2 ; , 1 0 0 6 V i S J P H IC S = OK 5 1 i ‘ 0 ThleT UT 3 i 1 0 7 gTw in Falls, Ida!laho/91st year, No. 24243' ■. Friday,A\ugust30, tin 1996 m50 ccntj:nts - ''G o o d m oDRNING: Z k ; .'W e a t h e r Vdounners necall (Goodiing atthlete Today; Sunny w ithisbuthwinds SC diifdngtothewe^t^ this after* . B M k noon. in th ei lclow 90s. Lows uestions corm e to fore 50 to 55 degrees. PageA2 ■ Qu ^bolOut crash faatal to 3 M a g ic V a l lu e e y ' ; H ByLizWrijWright. ■ ' . I ic c d ,” - TTieTlmeUw»Wew«’~" " - ---------- • I said Dow)owcIl. D c m a r a y , GOODODING - As mourners I ding T hursda>day remembered high -jriW Countyi cocoro- ll fof o tb a ll p la y e r Clay I t ® ner. “Il’s:t’s not1 ek id s. K naup,p, somc braced for thc ' able questions about the s ru n I crash thaithat killed K naup and two sig n s, otherGocGooding teen-dgers. W hatiiIt if K naup h ad braked on c ra sh the lonel;nely country intersection a l s o ^ 'kkille u i d k e' Abortion polftlcs: PPro-life n and just befocforc m idnight, os policc Clay Knaup M i k 1 1 1 ^ vidence suggested he W ilk inn sc o n , pnniioice booths aattheIWin t ^ failed to do? Apparently, Knaup 18,1 an d B obbiJoM iller,17.T7. Test Falls County anare separated ran stostop sign before his cor rresults showed that none of Ithe 1^, more than politictics. Page Bl struck: ananother carload of teens tth re e teens had consumedd alalco- Sattu-dayiay night. |hoi or drugs before they! w«w ere m aray ■ B HW i Whatat if cither driver had 1killed in the acddent, Demai M use's midlon: A ski instructor ^ m d rn tm m M d elayedcd just a few seconds? ssaid. ■ I M W I What if tithc second driver, Codi Thursday, friends poureded iiinto turned award-wiiiniin ih g w rit^ St. Edward's Catholic Churchjrc h in tells a Ketchum conl3 n f e r ^ ^ Stockhai:ham, hadn’t paused to • <- grab somom e com pact discs as shc Twin Falls to mourn the loss of about authorship. P ^ e B l H drove heiher friends hom e to meet 1Knaup, whom they, rcmerm em -- their curfnufews? 1bered for his jokes, his sposports M D |[ a ||a | iie church officials have •skill and his kindness. S p o r t s rem indeided family and friends “I loved him like a brothejth er,” |I|||||^^H || to1 dvdwell on thc.unanswer- Jsaid P.J. Leguineche, 16, of Dyna^asty ends: a b le, othersot say a' lesson ‘' <Gooding, folloiving th e funciincral F oor r the first time rem ainsins to be learned - that '•servicc. • : • , in fi\five years, H I 'I . everyoneone needs to bo careful, “He was like a big tedte d d y bear,” said Rusty Gilletl le ttc , C aa r r^e is not the ■MUmmajw/nnTHwm.1 no m attiatter how familiar the I are. 'whose son played footballill zand cdea]earfevoritein a memlemorlal Mrvice w » hetd,Thursdayly forfoi Qoodlng fpotball player Clay XrXnaup at St. Edward's Catholic ChurchChi InTv^n 5 one of those lessons we Rcase seeMOURN^. P'^cA ^ e 2 t hie e S Sawtooth 8- Fans,is. « Mian a n Football C oanference. n i PageDl I ie w s ppush EI b a f i r e; lines Close cali:;Andre Agassi ’ r ^ v e d a wake-upip call< from t t t l^eander Faes bf !bidndiainU.S. W(Vfeathdr change5e becom es bi^ig w o r r y n o w ffor fire bosses;s Open action. By:WLortBrttlnesW ’ ; C reek ridge, these thiJirec a r c ^ could • flamess acrossai several hundred acres »»ti8WiWTrt»t'. • --v v '•■ be in danger along wwith other p a rts - of mountuntainside. Nlke’s^ tV i'ftg ^ WVVoods c debuts ■ of Howell Canyoa R cpaipair crews from Raft Riverv er '-as a golf p fo fe ^ oiriai-andama-' n a ' -£LB - P liim is hti^>-.-..iTo rediiccjfae chan?inr»»is Qf d ie fire / Elcctri^i?, iCo, .worked to restore, ppwerw er' on, fireflghrers to the e teu r poster boy. foir r INike. Page D3 ued.ic} tb billow.pver M ount Harrisorisen reaching thq canyor e electronic sites and btK»l i e r ^ Thursunday ,aftemoon as more thoihan ' burned mor6 than 3C300 acres inside powerr stationsst on Mount Harrisgn.>i?n. or Creek Canyon Mcaawh M i ' » - 120) CireHghtersft w o rk ed to buildil j a the “bowl” of Cormor .while, four firefighters from•om ' \ W e e k e n d black,ck line aro u n d -the fire beforifore . .1 ' ' . 