Contents A gospel-preaching church that is loving, A church where elders are honoured as righteous in its lifestyle, involved in world mission servant-leaders, caring for the flock and 1and reaching the unsaved in its community by providing appropriate spiritual disciplines Page 4 both public and personal evangelistic activity. 9 where necessary. Page 31 A church where regular teaching and A church freed from complacency and preaching of the Bible holds a primary role endeavouring to grow in gospel impact, 10 and where Scripture’s authority is final. faith, prayer, generosity, action and influence. Page Page 35 Page 7 2 A church whose people are assured of the A church whose individual members are grace of God in their lives and are clear about equipped for their role of service within the 3 church and community, including the release the full New Covenant benefits of being in Christ. 10 Page 11 Page 38 and training of those called to trans-local ministry. A church whose people are baptised in A church which is fully involved in our shared water and in the Holy Spirit, and brought apostolic mission to extend the kingdom of God into a genuine life in the Spirit. globally through the recovery of New Testament Page 14 4 church life, making disciples, training leaders and planting churches by all means, including A church where God’s presence is prized and where wholehearted financial commitment, welcoming God is enthusiastically worshipped with genuine trans-local ministries, regularly freedom for men and women to worship attending corporate gatherings, publicly in the Holy Spirit, to use spiritual promoting our publications and gifts and to participate in ‘body ministry’. Page 17 communicating our news. 5 12Page 41 A church which is a loving community, A church which is serving and empowering meeting both publicly and from house to the poor within its own ranks and beyond. 13 Page 45 house, sharing and caring for each other’s needs, both spiritual and material. Page 20 A church which wholeheartedly embraces the 6 New Testament teaching of the one new man, demonstrating love and respect A church where Biblical family life is highly valued, between the races, cultures and sexes. where husband and wife embrace male servant leadership and joyful female submission, where 14Page 49 godly parenting is taught and practised, and A church which is proving to be both where the special value of singleness and Page 23 salt and light in its location, impacting its unique opportunities are affirmed. 7 the culture of the community. 15 Page 53 A church led by male elders (one of whom is A church that is committed to excellent clearly understood to be gifted to be lead elder) relationships with other Christians and who are ordained by the Holy Spirit, recognised churches in its community. Page 57 16 and confirmed through apostolic ministry. These men are to be helped in fulfilling their calling through ongoing A church desiring and welcoming fellowship with trans-local ministries. 17 encouragement and correction from trans- Page 27 8 local ministries in the fulfilment of these objectives. Page 60 2 © Anthony © Hurren BY TERRY VIRGO Finally we looked to the future. Having stated our understanding that Newfrontiers has functioned as an apostolic sphere, I stated that our commitment in ewfrontiers has now the future will be more to the growth of multiplied been around for about apostolic spheres than to the mere survival of a title 30 years, so, in Biblical such as ‘Newfrontiers’. We have no desire to N become an institution. Having started as a terms, we have come of age rampaging herd of elephants, we don’t want to end and, praise God, we are still up in a zoo! Our hope certainly is that Newfrontiers growing! It seems a good will together accomplish so much more than we time to try and nail what already have. We have much unfinished business really makes us tick. Others together, with nations to reach, leaders to train, may have their views, but it’s churches to plant, cultures to challenge and good to hear from the individuals to transform. horse’s mouth. However, transformation will take place only through healthy church life, obedient to Scripture When we first started to work together in and flooded with the Holy Spirit’s presence. The response to God’s prophetic word to us, we values we have highlighted draw attention to drew up a number of key values which, to critical ingredients for sound church life, some degree, defined us as Newfrontiers. remembering that in the New Testament the word We have always been evangelically orthodox ‘sound’ means healthy, strong and robust, not and true to the doctrines of the Reformers, coldly correct and tending to cautious quaintness. but in addition seventeen distinctive priorities Instead of bringing my own interpretation to the have helped to identify and shape us. In this values that will follow in this magazine and in the booklet we will present these values. three issues that will follow, I have invited a number At Together on a Mission in Brighton in of dear friends to bring their explanation of the July 2009 I spoke in three sessions, first seventeen values listed. identifying our roots as being committed to My aim is that in this booklet you will have in Word and Spirit, reformed and charismatic. I your hands a kind of précis of things we love and went on to highlight our commitment to the live for, and, who knows, maybe some will someday local church as a place for discipleship, even die for. INTRODUCTION transformation into Christ’s image, corporate We do mean business. We are on a mission obedience to Christ and being a manifest together and let me invite you in the words of temple of God’s presence by His Holy Spirit. Moses, ‘Come with us and we will do you good!’ Newfrontiers publications are protected by copyright and nothing within them may be reproduced wholly or in part without prior permission. © Copyright 2010 Newfrontiers 3 Every local church should be ‘plugged in’ to the global mission. We are part of each other in Christ and each church is a contributing member of Christ’s mission in A gospel-preaching church that is loving, righteous in its lifestyle, involved in world mission and reaching the unsaved in its community by both public and personal evangelistic activity. 1 © SnippyHolloW | Flickr.com Building churches that are... EVANGELISTICALLY RELEVANT BY LEX LOIZIDES, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA ́ mara | Flickr.com © tupolev y su ca The command to ‘go into all the planter Don Smith, as we planted Kings Church in world and preach the gospel’ (Mark Eastbourne, UK. He jokingly teased the church about their 16) is clear. The apostles were not nervousness in evangelism saying, ‘No-one wants to reach their merely to stay in Jerusalem but to neighbours! They’re all too busy on a mission to Mars!’ take the message to other places. As church planters we felt keenly our need to make Jesus said, ‘You will receive power genuine contact with the people of our town. when the Holy Spirit comes on you; The very front edge of our mission as a family of churches and you will be my witnesses in is communicating the gospel message to non-believers. Church planting is not, in itself, the sharp tip of the harvesting Jerusalem, and in all Judea and machinery, evangelism is! And each local church should Samaria, and to the ends of the carefully strategise to reach their town. earth’ (Acts 1:8). It is vitally important therefore, that each individual believer, whether part of a church plant or in an established OUR MISSION IS GLOBAL church, be willing to serve those around them evangelistically. The gospel, the evangelistic message concerning Some of the most fruitful ‘soul winners’ are not extroverts but the way of salvation through Jesus Christ, is people who simply have the genuine care of others as their supposed to move. It’s supposed to reach those motivation. Others are like unstoppable fire-brand gospel who are not yet followers of Christ. It’s supposed proclaimers! Hallelujah! Let each serve according to their gift. to break through spiritual obstacles and release new worshippers, freed by the cross and EVERY LOCAL CHURCH IS A resurrection of Jesus, brought to life in him and ‘CHARACTER WITNESS’ made members of a new and joyful community. Our goal is to plant healthy local churches, where friendships It is, indeed, a ‘going’ message. are a reality and where the members are genuinely growing in Every local church should be ‘plugged in’ to grace and Christ-likeness. the global mission. We are part of each other in Paul, writing to the Philippians, uses very tender terms as Christ and each church is a contributing member he describes the kind of community he hopes they are: ‘If you of Christ’s mission in the earth. have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any As a family of churches we eagerly pray for comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any and support each other in church planting efforts tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by wherever they happen. We cheer and pray not being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit only for those who gain early successes but also and purpose’ (Phil. 2:1-2). for those who are planting in settings that are We know that Paul was a robust and heroic leader, often more resistant.
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