Cultural programme of events of Vilnius Book Fair THURSDAY, THE Fellows day 21 FEBRUARY 10.00 Conference Hall 5.1 Opening of the Book Fair 11.00 Conference Hall 5.1 Presentation of the book Antanas Kučingis. Laiškai. Dokumentai. Atsiminimai (Antanas Kučingis. Letters. Documents. Reminiscences) (Association of Lithuanian Museums) Conference Hall 5.2 Church Heritage Museum in Vilnius: history and collections (Association of Lithuanian Museums) Conference Hall 5.5 How to become an active and motivated student (Humanitas) Writer’s Corner / LRT Studio Live LRT current events broadcast, presenter Virginijus Savukynas MEETING READERS AND SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS Stand 5.D08 Lina Krukauskienė (Nijanga) Stand 5.D12 Vytautas Ažušilis 12.00 Conference Hall 5.3 Presentation of the album of drawings by artist Gražina Didelytė S. Daukanto tako eskizai (Sketches of S.Daukantas’ Path) (Edukologija) Conference Hall 5.5 Presentation of the novel Džokeriai (Jokers) by Algimantas Kaminskas (Eglė) Forum Giving prizes to the laureates of the Book Art Competition “Vilnius 2012”, opening of the exhibition of the books-laureates (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania) Writer’s Corner / LRT Studio Presentation of the book about Arūnas Vaitkūnas by Raminta Jurėnaitė (Publishing House of Vilnius Academy of Arts, hereinafter referred to as VDA leidykla) 13.00 Conference Hall 5.2 What does the modern teenager read? (Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library, hereinafter referred to as LNB) Conference Hall 5.5 Books on the Internet: revolution and possibilities of electronic trade (Knygos.lt) Writer‘s Corner / LRT Studio Presentation of the publication Bibliotheca Georgii Comitis de Plater (Vilnius University - VU) Youth stage Presentation of the book for children by Danguolė Kandrotienė Mano kelionių dienoraštis (Diary of my Journeys) (Terra Publica) Stand 5.A07 Origami corner (Embassy of Japan in Lithuania) MEETING READERS AND SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS Stand 5.C04 Vladas Braziūnas (Petro ofsetas) Stand 5.C12 Kostas Dereškevičius, Raminta Jurėnaitė, Jokūbas Jacovskis (MMC) Stand 5.B05 Sigutė Ach (Nieko rimto) 14.00 Conference Hall 5.1 Presentation of the book Aisčiai. Kilmė (The Balts. Origin) by Eugenijus Jovaiša (Edukologija) Conference Hall 5.3 Presentation of the books Akademija ir akademikai atsiminimuose (The Academy and Academicians in Reminiscences ) and Nuo Parmos vienuolyno iki Dubysos (From Monastery of Parma to the Dubysa) (Lithuanian Academy of Sciences - LMA) Forum Awarding prizes of Patriots. Jazz is played by the jazz band of big band of the National Defence Volunteer Forces of the Lithuanian Army. Soloist Jurgis Brūzga (Ministry of National Defence, the Lithuanian Freedom Army - LLA) Writer’s Corner / LRT Studio Live LRT RADIO broadcast Lietuvos diena . Presenter Madona Lučkaitė Youth stage Presentation of the book for children Meno laboratorija vaikams (Art Laboratory for Children) by Suzan Schwake, art lesson “Winter Flowers” (Kitos knygos) Conference Hall 3.2 Presentation of the book Lietuvos politinės minties antologija (Anthology of Lithuanian Political Thought). Vol. I: Lietuvos politinė mintis 1918 (Lithuanian Political Thought in 1918). (Institute of International Relations and Political Sciences of Vilnius University - VU TSPMI) Stand 5.A07 Origami corner (Embassy of Japan in Lithuania) Stand 5.C04 Presentation of the book Fontes Amoris by Vladas Braziūnas (Petro ofsetas) Stand 3.F01 The year 2013 is the European Year of Citizens. Activities for the youth (European Commission Representation in Lithuania) MEETING READERS AND SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS Stendas 5.B05 Kęstutis Kasparavičius ( Nieko rimto) Stand 4.19 Danguolė Kandrotienė (Terra Publica) 15.00 Conference Hall 5.2 Presentation of the new books of the series “Poetry of the Young Writers” and “Prose of the Young Writers” (Edukologija) Conference Hall 5.3 Presentation of the books Grafikė Eglė Vertelkaitė (Graphic Artist Eglė Vertelkaitė) and Tapytojas Vygantas Paukštė (Painter Vygantas Paukštė) from the series “Contemporary Lithuanian Painters” (Artseria) Conference Hall 5.5 Lietuvos bibliografija . (Lithuanian Bibliography) Series. C. “Publications of Lithuanian Periodicals” D. 3. 