DOCUMENT RESUME ED 100 146 FL 006 141 AUTHOR Fidelholtz, James L., Ed. TITLE Conference on American Indian Languages Clearinghouse Newsletter. Vol. 2, No. 1. PUB DATE Jun 73 NOTE 21p.; Filmed from best available copy EDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC Not Available from EDRS. PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS American Indian Culture; *American Indian Languages; Bibliographies; *Bilingual Education; Bilingualism; Language Instruction; Linguistics; *Newsletters; Second Language Learning ABSTRACT The first report in this issue, from Fort McPherson, MVT, concerns the ongoing work of transcribing, recording, and teaching Kutchin. In addition, there are reports concerning efforts in progress to preserve various Indian languages, among them Kwakiutl, Skagit, Shulkayn, Shoshoni, and Ojibway. Other investigations and courses in Alaskan native languagesare also mentioned. The status of the Tehlequah bilingual Cherokeeprogram is briefly reported, and the Navajo community-controlled bilingual program in Rough Rock, Arizona is described. A list of GPO publications involving Indian languages is provided, as is an annotated list of books available from other sources. Excerpts from the 'General Discussion of Papers by Mattingly and Halle' from 'Language by Ear and by Eye,' edited by James Kavanaugh and Ignatious Mattingly, are also provided. (LG) AMMO 110111more IggIgg% CONFERENCEL ON 1MERICAM INDIAN LANnUAGES CLEARINGHOUSEIMETTER =EN ..r...410.01arret. .1,1110.1 maw 1DIVIR: JAMES L.FIDELHOLTZ VOLVIE II,NO, 1 .1 WE, 173 PArE . U S DEPARTMENTOF HEALTH. NEADTUICOANTAILON HA,;. BEEN REPRO c DOCUMENT C f ROM 44S TWI TEuLTFEAR0EF xA( Tt Y AS GENE 1 DU( D oRIGIN EDUCATION tosoN ORGANIZATION THE Of, OPINiON Af,NC.ITpOiNTS Of VtF ALEXANDRA :"'AUSS MEMORIAL FUND ,.,4YED DO NOI NE( f. RE PRE Di 1(141At IONAI 061.1:11Er W The Alexandra i ION POS: T ION OP Itn Krauss memorial Fundcommemorates was kilted earlier the daughter ofHZp,tike Krauss She this year ina tragic accident. Alexau:!=a Donations may be sent to The Krauss Ikemorial Fund,% Irene Reed, Bea 95207, CNERi' . U. of Alaska, College, AK99701. Indicationsare it will be used for work in AlaskaNative Language Some Notes on the NEWSLETTER The poor quality of reproduction of thelast issue was due to 'production lem6f, prob- hopefully will not berepeated in the future. Yhe siitorwould greatly appreciate all persons concerned givinghim the names adziresses of persons they are familiar with whoare not on the mailing list, but wnoare working on American Indian languages, including graduatestudents; Thcnks to thosewho have doneso. It has been suggested by some that the NEWSLETTERbe put ona subscription basis 2 Csay) for $2a year). Given the purposes of the this is NEWSLETTER, it seems tome that not a wholly good idea. In particular, there would many persons who would almost certainly be be unable or unwillingto spend even a couple of dollars, but pwho should bereceiving the NEWSLETTER regardless, and it doesnot seem profitable to me at this pointto winnow sucht.ersons from the mailing list. Nevertheless, at the 2 next CAIL meeting, I intendto propose.that we institute suLse,iptions to theNEWSLETTER on the followingbasis: Institutions Those who $5 can take a tax deduction for the subscription(linguists,etc) $2 Otters (who can possiblyafford it) with the proviso, $1; however, that no one will be thrownoff the mailing list without asking to be. In the meantime,Dr. Troike of the CAL has very generously offered matchingfunds rum the CAL for any donations to the Imre. NEWSLETTER. So far, we have receiveda total $53 in donations (mostly of $1 or $2, with a few largedonations) from: Anita V %;triefeiffe/ Irvy Goossen, Jacqueline Lindenfeld, Mary Jane Cook, Paul L. Kirk, Glenti. H°Gresjean, Qinther Michelson, Glen Akers, Pamela Munro, HerbertLander, James Hoard, 4E. Ruby Leilhton, Doug Smith, Ken Hale, Robert J.Anthony, Avery Andrews, LemL. Railsback, iiarilynand Watson Williams, Hr. E-YAnima, W. Thomas Seiler, Jacob :.Ornstein (Cross-CulturalSW Ethnic Study Center). Many thanks to these donors (pleas cz.:Ilet4e ::now if you contributed, and were not mentioned), and remember:every dor:1- carries double its weight withthe matching funds from CAL. We are of course c----Aelsp.iygrateful to the CAL for theirsupport. Ills anticipated frequency of the NEWSLETTER is abouttwo issues per year, probab- ly early Fall semester and late Spring semester of theschool year. I had antici- Jpated puttingit out about four timesa year, but that was before I realized what . an Immense pain it is to put it out. So unless somebody wantsto volunteer to al- -liernate the editorship (volunteers will please makean appointment), it looks like :)ieice a year. Perhaps if a grant provides enoughmoney to hire n typist, etc., I 0f :yen up the frequency to threeor four times a year. S.I.Lcg the last issue, much stuffhas been pouring in. I'd like to thank all 4,hcse wile send instuff, request others to doso, and in general to point out that 9toodnegs