Previously, the sorority was allowed be strong and enthusiastic and we want the rape apparently took place. tion of Affirmative Action Director and minute conclusions. to use the basement of the building for to get to know the other sororities bet- A police spokeswoman said the other interested people have until Feb. The committee, which included stu- meetings and to eat meals, but city zon- ter." department has been given only 1 to apply. dents and administrators, went into de- ing restrictions now prohibit the soror- vague information and are not sure According to Ann-Marie Lancaster, liberation following the group presen- ity from conducting these activities. The Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity where on campus the reported head of the search committee review- tations and their proposal will be sent Kunka stressed the active communi- centered its presentation around topics incident occurred. ing the applications, personal contact to Fayetta Paulsen, assistant vice- ty service of Pi Phi's, their policy on such as the quality of membership, the Officers are working together with was made with Affirmative Action Of- president of student affairs and resi- alcohol and their financial burdens to elimination of hazing and the fraterni- The Link to help the victim. fices at other Universities and colleges dential services, who will make the the committee. ty's ability to fill the house. The only description released on the to get tips on how to conduct a more ef- suspect at this time is: a white male fective search. with brown hair. This has attributed to the large This incident will continue to be amount of applications already investigated by police. received — a great deal more than Resolution have been received in previous sear- ches, she said. Blood found in Unions "We wanted to get a strong pool of to only large amount of blood was found in applicants." Lancaster said. the men's restroom near the bowling The applicant pool probably will be alley in the University Union narrowed within two weeks after the limit power Tuesday, but no victims were Feb. 1 deadline and "how much it is discovered. narrowed depends on the quality of ap- Lt. David Weekley of the University plicants," Lancaster said. by James A. Tinker Klice department said police believe Robert Cunningham will remain in- staff writer i blood was the result of a fight that terim director until the final process of occurred sometime before the blood naming the new director is completed Faculty Senate Vice Chairman was reported. at the end of the semester and possibly Blaine Ritts claims the resolution in- Blood-soaked paper towels were later, she added. troduced Tuesday was not a direct scattered around the room and an The committee composed numerous attempt to have University Presi- obscene word was written on the guidelines for the search which began dent Paul Olscamp fired, but to mirror, police said. in December, following the death of force faculty to audit his leadership Officers checked with Wood County former director Miguel Ornelas. and its effects. Hospital, but no recent admissions Announcements of the open position "What I saw Tuesday — finally — were on record. Residence halls also were posted in publications including was a request by Faculty Senate to were checked, but no injured students The Chronicle of Higher Education, evaluate its president," Ritts said. were identified. Black Issues in Higher Education, The Faculty members have said the Blade, The Plain Dealer, The Detroit move to table the resolution was tan- News, The Cincinnati Enquirer, the tamount to killing it, but Ritts be- Summer jobs open: Glacier Sentinel-Tribune and the Affirmative lieves allowing tune for extended Park Inc. is seeking college students Action Register. to fill summer hotel and hospitality faculty consideration will not bury Applicants must have an appropriate it. Bisitions at Glacier National Park in amount of experience, a broad knowl- The proposed resolution calls for a ontana. edge of the organization and adminis- poll ot tenured and probationary Available jobs include front desk tration of higher education and success faculty to determine support for the positions, maids, cooks, waitresses, in working with various constituencies, claim that the Faculty Senate has no bus drivers and guest entertainment. according to the guidelines. Interested students should contact confidence in Olscamp's continued In addition, comprehension of com- leadership. Brad Parker at (602) 248-2612. plexities of discrimination and har- Ritts denied the introduction of the assment issues and the ability to en- resolution in Olscamp's absence was gage with members of the University planned. Scholarship styles: The about these issues are necessary quali- "We hoped he would be at the Toledo Alumnae Panhellenic Council ties for the director. will host a style show Feb. 21 to meeting ... and to suggest that ever- benefit its scholarship fund. The responsibilities of the director ybody Knows his schedule is ab- The application deadline for winter will entail investigating and resolving surd," he said. scholarships is Jan. 31 and winners any discrimination and harassment Olscamp has claimed it is com- will be announced at the style show. complaints and advising the University mon knowledge he attends an annual University student Cheryl Karfara president on compliance with federal education conference. was the recipient of a fall scholarship. and state affirmative action regula- However, due to Olscamp's erra- tions. tic meeting attendance in the past, Ritts said they could not predict if he Handling policy matters relating to would be there. However, the presi- Economist speaks: Maureen the recruitment and the hiring process dent's executive assistant, Phil Lage, from the Pennsylvania State for all faculty and staff positions is also Mason, is invariablypresent, yet he University department of economics, a task for the director, along with ad- will speak Monday at 3:30 p.m. in ministering the office which includes also was out of town Tuesday. Room 4000 of the BA Building. Affirmative Action and Handicapped Minutes from rast Faculty Senate Her topic is "The Permanent Services personnel, budget and operat- meetings show Olscamp has missed Income Hypotheses Under ing procedures. D See Olscamp, page 3. Permanent Transitory Confusion." The speech is open to the public. Fine Figurines coime*y,he Kty/ ^ MuU Racial vandalism Laurie Robison (rear) and Karen Brumbaugh, members of the University Perform- Pro-life film ing Dancers, performed a dance entitled "Kaledoscope" Thursday night at Eva Shown: Students for Life will Marie Saint Theater. The dancing company includes students and dance faculty. sponsor a showing of the film "The Eclipse of Reason," depicting an found in Cleveland actual abortion, Monday at 8 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge of the University Union. Mayor to prosecute to full extent of law The showing is to note the 17th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade CLEVELAND (AP) — Mayor Mi- same person had defaced both homes Jeep lays off 724 Supreme Court decision legalizing chael R. White on Thursday condemn- because of the similar nature of the abortion. ed three incidents this week of racially eint, writing and time it was done, be- TOLEDO (AP) — Thomas Ryan has been temporarily laid off several times motivated vandalism and slurs, saying een midnight and 7 a.m.
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