COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL MONDAy I FEBRUARY 3 I 1992 SESSION OF 1992 176TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 8 SENATE nor of the Commonwealth, which were read as follows, and MONDAY, February 3, 1992. referred to the Committee on Rules and Executive Nomina­ The Senate met at 1:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. tions: MEMBER OF THE STATE PLANNING BOARD The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mark S. Singel) in the Chair. January 30, 1992. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of PRAYER Pennsylvania: In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate The Chaplain, Reverend PAUL ZIEBER, Pastor of for the advice and consent of the Senate, Sydney Marie Avent, Mount Zion United Methodist Church, Enola, offered the Esquire, 6712 Anderson Street, Philadelphia 19119, Philadelphia following prayer: County, Fourth Senatorial District, for appointment as a member of the State Planning Board, to serve for a term of four years and Let us pray. until her successor is appointed and qualified, pursuant to Act 42, 0 God, Who is revealed to us as Creator, Redeemer and approved July 7, 1989. Judge, we give You thanks for each day of life, each moment ROBERT P. CASEY. opportunity to serve to learn and to grow and to enjoy, each MEMBER OF THE STATE PLANNING BOARD You and our fellows. Hear our prayers on behalf of the Members of this Legisla­ January 30, 1992. ture and the citizens of our state. Provide, we beg You, both To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of energy and direction for our work, mold our motives that they Pennsylvania: may be pure, sharpen our senses that they may be alert to the In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate needs of those we both lead and serve. Awaken us to the pos­ for the advice and consent of the Senate, John W. Ponds, 1040 sibilities at hand and guard us against error so that our labors, Oranmore Street, Pittsburgh 15201, Allegheny County, Thirty­ eighth Senatorial District, for appointment as a member of the conceived in truth, developed with love and born in righteous­ State Planning Board, to serve for a term of four years and until ness, may, for the common good, be executed with justice, his successor is appointed and qualified, pursuant to Act 42, tempered by compassion. approved July 7, 1989. May Your example of servanthood shown in Jesus Christ ROBERT P. CASEY. be reflected and repeated in us. Amen. MEMBER OF THE STATE PLANNING BOARD The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Reverend Zieber who January 30, 1992. is the guest this day of Senator Hopper. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: JOURNAL APPROVED In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate The PRESIDENT. A quorum of the Senate being present, for the advice and consent of the Senate, Ernest M. Varhola, 264 Schwab Avenue, Munhall15120, Allegheny County, Forty-third the Clerk will read the Journal of the preceding Session of Senatorial District, for appointment as a member of the State January 30, 1992. Planning Board to serve until March 19, 1994 and until his suc­ The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the preceding cessor is appointed and qualified, vice Walter W. Giesey, Session, when, on motion of Senator LOEPER, further Harrisburg, deceased. reading was dispensed with, and the Journal was approved. ROBERT P. CASEY. MEMBER OF THE STATE EMPLOYEES' COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNOR RETIREMENT BOARD NOMINATIONS BY THE GOVERNOR January 30, 1992. REFERRED TO COMMITTEE To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following communications in writing from His Excellency, the Gover- 1582 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE FEBRUARY 3, In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA for the advice and consent of the Senate, G. Davis Greene, Jr., Pennsylvania Fish Commission 725 North Mount Pleasant Road, Philadelphia 19119, Philadel­ P. 0. Box 1673 phia County, Fourth Senatorial District, for appointment as a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105 member of the State Employees' Retirement Board, to serve for a January 27, 1992 term of four years, and until his successor is appointed and quali­ fied, vice James Scheiner, Harrisburg, resigned. The Honorable Robert C. Jubelirer President Pro Tempore ROBERT P. CASEY. Senate of Pennsylvania MEMBER OF THE STATE EMPLOYEES' Main Capitol Building RETIREMENT BOARD Harrisburg, PA 17120 Re:. Certification of Licenses Issued Without January 30, 1992. Fee 30 Pa. C.S. Section 2713 To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of Dear Senator Jubelirer: Pennsylvania: Section 2713 of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Code of 1980 In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate (P.L. 996, No. 175), 30 Pa. C.S. Section 2713 provides: for the advice and consent of the Senate, The Honorable Sarah All fishing licenses issued without payment of a W. Hargrove, 423 Walnut Street #124, Harrisburg 17101, license fee as provided in this chapter shall be Dauphin County, Fifteenth Senatorial District, for appointment recorded by the