1048 THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 25, 1870. granted by Her Majesty's Court of Probate Principal to determine the lease at Lady Day, 1870, so as to give the Registry to William Thomas Till, tlien of No. 52. Lime- purchaser the advantage of possession. street, but now of Richer-court, Lime-street aforesaid, Also, as part of Lot 2, the freehold vault under the paved Tobacco Broker, the son of the said deceased), are way between the above two houses, extending from the front required to send the particulars, in writing, of such in Love-lane to an equal depth with the house No. 6. The claims or demands on or before the 23rd of March vault is at present in the occupation of Mr. Bower, who has next, to us the undersigned, Solicitors for the said admi- hitherto paid for the same £2 per annum, and the said vault nistrator, at our office. No. 2, Fen-court, Fenchurch- forms part of the larger vault running under Botolph-alley. street, London; and that after the expiration of that time, The properties may be viewed by permission of the the administrator -wilt proceed to distribute the assets of the tenants, and particulars had, and conditions of sale had said William Thomas Till, deceased, or in trust for the (gratis) of Messrs. Tippetts and Son, Solicitors, No. 5, parties en tit led thereto, having regard only to the debts or Gt. St. Thomas Apostle, Queen-street, Cheapside; Messrs. claims of which he shall then have had notice, and will Roscoeand Hincks, Solicitors, King-street, Finsbury-square ; not be answerable or liable for the assets so distributed, or A. S. Twyford, Esq., Solicitor, No. 33, Lincoln's-inn-fieids; any part thereof, to any person of whose debt or claim he Messrs. Rogers, Jull, and Rogers, Solicitors, Jermyn-street, shall not then have had notice.—Dated this 24th day of Saint James*; at the Mart; and of Mr. Murrell, Auctioneer February, 187S. and Surveyor, No. 1, Walbrook, Mansion House. ' KISS and SON, No. 2, Fen-court, Fenchurch- street, Solicitors to the said Administrator. O be sold, pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of T Chancery, made in a cause of Parnaby v. Moore, In Chancery. with the approbation of the Vice-Chancellor Sir John In the Matter of the Act of Parliament passed in the Ses- Stuart, in one lot, by Mr. Joseph Gibson, the person ap- sion, held in the 19th and 20th years of the reign of Her pointed by the said Judae, at the Station Hotel, in the present Majesty, intituled " An Act to facilitate Leases borough of Middlesborough, in the county of York, on Thurs- and Sales of Settled Estates," and the acts to amend that day, the 24th day of March, 1870, at six o'clock in the act, being respectively the 19th and 20th Victoria, cap. 120, evening:— the 21st and 22nd Victoria, cap. 77, and the 27th and 28th AH those six messuages or dwelling-houses with the back Victoria, cap. 45; and in the Matter of certain pieces of land yard, cart shed, and conveniences thereto, situate in Mason- containing in the whole 31 acres 1 rood and 35 perches or street, in the borough of Middlesbrough, in the said county thereabouts, situate in the township of Habergham Eaves, of York, late the property of William Sutton, of Wilton, in in the parish of Whalley, in the county of Lancaster, and Cleveland, in the same county, Stone Mason, deceased, and forming part of an estate known as the Hollingreave now in the respective occupations of Messrs. Chaxton, Estate, and formerly of copyhold tenure and held of the Thompson, Burns, Rust, and others. Manor of Ightenhill, in the said county of Lancaster, The property may be viewed by permission of the tenants settled by the will of Henry Parkinson, deceased. and particulars and conditions of sale had (gratis) of Messrs. OTICE is hereby given, that a Petition in the above- Bell, Brodrick,and Gray, Solicitors, Bow Churchyard, Cheap- N mentioned matters was, on the 1st day of February, side, London ; Mr. John Craven, Solicitors, No. 3, Dean's- 1870, presented by the Lord High Chancellor of Great court,Doctors'-commons, London; Messrs. Fawcett, Gar- Britain, by George Pomfret, of Habergham Eaves, in the butt, and Fawcett, Solicitors, Yarm, Yorkshire; of the Auc- county of Lancaster, Cotton Manufacturer, John Branch, of tioneer, at Middlesbrough aforesaid; at the said Station Habergham Eaves aforesaid. Engraver, Mary Parkinson, Hotel; and at the various inns in the neighbourhood of of Hollingreave, in the township of Habergham Eaves the property. aforesaid, Widow, John Sutcliffe, of Burnley, in the said In Chancery. I 'county of Lancaster, Lime Merchant, and Margaret, his Shawcross v. Latham. Wife, praying that