1 1 • • 1 the,Heyleybum Fire Department sta- J ^ t’s expected cold front arrivei • \..we awit outtoftkwoods i : I near the Pomerelle Ski areairca . ^ J-. J ifagons coming: lie cold front is expected to0 hihit „ the day planning where to lay kbout 20,000 ■ theI ararea around midnight, bringiniging yet,soImff)ingI g t o m n a h l their hoshose lines if the fire does reach HoiveUCII Canyon. ' S tQrangers r a will withh iiit the threat of dry lightning, Ii ' , aiutionsiy optt)hmtStJC. If it; dodoes, Woody Anderson, ownerTier : hellelp Ketchum . ^P"prMpiwtion and winds ran ^ m 20 to 40 miles.per hour. , • of the: p(Pomerelle Ski Resort, saidI he . .'B S 0|l|l'celeelebrate Wagon Itte've put everything we hav , . ■ will runun the ski lifts to prevent thethc f f M )ays this week- , 3'this„ in one last effort to get a ' -V 'tedly y Anderson, ^Unes fromfre getting too hot in one , p f l H e’s also k eeping his snow-ow- e n d Page C l ' orounlund the fire before the stonwm , Pomerelle ski:J area owner S i n g arriveives," said Ray Mitchelli a: firfire ng machine hooked up and i . ecolofilogist with th e B u re a u of LanLand ------ ^ ——^^^ ---------- readyto to go. 1 ,0 ■ K : Manajnagement in Burley. “This is real*rea T h u rsd a y aftern oaon o to prevent „ e have^ all day Friday still tc ire, and Tm not nearly as worvor- 3uf last big chance to get a holdhoi , flames from spreadiniing up th e sides Sunday hoedown: WiWestern song- ly out as I was three days ago,'' • smiths Patty Lovell and Hal this before the weather docs.” . .should another fire QC lie fire has burned through.abbiibout “If o ne does'sttrt,t, this black line ^derso:rson said. “But wc aren’t out ol voods yet, .so I’m going tcto Ketchum will perforform Sunday .jQ 890ggi acres of m ountain terrairrain ' w e’yo b u rn ed will helpli us control ‘ Jl caudously optimisdc.” night a t the TWin FaFalls County since:ce Monday when winds flared•ed a the Fire because it wilwill push th e fire ssia County b u m p ro je c t out ofc up Wgher where we: cana get to it bet- for thc Labor Day weekend, F ^ . , ■ . , P a g e d cossit t officials are recommending contrcitrol. Fire officials estimate thatthi ter,” said Tom Sheilepard, division ^ ook ,.40j>ajpercent of the'fire has been-coi•con- sup erv iso r fo r th ei BoiseB National •ecreadonists and hunters look here this year. Howell Canyoryon tainedned/ F o re s t. “ W hen it’s:’s d o w n 'i n t h e ^ “ "h e O p in io n will remain closed to thc top ol The Fire crews otic h e re are ho^'hb] canyon, it takes threree or tour days ; Haute wired: T o dQr*s ^ s editorial ingto: to have thc en tire fire cohtaineuned- .for us to secure’itit andi. burns t Harrison.' [though thc Elba Fire i^nol :■ expresses skeptidsnism about the’ Sunday," said Carol Edward;ards. quick." blic information officer with1 theth More than 230 peojjople, seven hand b“^ gng actively at this time at thii Ihtemet.' . ■ PageAB M. “Our biggeist concerns fJfihtrigl •. ‘ creivs and 10 enginesies w ere on hand cn^ o ftlf thc fire, we w ant to feci verjl a y ■■ ■■■ IMumTKW/TkinaHtnmtHm , dent that additional flarcup: nowfV ddioii^ are the summer home>m^ Thursday to get a1 juj m p -s ta rt o n corifider ■ Helicopter crews workingg tto prevent flarMjts In the Connormor . PomeirncrcUe Ski a rea a n d th e ncarb » ld front. A simi- "'ul notot i occur in this area before w£ JiU’by • to n ig h * expected col ;aid Creek Canyon dous^ smolnoldering areas with water Thursdaysday. A S e c t i o n B Yy' !s e c t i o n m ^tes.” '-. lar weather partem lastla Tuesday left let peop;opIe back up thc hill,” saic ^ire officials, estim ate th at iff theth CTCWs'with little timtin C'to p re p a re Pete PiPeterson, Burley Districir ic t cold front Is eipected toI aiarrlvo late today, brining dry lightJght- e does.cross over the Conntn nor jjefore th e winds beg;igan carrying th e ranger.'T.. , . ning to tbe area. SectionA Mo^esm» .........^6 Weather...,...:;^.2. - Won,-..;...:..34, '-S e Section D .
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