APPENDIX D LIST OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES APPENDIX D TABLE D-1 SENSITIVE WILDLIFE SPECIES Species Status* Habitat Occurrence/Comments Invertebrates Carlson's dune beetle Anomala carlsoni Known primarily from creosote scrub Host Preferences Unknown. in vicinity of Algodones dunes, Imperial Co. Also taken from Borrego, San Diego Co. San Diego fairy shrimp Branchinecta FE Vernal Pools Endemic to San Diego and Orange County sandiegonensis MSCP mesas MHCP (NE) Thorne’s hairstreak butterfly Callophrys FSC Cypress woodland [Mitoura] thornei or Callophrys MSCP [Mitoura] grynea thornei tiger beetle Cicindela gabbii Inhabits estuaries and mudflats along Generally found on dark-colored mud in the the coast of southern California. lower zone; occasionally found on dry saline flats of estuaries. sandy beach tiger beetle Cicindela hirticollis FSC Inhabits areas adjacent to non- Clean, dry, light-colored sand in the upper gravida MHCP brackish water along the coast of zone. Subterranean larvae prefer moist sand California from San Francisco Bay to not affected by wave action. northern Mexico tiger beetle Cicindela latesignata latesignata Mudflats and beaches in coastal southern California. tiger beetle Cicindela senilis frosti Inhabits marine shoreline, from Inhabits dark-colored mud in the lower zone central California coast south to salt and dried salt pans in the upper zone. marshes of San Diego. Also found at Lake Elsinore Oblivious Tiger Beetle Cicindela latesignata MHCP (NE) Coastal habitat along southern Presumed extinct. obliviosa California globose dune beetle Coelus globosus FSC Inhabitant of coastal sand dune Inhabits foredunes and sand hummocks; it habitat, from Bodega Head in burrows beneath the sand surface and is most Sonoma County south to Ensenada, common beneath dune vegetation Mexico. monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus Winter roost sites extend along the Roosts located in wind-protected tree groves coast from northern Mendocino to (eucalyptus, monterey pine, cypress), with Baja California, Mexico nectar and water sources nearby. D1-1 Species Status* Habitat Occurrence/Comments quino checkerspot butterfly Euphydryas editha FE Sunny openings within chaparral & Hills & mesas near the coast. Need high quino MHCP coastal sage shrublands in parts of densities of food plants plantago erecta, p. Riverside & San Diego counties insularis, orthocarpus purpurescens Harbinson’s dun skipper Euphyes vestries FSC This species is restricted to riparian harbonsini MHCP (NE) areas, intermittent streams, and oak woodlands where its larval host plant, San Diego sedge (Carex spissa), is present. Mesa shoulderband (snail) Helminthoglypta Known only from a few locations in Found in rock slides, beneath bark and rotten coelata coastal San Diego County logs, and among coastal vegetation. Peak Shoulderband Helminthoglypta milleri Known only from the type locality at Found in rock piles. Cuyamaca peak in San Diego County Hermes copper butterfly Lycaena hermes FSC Found in southern mixed chaparral & Host plant is rhamnus crocea. although r. coastal sage scrub at western edge crocea is widespread throughout the coast of Laguna mountains range, lycaena hermes is not wandering (saltmarsh) skipper Panoquina FSC Southern California coastal salt Requires moist saltgrass for larval errans MSCP marshes. development. MHCP Laguna Mountains skipper Pyrgus ruralis FE Only in a few open meadows in Eggs laid on leaves of horkelia bolanderi lagunae yellow pine forest between 5,000 & clevelandi. larvae feed on leaves and 6,000 ft. in the vicinity of Mt Laguna overwinter on the host plant. & Palomar mountains Warner Springs Shoulderband Rothelix Abandoned wood rat nests and fallen warnerfontis logs and leaf mold of Quercus agrifolia Riverside fairy shrimp Streptocephalus woottoni FE Endemic to W Riv, Ora & Sdg Inhabit seasonally astatic pools filled by MSCP counties in areas of tectonic winter/spring rains. hatch in warm water later MHCP (NE) swales/earth slump basins in in the season. grassland & coastal sage scrub. mimic tryonia (=California brackishwater snail) Inhabits coastal lagoons, estuaries Found only in permanently submerged areas Tryonia imitator and salt marshes, from Sonoma in a variety of sediment types; able to County south to San Diego County withstand a wide range of salinities. A sweat bee Halictus harmonius Habitat preferences not well studied to date. D1-2 Species Status* Habitat Occurrence/Comments A cuckoo wasp Parnopes borregoensis Habitat preferences not well studied to date. A mellitid bee Melitta californica Habitat preferences not well studied to date. Fish desert pupfish Cyprinodon macularius FE, CE Desert ponds, springs, marshes and Can live in salinities from fresh water to 68 ppt, streams in southern California. can withstand temps from 