1906-1907 (LNB) Forum Discussion “Women in the vortex of Lithuania’s rebirth at the beginning of the 20th century”. Presentation of the books by Ramunė Bleizgienė Privati tyla, vieši balsai (Private Silence, Public Voices) and Gediminas Mikelaitis Kilti ir kelti (To Rise and to Raise) (Institute of Lithuanian Language and Folkore - LLTI) Writer’s Corner / LRT Studio Presentation of the book Vilniaus pilys (Vilnius Castles) by Napoleonas Kitkauskas (Science and Encyclopaedia publishing Centre - MELC) Youth stage Japanese fairy tales Penkiaspalvis elnias (Five-colour Deer) and drawing lessons for the little ones (Sofoklis) Stand 5. C12 Meeting with the team of compilers of the book Czesławo Miłoszo Vilnius: tekstai ir fotografijos (Vilnius of Czesław Miłosz: Texts and Photographs) (Apostrofa) MEETING READERS AND SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS Stand 5.C14 Virgina Šukytė (Žara) Stand 5.D21 Zigmas Zinkevičius (MELC) Stand 3.06 Audronė Ilgevičienė (Pars Fortunae) 16.00 Conference Hall 5.1 The national costume of the Kurshes (Baltic tribe) in the 1st-14th century. The collection of the Kurshes will be presented by mannequins (Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre - LLKC) Conference Hall 5.2 Presentation of the book by Michio Kaku Neįmanomybių fizika (Physics of Impossibilities) (Sofoklis) Conference Hall 5.3 Presentation of the book Ant kraterio krašto (On the Edge of the Crater) by Mykolas Giedraitis (The Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences) Conference Hall 5.5 Presentations of the book Ūkanos atnašavimas (Offering of Mist) by Algimantas Kaminskas (Vytautas magnus University Publishing House –VDU leidykla) Forum Discussion: What and how does the Lithuanian School read at the beginning of the 21st century? Presentation of the Chrestomathy of Literature for 11-12 forms. (LLTI) Writer’s Corner / LRT Studio Presentation of the book-album The Seasons by Kristijonas Donelaitis (Kalendorius) Youth stage Musical for teenagers and the youth Maironio gatvė (Maironis Street) based on Maironis‘ verses (Table Theatre) Conference Hall 3.2 Conversation with the post-war period (International Cultural Programme Centre - TKPC) Stand 5.A07 Calligraphy (Embassy of Japan in Lithuania) Stand 3.F01 The year 2013 is the European Year of Citizens. Activities for the youth (European Commission Representation in Lithuania) MEETING READERS AND SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS Stand 5.D21 Napoleonas Kitkauskas (MELC) Conference Hall 5.1 Dancing books. Lithuanian publications about the dance (Krantai/LKTI) Conference Hall 5.2 Sketches of Maironis‘ Life. Presentation of the book Šešėlis JMM (Shadow JMM) by Aldona Ruseckaitė (Lithuanian Writers‘ Union Publishers) Conference Hall 5.5 Presentation of the academic history of Lithuania in many volumes Lietuva nuo XIII a. iki XX a. pabaigos . (Lithuania from the 13th to the End of the 20th century) (Baltos lankos) Forum Discussion club. Books for teenagers: where are they and what do they look like? With the participation of Kęstutis Urba, Violeta Juodelienė, Aleksandra Strelcova, Edita Milaševičiūtė, Dalė Miknevičiūtė. Moderared by Emilija Visockaitė Writer’s Corner / LRT Studio Presentation of the book Pagaunama ir nepagaunama (Catchable and Uncatchable) by Julius Sasnauskas (Alma littera) Youth stage Presentation of the book “Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės Valdovų rūmai Vilniuje. XVI a. koklinių krosnių rekonstrukcija (Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania in Vilnius. 16 th century reconstruction of the tilde stoves (Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania) Knygos kino salė Presentation of the book Amžinybės dėsniai (The Laws of Eternety) by Ryuho Okawa and the film based on the book (Mijalba) Conference Hall 3.2 Presentation of the book Žingsniai į tave (Steps towards You) by Viktorija Šenbergs (Eglė) Stand 3.15 Democracy and civil society in national states and the European Union (Mykolas Römeris University - MRU) Stand 5.A07 Calligraphy (Embassy of Japan in Lithuania)) MEETING READERS AND SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS Stand 5.A23 Beata Nicholson (Beatos virtuvė) Stand 3.06 Audronė Ilgevičienė (Pars Fortunae) 18.00 Conference Hall 5.1 Concert “Encyclopedia of Music Live” With the participation of the chamber music ensemble “Musica humana” (Lithuanian National Philharmonic) Conference Hall 5.2 Presentation of the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair (Aukso žuvys) Conference Hall 5.3 Recorded theatre. Contemporary Lithuanian publications about the stage art (LKTI) Conference Hall 5.5 Presentation of the book 77 istorijos apie pergalę prieš vėžį (77 Stories about Victory against Cancer) (forSmart) Forum Presentation of the book Tadas Vrublevskis: mintys ir darbai (Tadeusz Wróblewski: Thoughts and Works) (The Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences) Writer’s Corner / LRT Studio Presentation of the book Gražina Bigelytė. Jausmų gama (Gražina Bigelytė. The Range of Feelings) Conference Hall 3.2 Presentation of the book by Bronislava Kerbelytė Slavų folkloras (Slavonic Folklore) (VDU leidykla) Stand 3.F01 The year 2013 is the European Year of Citizens. Activities for the youth (European Commission Representation in Lithuania) MEETING READERS AND SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS Stand 5.C18 Aldona Ruseckaitė (LRS leidykla) Stand 5.C20 Julius Sasnauskas (Alma littera) FRIDAY, THE LONG FRIDAY 22 FEBRUARY 10.00 Writer’s Corner / LRT Studio Presentation of the book Mūsų slaptieji ir dramblys bute (Our Secret
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