ofconception or the like is NOTa prerequisite to sending stuff in; there Is only a minimal requirement of relevance to thepurposes of the NEwSLETTER. Lama I t.ould also appreciate receiving notice of new books, articles,or other publi- cations whichcome out. It only takes a minuteor two, and an 8e stamp, andyou get in see yourname in print. Editor's address As of now, the editor's address : James L. Fidelholtz 2 Linguistics Program p---wiro-nliWITTereceivitheNETISLETTERregardless, and it does to me sr this point not seem profitable to winnow suchpersons from the mailing list. Nevertheless, at the next GAIL meeting, I intendto propose that we institute suLsc.iptions to theNEWSLETTER on the followingbasis: Institutions re $5 Those whocan take a tax deduction for the subscription (linguists,etc) $2 2! Others (who can possiblyafford it) with the proviso, $1; however, that no one will bethrown off the mailing list asking to be. without Frg In the meantime, Dr. Troike of the CAL hasvery generously offered matching tom the CAL for any donations funds to the NEWSLETTER. So far, we have receiveda total $53 in donations (mostlyof $1 or $2, witha few large donations) from: Anita .-rliefeiffer,Irvy Goossen, Jacqueline Lindenfeld, Mary Jane Cook, PaulL. Kirk, Glen t!. L-:.J1Grosjean, Gunther 4 Michelson, Glen Akers, PamelaMoro, Herbert Lander, JamesHoard, '4E. Roby Leighton,Doug Smith, Ken Hale, Robert J. Anthony, Avery Andrews, LemL. Rallsbatk, Marilynand Watson Williams; Nr. E-Y Arima, W. Thomas Seiler,Jacob --Ornstein (Cross-CulturalSW Ethnic Study Center). Many thanks to these donors(pleas cz:::iiet 4s %nowif you contributed, and were not mentioned), and remember:every done- cArries double its weight withthe matching fuads from CAL. We are of course e..-7-7-:Ideeplygrateful to the CAL for theirsupport. lie anticipated frequency of the NEWSLETTER isabout two issuesper year, probab- ly early Fall semester and late Spring semester of theschool year. I had antici- putting it out aboe't four timesa year, but that was before I realized what an immense pain it isto put it out. So unless somebody wants to volunteerto al- the editorship (volunteers willplease make an appointment),it looks like --11zinate,.)- {,nice a year. Perhaps if a grant provides enoughmoney to hire a typist, etc" I t?icsn up the frequencyto three or four timesa year. Str.cct the last issue, muchstuff has been pouring in. I'd like to thank all AhcSe who send in stuff, request others to do so, and in generalto point out that goodness of conception or the like is NOTa prerequisite to sending stuff in; i3 only a minimal there requirement of relevance to thepurposes of the NEYISLETTER. I could also appreciate receiving notice of new books, articles,or other publi- 55cations whichcome out. It only takes a minuteor two, and an 80 stamp, andyou get in see yourname in print. Editor's address As of now, the editor's address is : James L. Fidelholtz % Linguistics Program U. of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 3 JOBS, ETC. ' Gilbert E. Broaddus (Para-ProfessionalSupervisor, State of Montana Aseaq, 214 Social Service Main, Wolf Point, MT 59201)writes :'I am writingon behalf of the Assitriboine Indian people of Northeastern Montanaconcerning a proposal to ful.y ozument their fest disappearing language so thatit can be taught to the people and thereby younger allow their rich culturalheritage to survive and, -thrive. once again, ":e will begin as soonas possible [the letter is dated 13 Feb. WISs my hope that 1973--JLF] and it you might be able to offer suggestionson how to proceed and possib- ly suggestfunding sources. Also, are there professional linguists cA such available to work a protect and what would this cost?... '...The Fort Peck Tribsl Council has given thiseffort a high priority and +inall that I I am can to give Indian people access to theirlanguage.' Pobert Hollow (U ofN Car.) and Allan Tayl±t (U of CO) Mr. Broaddus. have been ofsome help to Anyone knowing offunding sourcesor willing to help should MT. Broaddus contact -WC-- ANINEN=MMIMIWIIMM oz,g==PAGE 2 The Bureau of IndianAilairs supports gram pia4611127707GRIZr7 some research regarding definition ofpro- program effectiveness. Contact: Director, Operating Services, or Chief, Contract Services, US Dept. of theInterior, Washington, DC 2024 Other possible sources for research grants are: National Endowmentfor :he Hu- manities, Washington, DC 20506; and National Science Foundation, You should "rite and request their brochures. NSF has a fair amount of money for linguisticsre- search, but the other two are prettypoor. If you know of other grantsources for work relevant to the purpooee of the NEWSLETTER, pleasewrite the editor. 8th INTERNATIONAL SALISMONPERENCETO MEET The 8th International Conference on Salish Languages will be heldat the Univer- sity of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, August 13-15, 1973. Papers on Salish and neighbor- Ling Northwest Indian languagesare welcome. Write to J.
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