1 COM 320, Fall 2016 Approved Topics Paper, Version A (with links to sources documenting historic influences on more contemporary filmmakers): ●Abrams, J. J. (Lost, Felicity, Alias, Regarding Henry, Armageddon, Cloverfield, Star Trek 2009, Super 8) Influences: (1) Rod Serling Sources: (1) http://www.creativecreativity.com/2007/03/jj_abrams_on_hi.html ●Allen, Woody (Bananas, Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters, Match Point, Stardust Memories, Interiors, A Midsummer Night’s Sex Comedy, September, Another Woman, Deconstructing Harry, Midnight in Paris) Influences: (1) Ingmar Bergman Sources: (1) http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000095/bio and other sources known to instructor ●Anderson, Paul Thomas (Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, There Will Be Blood, The Master) Influence: (1) Robert Altman (in particular, McCabe and Mrs. Miller, Nashville) Source: (1) http://film.guardian.co.uk/interview/interviewpages/0,,883142,00.html ● Anderson, Wes (Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Darjeeling Limited, The Grand Budapest Hotel) Influences: (1) John Huston; Peter Bogdanovich; Francois Truffaut (2) Jacques Cousteau (3) Satyajit Ray; Jean Renoir’s The River (both as influencing The Darjeeling Limited) (4) You Can’t Take It With You (Frank Capra) and Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock) (both as confined New York films influencing The Royal Tenenbaums) (5) His favorite films: Trouble in Paradise (Ernst Lubitsch, 1932); Rosemary’s Baby (Roman Polanski, 1968); A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick, 1971) Sources: (1) http://www.gothamist.com/archives/2004/12/07/a_talk_with_director_wes_anderson.ph p (2) http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/12/1222_041222_life_aquatic_anderson.html (3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4QYJJuw-RE&feature=related (4) http://www.talktalk.co.uk/entertainment/film/interviews/wes_anderson/2 (5) http://www.openculture.com/2014/03/wes-andersons-favorite-films.html ●Aronofsky, Darren (Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Wrestler, Black Swan) Influences: (1) Rod Serling (particularly the Twilight Zone episodes “Back There” and “Eye of the Beholder”) Source: (1) http://www.artinterviews.com/Darren.html ●Bird, Brad (The Iron Giant, The Incredibles, Ratatouille) Influences: (1) Disney classics, specifically Snow White and Peter Pan (2) Chuck Jones Sources: (1) http://www.usatoday.com/life/people/2004-11-02-brad-bird_x.htm (2) http://www.slashfilm.com/brad-bird-tomorrowland-interview/2/ 2 ●Branagh, Kenneth (Henry V, Dead Again, Frankenstein, Hamlet, The Magic Flute, Sleuth) Influences: (1) Orson Welles (2) Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, Carol Reed’s The Third Man, other films noir (all specifically for Dead Again) Sources: (1) http://www.branaghcompendium.com/artic-lat89a.htm (2) http://www.branaghcompendium.com/artic-sdut91-2.htm ●Brooks, Mel (The Producers, Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles) Influences: (1) Buster Keaton (2) Marx Brothers; Ritz Brothers Sources: (1) http://www.tipjar.com/dan/melbrooks.htm (2) http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10122/1054544-325.stm#ixzz0yh9n1ZrF ●Burnett, Charles (Killer of Sheep, To Sleep with Anger) Influences: (1) Basil Wright; Jean Renoir, notably Grand Illusion Source: (1) http://sensesofcinema.com/2003/great-directors/burnett/ ●Burns, Ken (The Civil War, Jazz, The Dust Bowl) Influences: (1) John Ford; Francois Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard; Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo; Sir Carol Reed’s Odd Man Out; Buster Keaton’s The General Source: (1) http://www.avclub.com/article/ken-burns-his-filmmaking-influences-and-first-love- 203295 ●Burton, Tim (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhands, Dark Shadows, etc.) Influence: (1) Ray Harryhausen Source: (1) http://popentertainment.com/timburton.htm ●Campion, Anna (Loaded) Influences: (1) Ingmar Bergman (specifically, Cries and Whispers) Source: (1) Falsetto, M. (2000). Personal visions: Conversations with contemporary film directors. Los Angeles, CA: Silman-James Press. ●Carpenter, John (Halloween, The Fog, The Thing, Escape from New York) Influences: (1) The original The Thing; Forbidden Planet Source: (1) http://www.iconvsicon.com/2010/08/31/legendary-director-john-carpenter- discusses-his-past-present-future-in-cinema/ ●Cassavetes, John (Shadows, Faces, Husbands, A Woman Under the Influence) Influences: (1) Frank Capra Source: (1) http://www.sensesofcinema.com/2001/book-reviews/cassavetes_meet/ ●Chadha, Gurinder (Bend it Like Beckham, Bride and Prejudice) Influence: (1) Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life Source: (1) Elder, R. K. (2011). The film that changed my life: 30 directors on their epiphanies in the dark. Chicago, IL: Chicago Review Press. ●Coen, Joel & Ethan (Raising Arizona, Fargo, O Brother, Where Art Thou?) 3 Influence: (1) Preston Sturges (although the brothers are “willfully perverse” in their vagueness about this!) Source: (1) Allen, W. R. (Ed.). (2006). The Coen brothers interviews. