imp ._ LIGHTING-UP TIME 7 21p.m. YESTIRDAY'S WEATHER Maximum Temperaure ™„„._............. 61.9 TIDE TABLE. FOR APRi_ Minimum Temperature NA—. .... 52.8 Uat* High Wnter Low Wtst«r Sun- Sun- ^ "* sSjst Af$. PM Hs-s «M 18. 9.11 9.31 3.21 3.12 5.48 6.51 19 S.45 10.08 3.36 3.44 6.52 ?^i '.*£*--3_B VOL. 30 —i NO. 90 HAMILTON. BERMUDA TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1950 6D PER COPY British Reinforcements Ready MCPs Debate Dockyard Closing Decision; To Fly To Berlin If Needep To Effect On Colony'! Economy Considered Cope with Red Demonstrations The blow which the closing of H.M. Dockyard will deal to BERLIN, A^riTi7 (Reuter) - j British Budget Day Today Clock Turned Back For Garden Party Guests Bermuda's economy occupied British reinforcements are stand- [ ssssss__________—ss_s___________________, ing by ready to fly into Berlin the attention of the members and the Western powers have of the House of Assembly appealed to East sector mothers through more than two hours to keep their children out of of debate yesterday. It wai t»uble during Communist May Attempt By Churchill To iPty and Whitsun demonstrations, finally decided to send the it was announced today- report of the delegation to Major General G. K. Bourne, the joint select committee British commandant, said a Brit­ Bring Down Government appointed to advise that body ish battalion now in the zone was ready to take off for Berlin at for further study and recom­ short notice to cope with any mendations. "unanticipated emergency" dur­ - Mr. Ernest Vesey, chairman of ing the Whitsun "Free German Expected by Labour Party tbe Finance committee and a Youth" peace rally on May 28. member of the delegation, told the - British Northwest ' German House that Bermuda's currency Radio and the American-con­ LONDON, April 17 (Reuter).— would have to be stabilised, per­ trolled Berlin radio have advised l_. POWER BASED ON Labour ministers tonight warned haps independently of the British Soviet sector mothers: "If you their followers in Parliament to pound, or another economic crisis , can prevent your children going LIBERTY—ACHESON be ready to beat a possible attempt coupled wtth the loss of H.M. to Berlin at Whitsun do so. They by Mr. Winston Churchill to bring Dockyard might have very serious may get into trouble with the down the Goveunment when Sir effects on the Colony. police. Says Americans Spurn Stafford Crapps presents his bud­ The suggestion was made that "Find excuses to keep your get in the House of Commons to­ <an ancient Bermuda industry—; children at home—illness, other AJMWfri Slate morrow. shipbuilding—might be revived pastimes, or a visit to relatives." A high ministerial source said to create both employment and General Bourne said: "By radio tonight that the Conservative op­ income for the Colony, and that propaganda we have been able MIDDLETOWN, Con- position might force an immediate the cedars felled by the infesta­ to get at the ^^mother^ s of these jnecticut, April 17 (Reuter).—The vote after tile austere Chancellor tion might be utilised in building youths, and we think they have; Secretary of State, Mr. Dean of the Exchequer has completed speedboats or sailing craft. It was been considerably disturbed." Acheson, said in a speech tonight his ISO-minute budget speech. The pages of time were yester­ A general view of the scene at the garden party staged by the also suggested that a cedar fur. The general declared he was that the United States spurned The budget resolutions, which day turned back to give several Bermuda Junior Service League in Government House grounds yes­ niture industry might be estab­ sure West sector police, issued a form of society in which the hundred garden party guests in lished. with tear gas and trained in crowd power of the state was based on give instant effect to any tax chan­ terday afternoon. MR. HUGH GRAY LEAVES ges proposed; are normally passed I Government House grounds a PRAISE FOR DELEGATION j control, could deal with the Whit­ "human misery and helplessness." nostalgic glimpse of the days when Below Mrs. Fred White and Mr. Richard Gorham in the pageant sun demonstration if it spilled He said ttiat America drew its without dissent. £72,024 GROSS ESTATE While the members were toll' grandmother was a blushing young of fashions show what a couple on a tandem might have looked over into their territory, even if strength from its recognition of Government opponents reserve girl coyly clutching a parasol. of praise for the work of the de­ it were to involve its sponsors'! human dignity. and of Individual their criticisms of the new mea­ like on their way to a picnic in 1915. Other pictures on page 4. legation, whicfa was led by Capt. hoped-for 500,000 "Free German responsibility to the