Officers. Faculty Members and others not Identified with any other Clan. Apple by, William R 911 5 st se Moore, J ames E Pillsbury bldg Dean of the school of mines Professor of surgery Bass, Frederick H Cor Harvard and Union sts Moore, John G 2801 Unlv av se AssIstant professor of civil enginering in Professor of German harge of municipal and sanitary enginee'ring Nippert, Louis A Syndicate Arcade Beard, R ich ard 0 Donaidson bldg lini ai professor of medicine Physician and surgeon and professor of physi­ N orth rop, Cyrus 51n 10 av se ology President emeritus of the University Bell, J ohn W Andrus bldg Oestlun'd, Oscar W University EmerItus professor of medicine and physical Assistant professor of a n imal biology diagnosis Orton, Forest H 653 Goodrich av St Paul Boss, And rew (Sch of Ag '91) St Anthony Park Dentist and instructor in the college of den­ Professor of agriculture and animal husbandry tlslry in charge of live stock ' Owre, Oscar 706 Masonic Temple Boutelle, F annie C . • St Anthony Park Instructor in oral surgery Preceptress of the schOOl of agriculture · P a ttee, W illiam S dec~ased Brooke, William University Peck, Mary Gray Harriet av Professor of mathematics, college of engineering Phelan, Mrs Anna A Helmholtz Univers'ty Bull, Alvah M St Anthony Park P helan, Raymond V niver itl' Instructor in drawing and farm buildings Instructor in economics Burton, Rlchar'd The Plaza Potter, Frances Squire N w York City Professor of English Randall, Eugene W St Anthony Park " Clark, Greenleaf died D cern bel' 7 1904 Reynolds, M H t Anlhony Park Regent from 1879 to date of death Professor of veterinary medicine and surgery Clements, Frederic E 800 4 st se and ,·eterinal' jan ot the experiment station Professor of botany Colvin, Alex R Ritchie, Parks Lowry Arcade St Paul St Paul Professor ot obstetricR COmstock, Ad a Lo uise Northampton lIras~ Robinson , Edward Van Dyke 1313 7 st se Cooke, Louis J 906 ti st se Professor uf economics Director of the Gymnasium Rothrock, John L St Paul Downey, John F 8~5 5 st se Sanford, Maria L 1050 13 av se D an and professor of mathematics Schaper, William A G~5 Fulton st s D rew, J ames M t Anthony Park Professor of political science Registrar of the school of agriculture * Dunn, James H deceased Schlenker, Carl 43~ Union st se ProfeSSOr of German Dunsmoor, Frederick A Andrus bldg . t Paul Prof ssor of operative and clinical sur~ery Schurmeler, T L <Ex-r 'gent) Eddy, Henry T 916 6 st se Sigerfoos, Charles P 3~S 10 a' se Flather, John Joseph llu3 4 ~t se Prof"ssor of zoology Prof ssor of mechanical engineering Scott, Carlyle M 36 13 st so Folwell, William Watts 1030 6 st se Assistant professor of mu~ic President of the University from 1, 69 to 1881; Shepardson, George D 717 St Anthony Parkway emeritus professor of poli tical science Professor of iectrical nglnneerin~ Frankforter, George B 625 River Parkway Shepperd Jua nita L St Anthony Park Dean of the school of chemistry and professor Smith, Chao' les A (E.x) 1IIInn apolls of chemistry R ~ent of the university Gran, Victor H Duluth Smith, Samuel G 125 W College St Paul Prores~or of sociology Lawyer St Anthony Park Granrud, John E G05 Delaware st se Snyder, Harry 509 S (IV se Assistant professor of Latin Sprague, Dan iel W J\ssistant in office of rni\'ersity accountant Gray, John H 40G 11 av se X'w Ulm Professor of political science Strickler, a C (Regent 1901-07) *Green, Samuel B deceased June 11 1910 PhYRician and surgeon Haecker, Theophllus L St Anthony Parl{ Stumm, Thomas W !'t P ui Professor of dairy husbandry and animal nu- Van Barneveld, Chas E Vniyer~lty trition *VanderHorck, Max P deceasprl Decpmb I' 1911 * Hall, Christopher ~T d('ceased Vye J A St .\ntllony Park Haynes, Arthur Edwin 703 River Parkway Wa~hburn, Frederick L ltD G st se H ickman, A C 1~2n 7 st se Professor of entomology and state entomologist J ames, George F 308 18 av oe Wesbrook, Frank Fairchild 3~ 10 a\' Sl' Dean of the college of education and prof ssor an of the college of meri!'ine and surgery of ducation and path()logy and bact riology J e nks, Albert E 512 13 [tv se Westermann, William L (Ex-assistant profeRsor of ProfesRor of an thropology histol'Y) Madison Wls Johnson, Eva W (Mrs E B) 69 Seymour av se Wheaton, Charles A Lov,ry Arcade St Paul (Ex-school of design) EmerituR professor of surgery Jones, Frederick S New IIa\'en onn White, Albert B 3~5 G av se Dean of Yale ollege Proff'ssor