M O H I - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1866 TWENTY-PODR lE t t g u m g Average IteUy Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Ended at 834 Charter Oak St-., in Res­ sion of i>enni8sl<Jn every two ' Fair, cooler tonight. Ix>weg| September S, 19M TOe MiUtaiy Order o f Coot­ ' The Women’s Society of idence Zone A. The original Va­ years since 1047. in' the middle and low 50a. About Town ies, Silk Worm Pup Tent, will Christian Service of North Three Affected by Renewal riance was granted Oct. 9, I960, 8. Richard and Jean Johnson, Mostly sunny and a''little 'sponsor a VFW Seafood Night Methodist Church will have its and two-year . extensions have a variance to erect a two-car In Memoriam wanner tomorrow. High 80 to Th« PoUah Club tomorrow from 7 to 11:S(> p.m. first meeting of the season to­ been granted to date. garage and breezpway ,at 8 14,495 86. morrow with a poUuck at 6:30 Bring Applications to ZB A will meet tomorrow i t 7:d0 p.m. at the VFW Home. Proceeds 8. Dr. Gerard R. Miller, a Penn Rd., in Residence Zone A. In loving memory o< Manchetter-^A City of Village Charm will be used for veteran’s hos­ p.m. at the church. Robert Phillips who passed away Bepi. », at the clubhouse at 106 Clinton pot Sq., will have to be relo­ varismee to erect a roofed'front The construction would be five Brock and Bruce Watkins will Applications from three per­ 1966. St. Kefreslunents will b« served. pital benefits. cated, due to redevelopment. entrance at 71 Boulder Rd., in feet from the sideline. Regula­ VOL. LXXXV, NO. 289 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1966 (ClaMifled AdverUelng on Page 14), PRICE SEVEN CENIB speak on “ Downtown Renewal.” sons, soon to be affected by When the Ues ot love are bt^en Aubrey Langille, who soon Residence Zone. AA, to iextend tions require 10 feet Mrs. Glenn Law and Mrs. Har­ North Hind Renewal, are includ­ and lovsd ones have to P®“ > , , Kanchester Duplicate Bridge , 8th District firemen were will ■ have to wlocate his elec­ four or live feet beyond the 9. Arnie’s Texaco, a special It leaves a wound that never heals old Steeley are in charge of de­ ed in a 12-item agenda, up for and also a broken heart. C9ut> will sponsor a game tomor­ called to put out a grass fire tric motor repair shop from 221 existing building line. exception and a certificate of votions. Mrs. Charles Phillips is public hearings before the Man­ row at 8 p.m. at the Italian late yesterday morning behind chester Zoning Board of Ap­ N. Main St., is seeking an ex­ 4, Grossman’s, a variance to approval for a General Repair­ But looking back with memories chairman of the supper. upon the path we State News American Club, 135 Eldridge St. apartments at Woodbridge and peals on Sept. 19. tension of permission to operate erect a 260 sq. ft. free-stand­ er’s License at 318 Adams St., We bless ‘he years we sh a r^ ^ tn Gengrais Hits Registrations will be taken at Parker Sts. • the shop for the next few ing, illuminated sig^ at 266 Cen­ in Industrial Zone. him and leave the rest to Members of the Army and The hearings will be held at 7:46. The game is open to the » — months. He has received per­ ter St., in Business Zone H. Navy Club Auxiliary have been 8 p.m. in the Municipal Build-, Wife, Son. DaoghterJnJaw public. ’ ' hfanehester Lodge of Ehks Regulations limit a sign to 100 And Grandchildren ^ ^ Burglars ress mission to operate at that ad­ invited to the Joint installation ing Hearing -Room. State, Moves will begin a setback league dress every two years since sq. ft. in that zone. Twins Accused of the American Legion and Felix Grenimo is seeking per­ The Veterans Council o f Man- Tuesday at 8 p.m. The club 1946. 6. Mrs. John H. Carson, a spe­ Auxiliary Saturday at 7^30 p.m. mission to use his premises at Of Shoplifting Get $65,200 diester will meet Monday at 8 steward Is in charge of reser­ 819 E. Middle ’Tpke., in Resi­ The other requests are from: cial exception to conduct a nur­ On Pollution at the Legion Home. p.m. at the Marine Corps vations. dence Zone AA, for operating a 1. W. Sidney Harrison, per­ sery day school at 128 Bissell Twin sisters, 15 years old, n o t i c e lisague Home, Parker St. mission to convert office space St,, in Residence Zone B. were apprehended outside TOWN OP MANCHESTKl HARTFORD (AP) In Stamford Miss Bnid Rosenthal" of 38 new and used restaurant equip­ IMiss Carol Leamy of . Ill ment and supply business, plus at 571 Center St., In Residence 6. Archille Palleschi, _ a va­ Grand-Way department store POSITION VACANCIES Clayton