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi. (see pp. 31, 70, 182). ●Craven, Wes (A Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, Music of the Heart) Influences: (1) Federico Fellini; Francois Truffaut; Luis Bunuel; Jean Cocteau; Ingmar Bergman; Alfred Hitchcock; Howard Hawks; Fred Zinnemann; Orson Welles; John Ford; Frank Capra; Akira Kurosawa Source: (1) Personal email ●Crowe, Cameron (Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Jerry Maguire, Almost Famous, Vanilla Sky, We Bought a Zoo) Influence: (1) Billy Wilder Source: (1) http://www.theuncool.com/journalism/billy-wilder-ny-times/ ●Darabont, Frank (Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile) Influences: (1) David Lean; Buster Keaton Source: (1) http://www-cgi.cnn.com/ASIANOW/time/features/reviews/cinema.darabont.html ●Del Toro, Guillermo (Cronos, Hellboy, Pan’s Labyrinth, Pacific Rim) Influences: (1) Chaplin’s City Lights, and films he “wishes he had made”—Eyes Without a Face (Georges Franjou), Beauty and the Beast (Jean Cocteau), Seven Chances (Buster Keaton), Touch of Evil (Orson Welles), Greed (Erich Von Stroheim) Source: (1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD4kspP5hRs ●Egoyan, Atom (The Sweet Hereafter, Speaking Parts, Where the Truth Lies) Influences: (1) Sidney Peterson, Maya Deren Source: (1) Falsetto, M. (2000). Personal visions: Conversations with contemporary film directors. Los Angeles, CA: Silman-James Press. Fassbinder, Rainer Werner (Fox and His Friends, Ali: Fear Eats the Soul) Influence: (1) Douglas Sirk (notably All That Heaven Allows) Source: (1) http://www.criterion.com/current/posts/1068-ali-fear-eats-the-soul-all-that- fassbinder-allows ●Fincher, David (Fight Club, Se7en, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Social Network) Influence: (1) Alfred Hitchcock Source: (1) http://www.musicolog.com/fincher_interview.asp ●Fuqua, Antoine (Training Day, The Replacement Killers, Tears of the Sun) Influences: (1) Sergio Leone, Akira Kurosawa Source: (1) http://www.bbc.co.uk/films/callingtheshots/antoine_fuqua.shtml ●Gans, Christophe (Le Pacte des Loups (Brotherhood of the Wolf), Silent Hill) Influences: (1) Hammer horror films Source: (1) Bonus materials disc on the Brotherhood of the Wolf Director’s Cut DVD ●Gibney, Alex (Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, Taxi to the Dark Side, Mea Maxima Culpa) 4 Influence: (1) Luis Bunuel’s Exterminating Angel Source: (1) Elder, R. K. (2011). The film that changed my life: 30 directors on their epiphanies in the dark. Chicago, IL: Chicago Review Press. ●Gilliam, Terry (Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Time Bandits, Tideland, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus) Influences: (1) Disney, Akira Kurosawa, Federico Fellini, Ingmar Bergman, Luis Bunuel, Stanley Donen (“I’ll steal from anywhere!”) Source: (1) http://www.smart.co.uk/dreams/askterr2.htm ●Gondry, Michel (The Science of Sleep, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Be Kind Rewind) Influences: (1) Charlie Chaplin (2) Jean Vigo (specifically L’Atalante) (3) Films he ”can’t get out of his head”— Diary of a Country Priest (Robert Bresson, 1951); Modern Times (Charlie Chaplin, 1936); L’Atalante (Jean Vigo, 1934); Je T’aime, Je T’aime (Alain Resnais, 1968); The Phantom of Liberty (Luis Bunuel, 1974); Kes (Ken Loach, 1969) Sources: (1) http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2008/feb/16/1 (2) http://nymag.com/movies/filmfestivals/sundance/42779/ (3) http://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/20435/1/no-way-out-michel- gondrys-favourite-inescapable-films ●Gordon, Keith (The Chocolate War, Mother Night) Influences: (1) Francois Truffaut, Federico Fellini Source: (1) Falsetto, M. (2000). Personal visions: Conversations with contemporary film directors. Los Angeles, CA: Silman-James Press. ●Harryhausen, Ray (Jason and the Argonauts, The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, Clash of the Titans) Influence: (1) Willis O’Brien Source: (1) Ray Harryhausen: The Early Years Collection, Dir. & Prod. by Ray Harryhausen, DVD, 2005 (Disk 2, “The Clifton’s Cafeteria Reunion”). ●Haynes, Todd (Poison, Safe, Velvet Goldmine, Far From Heaven, I’m Not There) Influence: (1) Rainer Werner Fassbinder Source: (1) http://independentfilmquarterly.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5 92&Itemid=119 ●Hitchcock, Alfred (Vertigo, North by Northwest, etc., etc.) Influences: (1) German Expressionists, notably F. W. Murnau, Fritz Lang (2) Chaplin, Griffith, & Decla-Bioscop Sources: (1) Truffaut, F. (1985). Hitchcock (Revised ed.). Simon & Shuster. (2) Francois Truffaut interviews Hitchcock August/1962(audio w/transcripts) : http://the.hitchcock.zone/wiki/Alfred_Hitchcock_and_Fran%C3%A7ois_Truffaut_%28 Aug/1962%29 ●Howard, Ron (Splash, Cocoon, Parenthood, Apollo 13, A Beautiful Mind, Frost/Nixon) Influence: (1) Billy Wilder
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