9 - 45 C & D.O. levels down to 0.1 ppm. tidewater goby Eucyclogobius newberryi FE, CSC Brackish water habitats along the Found in shallow lagoons and lower stream Calif coast from Agua Hedionda reaches, they need fairly still but not stagnant lagoon, San Diego Co. to the mouth water & high oxygen levels. of the Smith River Mohave tui chub Gila bicolor mohavensis FE, CE Endemic to the Mojave River basin, Needs deep pools, ponds, or slough-like adapted to alkaline, mineralized areas. Needs vegetation for spawning. waters. arroyo chub Gila orcuttii CSC Los Angeles basin south coastal Slow water stream sections with mud or sand streams. bottoms. feed heavily on aquatic vegetation & associated invertebrates. southern steelhead - southern California esu FE, CSC Fed listing refers to pops from Santa Southern steelhead likely have greater Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus Maria River south to southern extent physiological tolerances to warmer water & of range (San Mateo Creek in more variable conditions. San Diego County) Amphibians (Nomenclature from Collins 1997) Arroyo Toad Bufo californicus FE, CSC Semi-arid regions near washes or Rivers with sandy banks, willows, MSCP intermittent streams, including valley- cottonwoods, and sycamores; loose, gravelly MHCP foothill and desert riparian, desert areas of streams in drier parts of range. wash, etc. large-blotched salamander Ensatina klauberi FSC, CSC Moist shaded evergreen and Found under rocks, logs, other debris, deciduous forests and oak especially bark that has peeled off and fallen woodlands beside logs and trees. Most common where there is a lot of coarse woody debris on the forest foor D1-3 Species Status* Habitat Occurrence/Comments California red-legged frog Rana aurora draytonii FT, CSC Slow parts of streams, lakes, MSCP reservoirs, ponds, and other usually permanent water sources; primarily in wooded areas in lowlands and foothills, but also can be found in grassland. Typical habitat consists of deep-water pools ringed by thick vegetation (especially arroyo willow or native cattails). mountain yellow-legged frog Rana muscosa FE, CSC Federal listing refers to populations Always encountered within a few feet of water. in the San Gabriel, San Jacinto & tadpoles may require 2 - 4 yrs to complete San Bernardino mountains only. their aquatic development. Coast Range newt Taricha torosa torosa CSC oak forests, chaparral, grasslands western spadefoot Spea hammondii CSC Occurs primarily in grassland Vernal pools are essential for breeding and MHCP habitats, but can be found in valley- egg-laying. foothill hardwood woodlands. Reptiles (Nomenclature from Collins 1997) southwestern pond turtle Actinemys marmorata FSC, CSC Slow-moving permanent or The Buena Vista Lagoon, Escondido Creek, pallida MSCP intermittent streams, small ponds, and San Luis Rey River are considered major MHCP and small lakes populations and critical locations. silvery legless lizard Anniella pulchra pulchra CSC Sandy or Loose Loamy Soils Under Soil moisture is essential. They prefer soils Sparse Vegetation. with a high moisture content. orange-throated whiptail Aspidoscelis MHCP Inhabits Low-Elevation Coastal Prefers washes & other sandy areas with hyperythra MSCP Scrub, Chaparral, and Valley-Foothill patches of brush & rocks. Perennial plants Hardwood Habitats. necessary for its major food-termites coastal western whiptail Aspidoscelis tigris Chaparral, woodland, riparian stejnegeri rosy boa Charina trivirgata Desert & Chaparral from the Coast to Habitats with a mix of brushy cover & rocky the Mojave & Colorado Deserts. soil such as coastal canyons & hillsides, Prefers Moderate to Dense desert canyons, washes & mountains Vegetation & Rocky Cover. barefoot banded gecko Coleonyx switaki CT Found Only in Areas Of Massive Occurs in rock cracks & crevices Rock & Rock Outcrops At the Heads Of Canyons. San Diego banded gecko Coleonyx variegatus Coastal & Cismontane Southern Found in granite or rocky outcrops in coastal abbotti California. scrub & chaparral habitats. D1-4 Species Status* Habitat Occurrence/Comments northern red-diamond rattlesnake Crotalus ruber CSC Chaparrral, Woodland, Grassland, & Occurs in rocky areas & dense vegetation. ruber Desert Areas from Coastal needs rodent burrows, cracks in rocks or San Diego County to the Eastern surface cover objects. Slopes Of the Mountains. San Diego ringneck snake Diadophis punctatus FSC Moist habitats, including wet similis meadows, rocky hillsides, gardens, farmland, grassland, chaparral, mixed coniferous forests, woodlands. Coronado skink Eumeces skiltonianus CSC Grassland, Chaparral, Pinon-Juniper Prefers early successional stages or open interparietalis & Juniper Sage Woodland, Pine-Oak areas. Found in rocky areas close to streams & Pine Forests
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