Clark's career terminated by joint agreement Dr. Glenn Terrell, president of Washington State University, said Tuesday the contract of head football coach Bert Clark has been terminated "by mutual agreement." The university Athletic Counctl, which recommends policy met in a lengthy session Monday and Dr. Terrell promised ~ decision as soon as he could assemble all facts. Clark, contacted by telephone at home, said "I have absolute- ly nothing to say. Thank you for calling." When asked the basis of the decision to terminate Clark'S contract, Athletic Director Stan Bates replied that the coach "N 0 longer had the support of the people to make the program successful." This season's losing streak had little to do with the doctston, Bates said. He declined to give the exten- uating circumstances that did lead to the decision. After the 31-10 defeat, Clark was quoted as saying his school BERT CLARK accepts the Apple Cup, given to the winner of the had the most difficult recruiting problem in the Pacific 8 WSU-UWcontest, from Governor Dan Evans. Conference and doubted it should compete in the conference. Evergreen photo by Ross Hart He said later his remarks had been misinterpreted. A flood of protest went from the alumni to the school admin- istration, asking Clark's release. His team finished brilliantly with victories over two arch rivals, Idaho and Washington. Clark's contract for a reported $19,700 has one more year to run and will be paid off, the announcement said. The president said it was his judgment that the termination wsu agreement was In the. best Interests of the university and the coach and that he wished Clark well in his future career. Athletic Director Stan Bates will begin an immediate search for a successor and even now several names have been thrust Daily EVERGREEN into the list of possibilities. Among them are Jack Swarthout of Montana, Jim Sweeney of Montana State, Dave Holmes 01 Eastern Washington State and Ron Siegrist, an assistant at UCLA. Clark had been head football coach at WSU since 1964. He came here after seven seasons as an assistant coach at the University of Washington and succeeded Jim Sutherland. The VOLUME LXXIV PULLMAN, WASHINGTON99163 WEDNESDAY,NOVEMBER 29, 1967 NUMBER 26 former Oklahoma linebacker had a record of 15 wins, 24 losses and a tie at Washington State. He was s1gned to a three-year contract in 1964 and that contract was replaced by another three-year pact at the end of the 1965 season. That was Clark's best year at WSU. His 1965 team won seven games and lost Lights dim on Clarkera, three. He was 3-6-1 in 1964, 3-7 in 1966 and 2-8 this year. A native of Wichita Falls, Tex., Clark played football at O,klahoma in the Bud Wilkinson era of 1949-51 and received his degree there in 1952. After a stint in the Army and a year a past full of surprises of professional football in Canada, Clark began his coaching career as an assistant to Jack Mitchell at the University of Arkansas. in 1956. He left there to join the new staff of Head Coach JIm Owens at the University fo Washington in 1957 Clark played two years of pro season with a 3-6-1 record and By Eric Mathison and remained there until taking' the job at WSU. Clark was a ball; one year with the old Dal- all American Clarence Williams. teammate of Owens at Oklahoma in 1949. Dee Andros, currently Although Bert Clark's football las Cowboys and one year with the Clark's second season at WSU head football coach at OregonState University, also was a member coaching career at WSUwas not Calgary Stampeders. was a season Ola rk and Cougar of that Sooner team. overly successful, his Cougars Coach Clark unveiled the "UW fans will remember for a long occasionally provided some ex- look" at WSU which was des- time with fond memories. citing football. cribed as a "fundamental hard' The sophomore studded 1965 Clark came to WSU on Jan- running, hard tackling type foot- team was expected to have a dis- uary 14, 1964 after serving seven ball", against Stanford Uni- appointing 2-8 record. To every- years as an assistant coach under versity on September 19, 1964. one's surprise the "Cardiac Jim Owens at the University of WSUwon the game 29-23. Kids" upset three powerfUl Big washington. Previous to that he It was one of Clark's few wins Ten teams on their way to a 7-3 was an assistant coach for one in his first year of head coach- season; Clark's only winning sea- year at the University of Arkan- ing, Other wins were against the son at WSU. sas. University of Pacific 50-0 and WSU fans were