commission. The commission as a member of the State Employees' Retirement Board, to.serve annually shall certify to the General Assembly the for a term of four years, and until her successor is appointed and amount of revenue due from those license fees qualified, vice Christine Crist, Camp Hill, resigned. and the General Assembly shall cause that ROBERT P. CASEY. amount annually to be appropriated and credited to the Fish Fund. MEMBER OF THE STATE BOARD Pursuant to the provisions of this law, the Pennsylvania Fish OF SOCIAL WORK EXAMINERS And Boat Commission hereby certifies that the amount of revenue due the Fish Fund for free fishing licenses is: January 31, 1992. $753,397. To the Honorable, the Senate of the Commonwealth of This figure represents the total due for 108,325 resident, 4,793 Pennsylvania: resident senior and 5 non-resident fishing licenses issued without In conformity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate payment of fee as required by Jaw from January 1, 1968, when for the advice and consent of the Senate, John R. Baublitz the mandatory reimbursement provision took effect, until (Public Member), 1011 Cranberry Street, Erie 16502, Erie December 31, 1991. County, Forty-ninth Senatorial District, for reappointment as a Thank you for your attention to this matter. member of the State Board of Social Work Examiners, to serve Sincerely, for a term of four years and until his successor is appointed and qualified, but not longer than six months beyond that period. EDWARD R. MILLER Executive Director ROBERT P. CASEY. The PRESIDENT. This communication will be filed in the HOUSE MESSAGE Library. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA SENATE BILL RETURNED WITH AMENDMENTS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION The Clerk of the House of Representatives returned to the The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following com­ Senate SB 819, with the information the House has passed the munication, which was read by the Clerk as follows: same with amendments in which the concurrence of the Senate is requested. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA The PRESIDENT. Pursuant to Senate Rule XV, Section 5, State Board of Education First Floor, 333 Market Street this bill will be referred to the Committee on Rules and Execu­ Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17126-0333 tive Nominations. January 30, 1992 The Honorable .Mark R. Corrigan GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS Secretary Senate of Pennsylvania PENNSYLVANIA FISH COMMISSION 462 Main Capitol Building CERTIFICATION OF LICENSES Harrisburg, PA 17120 ISSUED WITHOUT FEE De~r Mark: The provisions of Act 43 of 1988 require that an annual report The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following be submitted to the Governor and General Assembly. We are communication, which was read by the Clerk as follows: enclosing 55 copies of the Annual Report of the State Board of Education for 1991 and request that they be distributed to all members of the Senate at your earliest convenience. 1992 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-SENATE 1583 A limited number of additional copies are available from this SB 1371 (Pr. No. 1601) (Rereported) office. Thank you. An Act establishing the Pennsylvania International Trade Council and conferring powers and duties upon it. Sincerely, ROBERT E. FEIR HB 1018 (Pr. No. 3022) (Amended) (Rereported) Executive Director An Act amending the act of July 15, 1976 (P. L. 1036, No. The PRESIDENT. This report will be filed in the Library. 208), known as the "Volunteer Fire Company, Ambulance Service and Rescue Squad Assistance Act," further providing for INSURANCE DEPARTMENT assistance to volunteer fire companies, ambulance services and STATUS OF CATASTROPHIC LOSS rescue squads; increasing the borrowing authority limit; elimi­ BENEFITS CONTINUATION FUND AND nating a countersignature; conforming certain provisions; and UNFUNDED LIABILITY REPORT making an appropriation. The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following com­ HB 1549 (Pr. No. 3023) (Amended) (Rereported) munication, which was read by the Clerk as follows: An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Con­ solidated Statutes, increasing fines for fare evasions; further COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA defining "emergency vehicle"; further providing for vehicles for INSURANCE DEPARTMENT which certificates of salvage have been issued, for the operation 1326 Strawberry Square of certain vehicles by holders of Class C and Class M licenses, for Harrisburg, PA 17120 disqualification for certain first offense violations, for third­ January 31, 1992 party contracts to administer skills tests and for required finan­ Subject: Statutory Requirement Reporting cial responsibility; providing an exclusion for motorcycle opera­ the Status of the Catastrophic tors from the surcharges levied to support the Catastrophic Loss Loss Benefits Continuation Fund Benefits Continuation Fund; and further providing for certifi­ cates of salvage and for allocation and appropriation of proceeds To: John J.
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