general powers of granting building ESSRS. WILLIAM PEARSON and SON have leases for terms not exceeding 099 years in possession, and M been appointed by the Vice-chancellor Sir John of entering into and making preliminary contracts to make Stuart, to sell by auction at the Eagle and Child Hotel, in such leases of all or any parts or part of the several pieces Wigan, Lancashire, on Friday, the 25th day of March, 1870,. or parcels of land and hereditaments, situate in the borough at three o'clock precisely, in seven lots. of Burnley, and in the said parish of Whalley, and con- Certain valuable freehold farm and building land, a beer stituting part of the said Hollingreave estate, and subject house and cottages, situate at Ince, Hindley, and Wigan, to the trust of the will of the said Henry Parkinson, deceased, Lancashire, late the property of George Nuttall, deceased. and of setting out portions thereof for (streets, roads, Particulars and conditions of sale may be had (gratis) of squares, gardens, or other open spaces, sewers, drains, or Messrs. Darlington and Son; and Messrs. Mayhew and Son, watercourses, in conformity with the provisions of the Solicitors, all of Wigan; of Messrs. Brabnar, of Liverpool, above-mentioned several Acts of Parliament, and subject Solicitor; of Messrs. Norris, Aliens, and Carter, No.-20, to the provisions and conditions therein contained; may be Bedford-row; of Messrs. Sharpe, Parkers, and Pritchard, vested in the petitioners George Pomfret and John Branch, No. 41, Bedford-row; of Messrs. Bridger and Collins, the trustees of the will of the said Henry Parkinson, and No. 37, King William-street, Solicitors, all of London; of the survivor of them, or other the trustees or trustee for the the Auctioneers; and at the above HoteL time being of the said will; and that the costs of the said application and incident thereto may be taxed by the proper ESSRS. FURBER, PRICE, and FURBER have Taxing Master, and the amount thereof, when taxed, may M been appointed by the Vice-Chancellor Sir Richard be a charge upon all or a sufficient part of the said pieces or Malins, to sell without reserve by auction at the Mart parcels of ground and hereditaments; or that his Lordship Tokenhouse-yard, in the city of London, on Thursday, will make such further or other Order as the case may March 10th, at twelve for one o'clock, pursuant to a Decree require. And notice is hereby also given, that the petitioners of the High'Court of Chancery, made in the cause of Gilman may be served with any Order of the Court, or notice v. Wells. relating to the subject of the said Petition, at the office of The lease of the warehouse and premises situate and being Mr. George Smart Chevallier, of No. 30, John-street, No. 59, .Wood-street, Cheapside, in the city of London. Bedford-row, in the county of Middlesex.—Dated this 24th The premises are held for an unexpired term of 8& years day of February, 1870. from Christmas last, at a rental of .£130 per annum. GEORGE S. CHEVALLIER, No. 30, John-street, The premises may be viewed, and particulars and condi- Bedford-row. London; Agent for tions of sale obtained of Mr. W. W. Eaden, Solicitor, No. 10, ALEXANDER BALDWIN, of Burnley, in the Gray's] Inn-square ; at the Mart; and at the Auction and county of Lancaster, Solicitor for the Petitioners. estate offices in Warwick-court, Gray's-inn. O be sold by auction, pursuant to Decrees of the High URSUANT to an Order of the High Court of Chan- T Court of Chancery, made in causes of Steers v. Silk, P cery, made in the matter of the estate of John Powell, and Steers v. Silk and others, with the approbation of the deceased, and in a cause Elizabeth Hicks, Widow, againet Judge to whose Court the said causes are attached, by William Black and Richard Ebenezer Powell (the latter Mr. Murrell, the person appointed by the said Judge to sell being out of the jurisdiction of this Court), the creditors of the same, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard,|on Tuesday, the John Powell, late of No. 100, Cannon-street-road, Saint 29th day of March, 1870, at twelve for one o'clock in the George's East, in the county of Middlesex, Gentleman, who afternoon:—J died in or about the month of December, 1861, are, on or be- Valuable freehold estates, situate in the immediate vicinity fore the 18th day of March. -1870, to send by post, prepaid, of the colonial and other markets, in two lots :— to Messrs. Morris, Stone, Townson, and Morris, of No. 5, Lot 1. A freehold house, four doors from Easlcheap, Finsbury-circus, in the city of London, tbe Solicitors of the being No.
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