community*. The occasion was a colourful sures until they have had time, to pageant of fashions between 190C 1 Bequests To Bermudians the Hon. N. B. Dill, some criticism Youth" marchers. "It is this which gives us the study them fully. But this* means of the British Government's meth. conviction- of the justice and the and 1950 staged by the Bermuda ods of breaking the news to Ber­ vSECRET PROGRAMME they cannot attack any particular Junior Service League and patro­ Contained In Will terrible urgency of our national change until it has come into muda that the .Dockyard would He asserted that the march was cause," he said. nised by the Governor, Lt. Gen part of a secret Communist pro­ operation—when it is more diffi­ Sir Alexander Hood, and Lady The late Mr. Hugh Gray, whose be closed was voiced. It was felt Mr. Acheson's speech was pre­ cult to alter. home was "Windswept." Somer­ that tfae Colony should have had gramme drawn up by the East pared for a dinner commemorat­ Hood. an opportunity to express Hi German Communist - controlled Mr Churchill is believed to have The weather for the garden par­ set, left aU his interest in a mort­ ing the 200th anniversary of Holy become increasingly critical of gage on "Cambridge Beaches" to arguments before the decision to Socialist Unity party last Decem­ Trinity parish, where his father ty was not so unkind as it was for close the yard was made. ber. this procedure. the Easter Parade last week, but his trustees, the Bank of N. T. once was Episcopal rector. Butterfield and Mr David Cecil Most of the members seemed General Bourne declared: "This "It is our' glory and our pride Mr. Clement Attlee s Labour I it did its best to make the guest to feel that the closure of tha plan, drawn up after the failure Governmenthangs on a precarious feel uncomfortable A cold wind Walter Charters of Vancouver, that our attitude toward our B.C., his nephew, Dockyard was inevitable, ana of the Soviet blockade, foresaw country springs from our in­ majority of four. If the Conser- swept OVer tbe grounds and it was turned their attention to plans a four-pronged attack, to take vatives won a vote on the budget, somewhat of an ordeal for the Mr. Gray, who died on June I „_.*!_*•• - . •,. ,. advantage of any weaknesses dividual experiences, from tiie impressions of our childhood, from Mr. Attlee's resignation would be models in their flimsy gowns— 7 last year and whose will haS for the ftiture It was telt by some shown by the Western allies. The inevitable — and a new election especially those representing the now been probated, formerly 1 that a commission could better plan was: the moral convictions which we owned tile guest house. He also picked up on these streets and would follow. 1920's with their short dresses. Ztir^'.TxZtZi' CT"i.i.~^__i' t*w ""££ Iouhandli epointe tbe dproblem out ma, but twi Captaie joinn t "1. To boost the propaganda of in these schools and churches, and WON'T BE CAUGHT NAPPING «__.,»,.stipulate! d <*-.*m * ni„w~.s wim j K*,tna^t ,Sir. I Dilselec»_l 'pointest committe___!__d oa. te „,."itfaawoult jdtb __„s.~wi«eprobabl jointy. the Communist-sponsored Nat­ ATTRACTIVE CAVALCADE i' Howard Trott should hold thKe ional Front. not from an imposed political Clearly Mr. Churchill will not t It was not ideal garden party •mortage oa the property during I J?Tmak* e™ tha. t» _recommendatio »„ S,»«JI- n if they doctrine." the Secretary said. P iJ J the job "2. To infiltrate the political take this step Ji_hjtly. There are weather, -but it was all good fun Ltheli^imeofMr Gr^sparenU,TSemse,vemS*s life of West Berlin. "This gives us a strength' in many signs that no party wishes and the unsuitable temperature Fitr.' and Mrs. Alexander Gray.' "» "3. To exploit West Berlin's our national purposes which is to court unpopularity by forcing did little to detract from the beau­ ' with the income from it to be REPORT SUMMARISED' economic difficulties by stoppages rarely revealed on the surface of an early general 'election that ty of the sr-ene and the attractive | divided between them or given Captain Dill summarised the re­ ef traffic for Berlin and so on. our public life except in times of might produce only another stale­ caval'ade of bygone fashions. to the survivor. On their deaths port, stating that the delegation national crisis. mate. "4. To hold mass demonstra­ "There are other parts of the Props such as ancient Surreys I it is to be divided among Mr. had arrived in England on March tions, as on May Day (May 1) The fact that Government sup­ "with a fringe on top," boater hats Gray's brothers and sisters or 26 and started talks with the world ' where the centralised porters have visualised the possi­ and at Whitsun.
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