smelling roses ' He played college football at the San J 0 s eSt ate 16 - 14. Both in expectation of gotng to the Rose Un i ve r s i ty of Oklahomafrom schools have since been eliminat- Bowl until controversial referee- 1949- 1951. While at the Uni- ed fro m the C 0 u gar f ootball i~g depr~ved them of a win ag» versity of Oklahoma he was twice schedule. amst Anzona State in the ninth named all conference center and The Clark-coached Cougars game of the season. linebacker, played in two Sugar lost to Wyoming, Arizona, Idaho, After the season, jubilant WSU Bowl games and was a member of Oregon State, Texas Tech and officials tore up his original three the 1950 national champion team. Washington. Clark endedhisfirst year contract and wrote a new three year pact. With highhopes,ClarkandWSU fans faced the 1966 season. The sophomores of the 1965 winning team were now a year older. Students wounded However, the win-lose record was reversed and WSU ended the year with only three wins and seven losses. in dorm shooting But then WSU lost to Baylor in a close game 10-7 and then Two students, Alfred S. Pear- Lindgren, a freshman, was show- blew a 10 point lead against Stan- son and Jerry Johnson, were in- ing Pearson and Johnson his shot- ford in a regionally televised jured in a shooting accident in gun and how it worked. A shell game. However, Cougar fans were Goldsworthy Hall abo u t 10:00 was in the cham be r and when the more upset with what happened P.M. Monday. gun was snapped shut it went off. after the game. University Police Chief Ernest The pellets bounced off the The Associated Press quoted Schrenk said that Charles H. floor and struck Pearson and Clark as saying that WSU did Johnson in the legs. The police not belong in the AAWU, did not and an ambulance were then call- have one outstanding offensive ed. Both students walked down to player and had the worst re - Discussion set meet them. cruiting problems in the con- After the incident the dean of ference. (Ironically, Jim Suth- men's office was notified. Dean erland, Clark's predecessor as on BOC agenda Arthur McCartan said that both WSU football coach, was quoted students were not hurt very bad- as saying when his football con- Board of Control will be meet- ly. tract was terminated," I t is ing tonight at the Kappa Delta He also stated that he plans simply a case of a school trying house at 7:00. The public Is In- to call a meeting of house pres- to compete in a big football, on vited to attend and voice their idents and review the univer- a limited budget.' ) opmtons. sity's regulations on firearms. Clark's team managed to beat The agenda will include dis- "The rule is now that the stu- WSU's two big rivals Idaho and cussion on the psychadelic shop; dents can keep guns in their Washington. President Terrell ~andatory class attendance and rooms but they must be secure said in Seattle last Friday that unannounced pop quizzes reso- or broken down,· he said. the outcome of the UW game lution; Bitch-in; water recreation Personnel at the Student Heal- would not influence the decision cornmission and the commts- th Service declined comment on concerning Clark's future em- COUGAR DICK BAIRD gives Bert Clark a victory hug following ston to order study council nom- -the condition of the injured stu- ployment with WSU. the victory over the University of Washington. lnations. dents. Apparently he was correct. Eve rgreen photo by Bill Mackey page 2 DAILY EVERGREEN November 29, 1967 Editoria' comment Magazines room The library's haphazard ar- ly, Century, Reader's Digest rangement of boundvolumes of or Saturday Review, he must go magazines makes preparing a to different sections ofthe four- research paper a more difficult th floor. If he wants to consult task than necessary. Con sum e r Reports, Goo d Bound volumes are not shelv- Housekeeping, or Parent's ed in one room or on one floor Magazine, he must go to the of the library. They are placed third floor. In various sections in the division of the library to of the second floor he will find which the subject matter of the Times, Life, Look and New periodical pertains. For ex- Republic. ample, music periodicals are The New York Times Mag- grouped in the music section of azine can be found at the mic- the humanities floor and socio- rofilm center of the first floor. logical journals are grouped in The t r ad i ti 0 n a 1 library the SOCiologysection of the scheme of trying to relate mat- social science floor.
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