Gengras, Republi­ Lawton Hd. will teach modern riance to add an addition at 4 ' Frank William Champ Jr., Ridge St. has been appointed to signs for advertising it. Zones A and C, into a three- ’Tuesday afternoon, allegedly PART-TIME STAMFORD (AP) — dance techniques, composition Woodhiill Rd., in Residence Zone can gubernatorial candi­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. the teaching staff of Oak Hill Gremmo now operates in the room apartment. The building attempting to shoplift about Thieves who entered and labanotation (dance writ­ A. The addition would be five Clerk Typists CSiamp of so Russell St. recent­ School for the blind in Hart­ redgyelopment area and will contains 15 apartments and the 818 worth of clothes, police re­ date, has again expressed Bloomingdale’s department ing) during the fall,, term at the feet from the sideline. Regula­ Clerk Stenographers ly enlisted in the U.S. Marine ford. .. have to move his operation. added one would make the re­ port. dissatisfaction with Gov. store through an elevator WASHINGTON''(AP) — AnM Hartford School of Ballet. Reg­ quired floor area 26 feet short tions require 10 feet. The g(irls reportedly stuffed Switchboard Operators corps and has left for Parris Robert'■ Peck of Peck Lum­ Applications will be accepted^ shaft made off with 560,- talk ^of new taxesS^M soma istrations for the fall seme.s- of regulations. -The office was 7. Ernest A. Scranton, exten­ shopping bags with the articles, John Dempsey’s attempts Island, S.C. He is a 1966 grad­ The VFW will sponsor a card ter is now being conducted at ber is seeking a variance to use in the Personnel Office, Mu­ 000 in Jewelry and $5,200 Viet Aides sharp complaints, /ISimgreM the building in the rear of 73 formerly used by a dentist. sion of permission to show used including sweaters, and then -to solve the water pollu­ uate of Manchester High party tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the the ballet school office, 301 nicipal Building, 41 Center in cash, police said today. moved today to spd^' cb^d* Tolland Tpke., in Biisiness Zone 2. KFD, Mfg. Co., an exten­ cars (limited to 10) at 176 Tol­ w a lk ^ out the door without tion problem in Connecti­ >L Post H<»ne. Farmington Ave., Hartford. Street, Manchester, Connecti­ “ Not only was this a profes­ eration of President Johnson/s sion of permission to "conduct land ’Tpke., in Business Zone II. paying. They have been refer­ cut. Edgy Over II. for a mlllworkihg operation. sional Job, but whoever did it new proposal for fighting in fill Classes begin Monday, Sept. 19.' Scranton has received an exten­ red to Juvenile court. cut, until September 15, 1968. Speaking at the annual con­ The Peck Lumber Co. at De •■‘a light manufacturing business had lots of nerve,” Captain of Uon by suspending some busi* . vention of the State Labor Coun­ Detectives Robert Hunt said. ness tax incentives. Members of Mountain Laurel cil, AFL-Cno Gengras said Election He said 47 cash register draw- The House Ways and Meant Chapter of Sweet Adelines, Ine., Dempsey's answer to the pollu­ their families and friends will 'ers were pried open in the two- SAIGON, South Viet Nam Committee announced hearings tion problem was the creation next Mcmday on the presidential attend ..an outing Saturday noon HOOD’S MILK story store on Broad Street; Nam (A P )—The South Vietna­ of a 100-man C3ean Water Task :plan — outlined in a special at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The break was discovered ear- mese government displayed pre­ Today ...A s Always ...Leaders In Fine Meats (p iq ^ r). .gaL 92o (Jug, conteilt*).. Force. ^ messttge .Thiu"sday to sus­ Vincent A. Zito, Knollwood “ly Thursday morning by a election Jitters today with an- “ Frankly, I can't imagine that pend for 16 months the 7-per Beach, Saybrook. Zito is chorus Bloomingdale’s employe, Frank immediate troop and ■police a l(X)-man committep could ever cent tax credit for business director. Those attending are Viacaba of White Plains, N.Y., crackdown on a small band of have taken any action worth tak­ spending on equipment and ths reminded to bring lawn chairs. who was delivering mail to the Buddhists demonstrating be­ NGO ing,” Gengras said ’ITiiirsday. Stamford store.' tax-advantagedus fast deprecia­ fore the U.S. Embassy. Directions to the cottage or LEG O' LAMB Gengras told the delegates tion rules on business real es­ plans in the event of rain :may After 'Viacaba was admitted ■With only two days before EVERY WED.
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