of histury d,'c{'(lsed *J uergensen, Hans ilied Sept 6, 1912 .Whlted, Oric a Weiss, Andrew J 3706 Stevens av Kassube, Frederick W (Seh of A~ '(3) 1411 University av se Instructor In technics Wilde, Norman n01 6 st se Bookkeeper PI'ofessor of philOSOphy and psrcholol':Y Leavenworth, Francis P University Professor of astronomy WlillaDi~'~C~O~,nrtr ~thl('(iCS and clinical l;~~ru5ct~~ f~ Lee Thomas G 509 River Road , Profe~l\or of analomy hlstolngy and embryolo~' dl~eas~s of women Llpp Charles C 1460 Raymond av St Paul Winchell, Newton H (Ex-professor of ge~l~ft~) se se , Assistant professor of physiology and veteri­ Special worlc oC the s tate historical SOCiety nary medicine Macmil lan, Conway Mlnn apolls WlnkJer, J oel G., A~ '93 dept St p.ul (jrnTlrl FOI'J<s State Diary & Food ~ McVey, Frank T Dairy commIssioner Member State Tax Commission W ood, F lora E (Mrs n P Leach) Faribault Mann, Eugene L Endicott Arcade 1';t Paul Ex-aSSistant r el'(lstrar Mayne, Dexter D St Anthony Park Wyman, J ames T (Re~ent 1901 -1908) 1039 I st se Princlpai of the school of agriculture and In­ Manufacturer of sash and doors structor In agricul tural pedagoglcB "Satisfaction in every thread., Buttons too" MUNSING UNION SUITS For Men, Women, Children 111 l.hff~ rtnl ~tli!hu. ilml Ilullilriu [ YCr).' ft\,l.mnl "u' wlld (j'le Fine in Qualit Perfect Fitting N on-Irri ta ting Popular Priced Economical ChIldren 011 1 1«01'. them b(' ro r ..: thl' Y lIUC w~"lIr Ihtm Several Million Most Particular Americans wear Munsing Union Suits with complete satisfaction. A daily production of 20,000 garment. now required to supply the demand. How splendidly they fit, how long they wear, how well they wash, how little they cost, how much real comfort and satisfaction they give you will never know until you treat yourself to the en· joyment of underclothing yourself the MUNSING way. YOU CAN'T WMH OUT A MUNSING FIT MINNEAPOLIS Abbott, Howard Strickland 900 G st se Badeaux George Irving 505 Washington av se AlJ rnethr, Frank Sherman ~210 .' lJupont Bailey , Campbell Lauran 7U1 7th se LL.11 ,\cl<ald, (JeOlge \V 71~ S <.LV su Hatley, Paul 'l'hol'ndyke _ 4 "'illuw st Al'k .... ~un, \\'tUard Henry 2,45 Portland av Bailey, Seavey Moor 910 :-lew York LIte bldg ,\c:olnu, ,\Iarle HUlh Brookings S D Hailey, "'illiam Henry E 1Hh st 'l'~"t:her German and English (Home, 3325 1st Bailie, E a rle Conklin 318 w Franklin av) aV S) Haily, Henry Patterson 203 New York Life bldg Aualr, Fretl L)'man 820 Donaldson blcg Hakt!r. Ernest 17U Como ilV se ,\tlams, Alice Anna (~rrs W A 8ggiestonJ Baker, Harold I 4 '13 So \'ineent 17i7 S Dupont Bak"r, Hu~sell E 3401 Elliott av Adams, Arthur T a~!s ::; LYlluale Baker, \Yilliard Remington care of Univ Ho~pital l' .\ cJ,lIn~, .Benjamin "'arren 3900 6th st no BaluwlO, ~lathias 132~ 17 av no ,\damS, 'hester Roy Corporation Securities Co Baldwin, Utway 'ViIJ<inson 106 Spruce Place C' Ad:lms, John "'alker Jr :WU Plymuuth Bldg .Ballou. Ellis ).IJuyel ne 331ti 1U ilV so Aiton, George Briggs 1611l Gni\ersity av se Hang~, F II" F 1515 Cnln!rsitv av se ,\kt:I~, "alter Leslie 434 l'lymouth bid!; Barber. ...larion Louise 1725 8o~ Ir\-ing ,\ II,~", \\ IIl1am E 01)9 l'hnemx bltlg HarLer, ~Ial'ty Beatrice 36:4 3rd a\' so Alcott, lJolph Church ~200 Hennepin av Barc/ay, Lu\-ia 1\illard 17 3 Humboltlt av so ,\Icotl, i{oltert K"'lT 535 l'alace bid!! Bardwell, Winfield W 310, 12 ~linlJ Loan &. '1'1 ust ltlug Ald('n, Mary • r 707 Essex st se Barlow, Frank A 516 th av se ,\Idllt'h, .Alma Clara Fargo.' lJ Darnaby, \Vil/iam Ernest ~6:?7 llarl{ av Tl'aeher, high school (Home 4516 York av) Barnartl, Elizabeth ~largaret Elliott Hospital Aldrich, Henry C <"x) 4U1 lJonuld>;on ltld!'; Dames, Arthur H ~Ull E Lake st ,\Iger, Eumun,l \Vhltney 1219 Univ a\' Se Barnes, H.,len Jennie 412 '" 2 st Allen C Herbert 2b09 Garfield av Barnett, Henry Joseph care Yoegeli Bros Allen, E dmund Pratt 0115 J 'alac., Itld~ Barney, 1- rank II ~07 Central av Allen, Gustavus Wilhelm 33~4 Bryant av ~o Barney, Hadwen Case 91~ 4th st se Allen, Harry Winslow ~135 Emerson av n Barnum , Cyrus Paine ~109 ~o James Allen, Hugh Neill T albot 514 av ~e Bal num, ~larvin C ~109 so Jame ay .. \lIi:..;un. LilWIPIlC Hu~sell ~!l4'j Park av l:al'quist, Elsie .1Iriam 1 10 III ay so ••\11 lei" .Banuna G 554 6 av No llaJ'l(' ~., Eal'] ~Iarsh 310 ~linn Loan 6:: Tru<t bltlg .Arne', (~ef)rgiana.
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